Someone explain this to me.....

According to you, if someone is against sending more aid to the Ukraine then they are for Russia. Right!
Yep, that’s part of it. When Obama was president, right wingers and Faux News made many references that they favored Putin over Obama. They compared Putin shirtless riding a horse to Obama wearing mom jeans.
Yep, that’s part of it. When Obama was president, right wingers and Faux News made many references that they favored Putin over Obama. They compared Putin shirtless riding a horse to Obama wearing mom jeans.
I’m against sending more money and weapons to the Ukraine. I’m not for Russia either. Maybe call it fiscal responsibility.
I’ll answer that after you respond to the question I’ve asked you twice. Again is this Trump trial a legitimate and fair trial?
I don't remember you asking me the question but hell yeah, the Chump trial is legitimate! What are you talking about? You can't pay off porn stars, tell election officials to "find" 11,000. votes, incite insurrections. Some people either have been in jail, are currently in jail, or fixin' to go to jail for the crimes that Chump is accused of and is currently on trial for. Some of these folks have pleaded guilty. If you believe otherwise, then you are a Flav-Or-Aid drinker like the rest of them.