Biden to celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility

Do you believe or know if the percentage of gay people is going up over time or just about the same as decades ago? I knew gay people many years back, but now know of so many more including a couple of family members.
Is the percentage going up or are more people willing to come out as society gradually becomes less judgmental? See history of left-handedness.

You seem pretty upset and unwilling to view facts. Gay people don't reproduce . Somewhere you made a choice. You are the one calling me all kinds of swearwords
While this argument carries no merit to begin with -- two brown-haired parents can produce a blond child, for instance, and one's sexual preference is not completely determined by genetics, anyway -- you also present as fact something that's not fact. Gay people reproduce all the time.

The science is clear on whether or not being gay is a choice. It isn’t.
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Is the percentage going up or are more people willing to come out as society gradually becomes less judgmental? See history of left-handedness.

That’s a good point about the left handed less. My observation is a bit clouded. We have a female family member that married then divorced. She came out and said she’s a lesbian. Now after a few years she is not a lesbian. She is starting to date men again. Since I’m not gay it’s hard to understand this behavior. Wondering how many gay people fall into her category? Are people born gay or do the develop a sexual preference at some point either young or later in life based on behavior experience?
If they wanted to be considered a normal part of society, they wouldn't need to flaunt their sexuality. If PF1 hadn't announced it here, I very much doubt that anyone would have had a clue, what his sexual proclivities were. What made him feel the need to add that to the discussion?

I think most people don't care one way or another, until they have a gay activist getting in their face, making demands. That usually causes people, who were ambivalent to form negative opinions. If the gay and trans people would just settle for being a part of the community, I doubt there would be a problem. When they feel they need to be a "Special" part of the community, things get polarized.
This is so well said. I can’t tell you how fast I would come to the aid of anyone being bullied for being different.. and I’m also a populist Lefty (the real left… Jimmy dore, Glenn greenwald, lee camp, Chris hedges etc). So that should tell you something when I agree with you verbatim and I’m not interested in anyone’s woke bullshit.
That’s a good point about the left handed less. My observation is a bit clouded. We have a female family member that married then divorced. She came out and said she’s a lesbian. Now after a few years she is not a lesbian. She is starting to date men again. Since I’m not gay it’s hard to understand this behavior. Wondering how many gay people fall into her category? Are people born gay or do the develop a sexual preference at some point either young or later in life based on behavior experience?
Neither I, nor anyone else, could speak for your family member. You'd have to talk with her about it. It's possible she's actually been bisexual all along, in which case being attracted to a woman at one point and then to a man at a different point is completely expected. She's also a single case that may or may not be able to be generalized to the larger population.

If you look up the research, the most up-to-date science suggests there is a genetic component (but not a "gay gene" as was once thought) and also other biological factors that determine one's sexual preference.

Bottom line is, none of us of any sexual preference can control who we are attracted to. Attraction is a biological reaction, not a choice.
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I, and no one else, could speak for your family member. You'd have to talk with her about it. It's possible she's actually been bisexual all along, in which case being attracted to a woman at one point and then to a man at a different point is completely expected. That's also a single case that may or may not be able to be generalized to the larger population.

If you look up the research, the most up-to-date science suggests there is a genetic component (but not a "gay gene" as was once thought) and also other biological factors that determine one's sexual preference.

Bottom line is, none of us of any sexual preference can control who we are attracted to. Attraction is a biological reaction, not a choice.
While you were doing your research, did you come across any theory for why evolution did not phase out a sexual trait that does not lead to reproduction?
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While you were doing your research, did you come across any theory for why evolution did not phase out a sexual trait that does not lead to reproduction?

But also, as stated earlier, it's not solely genetic to begin with AND gay people regularly reproduce.
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You seem pretty upset and unwilling to view facts. Gay people don't reproduce . Somewhere you made a choice. You are the one calling me all kinds of swearwords

You sit on here and insult and belittle people all day. Spare me the faux fragility. It’s okay to admit you hate gay people, cray. It would save you a lot less posting
Do you believe or know if the percentage of gay people is going up over time or just about the same as decades ago? I knew gay people many years back, but now know of so many more including a couple of family members.
It’s all just part of the gay woke agenda. 😂
But also, as stated earlier, it's not solely genetic to begin with AND gay people regularly reproduce.

Circular reasoning, droid. To try to prove that gay people exist, you say that gay people regularly reproduce.

But that they regularly reproduce could mean they are not really gay.
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Circular reasoning, droid. To try to prove that gay people exist, you say that gay people regularly reproduce.
I'm not sure you know what circular reasoning is, because your claim here is not an example of it. I was simply pointing out a flaw in your argument, which I'll re-form as a syllogism:

Premise 1: In order for genetic traits to be passed on to subsequent generations, people with those traits must reproduce.
Premise 2: People with the trait of homosexuality do not reproduce.
Conclusion: The trait of homosexuality cannot be passed on to subsequent generations.

I reject premise 2, but also, since homosexuality is not a purely genetic trait (in accordance with the current understanding of science), the entire argument is moot.

And at what point did I attempt to prove that gay people exist? Why does that need to be proven? Is that point not self-evident? Are you suggesting that gay people actually don't exist?
But that they regularly reproduce could mean they are not really gay.
You're not aware that gay people can have children with opposite-sex partners despite their sexual preference? You're not aware that gay people can use sperm or egg donors (or be sperm and egg donors themselves)? Gay people have biological children all the time.

Oh, and thanks for ignoring the science that I provided for you, at your request, that suggests gay people don't even have to reproduce in order for their presence to persist.
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You're not aware that gay people have had children with opposite-sex partners despite their sexual preference? You're not aware that gay people can use sperm or egg donors? I know gay people with biological children.

I'm not sure you know what circular reasoning is, because your claim here is not an example of it. I was simply pointing out a flaw in your argument, which I'll re-form as a syllogism:

Premise 1: In order for genetic traits to be passed on to subsequent generations, people with those traits must reproduce.
Premise 2: People with the trait of homosexuality do not reproduce.
Conclusion: The trait of homosexuality cannot be passed on to subsequent generations.

You incorrectly assumed what you are calling premise 2 by taking it as a given that gay people exist. My suggestion (implied from my original question) is that evolution would have snuffed out homosexuality like it has snuffed out so many other traits that did not contribute to survival. Thus, people who claim to be homosexual are not truly homosexual - that nobody is.

I reject premise 2, but also, since homosexuality is not a purely genetic trait (in accordance with the current understanding of science), the entire argument is moot.

And at what point did I attempt to prove that gay people exist? Why does that need to be proven? Is that point not self-evident? Are you suggesting that gay people actually don't exist?

You're not aware that gay people can have children with opposite-sex partners despite their sexual preference? You're not aware that gay people can use sperm or egg donors (or be sperm and egg donors themselves)? Gay people have biological children all the time.
I am aware that people who claim to be gay can have children through medical manipulation just like people who do not claim to be gay can do the same.

Oh, and thanks for ignoring the science that I provided for you, at your request, that suggests gay people don't even have to reproduce in order for their presence to persist.
I didn't ignore all of it, but I assumed none of it would consider the possibility there is no such thing as homosexuality, and instead would seek a convoluted theory to explain the incongruence with how evolution works. The first one I looked at did exactly that:

"In a new paper published in Nature Human Behaviour, my colleagues and I tested one possible explanation: that the genes associated with same-sex sexual behavior have evolutionarily advantageous effects in people who don’t engage in same-sex sexual behavior.

Specifically, we tested whether those genes are also associated with having more opposite-sex partners, which might therefore confer an evolutionary advantage."
You incorrectly assumed what you are calling premise 2 by taking it as a given that gay people exist. My suggestion (implied from my original question) is that evolution would have snuffed out homosexuality like it has snuffed out so many other traits that did not contribute to survival.
And, as I've pointed out more than once, genetics is not the only determinant of homosexuality (according to the research), so evolution cannot be the only factor.
Thus, people who claim to be homosexual are not truly homosexual - that nobody is.
Your hypothesis that homosexual people do not exist would need to be demonstrated. Currently, there are mountains of evidence that confirms they do.
I am aware that people who claim to be gay can have children through medical manipulation just like people who do not claim to be gay can do the same.
Cool. How would you go about determining whether or not someone who claims to be gay actually is or not?
I didn't ignore all of it, but I assumed none of it would consider the possibility there is no such thing as homosexuality,
Because it is self-evident that there is. You might as well disregard science that seeks to explain why some people don't like coffee because it doesn't "consider the possibility that there is no such thing as people who don't like coffee."

Also, given that you asked me, specifically, if there were theories about how gay people existed despite apparent evolutionary pressures, it makes absolutely no sense for you dismiss them because they are not based on the premise that gay people don't exist. Of COURSE every study that looks into the matter is going to take as a given that gay people DO exist. Any theory that just says "gay people don't exist" would necessarily NOT be a theory that attempts to explain their existence, and, therefore, would not have been a satisfactory answer to your initial question. For you to suggest otherwise is intellectually dishonest.
and instead would seek a convoluted theory to explain the incongruence with how evolution works. The first one I looked at did exactly that:

"In a new paper published in Nature Human Behaviour, my colleagues and I tested one possible explanation: that the genes associated with same-sex sexual behavior have evolutionarily advantageous effects in people who don’t engage in same-sex sexual behavior.

Specifically, we tested whether those genes are also associated with having more opposite-sex partners, which might therefore confer an evolutionary advantage."
So, you dismissed it at the stage of them stating their hypothesis, because YOU think it's convoluted, without looking to see whether it was proven to have merit or not? That is not how science works. Why should I or anyone else care what you think is convoluted if the data bears out that the hypothesis may be correct?

It sounds like your position is based on simply ignoring whatever the science actually says because it does not fit your pre-existing opinion. I suggest you do some biological research on your own to prove your hypothesis that "gay people do not exist" and then publish your findings in a peer-reviewed journal. You could literally change the world if you prove this proposition to be correct.

Since you believe homosexuals don't exist despite extremely obvious evidence to the contrary, I don't think any further discussion will be productive.
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At what point did I attempt to prove that gay people exist? Is that point not self-evident. Are you suggesting that gay people actually don't exist?

You're not aware that gay people can have children with opposite-sex partners despite their sexual preference? You're not aware that gay people can use sperm or egg donors? Gay people have biological children all the time.

Oh, and thanks for ignoring the science that I provided for you, at your request, that suggests gay people don't even have to reproduce in order for their presence to persist.

And, as I've pointed out more than once, genetics is not the only determinant of homosexuality (according to the research), so evolution cannot be the only factor.

Your hypothesis that homosexual people do not exist would need to be demonstrated. Currently, there are mountains of evidence that confirms they do.
I don't have a hypothesis, just the knowledge that, as far as I know, homosexuality has not been proven to exist. I would be willing to change my mind if you could point to scientific evidence that proves it does.

Cool. How would you go about determining whether or not someone who claims to be gay actually is or not?

Because it is self-evident that there is.
Instead of pointing to scientific proof, you are reduced to saying it is self-evident.
I don't have a hypothesis, just the knowledge that, as far as I know, homosexuality has not been proven to exist. I would be willing to change my mind if you could point to scientific evidence that proves it does.
Homosexuality doesn't need to be proven to exist any more than cats need to be proven to exist. It is simply an observable fact that there are homosexuals within the human population. The existence of gay people is not a scientific question, but a simple google search on your part will show you the research into the biological differences (genetic and otherwise) between homosexuals and heterosexuals. If they did not exist, neither would the biological differences. Of course, I'm sure you'll dismiss that research because none of it considers the possibility that gay people are fictitious...
Instead of pointing to scientific proof, you are reduced to saying it is self-evident.
That's because it is. Not everything needs to be scientifically proven.

Do the research to prove that everyone who has purported to be gay is either lying about it or mistaken about who they've been attracted to all this time, get it published in a reputable scientific journal, and then get back to me.

That said, given the ridiculousness of the position you've taken here, I no longer think you're serious and are simply being contrarian for the sake of it -- something I believe has been designated as "trolling" in internet parlance. So, I'm ending the conversation.
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This is so well said. I can’t tell you how fast I would come to the aid of anyone being bullied for being different.. and I’m also a populist Lefty (the real left… Jimmy dore, Glenn greenwald, lee camp, Chris hedges etc). So that should tell you something when I agree with you verbatim and I’m not interested in anyone’s woke bullshit.
Glenn Greenwald is a classic liberal which unfortunately no longer has a home in the “left.” Crazy how the woke kicked him out of the investigative news company he started. And how “populism” has found a new home on the right, along with Hispanic voters and non-public union members.
Glenn Greenwald is a classic liberal which unfortunately no longer has a home in the “left.” Crazy how the woke kicked him out of the investigative news company he started. And how “populism” has found a new home on the right, along with Hispanic voters and non-public union members.
The lefties I follow all have to appear on tucker Carlson.. they aren’t welcome on msnbc
Out of curiosity, have you spoken to your niece about this? Would she also say that she "was straight" then "went gay" and now is straight again? Could it be that she's bisexual or pansexual?

You're entitled to your opinion that being gay is a choice, but the science pretty clearly says it's not and is rather the result of biological factors.
First, it's hilarious to see who 'liked' your post (Bob, Purduefa1 and Indy35.....classic) and second, what the hell is 'pansexual'? Does that mean you're attracted to cookware?
They don't think they are different, you do. They want to be treated as normal members of the community. The people giving them special treatment and special attention are the people that don't want them to be considered normal.
Transexuals are about .001% of the population. Clinically, I believed they're usually diagnosed with 'gender dysphorpia", which by definition, isn't normal.
A man, with man biology and man physiology, 'feeling' and 'wishing' he were a woman is not 'normal'. Nor is that man competing against biological women in sporting events (and dominating) 'normal'.
Just choose to be a heterosexual man PF. What's the problem? It's obvious you have chosen to be the subject of ridicule, scorn and abuse. Life would be so much easier if you would just prefer women. Simply change your sexual preference. It's not like God made you the way you are or anything crazy like that.
But Bob, what about the pedophiles? Are they normal?
While this argument carries no merit to begin with -- two brown-haired parents can produce a blond child, for instance, and one's sexual preference is not completely determined by genetics, anyway -- you also present as fact something that's not fact. Gay people reproduce all the time.

The science is clear on whether or not being gay is a choice. It isn’t.
While this argument carries no merit to begin with -- two brown-haired parents can produce a blond child, for instance, and one's sexual preference is not completely determined by genetics, anyway -- you also present as fact something that's not fact. Gay people reproduce all the time.

The science is clear on whether or not being gay is a choice. It isn’t.
gay people might reproduce, but they're not reproducing together. No gay man is giving birth and no gay woman is impregnating her partner. Physiologically and biologically impossible.
Homosexuality doesn't need to be proven to exist any more than cats need to be proven to exist. It is simply an observable fact that there are homosexuals within the human population. The existence of gay people is not a scientific question, but a simple google search on your part will show you the research into the biological differences (genetic and otherwise) between homosexuals and heterosexuals. If they did not exist, neither would the biological differences. Of course, I'm sure you'll dismiss that research because none of it considers the possibility that gay people are fictitious...

That's because it is. Not everything needs to be scientifically proven.

Do the research to prove that everyone who has purported to be gay is either lying about it or mistaken about who they've been attracted to all this time, get it published in a reputable scientific journal, and then get back to me.
No claim that people are lying, just that homosexuality is so contrary to evolution and is so poorly understood that it may just be somewhere on the far end of the spectrum of normal human sexuality, per one of your links:

In most contemporary human cultures that have been studied individuals who self-identify as exclusively homosexual are rare (Ward et al., 2014; Bailey et al., 2016), but a larger minority of the population report some homosexual sexual behavior and experience and a degree of same sex sexual attraction (SSSA) (Bagley and Tremblay, 1998; Savin-Williams and Vrangalova, 2013; Bailey et al., 2016). While estimates of the population prevalence and distribution of SSSA vary (Bailey et al., 2016) contemporary studies support Kinsey et al.’s (1948, 1953) conclusion that in human populations there is continuous variation in the expression of homosexuality. The variation forms a smooth cline from a large majority who report exclusive or mostly heterosexual attraction and/or behavior, through groups who report degrees of both homosexual and heterosexual attractions and/or behavior to a small minority who report exclusive homosexual attractions and behavior (Savin-Williams and Vrangalova, 2013; Bailey et al., 2016).
No claim that people are lying, just that homosexuality is so contrary to evolution and is so poorly understood that it may just be somewhere on the far end of the spectrum of normal human sexuality, per one of your links:

In most contemporary human cultures that have been studied individuals who self-identify as exclusively homosexual are rare (Ward et al., 2014; Bailey et al., 2016), but a larger minority of the population report some homosexual sexual behavior and experience and a degree of same sex sexual attraction (SSSA) (Bagley and Tremblay, 1998; Savin-Williams and Vrangalova, 2013; Bailey et al., 2016). While estimates of the population prevalence and distribution of SSSA vary (Bailey et al., 2016) contemporary studies support Kinsey et al.’s (1948, 1953) conclusion that in human populations there is continuous variation in the expression of homosexuality. The variation forms a smooth cline from a large majority who report exclusive or mostly heterosexual attraction and/or behavior, through groups who report degrees of both homosexual and heterosexual attractions and/or behavior to a small minority who report exclusive homosexual attractions and behavior (Savin-Williams and Vrangalova, 2013; Bailey et al., 2016).
I have nothing to add here (I mean, do I ever really? 😂😂😂), but I have appreciated the civility between you and droid on this topic. The entire conversation has been pretty enlightening.
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gay people might reproduce, but they're not reproducing together. No gay man is giving birth and no gay woman is impregnating her partner. Physiologically and biologically impossible.
What's your point? Only one parent need carry a particular gene in order for it to be passed on. Would it be somehow surprising if a blonde and a brunette had a blonde child? Only one of the parents is blonde, after all. It wasn't like two blonde people having a kid. Aside from that, the current research suggests genetics is only part of the equation.

One step further, perhaps the genetic characteristics that make homosexuality more likely are recessive, which means that two heterosexual people could pass those genes on to their kids.

My only point in talking about gay people reproducing was to dispel the notion that the genes of gay people necessarily cannot be passed on to a subsequent generation because "gay people don't reproduce." It is obvious fact that is not the case.
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No claim that people are lying, just that homosexuality is so contrary to evolution and is so poorly understood that it may just be somewhere on the far end of the spectrum of normal human sexuality, per one of your links:

In most contemporary human cultures that have been studied individuals who self-identify as exclusively homosexual are rare (Ward et al., 2014; Bailey et al., 2016), but a larger minority of the population report some homosexual sexual behavior and experience and a degree of same sex sexual attraction (SSSA) (Bagley and Tremblay, 1998; Savin-Williams and Vrangalova, 2013; Bailey et al., 2016). While estimates of the population prevalence and distribution of SSSA vary (Bailey et al., 2016) contemporary studies support Kinsey et al.’s (1948, 1953) conclusion that in human populations there is continuous variation in the expression of homosexuality. The variation forms a smooth cline from a large majority who report exclusive or mostly heterosexual attraction and/or behavior, through groups who report degrees of both homosexual and heterosexual attractions and/or behavior to a small minority who report exclusive homosexual attractions and behavior (Savin-Williams and Vrangalova, 2013; Bailey et al., 2016).
I know I said I was done with this conversation, but if homosexuality "on the far end of the spectrum of normal human sexuality," then it must necessarily exist.

The only thing that quote says is that SSSA occurs in a minority of the population. I know no one who would disagree with this.
What's your point? Only one parent need carry a particular gene in order for it to be passed on. Would it be somehow surprising if a blonde and a brunette had a blonde child? Only one of the parents is blonde, after all. It wasn't like two blonde people having a kid. Aside from that, the current research suggests genetics is only part of the equation.

One step further, perhaps the genetic characteristics that make homosexuality more likely are recessive, which means that two heterosexual people could pass those genes on to their kids.

My only point in talking about gay people reproducing was to dispel the notion that the genes of gay people necessarily cannot be passed on to a subsequent generation because "gay people don't reproduce." It is obvious fact that is not the case.
Ok, that's clarifying. I thought you were talking about that magic moment where a woman (who really wants to be a man) becomes pregnant and crazy liberal people point and say "Look, a man can have a baby!!!"
I know I said I was done with this conversation, but if homosexuality "on the far end of the spectrum of normal human sexuality," then it must necessarily exist.

The only thing that quote says is that SSSA occurs in a minority of the population. I know no one who would disagree with this.
Valid point, but I was thinking more that the relation to evolution is so strange and poorly understood that, per Occam's razor, what is called homosexuality might be an extreme and highly perplexing form of heterosexuality.

Btw, that is the first time I have been called a troll by someone whose username means a person regarded as lifeless or mechanical. Thanks for the chuckle.

Boiler UP
Valid point, but I was thinking more that the relation to evolution is so strange and poorly understood that, per Occam's razor, what is called homosexuality might be an extreme and highly perplexing form of heterosexuality.
I'll end with this, I don't think it's accurate to say that homosexuality is "poorly understood." There's still more to learn, sure, but it seems you're only able to claim that it is poorly understood because you're dismissing all the things we actually know about it from a scientific perspective.
Btw, that is the first time I have been called a troll by someone whose username means a person regarded as lifeless or mechanical. Thanks for the chuckle.
Well, making the argument that homosexuality just doesn't exist when we can clearly see that it does seems like a not serious argument, hence the suspicion of trolling.

And, you're welcome, I guess?
Boiler UP
Out of curiosity, have you spoken to your niece about this? Would she also say that she "was straight" then "went gay" and now is straight again? Could it be that she's bisexual or pansexual?

You're entitled to your opinion that being gay is a choice, but the science pretty clearly says it's not and is rather the result of biological factors.
She said it was more a curiosity thing and that she has no attraction to other women now.