Nothing new...

So, you're saying the SOS doesn't have power? I'll support the POTUS until proven guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.
I agree. That phone call to Ukraine new leader was not high crime. I think any employee who leaks President phone calls is wrong. If it was something really bad like war, murder, I understand. Whoever the person was heard the name Biden mentioned and thinks that is not right. 40 million later, can you imagine the amount dirt that was tried to be dug up on Trump and the phone calls that were made.
So, you're saying the SOS doesn't have power? I'll support the POTUS until proven guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.
I agree. That phone call to Ukraine new leader was not high crime. I think any employee who leaks President phone calls is wrong. If it was something really bad like war, murder, I understand. Whoever the person was heard the name Biden mentioned and thinks that is not right. 40 million later, can you imagine the amount dirt that was tried to be dug up on Trump and the phone calls that were made.

Except for it being illegal to ask a foreign leader to investigate a presidential candidate, you’re spot on here man. And by spot on I mean wtf.
This whole thing is disheartening to me in a way wholely apart from the actual Trump side of it. I am saddened, although not terribly surprised, to see the inability of so many of his supporters to view the need to determine what actually happened. Whether they ultimately accept that whatever actions the President engaged in were susceptible to impeachment isn't what concerns me, but that there is such a refusal to recognize that what occurred should be determined in an open forum.
When Clinton was impeached, I was unhappy - unhappy with him, unhappy with what occurred, unhappy with his reaction, unhappy about much, but I never though it was unimportant to determine what happened, nor unhappy that there was an impeachment (not for the sex part but for the perjury side) even though I never arrived at the conclusion that the overall situation rose to the level that removal was appropriate.
I find it very disturbing that people on here with whom I regularly disagree, but whom I have generally felt were rational for the most part, and supportive of our country (which includes its government and mechanisms), and are generally good people with differing views from mine, are so susceptible to the proposition of "kill the messenger. Long live the sovereign..."
Investigate, sure. But start an impeachment inquiry BEFORE Trump even supplies the transcript? WTF is that? It’s obvious to anyone paying attention what’s really going on here. The collusion narrative died a unceremonious death, so the Ds latched onto a new narrative - “because, uh, ya know, we don’t like Trump and uh, we need to take him down.”
Let's be honest about this. The only reason that they released the phone transcript and WB report was because they did announce the impeachment inquiry. That phone transcript or report would have never seen the light of day without the inquiry.
Alternate theory: Pelosi got her hands on the WB report on Monday and believed she had a smoking gun. I said in a previous post somewhere that Pelosi had to know more than what everybody else knew because she had been fighting against her party for impeachment for so long, it seemed odd that she suddenly flipped sides.
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Let's be honest about this. The only reason that they released the phone transcript and WB report was because they did announce the impeachment inquiry. That phone transcript or report would have never seen the light of day without the inquiry.
Nothing like putting the cart before the horse.
Alternate theory: Pelosi got her hands on the WB report on Monday and believed she had a smoking gun. I said in a previous post somewhere that Pelosi had to know more than what everybody else knew because she had been fighting against her party for impeachment for so long, it seemed odd that she suddenly flipped sides.
No, she just found something new to latch onto and she was tired of dealing with the hardcore Progressive whackjobs in her caucus. It took the heat off of her.
Investigate, sure. But start an impeachment inquiry BEFORE Trump even supplies the transcript? WTF is that? It’s obvious to anyone paying attention what’s really going on here. The collusion narrative died a unceremonious death, so the Ds latched onto a new narrative - “because, uh, ya know, we don’t like Trump and uh, we need to take him down.”
So why is his personal lawyer, acting on orders from the State Dept.....according to Rudy, running around having meetings with Ukraine officials? Trying to push an investigation into Biden? This is Trump's new fixer taking meetings with foreign leaders. He has NO position within this government. What was he doing?

Now, if you say it's because of corruption, would he be doing this if Biden was not running for president? Huh?

If you say Rudy would still be doing it, that means Trump's guy is traveling to Ukraine to meet officials and investigation........all because Trump was worried about giving aid to Ukraine because it might be corrupt. Bullshit.

If Trump wants to investigate Biden, do an official one, not one behind closed doors by his lawyer. Lol. This should be handled by our goverment. Lol. How can you defend this?
No, she just found something new to latch onto and she was tired of dealing with the hardcore Progressive whackjobs in her caucus. It took the heat off of her.

Pelosi is far more concerned with the moderates who gave her the gavel back. The op-ed by the moderate freshmen is what helped push this along.

That, and the fact that this is impeachable.
Investigate, sure. But start an impeachment inquiry BEFORE Trump even supplies the transcript? WTF is that? It’s obvious to anyone paying attention what’s really going on here. The collusion narrative died a unceremonious death, so the Ds latched onto a new narrative - “because, uh, ya know, we don’t like Trump and uh, we need to take him down.”
The problem with investigating sans impeachment investigation is that the Administration has actively stonewalled all attempts. They've made their bed as a result and the Dems recognize that the Courts are going to give them far more ability to pursue information in an impeachment arena because of the ruling in US v Nixon. All of the Repubs talk of Dems overplaying their hand when, in fact, one looks at how things are actually unfolding it is the Administration's penchant for hardball "F- you and whatta ya gonna do about it?" approach to everything that is proving to be far overplayed.
So why is his personal lawyer, acting on orders from the State Dept.....according to Rudy, running around having meetings with Ukraine officials? Trying to push an investigation into Biden? This is Trump's new fixer taking meetings with foreign leaders. He has NO position within this government. What was he doing?

Now, if you say it's because of corruption, would he be doing this if Biden was not running for president? Huh?

If you say Rudy would still be doing it, that means Trump's guy is traveling to Ukraine to meet officials and investigation........all because Trump was worried about giving aid to Ukraine because it might be corrupt. Bullshit.

If Trump wants to investigate Biden, do an official one, not one behind closed doors by his lawyer. Lol. This should be handled by our goverment. Lol. How can you defend this?
This is asinine. Giuliani works for Trump, therefore he works for the President, who is the head of the Executive Branch of, gulp, the US government.
The problem with investigating sans impeachment investigation is that the Administration has actively stonewalled all attempts. They've made their bed as a result and the Dems recognize that the Courts are going to give them far more ability to pursue information in an impeachment arena because of the ruling in US v Nixon. All of the Repubs talk of Dems overplaying their hand when, in fact, one looks at how things are actually unfolding it is the Administration's penchant for hardball "F- you and whatta ya gonna do about it?" approach to everything that is proving to be far overplayed.
So Eric Holder didn’t ignore subpoenas from Congress about his gun-running operation with Mexico? Trump has pushed back, so did the Obama Administration, so did their predecessors.
So why is his personal lawyer, acting on orders from the State Dept.....according to Rudy, running around having meetings with Ukraine officials? Trying to push an investigation into Biden? This is Trump's new fixer taking meetings with foreign leaders. He has NO position within this government. What was he doing?

Now, if you say it's because of corruption, would he be doing this if Biden was not running for president? Huh?

If you say Rudy would still be doing it, that means Trump's guy is traveling to Ukraine to meet officials and investigation........all because Trump was worried about giving aid to Ukraine because it might be corrupt. Bullshit.

If Trump wants to investigate Biden, do an official one, not one behind closed doors by his lawyer. Lol. This should be handled by our goverment. Lol. How can you defend this?
My guess the State Dept. can ask anyone it wants to help them. Simple answer. Would you turn them down if they requested your service?
I'm not talking about Eric Holder. Nor does anything about him or any other part of the Obama administration have anything to do with my posted message which you quoted.
Nice deflection. The way you phrased your earlier comment, you try to make it look like the Trump Administration is the only one to stonewall/ignore Congressional investigations. You know that’s just not true.
This is asinine. Giuliani works for Trump, therefore he works for the President, who is the head of the Executive Branch of, gulp, the US government.
As you are fond of saying, you can't be this stupid.
Rudy is the lawyer for Trump, not for the president. The lawyer(s) for the president represent the office, Rudy represents Trump the individual. Very different things. We saw it in the Mueller investigation.

When Rudy the personal Trump lawyer investigates "corruption" in Ukraine, he is investigating the linchpin to Trump's reason for withholding Aid. That's government Aid, he needs to be done by a government entity. Supposedly two governments are working together to combat corruption...... But Rudy is in the government employee. We don't even know if he has a security clearance. He has no official title. Is he being paid by the government, we don't know.

But when Rudy the Trump personal lawyer starts investigating Biden, who is the potential opponent in the next election, he is working for Donald J Trump, not the president. It's convenient that investigating Biden and Ukraine corruption is the same thing, because it allows Rudy to work both sides of the aisle.

Rudy can't do government work for Donald J Trump and cloak it in government work which is tied to the aid. Rudy can't work for President Trump cuz he's not a member of the government.

And I'll ask the question again..... If Joe Biden wasn't running for president would route even be in Ukraine? You and I both know the answer to that...... But I'd like to hear you address it nonetheless.
My guess the State Dept. can ask anyone it wants to help them. Simple answer. Would you turn them down if they requested your service?
If I was a personal lawyer to the president I might consider it a conflict of interest don't you think? Especially if I was digging up dirt on my clients opponent in the next election. I'm sure the bar association will be looking into it.
It's funny that we didn't know nothing about Rudy working for the state department until he told us. He's been going to Ukraine for months. Pompeo got subpoenaed so my guess is he's going to have to explain it.
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Honest question for's evident that you've never been a Trump fan, but where was your outrage when Hillary destroyed servers, cell phones, and records?

I'm pretty sure it was investigated over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

So not a great example.
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You know, I have no clue why he's involved, but if the State Dept aske me to do something, I'm guessing as a service to this great nation I'd do it. Unless it was illegal. You know, like Fast and Furious. It's too bad the Demolibs can't accept their girl got beat.

You're missing the point, the State Department SHOULD NOT be asking the President's personal lawyer to do ANYTHING.

You're trying to make excuses by admitting to TERRIBLE precedents being set that are completely inappropriate.

You can't twist yourself out of this's just bad all around. One layer leads to another.
He asked the Ukrainian President to investigate how Joe Biden meddled in THEIR government processes by withholding $1B in aid unless a prosecutor who was assigned to investigate the company paying Biden's son $600K per year, was fired. It's pretty cut and dry. Watch the Biden video.

Maybe in delusion land it is cut and dry, but your sequence of events is not even accurate.

PS Every Western nation, and our State Department, pushed for the same person to be fired. It wasn't Joe Biden's crusade. Get a grip of the facts.
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As you are fond of saying, you can't be this stupid.
Rudy is the lawyer for Trump, not for the president. The lawyer(s) for the president represent the office, Rudy represents Trump the individual. Very different things. We saw it in the Mueller investigation.

When Rudy the personal Trump lawyer investigates "corruption" in Ukraine, he is investigating the linchpin to Trump's reason for withholding Aid. That's government Aid, he needs to be done by a government entity. Supposedly two governments are working together to combat corruption...... But Rudy is in the government employee. We don't even know if he has a security clearance. He has no official title. Is he being paid by the government, we don't know.

But when Rudy the Trump personal lawyer starts investigating Biden, who is the potential opponent in the next election, he is working for Donald J Trump, not the president. It's convenient that investigating Biden and Ukraine corruption is the same thing, because it allows Rudy to work both sides of the aisle.

Rudy can't do government work for Donald J Trump and cloak it in government work which is tied to the aid. Rudy can't work for President Trump cuz he's not a member of the government.

And I'll ask the question again..... If Joe Biden wasn't running for president would route even be in Ukraine? You and I both know the answer to that...... But I'd like to hear you address it nonetheless.
No, you’re not getting off that easy. It’s as if you can’t acknowledge Trump is President at all. If Trump asks Giuliani to investigate something like this, he’s doing it on behalf of Trump the President. Giuliani is a de facto government employee. He is acting as counsel for the President whether he’s the official counsel or not.

If Trump weren’t President, Giuliani would never be doing something remotely like this.

President’s have had unofficial “advisors/counsel” for years while in office. They may not have official titles, but they still work for the President.
No, you’re not getting off that easy. It’s as if you can’t acknowledge Trump is President at all. If Trump asks Giuliani to investigate something like this, he’s doing it on behalf of Trump the President. Giuliani is a de facto government employee. He is acting as counsel for the President whether he’s the official counsel or not.

If Trump weren’t President, Giuliani would never be doing something remotely like this.

President’s have had unofficial “advisors/counsel” for years while in office. They may not have official titles, but they still work for the President.
I'm not trying to get out of anything.
So what you're saying, if Rudy is asking Ukraine to investigate Biden, that comes straight from Trump. So you're acknowledging Trump is using a private citizen to dig up dirt on his political opponent from a foreign power.......and getting something of value for it. That's against the law. I can quote it if you like. Nice admission.

Rudy is not acting as an unofficial advisor. He's conducting foreign policy on behalf of the United States........if he's acting on behalf of the president, he's speaking for the an UNELECTED, UNAPPOINTED, unnominated, unvetted private citizen. No. That's not an advisor, not even close.
Who does he report to? Who does oversight on Trump's private attorney? A committee, a department, Congress? No. Does he have to submit reports on who he talked to, what was said, what was promised? No. Who is he accountable to as your "de facto" government employee? He only has to talk to Trump, his CLIENT.

Rudy only has to answer to one man, the most powerful man in the world. Does that sound like a good idea?

Trump the president and Trump the candidate don't get to use one man, outside of all oversight, to the bidding of each to benefit the other.

So would Rudy even be in Ukraine if Biden wasn't running for president?
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No, you’re not getting off that easy. It’s as if you can’t acknowledge Trump is President at all. If Trump asks Giuliani to investigate something like this, he’s doing it on behalf of Trump the President. Giuliani is a de facto government employee. He is acting as counsel for the President whether he’s the official counsel or not.

If Trump weren’t President, Giuliani would never be doing something remotely like this.

President’s have had unofficial “advisors/counsel” for years while in office. They may not have official titles, but they still work for the President.
I'm not trying to get out of anything.
So what you're saying, if Rudy is asking Ukraine to investigate Biden, that comes straight from Trump. So you're acknowledging Trump is using a private citizen to dig up dirt on his political opponent from a foreign power.......and getting something of value for it. That's against the law. I can quote it if you like. Nice admission.

Rudy is not acting as an unofficial advisor. He's conducting foreign policy on behalf of the United States........if he's acting on behalf of the president, he's speaking for the an UNELECTED, UNAPPOINTED, unnominated, unvetted private citizen. No. That's not an advisor, not even close.
Who does he report to? Who does oversight on Trump's private attorney? A committee, a department, Congress? No. Does he have to submit reports on who he talked to, what was said, what was promised? No. Who is he accountable to as your "de facto" government employee? He only has to talk to Trump, his CLIENT.

Rudy only has to answer to one man, the most powerful man in the world. Does that sound like a good idea?

Trump the president and Trump the candidate don't get to use one man, outside of all oversight, to the bidding of each to benefit the other.

So would Rudy even be in Ukraine if Biden wasn't running for president?

Whenever I see SD and twin et al performing their mental gymnastics to defend this garbage, I ask myself what would their reaction be if this was Obama and not trump. They would lose their collective shit of course (and rightfully so I might add) but the difference is so would most of the rest of us.

I can at least go to sleep at night knowing that I still care about the country first and foremost instead of selling my soul to a glob of orange jello stuffed into a suit.

This attempt is done.

NYT ans WAPO reporting that the Ukraines didn't know funding was cut. so QPQ is out. NYT and WAPO reporting no "cover up" seeing as how the admin moved all calls to different servers after numerous leaks. Democrats are undermining their own narrative. This is nothing more than a bungled hit.

Womp Womp.

That said, what should be done with the likes of Schiff and company. They are lying and they know it.

Why did the whistleblower contact Schiff instead of going through the proper channels if this wasn't anything more than a hit job?

An investigation into Schiff should begin immediately. How did he read the whistleblower report weeks before it was released to congress?

Why is the IC listening in to pres calls and leaking to congress.

Man, the IC is getting out of control here folks. That benefits no one.
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Nice deflection. The way you phrased your earlier comment, you try to make it look like the Trump Administration is the only one to stonewall/ignore Congressional investigations. You know that’s just not true.
Man there is more for me to scroll down to, but really? Bill Barr has sold his soul to Trump, where are all the Clinton/Obama indictments? Oh, that's right there are none, because even a political hack heading the DoJ can't get around the law.
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Is no one concerned about the rise of power of the IC and its past...uhh....missteps? How it has been weaponized? Good grief the IRS was weaponized.

The director of the FBI admitted to leaking.

This Ukraine business was started on second hand info from a CIA agent.

And now for some humor....

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Sophists arguments are always interesting, like this one, IC investigates corruption but that they view the corrupt party as corrupt shows bias. Keep on keeping on sophists, reality is gonna hit hard because you can only run from it so long.
Sophists arguments are always interesting, like this one, IC investigates corruption but that they view the corrupt party as corrupt shows bias. Keep on keeping on sophists, reality is gonna hit hard because you can only run from it so long.

The best part is that you think you don't engage in sophistry.

Or mabey, you thinkk the CIA should be listening to a presidents phoncalls and leaking it to partisan congressmen.

Your call.
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This attempt is done.

NYT ans WAPO reporting that the Ukraines didn't know funding was cut. so QPQ is out. NYT and WAPO reporting no "cover up" seeing as how the admin moved all calls to different servers after numerous leaks. Democrats are undermining their own narrative. This is nothing more than a bungled hit.

Womp Womp.

That said, what should be done with the likes of Schiff and company. They are lying and they know it.

Why did the whistleblower contact Schiff instead of going through the proper channels if this wasn't anything more than a hit job?

An investigation into Schiff should begin immediately. How did he read the whistleblower report weeks before it was released to congress?

Why is the IC listening in to pres calls and leaking to congress.

Man, the IC is getting out of control here folks. That benefits no one.
Do you just scan the headlines?

Please link that Ukraine didn't know aid was cut.

Admin did not move all calls to different servers. Reportedly they moved some calls that were embarrassing to Trump to ONE server......a classified intel server. It wasn't meant for communications the WH didn't want leaked.

The whistleblower went through the proper channels but the DNI did not follow procedures under the WB statute and the IC wasn't listening to phone calls................oh f**k this go read it yourself. JFC.
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Do you just scan the headlines?

Please link that Ukraine didn't know aid was cut.

Admin did not move all calls to different servers. Reportedly they moved some calls that were embarrassing to Trump to ONE server......a classified intel server. It wasn't meant for communications the WH didn't want leaked.

The whistleblower went through the proper channels but the DNI did not follow procedures under the WB statute and the IC wasn't listening to phone calls................oh f**k this go read it yourself. JFC.

Why did Schiff tweet the whistleblower 2 weeks before he was supposed to know about it.

Surely you agree, investigation.

"You're a sophist, I'm not a sophist..." wtf, great argument. But. I'll give you credit, you're a good soldier, you tote the party line.

Your're the puppet.

Good job on avoiding the hard stuff. You truly learned from Trump.
Why did Schiff tweet the whistleblower 2 weeks before he was supposed to know about it.

Surely you agree, investigation.

lol. Link? Never heard that.

So far tonight you've made statements that I haven't seen anywhere, without any links.......and asked questions and made false statements that have been answered on every news outlet in the last few days.

Where are you getting your news? That's like Qanon stuff.
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lol. Link? Never heard that.

So far tonight you've made statements that I haven't seen anywhere, without any links.......and asked questions and made false staements that have been answered on every news outlet in the last few days.

Where are you getting your news? That's like Qanon stuff.

Of course you didn't read it bob.

You are a perfect example of the media crisis we are expeirenecing.

I totally made up NTY and WAPO reporting.

You got me.
Of course didn't read it bob.

You are a perfect example of the media crisis we are expeirenecing.

I totally made up NTY and WAPO reporting.

You got me.
Read what? All you've done so far is make accusations with no proof whatsoever.
Link it or STFU.
The media reports this dumb shit president does and says. You're just another idiot that blames the messenger.
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Read what? All you've done so far is make accusations with no proof whatsoever.
Link it or STFU.
The media reports dumb shit this president does and says. You're just another idiot that blames the messenger.

You don't have a NYT, WSJ, Wapo sub?

These were front page.