Any idea who Coach Painter is talking about?

I don’t think many here disagree that perhaps Painter finds someone in the portal to help next season. What I do see however is that Painter won’t recruit over players he feels have been loyal to Purdue.

Bottom line is that I trust Painter to make that call and if history and his words tell us anything, then it’s unlikely we go grab a high dollar transfer to displace players we already have. In other words, it would have to be a perfect match and there must be an obvious hole.
Sure he will. He does it every time he brings in a great recruit. If a frosh comes in and they are better than a loyal senior then guess what, that frosh is starting and that senior is coming off the bench.

Heck, Ethan Morton is a perfect example of that. Loyalty doesn't mean playing time. It means honesty and a fair chance to play. That's it

As someone who lives in SEC country

I think he just got extended less than a month ago. I have heard rumors of the family not loving the South Bend area though.
South Bend is not a college town like WL or Bloomington or Champaign-Urbana. The relationship between ND and SB is frosty at best. Purdue has a Purdue Polytechnic High School in South Bend - hey, why isn't ND doing this?

Any idea who Coach Painter is talking about?

I would say that if Painter thinks he has a FF team for next year with the current roster, he's probably being a little overly optimistic. He, the fans, and talking heads know where the gaps are on this roster and where the portal could be used to immediately fill those gaps.
The fans and the talking heads (smirk) who kept saying he'll NEVER get to a FF playing a center-centric game? And without 5-star players?

I'll defer to the judgement of a multiple COY award winner over that of fans and talking heads.
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32 assists in the record book

The inability of people on this forum to let shit go is unparalleled.
I agree with this a lot of the time. Sure, these Zach and Braden comments are trolling the trolls. It's a time-honored tradition in internet discussion forums. But, they also celebrate that these guys turned out to be WAY better than just about everybody thought.

I do wonder sometimes what that guy who accosted Braden's dad after the FDU game thinks about it all now.
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"Ban" is a hard thing to want, but I know and agree with the premise. I mean UNLESS you are so wide open and have to take a three ball...get in the flow. Last night we saw Cam drive once to the rim and the game before we saw Myles get into the lane. Both need to add that by being more observant of when it is there, as well as playing D, setting screens, seeing the court and making good passes as well as many things other than a 3 ball.

BTW, IMO we are seeing more teams scoring in the lane other than Purdue. Teams and players are getting better at the mid range game since teams are really 1) running players off the line 2) not helping off of three ball shooters as much 3) not being able to get all the way to the rim...and now have open shots in the lane...
The game is constantly changing. Now ... will your players work on their pull-jumper as hard as they do on their three?
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Wow !!

That's an on-point analysis. BNI definitely has designated himself the voice of black America on this board, even though most of what he regurgitates from urban radio is just race baiting democrat talking points.
Bob on the other hand, has a deep rooted, systemic case of TDS. He's crossed the line and it's going to be a tough 4 years for him.
every time Bob gets angered and lashes out at someone, I wonder what could help him and I recall

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Marcus Mbow

You and others complained about the OL being bad but didn’t want to look at the real causes and just wanted to be lazy and blame Brohm.
Was at a wedding over the weekend, and there was a guy there who worked for the program during the 2023 season. Said they had ONE plan, ONE scheme, ONE approach, to everything, on both sides of the ball, and if that didn’t work… Deer in the headlights…
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J6 Bombshell: Trump Didn't Just Offer Military to Protect Capitol, He Ordered It but Was Disobeyed

Kent Nishimura - Los Angeles Times / Getty Images© The Western Journal

On the eve of former President Donald Trump's return to power, a new report is turning the story of the 2021 Capitol incursion on its head.

For four years, a Democratic-run "select" committee on Jan. 6, anti-Trump Republicans, and the establishment media have blamed Trump for the violence in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, but the report released Tuesday accused Trump's acting defense secretary at the time, Christopher Miller, of defying Trump's specific orders.

It's the very first finding of the report, and it paints a scathing picture of Nancy Pelosi's "select" committee -- and former Rep. Liz Cheney's role in the whole affair.

The report, "On the Failures and Politicization of the January 6 Select Committee," cited transcripts from interviews conducted by the Department of Defense Inspector General into the events surrounding the incursion.

In an interview with the IG, former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, a now-retired Army general, described Trump's words at a Jan. 3, 2021, meeting to prepare for the meeting of Congress to certify the results of the still-disputed 2020 election.

Milley summed up Trump's statement as:

"Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or soldiers, active-duty soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it’s safe."

To most Americans, that would sound like an order from a commander in chief to his subordinate, but Miller told Nancy Pelosi's rigged Jan. 6 Committee that he chose to consider it "banter," the report noted on page 69.

In fact, he told the IG interviewers, according to page 68 of the report: "There was absolutely -- there is absolutely no way I was putting U.S. Military forces at the Capitol.”

In addition, Miller told the Jan. 6 committee that he was influenced by a commentary piece published by The Washington Post on Jan. 3, 2021, signed by all 10 living former defense secretaries, calling on Miller by name to "refrain from any political actions that undermine the results of the election or hinder the success of the new team."

(Liz Cheney's role in organizing the op-ed was first revealed in a May 2021 interview the liberal magazine the New Yorker conducted with Eric Edelman, a Cheney family friend and former national security adviser to Dick Cheney. Not even the left-wing "fact-checking" site Snopes has disputed it.)

The report released Tuesday also showed Miller feared being called a "Trump crony" and was sensitive to criticism on social media.

That apparently mattered more to him than carrying out the orders of the president, the report stated.

It included a quote Miller gave to the inspector general investigators:

"Then you had this constant drumbeat of, remember when I came in the story was that I was a stuffed suit that I was a Trump crony that was going to use the United States Military to conduct a military coup to overthrow the Government, the elected Government of the United States. So that is what was out there in the Twitter sphere

(The fact that the United States military was led, however briefly, by a man afraid of the "Twitter sphere" is a sobering thought. Seriously. What do they drink in Washington, anyway?)

So, Liz Cheney, the poster child of the NeverTrump Republicans and a woman who served as one of two GOP Judas goats on Nancy Pelosi's committee on investigating Jan. 6, helped create the conditions that allowed the Jan. 6 mayhem to actually take place.

And, according to the report by the House Administration Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight, it was direct defiance by the then-acting defense secretary of then-President Trump's orders that led to the security vacuum that ended up being filled by violence.

It turns the whole Democratic-media story of Jan. 6 on its head -- a story that was fed to Americans non-stop through 2022, including made-for-TV dramatics and the enthusiastic complicity of a biased establishment media that could well have contributed to the Democratic success of the midterm elections that limited the reach of a widely expected "red wave."

With Congress set to meet next month to certify the results of Trump's victory in the November election, and his historic inauguration set for Jan. 20, the real question now is, where does it go from here?
This doesn't address the complete mission failure of the other uniformed officers at the Capitol - the Capitol Police. There are numerous videos of these incompetent fools escorting rioters in and chatting with them inside the building. Here's what each one of them deserves:

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Deja Vu

I appreciate the Dischinger mention. He and GRob were probably the all-time best Purdue forwards. In the pros 7-0 Wilt Chamberlain once said that 6-7 Dischinger was the toughest player he ever faced.

There are many who don't know how good Terry Dischinger was. He and Purdue were slightly overshadowed during his playing days with Ohio State and Lucas and Havlicek teams, but he averaged 28.3 points and 13.7 rebounds in 70 career games - 55.3% FG and 81.9% FT. Still holds the Purdue single game record for FT's made @ 21.

NBA Rookie of the Year (63), 3-time All-Star.....among his many accolades.

Sadly, he passed away a little over a year ago - wish I could have seen him play in person, but I caught the end of his NBA career.



You continue to not understand that when players score, it doesn't mean that a play was drawn up for them. CJ, Furst and Harris scored due to the flow of the offense or in transition. It was not any specific play ran for them. You not understanding that, is what makes me not so sure you understand what's actually going on.
I understand clearly about scoring and how it happens without a play based on the players position, the assist of another player, and a lack of defense by the opposing player. Understand the game just fine. Played it.
Ok, even though you have shown a clear disliking for Colvin (one can just go through your posts), let's just say you don't. But your bias shows when:
How can I dislike Colvin when I don't know him. He seems like a great kid that hasn't found "it" on the court yet but is still trying to. His defense has improved but his offense hasn't to the extent you thought it would. He's still forcing things on offense, has very few assists, and needs to improve most of his game. That's why Cox is starting, and Myles isn't.
1. You complain he is not shooting it well and then when he does, you say " many REBOUNDS did he have?"
He's got to come with a complete game which you don't seem to understand. Shots, though an integral part of winning, IMO, are secondary to helping the entire team be better. Boards, assists, get it now? Maybe?
2. You say he "mostly played in clean up time", the last shot he made was at the 6.5 min mark and his last shot he took was at the 2.5 min mark. So, that would mean he scored 14 points in 15 mins, but you decide to throw in shade and say it was all in "mop up duty" when, in fact, it was not mop up duty.
Most of the second half was "mop up" duty for everyone on the court. Let's look at a few facts. Cox played three minutes more than Colvin yet shot 81% to Colvin's 55 which I'll give Myles credit for good offensive game. Cox outscored Colvin 23 to 14, Cox had 4 boards, 4 steals, and 2 assists. Colvin didn't. For Colvin, he had a decent game shooting the ball, his defense wasn't tremendous, but still his offense was good it's just that Cox should play ahead of him. And I really believe Harris should as well.
3. Last year, and even this year, you were pounding your chest on how he brings nothing to the table. However, you don't bring that same energy about GiCarri, who is playing similar minutes and putting up very similar numbers with much worse shooting numbers.
Harris played 16 minutes of a more complete game with assists and rebounds helping the entire team more. As I said, by the end of the season, he too will very possibly be ahead of Colvin
4. I'm sure you'll say "but Myles is a sophomore". Ok let's compare stats frosh to frosh. Myles put up similar numbers on also better shooting numbers than GiCarri has in his freshman campaingn, while GiCarri has played double the minutes that Myles did as a frosh.
#A4 is irrelivant. It's about how Harris and Cox have come in as Frosh and taken Colvin's minutes after Colvin became a short-term starter, which by the way as a coach, I don't think is as important as to who contributes the most to the entire game.
5. You don't complainin when Furst had low rebounding numbers or Heide? Or even Fletcher? (You see how nitpicky that is to try and do that when all 3 played well?)
Let's stay apples to apples here. Both play different positions and right now, both are playing well enough to be and stay in the lineup. Putting Furst into the lineup has been one of the catalysts for this team's improvement. Surprise, but I'll take Fletcher and Furst over Colvin anytime/any day.
And to be clear, I think GiCarri is going to be very good and is starting to hit his stride, same with Furst. Hopefully, Heide continues to provide solid minutes, as well.

Not saying this is you, but one can be a coach, but it doesn't mean they're a good one. The most dangerous ones are the ones who think they are good, when they are in fact, not at all. And IF you have been coaching as long as you say you have, you would know that kids having the "it" factor isn't just during a game. It's their work ethic and what they do outside of the game...and you have no idea what Myles or any of these kids are doing.
As a coach, I've had a lot of players of lesser talent get more playing time than the alleged stud because of their hustle, desire, work ethic, and ability to make the entire team better. I was fortunate to help several players get to the next level, who to a person told me how much harder the collegiate game was than they ever thought it would be. I still think that may have something to do with Myle's inconsistency. Too many "elite" kids are coddled, some continuing to be in college, though I don't believe CMP does any of that. Some simply get outplayed and some, as you said, take more time.
And yes, Myles has not hit his potential of what I thought, but he has vastly improved his defense (which you still discredit, not sure why) and his offense needs to be a bit more consistent. But, if you have played organized basketball, it's a bit tough to get it going when you don't have the ball in your hands every other possession. And when you only get 1-4 shots a game, it's also tough to get a rhythm.

He also turns 20 this August. He has time to improve and grow his body still. And what's even crazier is that GiCarri turns 20 the same day as Myles and CJ is already 20.
So, three players are the same age. One is a Soph and two are in their first collegiate season who are both taking major minutes away from the Soph. Can you tell me why that would be?
So, hopefully you now understand THIS is why I discredit your biased comments since the same energy/comments aren't made for other players that are providing similar stats and results. That's all.
DP, feel free to disagree all you want. Not going to bother me a bit. Right now, I'm looking at the facts and wanting Myles to become the player you and others believe he can be. You've set really high hopes for the kid, and I honestly hope you're right as he, Harris, and Cox could certainly be a very effective threesome next year in helping the Big 3 or 4 next year if a post player is found. Or even late this season they could help a bunch. I do think it's going to very hard to get Cox out of the lineup.

Wow !!

It is so confusing. Bob said many times in the past he was a republican. I believe and could be wrong in that he separated from a conservative and stated only republican. I realize that statement is at odds with his posts, but that is what he said. BNI, God Bless him...he normally doesn't attack posters as much as the others. He mostly is here to advocate for Blacks in how he has been informed by urban radio and with so many whites posting he may see it as trying to teach people about urban America as a counterbalance to those informed elsewhere outside ghetto areas. Both are passionate with Bob afflicted by TDS and BNI seeing so much racism everywhere.

I can appreciate passion and find both able to provide understanding from areas I wouldn't solicit that show that in the tails of the distribution there lies people of many stripes,,,
That's an on-point analysis. BNI definitely has designated himself the voice of black America on this board, even though most of what he regurgitates from urban radio is just race baiting democrat talking points.
Bob on the other hand, has a deep rooted, systemic case of TDS. He's crossed the line and it's going to be a tough 4 years for him.

Any idea who Coach Painter is talking about?

Every team has a culture. And every fan of team thinks their culture is superior and unique to most other schools.

Purdue isn't a paragon of which only a handful of kids can play. It's also not a cesspool like some schools are for sure.

Each team needs to find players who will accept roles and fit team chemistry. That's not unique to Purdue. I'm sure Painter would do his best to find those players. I'm also sure those players are as likely to exist in the portal as they are out of high school.

I'm also sure that Painter isn't perfect in figuring that out. Catchings didn't come from the portal and yet turned out he wasn't a culture fit. It happens. No blame to Painter because again it's impossible to be perfect in assessing that.

I just think folks here have hyper moralized the portal as being filled with potential cancers because some don't like the very concept of the portal.

It's simply another source of talent. The same risks and benefits exist there as in high school recruiting. If a high school recruit appeared in the radar for next season that had a lot of talent people wouldn't be asking whose minutes they might take and maybe we shouldn't take them because we are "loaded."

Jones last season could have gone other places and he didn't come here guaranteed a starting role. He fit in just fine and yeah Heide or Colvin didn't start likely because of it. And turned out ok. If someone in the portal can make this team better and someone here plays less minutes the problem is what exactly?

no problems with portal guys, but many won’t fit the culture here.
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Trump flexed, Hamas caved.. Shocker

This just goes to prove Trump has the biggest swinging di*k in the world and he's willing to use it.

It took him all of about 10 seconds to give his ultimatum to Hamas and they caved like a house of cards. Why couldn't Biden get this done? Oh yeh, I remember why.

But, I think that after all the hostages are released by Sunday, Israel and the US should still just bomb the hell out of Hamas. One, for the inconvenience and two, as a warning that F'ing with Israel and the US is a surefire, guaranteed way to get you, your family and everyone you associate with, killed.

Any idea who Coach Painter is talking about?

Every team has a culture. And every fan of team thinks their culture is superior and unique to most other schools.

Purdue isn't a paragon of which only a handful of kids can play. It's also not a cesspool like some schools are for sure.

Each team needs to find players who will accept roles and fit team chemistry. That's not unique to Purdue. I'm sure Painter would do his best to find those players. I'm also sure those players are as likely to exist in the portal as they are out of high school.

I'm also sure that Painter isn't perfect in figuring that out. Catchings didn't come from the portal and yet turned out he wasn't a culture fit. It happens. No blame to Painter because again it's impossible to be perfect in assessing that.

I just think folks here have hyper moralized the portal as being filled with potential cancers because some don't like the very concept of the portal.

It's simply another source of talent. The same risks and benefits exist there as in high school recruiting. If a high school recruit appeared in the radar for next season that had a lot of talent people wouldn't be asking whose minutes they might take and maybe we shouldn't take them because we are "loaded."

Jones last season could have gone other places and he didn't come here guaranteed a starting role. He fit in just fine and yeah Heide or Colvin didn't start likely because of it. And turned out ok. If someone in the portal can make this team better and someone here plays less minutes the problem is what exactly?
I don’t think many here disagree that perhaps Painter finds someone in the portal to help next season. What I do see however is that Painter won’t recruit over players he feels have been loyal to Purdue.

Bottom line is that I trust Painter to make that call and if history and his words tell us anything, then it’s unlikely we go grab a high dollar transfer to displace players we already have. In other words, it would have to be a perfect match and there must be an obvious hole.
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CJ Cox X factor this year and next

One of the plays I like was when he and Braden ran a 2 man game the other day that got CJ and open look. I think as he gets more comfortable and is feeling his shot, that will become a deadly combo. The more he and Braden play together, the more they will learn to create for each other.
It should be obvious with some of the passing that Braden and Fletch know where each other are all the time...all of the time. As you say, he will get mor e familiar with CJ as time goes on.

CJ Cox X factor this year and next

One of the plays I like was when he and Braden ran a 2 man game the other day that got CJ and open look. I think as he gets more comfortable and is feeling his shot, that will become a deadly combo. The more he and Braden play together, the more they will learn to create for each other.

