You incorrectly assumed what you are calling premise 2 by taking it as a given that gay people exist. My suggestion (implied from my original question) is that evolution would have snuffed out homosexuality like it has snuffed out so many other traits that did not contribute to survival.
And, as I've pointed out more than once, genetics is not the only determinant of homosexuality (according to the research), so evolution cannot be the only factor.
Thus, people who claim to be homosexual are not truly homosexual - that nobody is.
Your hypothesis that homosexual people do not exist would need to be demonstrated. Currently, there are mountains of evidence that confirms they do.
I am aware that people who claim to be gay can have children through medical manipulation just like people who do not claim to be gay can do the same.
Cool. How would you go about determining whether or not someone who claims to be gay actually is or not?
I didn't ignore all of it, but I assumed none of it would consider the possibility there is no such thing as homosexuality,
Because it is self-evident that there is. You might as well disregard science that seeks to explain why some people don't like coffee because it doesn't "consider the possibility that there is no such thing as people who don't like coffee."
Also, given that you asked me, specifically, if there were theories about how gay people existed despite apparent evolutionary pressures, it makes absolutely no sense for you dismiss them because they are not based on the premise that gay people don't exist. Of COURSE every study that looks into the matter is going to take as a given that gay people DO exist. Any theory that just says "gay people don't exist" would necessarily NOT be a theory that attempts to explain their existence, and, therefore, would not have been a satisfactory answer to your initial question. For you to suggest otherwise is intellectually dishonest.
and instead would seek a convoluted theory to explain the incongruence with how evolution works. The first one I looked at did exactly that:
"In a new paper
published in Nature Human Behaviour, my colleagues and I tested one possible explanation: that the genes associated with same-sex sexual behavior have evolutionarily advantageous effects in people who
don’t engage in same-sex sexual behavior.
Specifically, we tested whether those genes are also associated with having more opposite-sex partners, which might therefore confer an evolutionary advantage."
So, you dismissed it at the stage of them stating their hypothesis, because YOU think it's convoluted, without looking to see whether it was proven to have merit or not? That is not how science works. Why should I or anyone else care what you think is convoluted if the data bears out that the hypothesis may be correct?
It sounds like your position is based on simply ignoring whatever the science actually says because it does not fit your pre-existing opinion. I suggest you do some biological research on your own to prove your hypothesis that "gay people do not exist" and then publish your findings in a peer-reviewed journal. You could literally change the world if you prove this proposition to be correct.
Since you believe homosexuals don't exist despite extremely obvious evidence to the contrary, I don't think any further discussion will be productive.