AD candidates

New Pal Boiler

Jun 30, 2010
Lets hear 'em. Burke is a disaster.

I'll start off with some names:
Mark Herrmann
Brian Cardinal
Ryan Grigson
Rick Smith
Pete Quinn

I know some of these are long shots, but this conversation needs to happen, now.

Talking about shoop and hazell is a waste of time. Gotta start with the guy who caused this mess in the first place. Then let the new AD make the call on hazell.
Pete Quinn? No way. He's the ultimate homer and would hire from within. Grigson would be great but he won't leave the Colts to come to this debacle.
Originally posted by PBoiler84:

Pete Quinn? No way. He's the ultimate homer and would hire from within. Grigson would be great but he won't leave the Colts to come to this debacle.
... that is just an ignorant comment about Pete. Quinn would be a great AD at Purdue.
The notion you need an alum to run an athletic department is a little off.

For example, Ohio State's athletic director (who is widely recognized as one of the best) went to Notre Dame.

Sometimes hiring an alum can be detrimental to a program that needs a shot in the arm. Which of those people would envision a football program that needs an overhaul/rebranding/makeover after watching/been around this program for the last 10 years? None of those people have worked anywhere else.

Michigan State's AD was a prime candidate because he did go to MSU, but he worked in athletic administration at other places prior to becoming the AD at MSU. I'm not sure if there are Purdue alums in that position.

And you can't necessarily just hire former players that have no experience and hope it works out (I love Brian Cardinal but we're not exactly an athletic program you can hire some figurehead and hope everyone below him knows what they are doing).

And lastly, Burke isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Morgan Burke is essentially Mitch Daniels lite.
Originally posted by lbodel:
The notion you need an alum to run an athletic department is a little off.

For example, Ohio State's athletic director (who is widely recognized as one of the best) went to Notre Dame.

Sometimes hiring an alum can be detrimental to a program that needs a shot in the arm. Which of those people would envision a football program that needs an overhaul/rebranding/makeover after watching/been around this program for the last 10 years? None of those people have worked anywhere else.

Michigan State's AD was a prime candidate because he did go to MSU, but he worked in athletic administration at other places prior to becoming the AD at MSU. I'm not sure if there are Purdue alums in that position.

And you can't necessarily just hire former players that have no experience and hope it works out (I love Brian Cardinal but we're not exactly an athletic program you can hire some figurehead and hope everyone below him knows what they are doing).

And lastly, Burke isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Morgan Burke is essentially Mitch Daniels lite.

Gene smith? He's a moron. Les wexner got urban
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The Pete Quinn comment is not ignorant. Just last week, when NW was thumping us, he was talking about how Purdue was such a stronger team these he kidding me? If he sees things that way, he's not who we want as AD. He would be Morgan Burke all over again.
Greg Christopher- A.D. at Bowling Green Univ. served as the associate A.D. at Purdue from 1997- 2006
Originally posted by pb1941:
Greg Christopher- A.D. at Bowling Green Univ. served as the associate A.D. at Purdue from 1997- 2006
I dealt with G. Christoper during his time leading JPC. That is when I stopped my JPC membership.
Originally posted by PBoiler84:

The Pete Quinn comment is not ignorant. Just last week, when NW was thumping us, he was talking about how Purdue was such a stronger team these he kidding me? If he sees things that way, he's not who we want as AD. He would be Morgan Burke all over again.
At the beginning of the NW game, he encouraged those near campus but not in attendance to come to the game, to fill in some of the many empty seats, stating that the team was on the rise -- a pretty universal view prior to Nov 22nd. Pete usually tries to be upbeat on the radio network -- a sin on this board, of course -- regardless, you're really going to judge the guy's fit for AD based on the comments he made as color man on the Purdue football radio network?! He's a smart business man, a born salesman, has an excellent approachable personality, loves Purdue, and he knows football! The guy would be an ACE as our AD.
New Pal Boiler: Grigson won't leave NFL GM to be an AD so to the rest of the list,

I am ignorant on some of these guys, can you help fill me in with some data on what makes these guys great ADs?
It's fun to dream but I'm afraid we're STUCK with Purdue's admin and staff. Why? Because I don't believe the Pres or B of T care enough to make changes in the Athletic Dept. Sad state as we now get to watch what other schools do to improve their FB programs while the Boiler fans are simply STUCK with what we have.

Remember, the definition of insanity is in play.
Originally posted by Green Bay Fan:
It's fun to dream but I'm afraid we're STUCK with Purdue's admin and staff. Why? Because I don't believe the Pres or B of T care enough to make changes in the Athletic Dept. Sad state as we now get to watch what other schools do to improve their FB programs while the Boiler fans are simply STUCK with what we have.

Remember, the definition of insanity is in play.
It is amazing to me that Penn State has been able to survive their problems and remain a much better FB program than Purdue's. They have great support that we have never had, and have not let that support wain during these times. I would think a university full of perjury would not have maintained that support to the level they enjoy. But maybe my thoughts are correct when considering the mass exodus of support from our FB program. I digress. Sorry about that.
No offense, but that's a moronic idea.

I assume you are making fun of Kyle Ralph, who I guarantee will accomplish more in his career than Jim Bridge and John shoop combined.
Here you go New Pal, I played your game since you did not feel like giving any reasons on why you wanted to back these guys. What I learned is you basically just put a list of people that played at Purdue. So here is what I found:

Mark Herrmann: director of development for the Krannert School of Management. Was also was in broadcasting. Had some type of job at St. Vincent Sports performance he was let go from

Brian Cardinal: assistant director of John Purdue Club

Rick Smith is currently the General Manager of the Houston Texans of the NFL

Pete Quin:
Founding Partner
Summit Realty Group
November 2013 - Present (1 year 2 months)Indianapolis, Indiana Area
I work with individuals and companies assisting them with their commercial real estate needs around the world. I utilize my experience as a broker and manager to understand my clients goals and develop solutions to help them reach their goals.

Ryan Grigson: GM Colts

Burke Salary $464K


So apparently what makes a good AD to you is someone who played at Purdue then played a little bit in the pros.

While I agree Grigson and Smith could make good ADs at Purdue, I do not know why either of them would leave the NFL GM position to be a AD. While I could not find either of their Salaries I would guess they get paid at least $500k per year. However, because they are good at making personnel decision for an NFL team does not necessarily mean they would be good at deciding on who would make a good head coach for football, or basketball, or golf. I agree they would be good at working the budget and understanding how to set up good contracts.

Brian Cardinal: has a Krannert management degree and helps with JPC, not sure why that would make him a good AD.

Pete Quin: looks like he would be good working the books. As the possibility to understand marketing and advertising, so he might be able to make a good push in that area. Not sure he would know enough about the aspects of the job.

Hermann: basically the same as Cardinal. Krannert management degree and helps with development, whatever that means. Fancy sounding title but doesn't mean he actually does anything.

So in closing; it would be nice to get any NFL GM to be the AD but I just see that as high unlikely unless they are fired and desperate for a job. I could be wrong. Outside of that none of them would excite me. So with who is remaining I would choose Pete Quin in hopes you would improve Purdue's marketing, advertising, and branding.

PS. If I remember correctly Ryan Grigson and Bill Polian helped Burke to pick Hazell
This post was edited on 11/30 11:27 PM by Grad2009DPT
I agree with you that Pete Quinn would be the most likely candidate of that group.

However, Jerry Glanville once joked that NFL stood for Not For Long, so I wouldn't rule out smith or Grigson just yet.
If Morgan Burke isn't good enough, you wouldn't find any of the listed "candidates" to be good enough. The mistake Purdue made was hiring someone who, while being an alumnus, friend and donor, nonetheless had no experience as an athletic administrator. Never searched for, interviewed, evaluated or hired a coach, never managed that many disparate programs, never ran in the athletic facilities rat race. Rarely does one with no experience produce positive (forget about extraordinary) results. Don't repeat the error.

If it makes you feel any better, Indiana made the same mistake and they'll pay for it, too.
Originally posted by Kern County:
If Morgan Burke isn't good enough, you wouldn't find any of the listed "candidates" to be good enough. The mistake Purdue made was hiring someone who, while being an alumnus, friend and donor, nonetheless had no experience as an athletic administrator. Never searched for, interviewed, evaluated or hired a coach, never managed that many disparate programs, never ran in the athletic facilities rat race. Rarely does one with no experience produce positive (forget about extraordinary) results. Don't repeat the error.

If it makes you feel any better, Indiana made the same mistake and they'll pay for it, too.
Fat Freddy just now is fixing up ol' swayback hall -- falling down, falling down -- after putting a cap on the concrete quarry ... typical eye-ewe shyster trying to hype a client drawing no-shows to the quarry and drunk players to the sway.

Morgan Burke has rebuilt Purdue's entire athletic superstructure while sustaining the winningest coaches in the foremost sports, all in the course of two full decades. (That means 20 years.) Put that in your resume and smoke it,
Burke is incredibly underwhelming and the definition of someone who wanted to help but was poorly equipped to actually do so. Those who understand athletic administration, including a fair number of senior people at Purdue, are painfully aware of his considerable shortcomings, as are many long term athletic donors.

Of course, there are always a few who don't get it (and never will). Count yourself among the perpetually uninformed, but be thankful that most of your compatriots have far more insight than do you. Just try to stay out of their way, please.
You obviously don't know anything about Gene Smith. As an Athletic Director, he is outstanding and highly respected. He'll retire a Buckeye, so it's not like he's in play for any job other than the one he has, but calling him a "moron" is profoundly ignorant.
Originally posted by Kern County:
You obviously don't know anything about Gene Smith. As an Athletic Director, he is outstanding and highly respected. He'll retire a Buckeye, so it's not like he's in play for any job other than the one he has, but calling him a "moron" is profoundly ignorant.
Does anyone else find it profoundly ironic that a registered member of the PeegStye comes over here and labels anyone "profoundly ignorant"?
Burke's resume, continued ...

Construction and/or reconstruction of ...

Ross-Ade Stadium

Mollenkopf Athletic Center

Bimel Outdoor Practice Complex

Mackey Arena

Lambert Fieldhouse

Rankin Track and Field

Holloway Gymnasium

Blake Wrestling Training Center

Alexander Field

Boilermaker Softball Complex

Boilermaker Cross Country Course

Boilermaker Soccer Complex

Schwartz Tennis Center

Birck Boilermaker Golf Complex ...

Football bowl games: 12 of Purdue's total of 17

NCAA men's basketball appearances: 15 of Purdue's total of 26

Athletes with higher GPAs and higher graduation rates than student body each year ...

Also must add the new aquatic center that produced an Olympic champion ... championed by a former swimmer who actually competed for his alma mater, before graduating and running a steel mill.

Meanwhile Kern Kounty and its hillbillies have only added to their widely known legacy as the worst football program in the history of the Big Ten while assembling a basketball team that's had half its roster on police blotters for drug and alcohol abuse.

Let's all raise our Glasses to you.


This post was edited on 12/1 5:48 PM by Born Boiler

This post was edited on 12/1 5:54 PM by Born Boiler
Originally posted by Kern County:
You obviously don't know anything about Gene Smith. As an Athletic Director, he is outstanding and highly respected. He'll retire a Buckeye, so it's not like he's in play for any job other than the one he has, but calling him a "moron" is profoundly ignorant.

I know quite a bit. Also know high dollar donors who agree with me
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I think most of us have known high dollar donors ... at eye-ewe, it's whenever collecting for a pizza.

eye-ewe ... where class is something you skip ...
The worst thing Purdue can do is hire a AD who has ties to Purdue period. There are many reasons why we are in this sad state of affairs, but I firmly believe the best thing we can do is get somebody who has no history with Purdue. The issue is as long as the BOT don't care and Mitch Daniels is the President, Burke is the man. He is the fiscally responsible guy!
It's clear you skipped English if, in fact, you ever attended college. Your contributions here would seem to indicate you very likely didn't make it past the 10th grade. Now, take a seat and let the adults converse.

This post was edited on 12/1 10:28 PM by Kern County
Originally posted by Kern County:
It's clear you skipped English if, in fact, you ever intended college. Your contributions here would seem to indicate you very likely didn't make it past the 10th grade. Now, take a seat and let the adults converse.
You not only skipped class, but you skipped a comma.

Must be a grad of duh eye-ewe skool of jurnellusm, named for that there famass wore chorussponent, Goober Pile.

Oops! Glad I checked. His statue at eye-ewe clearly states that he was a "corespondent."

That was yet another product of the Big Ten's 12th-ranked university by U.S. News and World Report. Be thankful for Sparty and the children of the corn, keeping you from being dead last.

I'm actually thankful to not be like you, a small minded and clearly uneducated person who's obviously never attended college. No need for you to lecture about commas . . . You weren't close to being correct. When English consists of using "bushels per acre", "crop yields", or "animal husbandry" in a sentence, you're really not in a position to tell anyone about the language. It's like a Purdue person talking about being physically attractive or having social skills. It just doesn't work.

Now, would you please let your husband / brother / uncle have the computer back?
Originally posted by Kern County:
I'm actually thankful to not be like you, a small minded and clearly uneducated person who's obviously never attended college. No need for you to lecture about commas . . . You weren't close to being correct. When English consists of using "bushels per acre", "crop yields", or "animal husbandry" in a sentence, you're really not in a position to tell anyone about the language. It's like a Purdue person talking about being physically attractive or having social skills. It just doesn't work.

Now, would you please let your husband / brother / uncle have the computer back?

We're all quite glad you were able to see the air of your ways and correctly state what you attended.

Those who have intended college should be respected for such noble intentions and having great intention spans.

Meanwhile, take caution. You're a long way from home, Little Peegie, and your ankle bracelet will go off, like your commas.

Adios, Freddy.
Originally posted by BarringtonBoiler:
The worst thing Purdue can do is hire a AD who has ties to Purdue period. There are many reasons why we are in this sad state of affairs, but I firmly believe the best thing we can do is get somebody who has no history with Purdue. The issue is as long as the BOT don't care and Mitch Daniels is the President, Burke is the man. He is the fiscally responsible guy!
Are you kiddin' me?! The last thing we need in a new AD is someone who doesn't know his A$$ from a hole in the ground about Purdue and special challenges Purdue athletics faces because our BOT actively works against the interests of the Athletic Dept.

And as far as MB being fiscally responsible, do you call 30,000 empty seats / game for football being fiscally responsible? Underinvesting in football for over a decade isn't fiscally responsible!
Since you're unable to offer a substantive contribution in respect of the original subject (your athletic director and athletic administration), why not excuse yourself rather than continuing to embarrass yourself? You're like a child at a cocktail party . . . an annoyance who's well past his or her bedtime.
Nothing takes care of the pompous arrogance of a Piggster like the ignore button.
"Pompous" doesn't really fit a little peegie. That implies a level of sophistication and/or intelligence not readily evident, particularly in someone who confuses the use of "attended" and "intended," let alone lacking a clue on how to punctuate. Although that's not terribly surprising for any product of the Big Ten's 12th-ranked academic institution, where their newest statue hails its subject as a war "corespondent." Very sad, indeed.

I think, in keeping with the clown pants they wear in ol' swayback hall, the aforementioned is best called "bozo."

eye-ewe ... where class is something ya skip