Trump and coronavirus

I wouldn't ask Jared Kushner how to pump gas.
Whoa, now !! Any day now, Donald & Jared could be announcing Jared's breakthrough in the Middle East Two State -Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks !!
We're talkin' Nobel Peace Prize, here !!

(although Trump's North Korean denuclearization might produce a close vote)
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I thought trump was much better today. Still some of the same old BS but he seems to be more realistic about what we're up against.

Then he gave himself a 10 on his response to the crisis. Oh well.
The Republican base has to be getting whiplash going back and forth between it’s a hoax and everything is fine, to they need to take this seriously and not go anywhere with groups.
The Republican base has to be getting whiplash going back and forth between it’s a hoax and everything is fine, to they need to take this seriously and not go anywhere with groups.

They have been 10 steps behind this and are struggling to catch up.

Hopefully they can get caught up and even ahead of this before it's too late.
I thought trump was much better today. Still some of the same old BS but he seems to be more realistic about what we're up against.

Then he gave himself a 10 on his response to the crisis. Oh well.
Agree, he was better. If he ever had his arm in a sling so that he couldn't give himself the neverending
pats on the back of self-congratulation...….it'd be even better. (of course, there'd still be that truthfulness thing).
Agree, he was better. If he ever had his arm in a sling so that he couldn't give himself the neverending
pats on the back of self-congratulation...….it'd be even better. (of course, there'd still be that truthfulness thing).
I only watch these things to watch trumpy drop trow and let pence kanoodle his ass for 10 minutes.
Trump says he supports the government taking equity stakes in companies the government gives cash to during this crisis.

What is that called? I can't wait to see the outrage.
Trump says he supports the government taking equity stakes in companies the government gives cash to during this crisis.

What is that called? I can't wait to see the outrage.

It's the same thing that Obama had to do - it's called protecting the taxpayers. I'm all for this in extraordinary times of crisis like '08 and now as long as there are strings attached so these companies don't pay out bonuses to execs, lay off thousands and/or use the money to ship operations out of the U.S. With the way the stock market will most likely jump back, our government may even make a nice profit when selling the stock.
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It's the same thing that Obama had to do - it's called protecting the taxpayers. I'm all for this in extraordinary times of crisis like '08 and now as long as there are strings attached so these companies don't pay out bonuses to execs, lay off thousands and/or use the money to ship operations out of the U.S. With the way the stock market will most likely jump back, our government may even make a nice profit when selling the stock.
So all the cries of socialism are situational?

It was right for Obama to do and the right thing for trump to long as it's handled correctly.

It would be nice if both sides remembered what the other side did before leaping to criticize.
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So all the cries of socialism are situational?

It was right for Obama to do and the right thing for trump to long as it's handled correctly.

It would be nice if both sides remembered what the other side did before leaping to criticize.

I was all in back in '08 on saving our banking and auto industries. In retrospect, I don't think that they should have been able to spend it on huge exec bonuses, etc. And being on a 'side' is exactly what the powers to be want. I agree with conservative policies and I agree with liberal policies. What I don't agree with are policies of the left. And yes, there is a big difference between liberals and the left.
I was all in back in '08 on saving our banking and auto industries. In retrospect, I don't think that they should have been able to spend it on huge exec bonuses, etc. And being on a 'side' is exactly what the powers to be want. I agree with conservative policies and I agree with liberal policies. What I don't agree with are policies of the left. And yes, there is a big difference between liberals and the left.
Absolutely had to be done but there were certainly not enough conditions put on the money.

But like it is now, there was no playbook........and time was most certainly of the essence. We were looking at a total collapse of the economy in a matter of days.....if not hours.

Time is an issue now as well. Not to the degree of the banking collapse but still critical. Certainly complicates things.
Absolutely had to be done but there were certainly not enough conditions put on the money.

But like it is now, there was no playbook........and time was most certainly of the essence. We were looking at a total collapse of the economy in a matter of days.....if not hours.

Time is an issue now as well. Not to the degree of the banking collapse but still critical. Certainly complicates things.

You're absolutely correct. I still think that it wouldn't be difficult to put in some basic items that these companies can't spend on since it's taxpayer money keeping them in business. Has to be a win-win type of relationship. The big banks thumbed their noses at us after we saved them back in '08 so we better not give one dime to them.
Absolutely had to be done but there were certainly not enough conditions put on the money.

But like it is now, there was no playbook........and time was most certainly of the essence. We were looking at a total collapse of the economy in a matter of days.....if not hours.

Time is an issue now as well. Not to the degree of the banking collapse but still critical. Certainly complicates things.
I thought the SEC or some government agency would have put restrictions on these hedge funds for all the leverage they use in trading. Evidently they didn’t as market liquidity is shallow and they are unwinding their positions. The middle class investors get crushed and the rich are able to survive and profit. The same sham over and over as regulators allow this to continue.
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I thought the SEC or some government agency would have put restrictions on these hedge funds for all the leverage they use in trading. Evidently they didn’t as market liquidity is shallow and they are unwinding their positions. The middle class investors get crushed and the rich are able to survive and profit. The same sham over and over as regulators allow this to continue.

Yep, the ones in power make the rules. Some of these people are going to make billions on the market when it goes back up.
Absolutely had to be done but there were certainly not enough conditions put on the money.

But like it is now, there was no playbook........and time was most certainly of the essence. We were looking at a total collapse of the economy in a matter of days.....if not hours.

Time is an issue now as well. Not to the degree of the banking collapse but still critical. Certainly complicates things.
Lock the doors and hush my mouth. Bob and I agree on most of his statement.
When there have, in the past, been major disruptions to the civic order by disease or other causes, the society that emerged was very different from the previous one. I do not expect to return to society as we knew it when this is finally over.
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When there have, in the past, been major disruptions to the civic order by disease or other causes, the society that emerged was very different from the previous one. I do not expect to return to society as we knew it when this is finally over.

I have to agree with you though that may not be a bad thing depending on the what it is. I've found that a lot of families and friends are doing what they can to help out each other as much as they are able to. In the absence of a real crisis, humans seem to want to make one out of something that is small in the big scheme of things.
I have to agree with you though that may not be a bad thing depending on the what it is. I've found that a lot of families and friends are doing what they can to help out each other as much as they are able to. In the absence of a real crisis, humans seem to want to make one out of something that is small in the big scheme of things.

It seems to be a major crisis in Italy but I don’t know what will happen in other places. It has certainly exposed the problems with healthcare systems world wide. People who are seriously ill being treated in tents on a soccer field shocks me. I think it will all depend on whether or not we can truly flatten the curve and whether or not we control the virus with medications and/or vaccines. Economically the problems will be enormous and I have zero faith in our government to handle this fairly and efficiently
This was a huge mistake and the trump campaign will absolutely try to turn this around on the Govs and the media. If it was a stock I'd be all in. can sit there in front of your keyboard/Iphone...whatever and say with a straight face that there is no media out to get him? And you're all in with anything anti-trump.
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My favorite Bob the Builder TDS moment was as soon as the buzzer sounded at Mackey after beating IU, he got right back to posting about Trump. Couldn’t even give it the night off.

But I guess that’s what happens when you suffer from such a lethal syndrome.
Just another day in dumb Chicken Pox land. Check out this comment to BSIT from an hour ago on the Left Meltdown thread from the IU troll sock puppet. About women, believe it or not.

“Sounds like someone doesn’t like women in power. Go back to the 1950’s. I know you won’t admit it, maybe I’m wrong in your case. But there are so many males out there that can’t stand it.”

And then he calls at Trish Regan a bimbo? Sounds like Chicken Pox doesn’t like women in power...
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Just another day in dumb Chicken Pox land. Check out this comment to BSIT from an hour ago on the Left Meltdown thread from the IU troll sock puppet. About women, believe it or not.

“Sounds like someone doesn’t like women in power. Go back to the 1950’s. I know you won’t admit it, maybe I’m wrong in your case. But there are so many males out there that can’t stand it.”

And then he calls at Trish Regan a bimbo? Sounds like Chicken Pox doesn’t like women in power...
Sounds to me like CP doesn't like CP very much. Some folks need a pet copperhead.
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Reactions: atlboiler2156 can sit there in front of your keyboard/Iphone...whatever and say with a straight face that there is no media out to get him? And you're all in with anything anti-trump.
There is absolutely media out to get him. But don't comprehend the point that's being made.

I thought this was a nothingburger that was being overplayed by the media? No? Today Trump is talking about quarantining states. Did the media do that?

The media simply showed the live speech of Trump saying the states should be more appreciative of him and the federal government and implying that might help them get more of the things they need if they were. That's not source reporting....thats freakin live reporting.

He's the one saying it. He's the one trashing governors.......including one of a state he needs to carry in November to win.

Was that smart? Can you find any objectivity in your head to say that was an idiotic thing to say? No? That's what Trump is going to do.
He is trying to shift the blame to the media when there is video to show exactly what he said. I think "that woman" will show up in a lot of ads this summer and fall. He woke up and realized he needs Michigan to win but too late.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Maggie Haberman!

It would be extremely difficult to find a White House reporter ACROSS the political spectrum, with more credibility than Maggie Haberman. Other than your comparative nobody, Bryan Dean Wright (your Twitter source)....find a nationally known, credible conservative Oval Office reporter with a negative image of Ms. Haberman.

You might want to consider that Trump voluntarily sat for interviews with the NYT's Haberman, among which were ones on 4/27/18 and on 2/1/19.

Ladies,'s the Prez.
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It would be extremely difficult to find a White House reporter ACROSS the political spectrum, with more credibility than Maggie Haberman. Other than your comparative nobody, Bryan Dean Wright (your Twitter source)....find a nationally known, credible conservative Oval Office reporter with a negative image of Ms. Haberman.
Yep, she's got credible sources everywhere. I think everything she wrote about Mueller and impeachment turned out to be true.

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