The Strategies of Dementia Politics

Victor Davis Hanson is right again. When will the Ds let Joe Biden out of his basement and run a campaign? Speak publicly to more than 2 dozen people? Give a real TV interview? Hold a campaign rally?

I've cared for someone with Dementia for the past 3+ yrs. Hanson's claim that Biden has Dementia is ludicrous. Even though he's older Biden's vocabulary and grasp of geopolitical issues and current events are immeasurably superior to Trump's. In the first 5 min of this presser today, Biden has already demonstrated a greater grasp of issues related to the virus than Trump could ever hope to possess. And probably used at least 20 words that Trump would struggle to even comprehend or define...
Victor Davis Hanson is right again. When will the Ds let Joe Biden out of his basement and run a campaign? Speak publicly to more than 2 dozen people? Give a real TV interview? Hold a campaign rally?
Are you a ghostwriter now?

Is there anybody to convince? Do you seriously believe people are going to switch to Trump NOW?

I guess all you have left to hold onto is Joe's gonna actually look worse than Trump if or when he has to go on the offensive. Right now he's just basking in the glow of the fires Trump continues to start at his own feet.
Victor Davis Hanson is right again. When will the Ds let Joe Biden out of his basement and run a campaign? Speak publicly to more than 2 dozen people? Give a real TV interview? Hold a campaign rally?

It must be hard to know you have backed a loser for this long.

Trump will go down in history as the most inept President in this nations history.

Many, like you, are going to have to come to terms with that.
I've cared for someone with Dementia for the past 3+ yrs. Hanson's claim that Biden has Dementia is ludicrous. Even though he's older Biden's vocabulary and grasp of geopolitical issues and current events are immeasurably superior to Trump's. In the first 5 min of this presser today, Biden has already demonstrated a greater grasp of issues related to the virus than Trump could ever hope to possess. And probably used at least 20 words that Trump would struggle to even comprehend or define...

My mom was diagnosed with dementia late last year, cosmic. I’ve concluded that posts like SD’s are nothing more than hypocritical, last-grasp attempts by shitty people to keep propping up an even shittier person. I’ll never understand it but we aren’t the ones that will have to reconcile it later on.
I've cared for someone with Dementia for the past 3+ yrs. Hanson's claim that Biden has Dementia is ludicrous. Even though he's older Biden's vocabulary and grasp of geopolitical issues and current events are immeasurably superior to Trump's. In the first 5 min of this presser today, Biden has already demonstrated a greater grasp of issues related to the virus than Trump could ever hope to possess. And probably used at least 20 words that Trump would struggle to even comprehend or define...
Do you honestly think Joe wrote his speech or came up with any of the main points in it? He can’t string two coherent sentences together by himself. Joe doesn’t do anything these days that his D handlers haven’t pre-approved.

Joe has repeatedly shown that when he goes off-script, he is a walking gaffe machine. How many videos do you want me to post here of his “greatest hits”? Hint: they don’t want him off the leash.

The 130 million who have died from Covid-19? “You’re full of shit, man” (yelled at auto worker in Detroit). The doozy where he called a young woman in New Hampshire “a dog-faced, lyin’ Pony soldier (or something of that sort)? The time he yelled at an 80ish year old man at the Iowa caucus?
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Do you honestly think Joe wrote his speech or came up with any of the main points in it? He can’t string two coherent sentences together by himself. Joe doesn’t do anything these days that his D handlers haven’t pre-approved.

Joe has repeatedly shown that when he goes off-script, he is a walking gaffe machine. How many videos do you want me to post here of his “greatest hits”? Hint: they don’t want him off the leash.

The 130 million who have died from Covid-19? “You’re full of shit, man” (yelled at auto worker in Detroit). The doozy where he called a young woman in New Hampshire “a dog-faced, lyin’ Pony soldier (or something of that sort)? The time he yelled at an 80ish year old man at the Iowa caucus?

That’s it, SD, just keeeeep grasping.
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My mom was diagnosed with dementia late last year, cosmic. I’ve concluded that posts like SD’s are nothing more than hypocritical, last-grasp attempts by shitty people to keep propping up an even shittier person. I’ll never understand it but we aren’t the ones that will have to reconcile it later on.
You’ll be cryin’ in your beer come November, jagoff.
Are you a ghostwriter now?

Is there anybody to convince? Do you seriously believe people are going to switch to Trump NOW?

I guess all you have left to hold onto is Joe's gonna actually look worse than Trump if or when he has to go on the offensive. Right now he's just basking in the glow of the fires Trump continues to start at his own feet.
Come November, you’ll be on suicide watch, Bob. Your TDS has become terminal.
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I've cared for someone with Dementia for the past 3+ yrs. Hanson's claim that Biden has Dementia is ludicrous. Even though he's older Biden's vocabulary and grasp of geopolitical issues and current events are immeasurably superior to Trump's. In the first 5 min of this presser today, Biden has already demonstrated a greater grasp of issues related to the virus than Trump could ever hope to possess. And probably used at least 20 words that Trump would struggle to even comprehend or define...
Were you smoking reefer while you watched it?
Do you honestly think Joe wrote his speech or came up with any of the main points in it? He can’t string two coherent sentences together by himself. Joe doesn’t do anything these days that his D handlers haven’t pre-approved.

Joe has repeatedly shown that when he goes off-script, he is a walking gaffe machine. How many videos do you want me to post here of his “greatest hits”? Hint: they don’t want him off the leash.

The 130 million who have died from Covid-19? “You’re full of shit, man” (yelled at auto worker in Detroit). The doozy where he called a young woman in New Hampshire “a dog-faced, lyin’ Pony soldier (or something of that sort)? The time he yelled at an 80ish year old man at the Iowa caucus?
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The ironic thing is that by trying to go after Biden over this stuff, Republicans may actually lose the 60+ vote for the first time in quite some time.

Making fun of people for gaffes, which everyone has, doesn't really make you look good. Ironically, Republicans also attacked Obama for being a smooth talker.

I guess their preferred candidate is the personality of a 13 year old who just hit puberty who describes themselves as a stable genius, and knows the most about national security than anyone on this planet.
The ironic thing is that by trying to go after Biden over this stuff, Republicans may actually lose the 60+ vote for the first time in quite some time.

Making fun of people for gaffes, which everyone has, doesn't really make you look good. Ironically, Republicans also attacked Obama for being a smooth talker.

I guess their preferred candidate is the personality of a 13 year old who just hit puberty who describes themselves as a stable genius, and knows the most about national security than anyone on this planet.
It's one thing to be a gaffe machine, and it's entirely another when Biden seems mentally infirm. It's obvious he's losing his mental faculties.

The 60+ voters don't want a President who can't function in office. The Ds are setting this up such that the VP pick is really who they want to be President. The VP pick will be much more liberal than Biden, and Biden is pretty liberal himself.
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Do you honestly think Joe wrote his speech or came up with any of the main points in it? He can’t string two coherent sentences together by himself. Joe doesn’t do anything these days that his D handlers haven’t pre-approved.

Joe has repeatedly shown that when he goes off-script, he is a walking gaffe machine. How many videos do you want me to post here of his “greatest hits”? Hint: they don’t want him off the leash.

The 130 million who have died from Covid-19? “You’re full of shit, man” (yelled at auto worker in Detroit). The doozy where he called a young woman in New Hampshire “a dog-faced, lyin’ Pony soldier (or something of that sort)? The time he yelled at an 80ish year old man at the Iowa caucus?
Relax "you ain't black". TIC
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Do you honestly think Joe wrote his speech or came up with any of the main points in it? He can’t string two coherent sentences together by himself. Joe doesn’t do anything these days that his D handlers haven’t pre-approved.

Joe has repeatedly shown that when he goes off-script, he is a walking gaffe machine. How many videos do you want me to post here of his “greatest hits”? Hint: they don’t want him off the leash.

The 130 million who have died from Covid-19? “You’re full of shit, man” (yelled at auto worker in Detroit). The doozy where he called a young woman in New Hampshire “a dog-faced, lyin’ Pony soldier (or something of that sort)? The time he yelled at an 80ish year old man at the Iowa caucus?

The video includes numerous questions including a gotcha attempt from FOX where they ask a ridiculous question about has he had a cognitive function test. In response,Biden says he is looking forward to matching wits with Trump...

The examples you gave are from the campaign, and Biden didn't win either NH or Iowa. The exchange with the "autoworker" worked to his benefit, as he won the MI primary by 230,000 votes more than voted for Clinton and Bernie combined in 2016.

Btw, this is Trump talking like a moron in front of actual supporters. Who do you think wrote this madness?

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Those "journalists" sure provided him with challenging questions!

Actually he said he was supposed to call on the hometown Wilmington guy, so as not to ignore the local folks by only calling on the National Press.

And speaking of not only softball questions but also meandering discombobulated responses, we have Donnie with his man-crush Sean...

The video includes numerous questions including a gotcha attempt from FOX where they ask a ridiculous question about has he had a cognitive function test. In response,Biden says he is looking forward to matching wits with Trump...

The examples you gave are from the campaign, and Biden didn't win either NH or Iowa. The exchange with the "autoworker" worked to his benefit, as he won the MI primary by 230,000 votes more than voted for Clinton and Bernie combined in 2016.

Btw, this is Trump talking like a moron in front of actual supporters. Who do you think wrote this madness?

Let’s not also forget that in the last couple of weeks, either Donnie or one of his cronies has had to point out that he can a) walk, b) drink water from a cup with one hand, and c) read.

But it’s Biden we should all be worried about.
I've cared for someone with Dementia for the past 3+ yrs. Hanson's claim that Biden has Dementia is ludicrous. Even though he's older Biden's vocabulary and grasp of geopolitical issues and current events are immeasurably superior to Trump's. In the first 5 min of this presser today, Biden has already demonstrated a greater grasp of issues related to the virus than Trump could ever hope to possess. And probably used at least 20 words that Trump would struggle to even comprehend or define...
This is hilariously stupid and baseless, but carry on. I love the entertainment.
This is hilariously stupid and baseless, but carry on. I love the entertainment.

Were you talking about this claim from Kayleigh? If so I agree.

I'll say this for her, once we send her boss packing in Nov she definitely has a future in comedy. This reminds me of the time Trump made a claim about his "accomplishments" while addressing the UN and the world leaders couldn't even pretend not to laugh. So for Kayleigh to be able to say this nonsense in all seriousness and not even crack a smile is actually a pretty remarkable example of lying thru your teeth while being able to maintain a straight face... Don't think I could manage it...

"Most informed"- my ass...

There was an incident last Aug where a Colombian journalist asked Trump a question about FARC guerillas threatening to rearm. All Trump got out of the question was "Colombia", despite the fact that it was a subject covered in that day's PDB. Trump didn't even know what FARC was, and instead of addressing the issue made some incoherent reference to Venezuela.

Q On Colombia, how do you feel about former FARC leader calling to return — for return to war?

THE PRESIDENT: Colombia, you said?

Q Yeah, on Colombia. Former leader of FARC.

THE PRESIDENT: You’re talking about the country of Colombia?

Q Yeah, the country of Colombia. The —

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah. No, we have a great relationship. And they’re not doing badly. They have a problem because of Venezuela. A lot of people are pouring in. But Colombia — we’ve had a great relationship with Colombia.
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Were you talking about this claim from Kayleigh? If so I agree.

I'll say this for her, once we send her boss packing in Nov she definitely has a future in comedy. This reminds me of the time Trump made a claim about his "accomplishments" while addressing the UN and the world leaders couldn't even pretend not to laugh. So for Kayleigh to be able to say this nonsense in all seriousness and not even crack a smile is actually a pretty remarkable example of lying thru your teeth while being able to maintain a straight face... Don't think I could manage it...

We had Baghdad Bob. Now we have Keystone Kayleigh or “Pinocchio Barbie”
Were you talking about this claim from Kayleigh? If so I agree.

I'll say this for her, once we send her boss packing in Nov she definitely has a future in comedy. This reminds me of the time Trump made a claim about his "accomplishments" while addressing the UN and the world leaders couldn't even pretend not to laugh. So for Kayleigh to be able to say this nonsense in all seriousness and not even crack a smile is actually a pretty remarkable example of lying thru your teeth while being able to maintain a straight face... Don't think I could manage it...

"Most informed"- my ass...

There was an incident last Aug where a Colombian journalist asked Trump a question about FARC guerillas threatening to rearm. All Trump got out of the question was "Colombia", despite the fact that it was a subject covered in that day's PDB. Trump didn't even know what FARC was, and instead of addressing the issue made some incoherent reference to Venezuela.

She also dead ass told Chris Cuomo last night that Trump has never lied to the American public.
Shhh. Out of the two vegetables, I prefer we have the guy on the nukes that isn’t a sociopathic narcissist.
Sorry man, "but that dog don't hunt." Exactly what war Trump has gotten the US into? He finished ISIS off and has largely pulled the US out of Syria. He's trying to get the US out of Afghanistan. If anyone is more likely to start another war, it'd be someone like Sleepy Joe.
Sounds like someone needs to tell this dimwit that you wear a mask over your mouth and nose and not your eyes !

Were you talking about this claim from Kayleigh? If so I agree.

I'll say this for her, once we send her boss packing in Nov she definitely has a future in comedy. This reminds me of the time Trump made a claim about his "accomplishments" while addressing the UN and the world leaders couldn't even pretend not to laugh. So for Kayleigh to be able to say this nonsense in all seriousness and not even crack a smile is actually a pretty remarkable example of lying thru your teeth while being able to maintain a straight face... Don't think I could manage it...

"Most informed"- my ass...

There was an incident last Aug where a Colombian journalist asked Trump a question about FARC guerillas threatening to rearm. All Trump got out of the question was "Colombia", despite the fact that it was a subject covered in that day's PDB. Trump didn't even know what FARC was, and instead of addressing the issue made some incoherent reference to Venezuela.

Q On Colombia, how do you feel about former FARC leader calling to return — for return to war?

THE PRESIDENT: Colombia, you said?

Q Yeah, on Colombia. Former leader of FARC.

THE PRESIDENT: You’re talking about the country of Colombia?

Q Yeah, the country of Colombia. The —

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah. No, we have a great relationship. And they’re not doing badly. They have a problem because of Venezuela. A lot of people are pouring in. But Colombia — we’ve had a great relationship with Colombia.
No, I am talking about TDS. I enjoy the meltdowns
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Trump is narcissistic. There's no denying that. He can be rude and crude at times, too.

That said, I'd still vote for him over a so-called "moderate Democrat" who is pandering to the far-left elements of the D party (the Progressives and Democratic Socialists) in order to win the nomination and get the votes he needs to turn out. The left is not exactly enamored with him. He has a much larger enthusiasm gap than Trump even though he supposedly leads by double digits in some polls.
Trump is narcissistic. There's no denying that. He can be rude and crude at times, too.

That said, I'd still vote for him over a so-called "moderate Democrat" who is pandering to the far-left elements of the D party (the Progressives and Democratic Socialists) in order to win the nomination and get the votes he needs to turn out. The left is not exactly enamored with him. He has a much larger enthusiasm gap than Trump even though he supposedly leads by double digits in some polls.

We get it, SD. Trump could mow your entire family down and you’d still vote for him because sleepy joe and you don’t wanna catch the dreaded TDS. Terrible people support other terrible people. You don’t need to keep reminding us that you’re a piece of garbage.
We get it, SD. Trump could mow your entire family down and you’d still vote for him because sleepy joe and you don’t wanna catch the dreaded TDS. Terrible people support other terrible people. You don’t need to keep reminding us that you’re a piece of garbage.
Eff off, you twat. You're just a liberal, brainwashed hater. If you ever saw me face-to-face you wouldn't call me that.
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