The pending Biden investigation

Of course he was using the payment as leverage to force the Ukrainian prosecutor that was virtually universally seen to be corrupt and inefficient. That was the policy of the administration and most western countries who were providing support to Ukraine.
But that's not what Fox News says, so good luck convincing some people.
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It's been looked into and there was already determined to be no evidence. So even if they look into it and find new evidence, it's fruit of the forbidden tree because of how Trump levered the government to make the new investigation happen. Trump is not acting in the best interest of the country here - he is attempting to undermine a political opponent.

I don't watch MSNBC. I alternate between CNN and Fox so that I hear both sides of the story, and I know that I find one of them far more plausible and less naive than the other in this regard. (Hint: you are spewing Fox News talking points, which I find incredibly hollow when I hear them the first time).

You'll also note that I've stayed out of a lot of the Mueller investigation stuff and other things attempting to say the President did illegal things. Now, I'm weighing in on this one. There's a reason for that.

Speaking of Fox....and not to derail the topic here.....but did anyone see how TUcker last night slammed Shep Smith (Shep Smith of the SAME NETWORK) for laying out facts? While the infighting is delicious, it just goes to show what a horrible person Tucker is. Tucker isn't dumb, though.....he knows his fans are a bunch of useful idiots who will repeat everything he said like gospel.
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Biden's son got a $50K a month job sitting on the board of a Ukrainian gas company that was led by a former Ukraine govt official.
Hunter Biden had no experience, knowledge, etc in the natural resources or that industry (yet, it was worth $600K a year for the company to pay him for this lack of knowledge).
This appointment of the son of the VP of the US looked shady to the Ukraine govt, therefore a prosecutor was assigned to look into it. When Joe Biden got knowledge of this investigation, that's when he stepped in (as he clearly implicates himself in the video) and held a $1B payment to the Ukrainian govt as ransom unless that prosecutor were fired and that investigation were made to go away.

THAT"S what DJT was suggesting the the Pres of Ukraine look into. The fact that Biden, as VP, inserted himself into their legal and political process to influence an investigation that involved his son.
DJT is not asking for the Ukrainian govt to look into Biden now (although, didn't Obama OK the spying on of his political rivals a few years ago?)

This is false. First, the Ukrainian government was looking into Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of the company, not Hunter. Mykola Zlochevsky, was an ally of the previous president (who was very pro-Russia and is now exiled there) so there were questions about his connection to that previous administration's corruption.

Second, from multiple sources, the investigation into Burisma Holdings was being shelved long before Biden ever made his threat.

Third, Obama never authorized spying on McCain or Romney (or Mitch McConnel for that matter, who would be considered his political rivals). If you are referring to the wiretapping of certain people inside the Trump Tower, Obama also didn't authorize that either. He was informed of the investigation, but at no time did he initiate the investigation. If he had that kind of power, you would think that he would have terminated the investigation into Hillary's emails. Obama chose to not politicize either investigation and relatively remained silent about them. The right wing media likes to portray Obama as being complicit in the investigations by not talking about the investigation, but can you image the blowback that would have occurred if Obama had talked about the investigation and Trump lost the election? We would have been hearing 24/7 how Obama used his power as president to illegally influence the election. He was in a no-win scenario and opted for the one where it at least looked like he was impartial.

Again, if you want to argue that Hunter was not qualified for the job, I will agree with you. If you want to argue that Hunter was hired so that there would be potential benefits that could be arranged through Joe Biden's political position, I will say that it is extremely plausible and worthy of investigation. But to say that Joe Biden wanted the prosecutor fired because he was investigating his son, there just isn't enough evidence there to support the accusation.
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Actually, a story about a hiring influenced by connections is NOT SORT OF LIKE an accusation of rape.

Did the 10,000+ alter boys raped by priests in the last 40+ yrs. CONVENIENTLY come forward upon the initial disclosures by various law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies to help with the search for justice ?
Or did you find those boys believable ??

Or the boys at Penn State? Or perhaps you believe males and not females?
Speaking of Fox....and not to derail the topic here.....but did anyone see how TUcker last night slammed Shep Smith (Shep Smith of the SAME NETWORK) for laying out facts? While the infighting is delicious, it just goes to show what a horrible person Tucker is. Tucker isn't dumb, though.....he knows his fans are a bunch of useful idiots who will repeat everything he said like gospel.
Smith is a loose cannon. He's MSNBC material.
Speaking of Fox....and not to derail the topic here.....but did anyone see how TUcker last night slammed Shep Smith (Shep Smith of the SAME NETWORK) for laying out facts? While the infighting is delicious, it just goes to show what a horrible person Tucker is. Tucker isn't dumb, though.....he knows his fans are a bunch of useful idiots who will repeat everything he said like gospel.
Smith is a loose cannon. He's MSNBC material.

No. Smith is a reporter who fact checks his colleagues. Instead of you denigrating him because Tucker says to, maybe listen to him. He’s maybe the one person on that network who makes attempts to set the record straight.
Speaking of Fox....and not to derail the topic here.....but did anyone see how TUcker last night slammed Shep Smith (Shep Smith of the SAME NETWORK) for laying out facts? While the infighting is delicious, it just goes to show what a horrible person Tucker is. Tucker isn't dumb, though.....he knows his fans are a bunch of useful idiots who will repeat everything he said like gospel.
Smith is a loose cannon. He's MSNBC material.

Also loose cannon. Jfc. Goddamn dude you are just amazing.
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No. Smith is a reporter who fact checks his colleagues. Instead of you denigrating him because Tucker says to, maybe listen to him. He’s maybe the one person on that network who makes attempts to set the record straight.
I listen to Shep as much as said, he should be on MSNBC, or better...CNN.
No. Smith is a reporter who fact checks his colleagues. Instead of you denigrating him because Tucker says to, maybe listen to him. He’s maybe the one person on that network who makes attempts to set the record straight.
I listen to Shep as much as said, he should be on MSNBC, or better...CNN.

He probably should. I’m sure Fox hates having someone there who actually presents facts to their viewers.
Of course he was using the payment as leverage to force the Ukrainian prosecutor that was virtually universally seen to be corrupt and inefficient. That was the policy of the administration and most western countries who were providing support to Ukraine.
Even though the Ukraine Pres stated as fact that was never done.....And even though the Ukraine Pres ran on cleaning up the corruption in the Ukraine governemt. Even though, the Ukraine Pres has spoken before about Bo Biden and his daddy.

Like a sparkler on the 4th this will go out quickly but not before burning Biden and Schiff. And Pelosi.
I find it interesting that the Trump supporters feel some deep seated need to end their posts........the ones that don't seem to have much content.......with a proclamation about the results of the 2020 election and the ensuing destruction of various Dem leaders. Somebody with experience in psychology needs to explain it to me.
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I find it interesting that the Trump supporters feel some deep seated need to end their posts........the ones that don't seem to have much content.......with a proclamation about the results of the 2020 election and the ensuing destruction of various Dem leaders. Somebody with experience in psychology needs to explain it to me.
And while they’re at it maybe they can check out your extreme case of TDS - a malady that just won’t seem to go away.
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I find it interesting that the Trump supporters feel some deep seated need to end their posts........the ones that don't seem to have much content.......with a proclamation about the results of the 2020 election and the ensuing destruction of various Dem leaders. Somebody with experience in psychology needs to explain it to me.

Because these dem leaders have been on a 3 year mudslinging witch hunt, fishing expedition and have no shame trotting out anyone willing to make an accusation. We want to see them pay politically and professionally for their personal vendettas against Trump, because their time and our tax dollars should be spent on improving the country.
I find it interesting that the Trump supporters feel some deep seated need to end their posts........the ones that don't seem to have much content.......with a proclamation about the results of the 2020 election and the ensuing destruction of various Dem leaders. Somebody with experience in psychology needs to explain it to me.

Because these dem leaders have been on a 3 year mudslinging witch hunt, fishing expedition and have no shame trotting out anyone willing to make an accusation. We want to see them pay politically and professionally for their personal vendettas against Trump, because their time and our tax dollars should be spent on improving the country.

I’d like trump to quit spending my money on all of his golf outings. I was this old when he said he would be way too busy to golf yet he golfs all the time.
Because these dem leaders have been on a 3 year mudslinging witch hunt, fishing expedition and have no shame trotting out anyone willing to make an accusation. We want to see them pay politically and professionally for their personal vendettas against Trump, because their time and our tax dollars should be spent on improving the country.
Were you dead during the Obama years? Talk about mudslinging and no shame. My goodness man, the right are professionals while Democrats are in the junior league at that.
Because these dem leaders have been on a 3 year mudslinging witch hunt, fishing expedition and have no shame trotting out anyone willing to make an accusation
It would be dereliction of their duties if they did not investigate this. This wasn't something that they drummed up , it was initiated by someone working for the President.
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This article paints a good picture:
According to article Trump's golfing has cost taxpayers $102 million, just $12.7 million behind Obama's travel during his entire presidency. If he wants to exercise why not use the fantastic facilities in the White House?
Again, newsweek borrowed their figures from the Huffington Post....which failed to mention that he golfed on his own resorts most of the time...and which included his first official visit to the UK where he met with the Queen/Royal Family and the PM. He also hosted Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo at another of his resorts during Shinzo's official visit to the US. What you failed to point out is that Trump has raised the standard of living for all of us, he's made us feel safer, he's fixing the military where Obama decimated it, he's fixing the Veteran's Hospitals which Obama let fall apart, he's given the vet's better health care, and the wall is being built. He needs the Mexico/Canada/US agreement signed, he wants an infrastructure bill, he wants health care done just to mention two of which the Dem's are too busy playing silly games to help pass it. I personally don't care if he plays golf seven days a week because....guess's not that important. He may have played a bunch, but I really don't care because much if it has been with other dignataries. Ike played 800 rounds.
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I’d like trump to quit spending my money on all of his golf outings. I was this old when he said he would be way too busy to golf yet he golfs all the time.
He owns the friggin' courses. I golf three to four times a week and I don't own a course. Good for him, getting exercise and not sitting on the couch.

Putting your fat ass in a cart and swinging a club isn’t exercise. I don’t care that he golfs but he goes a helluva lot and all he did was rag Obama. And spare me the he owns the courses. All of the security etc costs a fortune. I’m just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy since he made such a big deal out of it when Obama was in office. I’m sure you forgot that though.
This article paints a good picture:
According to article Trump's golfing has cost taxpayers $102 million, just $12.7 million behind Obama's travel during his entire presidency. If he wants to exercise why not use the fantastic facilities in the White House?
Again, newsweek borrowed their figures from the Huffington Post....which failed to mention that he golfed on his own resorts most of the time...and which included his first official visit to the UK where he met with the Queen/Royal Family and the PM. He also hosted Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo at another of his resorts during Shinzo's official visit to the US. What you failed to point out is that Trump has raised the standard of living for all of us, he's made us feel safer, he's fixing the military where Obama decimated it, he's fixing the Veteran's Hospitals which Obama let fall apart, he's given the vet's better health care, and the wall is being built. He needs the Mexico/Canada/US agreement signed, he wants an infrastructure bill, he wants health care done just to mention two of which the Dem's are too busy playing silly games to help pass it. I personally don't care if he plays golf seven days a week because....guess's not that important. He may have played a bunch, but I really don't care because much if it has been with other dignataries. Ike played 800 rounds.

The mental gymnastics you go through to defend him are gold-medal worthy.
This article paints a good picture:
According to article Trump's golfing has cost taxpayers $102 million, just $12.7 million behind Obama's travel during his entire presidency. If he wants to exercise why not use the fantastic facilities in the White House?
He’s spends 1/3 of his days as President at one of his properties because it puts money in his own pocket. He’s been a grifter his entire career, why would he stop being corrupt just because he’s President? Congressional Republicans sure won’t make him stop.
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Lankford: "Didn't read it."

Hoeven: "Didn't read it."

Braun: "Didn't read it."

Alexander: "Didn't read it."

Portman: "Didn't read it."

Cotton: "No comment."

Blunt: "Ask me later."

Rubio: "(nonanswer)"

Risch: "Nothing there"

Rounds: "(nonanswer)"

Ernst: "Didn't read it."

That Senate Republicans don’t have any answers at this point screams that they know how bad this is. That they'd rather pretend they don’t know about it rather than their normal parade of lies means they know they’re not getting out of this one.
A grifter? Do you even know the meaning of that word?
Well, grifting tends to be considered small scale dwindling of people out of money. Trump has been involved in pretty hefty corruption, maybe grifting isn’t the perfect description.
I’d like trump to quit spending my money on all of his golf outings. I was this old when he said he would be way too busy to golf yet he golfs all the time.

You've obviously never seen what Obama used to spend on his trips to Hawaii and other places with his family and entourage.
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This article paints a good picture:
According to article Trump's golfing has cost taxpayers $102 million, just $12.7 million behind Obama's travel during his entire presidency. If he wants to exercise why not use the fantastic facilities in the White House?

Don't worry....after this Ukraine thing blows over, the next Dem investigation will be around Trumps golf outing and whether he used a foot wedge one time (which undoubtedly, they'll try to impeach him for).
You've obviously never seen what Obama used to spend on his trips to Hawaii and other places with his family and entourage.

Oh, he's seen it....he's just silent about it.
Now there's a really good argument... why have I never seen anything about that? Oh, wait, maybe I have, let me seeeee...
Oh yes, there was this from last May...
C'mon...that's just too easy!!! You guys are struggling with trying to find a lifeline to go to that nonsense.
EDIT- it included wife, kids and mother-in-law, btw
Don't forget all the vacations Michelle and the girls took on AF One. Which always included taking her mother at taxpayer expense.
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You've obviously never seen what Obama used to spend on his trips to Hawaii and other places with his family and entourage.
Don't forget all the vacations Michelle and the girls took on AF One. Which always included taking her mother at taxpayer expense.

I truly don’t care about the vacations that Obama took and I don’t care about the ones Trump takes. What i am free to do is call out the hypocrisy exhibited by Trump because all he did was rag on Obama and he’s doubling up anything Obama did. That’s what is being called out. If he kept his fat greasy fingers off of his phone and never said anything, no one would care that he goes golfing every other day.
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The replies from the lefties here don’t surprise me.
Of course you're going to believe that Biden has no influence on his son getting a high paid position that he’s unqualified for with a company connected to a foreign govt.

A few things-
-One is either a protected family/person in American politics, or you are not. At this point, it is really obvious even to the posters you are arguing with that Trump was not invited to that party. The best part is, not only does he not care, he antagonizes the hell out of the protected.

-People like Hunter Biden get jobs all the time due to name. The issue is not Hunter and the job per se. Right, wrong, indifferent-it is what it is.

The issue is the company he was on the board at, was under investigation, and his dad who was sitting VP at the time, said fire the prosecutor or Ukraine will not get the US money. He has bragged about in on tape. The fired prosecutor under oath said this is what occurred. Biden did this, he did more with China and his son while he was VP, nobody cares. Trump allegedly asked for an investigation, and all hell breaks loose.
It's been looked into and there was already determined to be no evidence. So even if they look into it and find new evidence, it's fruit of the forbidden tree because of how Trump levered the government to make the new investigation happen. Trump is not acting in the best interest of the country here - he is attempting to undermine a political opponent.

I don't watch MSNBC. I alternate between CNN and Fox so that I hear both sides of the story, and I know that I find one of them far more plausible and less naive than the other in this regard. (Hint: you are spewing Fox News talking points, which I find incredibly hollow when I hear them the first time).

You'll also note that I've stayed out of a lot of the Mueller investigation stuff and other things attempting to say the President did illegal things. Now, I'm weighing in on this one. There's a reason for that.

Lot of questions. I do not care much that HB had a job there. I understand that goes on all the time. The VP being involved is poor form. Biden, while VP, also met with China right around the time his son was trying to start up investment banking there. Think what you would like about Trump, time will tell. But this should do Biden in-that is if one is really concerned about abuse of power, leveraging US Govt for favors, etc.
Biden won't be investigated because Biden did what they all do.

These folks don't work for us. I don't know how many more exampls it will take.

This one is as blatant as is gets.
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Biden won't be investigated because Biden did what they all do.

These folks don't work for us. I don't know how many more exampls it will take.

This one is as blatant as is gets.
Shoulda had secret courts get a warrant and then get a special prosecutor assigned
A few things-
-One is either a protected family/person in American politics, or you are not. At this point, it is really obvious even to the posters you are arguing with that Trump was not invited to that party. The best part is, not only does he not care, he antagonizes the hell out of the protected.

the winner of a rigged election(2016) is part of a plan.

the antagonizing is part of a made-for-tv show distraction.
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A few things-
-One is either a protected family/person in American politics, or you are not. At this point, it is really obvious even to the posters you are arguing with that Trump was not invited to that party. The best part is, not only does he not care, he antagonizes the hell out of the protected.

-People like Hunter Biden get jobs all the time due to name. The issue is not Hunter and the job per se. Right, wrong, indifferent-it is what it is.

The issue is the company he was on the board at, was under investigation, and his dad who was sitting VP at the time, said fire the prosecutor or Ukraine will not get the US money. He has bragged about in on tape. The fired prosecutor under oath said this is what occurred. Biden did this, he did more with China and his son while he was VP, nobody cares. Trump allegedly asked for an investigation, and all hell breaks loose.
Why has it become so important to Trump to suddenly want to root out corruption in Ukraine? Don’t you think there’s a nexus with the fact the Biden might be his opponent in 2020. Even a pre-school kid could figure out what’s going on and its not Trump’s love of Ukraine’s independence as while his fiddling around with the funds congress authorized for their defense from Russia whom by the way has cost the Ukrainians over 12,000 lives so far. The greater crime is how many more Ukrainians were killed as a result of Trump’s vengeance against Biden and it’s rightfully being looked into by congress.

BTW how many of Trump’s cabinet members and spouses, and Trump’s kids are on the board of directors for companies that they have no expertise other than having a link to the White House.
Why has it become so important to Trump to suddenly want to root out corruption in Ukraine? Don’t you think there’s a nexus with the fact the Biden might be his opponent in 2020. Even a pre-school kid could figure out what’s going on and its not Trump’s love of Ukraine’s independence as while his fiddling around with the funds congress authorized for their defense from Russia whom by the way has cost the Ukrainians over 12,000 lives so far. The greater crime is how many more Ukrainians were killed as a result of Trump’s vengeance against Biden and it’s rightfully being looked into by congress.

BTW how many of Trump’s cabinet members and spouses, and Trump’s kids are on the board of directors for companies that they have no expertise other than having a link to the White House.
Trump isn't wanting to root out corruption in the Ukraine, he's wanting to root it out of Washington, D.C.

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