Is this the worst political hit-job ever?

Thats the rub. I don't know what we are going to gain from these additional hearings.

The accuser has already said she doesn't know when or where it happened. Just that it happened. So, there is no way to investigate her claims.

Do you have a way to investigate every house party in the early 80's in Montgomery county Maryland?

I think the benefit of the hearings is that it gives the impression, at least, of propriety. IMHO, the worst thing that could happen right now would be for Kavanaugh to be confirmed over the top of this, without anything further being done.

I say that as someone who is not a huge fan of Kavanaugh and would rather he not be confirmed. But I don't want to see a confirmation derailed this way. Just like when the Dems changed the vote threshold for federal judges, there will almost certainly be unintended consequences down the road.

What I struggle with in this whole climate is the fact that mere accusation is enough to destroy a person's career. I am a minister - if someone in my church accuses me of sexual misconduct, it almost doesn't matter if I am innocent or guilty. I immediately become toxic and almost certainly lose any chance at continuing as a pastor. That's a problem.

But it's a problem I don't know how to solve, because there is validity to the arguments that are made in favor of giving accusers the benefit of the doubt. It's a thicket, to be sure.
I think the benefit of the hearings is that it gives the impression, at least, of propriety. IMHO, the worst thing that could happen right now would be for Kavanaugh to be confirmed over the top of this, without anything further being done.

I say that as someone who is not a huge fan of Kavanaugh and would rather he not be confirmed. But I don't want to see a confirmation derailed this way. Just like when the Dems changed the vote threshold for federal judges, there will almost certainly be unintended consequences down the road.

What I struggle with in this whole climate is the fact that mere accusation is enough to destroy a person's career. I am a minister - if someone in my church accuses me of sexual misconduct, it almost doesn't matter if I am innocent or guilty. I immediately become toxic and almost certainly lose any chance at continuing as a pastor. That's a problem.

But it's a problem I don't know how to solve, because there is validity to the arguments that are made in favor of giving accusers the benefit of the doubt. It's a thicket, to be sure.
Well said.
I don't want to put words into your mouth, so please correct me where I am wrong.

Your responses indicate to me that you 1) don't believe this is a big deal 2) don't believe the story is true 3) don't have a problem with a lifetime appointment of a judge being a potential sexual assualter and 4) debating hypocrisy of internet posters is the chief issue here. Fair?

The sad part is that the GOP in general has shown that they couldn't give two licks about his past, and they certainly don't care about anything pertaining to abuse of women. So unfortunately this might turn out to be a nothingburger in the grand scheme of things.

Eh. He had passed 4-5 background checks by the FBI. His former classmates from that high school and dozens of females he has worked with have come out in support of him. Accuser is not willing to talk to Senate last I heard. So to say they do not 'care' is not entirely accurate. That said, I think you are right.

Personally, I do not think any of them care. Maybe Flake, as I think he said he wants it delayed. I do not think Dems care because if they did they would have made authorities aware of issue in July and asked Kavanaugh about it while interviewing him. Instead, they bring it up a week before his vote, and the New Yorker has said Feinstein is concerned about looking weak against Kavanaugh and does not want to put a tough vote on Dem Senators in swing states.

All that right there equates to nobody giving a crap about actual accuser, just caring about increasing or decreasing power for their side on SCOTUS.
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Also, wasn't Al Franken just run out of the Senate for less serious allegations?

Democrats ran him out too. But Mitch McConnell referred him to an ethics investigation. Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell wants to go ahead and move forward.

Last time I checked, a Supreme Court nomination was for a lifetime appointment. Think they should have equal or higher standards than Senators elected to 6 year terms.

I though Franken was run out of senate because he felt up a correspondent while she was sleeping, took pictures of it, then posted it. This was done as an adult too.

That is just a tad worse. Obviously guilty. Trying to equate the two as of now is a joke. There is actual proof there in the picture. It was done as an adult, and pretty recent.

As of now, this is a he said she said from teen years forty years ago, nobody corroborated it, Kavanaugh's classmates and former coworkers have come out in support of him, and if the reports on Ford coming out are true she is extremely biased. Also, Ford is so far refusing to testify, and Democrats are calling it(hearing) unfair for her to do so. Ok, but why?
I think the benefit of the hearings is that it gives the impression, at least, of propriety. IMHO, the worst thing that could happen right now would be for Kavanaugh to be confirmed over the top of this, without anything further being done.

I say that as someone who is not a huge fan of Kavanaugh and would rather he not be confirmed. But I don't want to see a confirmation derailed this way. Just like when the Dems changed the vote threshold for federal judges, there will almost certainly be unintended consequences down the road.

What I struggle with in this whole climate is the fact that mere accusation is enough to destroy a person's career. I am a minister - if someone in my church accuses me of sexual misconduct, it almost doesn't matter if I am innocent or guilty. I immediately become toxic and almost certainly lose any chance at continuing as a pastor. That's a problem.

But it's a problem I don't know how to solve, because there is validity to the arguments that are made in favor of giving accusers the benefit of the doubt. It's a thicket, to be sure.

I agree there should be hearings. That said, as of now, she does not want to go to a hearing and her lawyer has not even responded to a request. So while I respect her choice not to go to a hearing not sure it helps her claim.

Also have an issue with Dems saying the hearing is unfair, mainly Schumer because there are only one, maybe two witnesses testifying. Ok, so are we all supposed to make up witnesses to the event? Well, wth is one supposed to do then? The Dems hid the info, sprung it a week before vote, yelled that there was no hearing or delay, now that there is a hearing it is not fair. I mean one cannot make this garbage up.

I would vote for a democrat, not a liberal, but their game plan needs to change.

Care to expand on what you mean by 'there is validity to the arguments that are made in favor of giving accusers the benefit of the doubt'?

Validity definition-the quality of being logically or factually sound; soundness or cogency; the state of being legally or officially binding or acceptable

Well, there is nothing factual about it besides that it is an allegation, Kavanaugh's peers/friends support him, he has passed many checks in the past, her recent actions and democrat response raise questions. There is absolutely nothing legally binding or acceptable about an allegation.

That is very middle east type thought. Almost a daily occurrence in middle east where a man accuses wife of some misdeed, she cannot prove her innocence, and punishment is jail or execution.

It is not just you, I have seen others on here say the dossier has not been proven false, and a general attitude instead of innocent til guilty prove your innocence, and allegations are enough to bury someone. Well, this is the USA, not how the country works or is supposed to work anyway.
Her lawyer says she will not testify until the FBI completes a full investigation - Schumer's little dreamed up ploy.

Sorry, you don't get to issue demands to the US Senate and attempt to subvert the constitution. This isn't how our government works. You were invited to testify on Monday as well as was the accused.

Just vote already. It is obvious to 100% of America what is going here.

Even DiFi is walking this back now.
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Her lawyer says she will not testify until the FBI completes a full investigation.

Sorry, you don't get to issue demands to the US Senate and attempt to subvert the constitution. This isn't how our government works. You were invited to testify on Monday as well as was the accused.

Just vote already. It is obvious to 100% of America what is going here.

Even DiFi is walking this back now.
It's a moot point. The president has spoken.

“I don’t think the FBI really need to be involved because they don’t want to be involved. If they wanted to be, I would certainly do that, but as you know, they say this is not really their thing. "
It's a moot point. The president has spoken.

“I don’t think the FBI really need to be involved because they don’t want to be involved. If they wanted to be, I would certainly do that, but as you know, they say this is not really their thing. "

Well, he is right. They've already punted because there is literally nothing to investigate. The FBI isn't some super Sherlock organization - they aren't going to investigate a non-federal issue that is a he said-she said from 36 years ago involving 2 minors. She has already said she has told all she knows. This is utter nonsense.

You know what is going on here. Either you endorse it or condemn it.

I condemn it.
So you have hearings before you investigate something? Or do you investigate then have hearings?
Her lawyer says she will not testify until the FBI completes a full investigation - Schumer's little dreamed up ploy.

Sorry, you don't get to issue demands to the US Senate and attempt to subvert the constitution. This isn't how our government works. You were invited to testify on Monday as well as was the accused.

Just vote already. It is obvious to 100% of America what is going here.

Even DiFi is walking this back now.

Yeah, remember when the right freaked out about Sarah Sanders being asked to leave a restaurant.....while you're calling a woman that's being asked to testify on national TV less than a week after coming forward (not under her own doing mind you) a whimp? Oh, and add in that she's currently in hiding with her children because she's received multiple death threats.
I agree there should be hearings. That said, as of now, she does not want to go to a hearing and her lawyer has not even responded to a request. So while I respect her choice not to go to a hearing not sure it helps her claim.

Also have an issue with Dems saying the hearing is unfair, mainly Schumer because there are only one, maybe two witnesses testifying. Ok, so are we all supposed to make up witnesses to the event? Well, wth is one supposed to do then? The Dems hid the info, sprung it a week before vote, yelled that there was no hearing or delay, now that there is a hearing it is not fair. I mean one cannot make this garbage up.

I would vote for a democrat, not a liberal, but their game plan needs to change.

Care to expand on what you mean by 'there is validity to the arguments that are made in favor of giving accusers the benefit of the doubt'?

Validity definition-the quality of being logically or factually sound; soundness or cogency; the state of being legally or officially binding or acceptable

Well, there is nothing factual about it besides that it is an allegation, Kavanaugh's peers/friends support him, he has passed many checks in the past, her recent actions and democrat response raise questions. There is absolutely nothing legally binding or acceptable about an allegation.

That is very middle east type thought. Almost a daily occurrence in middle east where a man accuses wife of some misdeed, she cannot prove her innocence, and punishment is jail or execution.

It is not just you, I have seen others on here say the dossier has not been proven false, and a general attitude instead of innocent til guilty prove your innocence, and allegations are enough to bury someone. Well, this is the USA, not how the country works or is supposed to work anyway.

Do you want the person alleged to have been present to testify? He said he doesn't want to under oath. If only there was an opportunity that the Senate has to solve that...hmmmm. But you don't care about that...
I though Franken was run out of senate because he felt up a correspondent while she was sleeping, took pictures of it, then posted it. This was done as an adult too.

That is just a tad worse. Obviously guilty. Trying to equate the two as of now is a joke. There is actual proof there in the picture. It was done as an adult, and pretty recent.

As of now, this is a he said she said from teen years forty years ago, nobody corroborated it, Kavanaugh's classmates and former coworkers have come out in support of him, and if the reports on Ford coming out are true she is extremely biased. Also, Ford is so far refusing to testify, and Democrats are calling it(hearing) unfair for her to do so. Ok, but why?

Ah yes, because the coworkers always know the truth!

There is a person that was present - and he said he won't do it under oath.
Well, he is right. They've already punted because there is literally nothing to investigate. The FBI isn't some super Sherlock organization - they aren't going to investigate a non-federal issue that is a he said-she said from 36 years ago involving 2 minors. She has already said she has told all she knows. This is utter nonsense.

You know what is going on here. Either you endorse it or condemn it.

I condemn it.

Lol. He couldn't be MORE wrong, not could you.The FBI did the background checks on Kavanaugh. If more info comes to light they can do what's called a supplemental investigation. They serve at the pleasure of the president. In this case, he has to ask them to reopen the background check. Done.

"They don't want to be involved." Wrong. Did Wray say that? No, because they are part of the DOJ and the DOJ works for the president .......or so you all say when you want Sessions to do the presidents bidding.

"They say this is not really their thing." They did the background, but further investigation of new info is not their thing. Investigation is in their freaking NAME!!!!!!

Show me a link where Wray said reopening the background investigation "is not really their thing". Two years on the job and this idiot STILL doesn't understand the basic responsibilities of the government he's in charge of.
I think the benefit of the hearings is that it gives the impression, at least, of propriety. IMHO, the worst thing that could happen right now would be for Kavanaugh to be confirmed over the top of this, without anything further being done.

I say that as someone who is not a huge fan of Kavanaugh and would rather he not be confirmed. But I don't want to see a confirmation derailed this way. Just like when the Dems changed the vote threshold for federal judges, there will almost certainly be unintended consequences down the road.

What I struggle with in this whole climate is the fact that mere accusation is enough to destroy a person's career. I am a minister - if someone in my church accuses me of sexual misconduct, it almost doesn't matter if I am innocent or guilty. I immediately become toxic and almost certainly lose any chance at continuing as a pastor. That's a problem.

But it's a problem I don't know how to solve, because there is validity to the arguments that are made in favor of giving accusers the benefit of the doubt. It's a thicket, to be sure.
The only possible thing you can have against Kavanaugh is that he's a purist...a constitutionalist who believes what our founding fathers envisioned as the law of the land. He's not going to favor the liberal left in his decisions.
Ah yes, because the coworkers always know the truth!

There is a person that was present - and he said he won't do it under oath.

Well, was not aware that Ford got this type of support. from co workers/former classmates.

He said he did not want to. Guess what? Ford will not either until there is a full FBI investigation. Personally think they should be subpoenaed but I respect her decision not to. That said, if there is an investigation, she is going to have to talk.

Investigate what?

She cannot remember the party the house was at, how she got there, how she left, and the story changed from 4 people were there to two others. Friends, coworkers, other women that dated him have come out in support either publicly or signing a letter in support. None of the people that have come out and supported Kavanaugh even remember the party Ford mentions. Kavanaugh and Ford denied it happened. This happened forty years ago in a place where nobody knows it occurred-so DNA is out of the question.

Not really sure what people expect anybody to do at this point.
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Oh may want to go read the FBI's statement that is completely opposite of your little made up scenario

Lol. He couldn't be MORE wrong, not could you.The FBI did the background checks on Kavanaugh. If more info comes to light they can do what's called a supplemental investigation. They serve at the pleasure of the president. In this case, he has to ask them to reopen the background check. Done.

"They don't want to be involved." Wrong. Did Wray say that? No, because they are part of the DOJ and the DOJ works for the president .......or so you all say when you want Sessions to do the presidents bidding.

"They say this is not really their thing." They did the background, but further investigation of new info is not their thing. Investigation is in their freaking NAME!!!!!!

Show me a link where Wray said reopening the background investigation "is not really their thing". Two years on the job and this idiot STILL doesn't understand the basic responsibilities of the government he's in charge of.

You endorse it.

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Sorry...This popped into my head. :)
This is a calculated last minute snow job to block Kavanaugh. Trying to call it anything else is a joke. Watching the Democrats trying to paint this guy as a sex abuser. Need more proof than accusations. So now the FBI is responsible for investigating teenage fooling around from 36 years ago. Hillary on TV yesterday throwing her opinions out there. Really Hillary, the expert on what the FBI should do on a sex case.
Well, was not aware that Ford got this type of support. from co workers/former classmates.

He said he did not want to. Guess what? Ford will not either until there is a full FBI investigation. Personally think they should be subpoenaed but I respect her decision not to. That said, if there is an investigation, she is going to have to talk.

Investigate what?

She cannot remember the party the house was at, how she got there, how she left, and the story changed from 4 people were there to two others. Friends, coworkers, other women that dated him have come out in support either publicly or signing a letter in support. None of the people that have come out and supported Kavanaugh even remember the party Ford mentions. Kavanaugh and Ford denied it happened. This happened forty years ago in a place where nobody knows it occurred-so DNA is out of the question.

Not really sure what people expect anybody to do at this point.

Investigate what? There was a person present, that the accuser brought up herself, who said he will not testify under oath. Call me crazy, but that would probably be a good first step?

Not sure who passes a polygraph, invites the FBI to investigate their life, etc. just so they can delay a vote for a week. You bring up all these people who vouch for Kavanaugh - well many of them have backed off now that there's a name attached to the accusation.

Also, the accuser also has hundreds of people who have come forward to say the exact same stuff you are parading around about Kavanaugh - in the end, it really doesn't matter. Is it a popularity contest?

I don't think this will change any GOP minds and fully expect Kavanaugh to be confirmed - but my goodness the levels you go to to get there. And again, you have nothing to say about a woman receiving death threats and is in hiding with her children - except basically to say she's putting on a farce. Kudos.
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Investigate what? There was a person present, that the accuser brought up herself, who said he will not testify under oath. Call me crazy, but that would probably be a good first step?
Not sure what more you want. He's already stated he doesn't know what she's talking about and that he never saw Kavanaugh do anything to anyone the way she describes. I say let the FBI investigate it - should take about 4 hours to wrap up.
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Oh my...

You endorse it.

No, I didn't endorse squat. I actually am just pointing out the facts, which you always seem to gloss over when it suits you. I'm also pointing out that your president is still a buffoon.

I don't have a position, other than the whole process sucks. From the pubs holding back documents to the Dems pulling this 11th hour BS. 35 year old accusations are a problem, but I do wonder why this woman would choose to ruin her life by making a bogus claim.
If she wont testify without an investigation then you have to move on with the vote. That means your conclusion about my stance was wrong. Do you ever get tired of winning?
Were you outraged that Al Franken was pressured to leave based on mere allegations of something less serious?
I'm not outraged now. Franken admitted what he did and apologized and was not a minor at that time, so it wasn't mere allegations. I didn't have a problem with him staying, but he chose to leave. I'm not outraged about any of that. I know your wing nut talking points are trying desperately to draw the comparison, but there's not a good one.
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Her lawyer says she will not testify until the FBI completes a full investigation - Schumer's little dreamed up ploy.

Sorry, you don't get to issue demands to the US Senate and attempt to subvert the constitution. This isn't how our government works. You were invited to testify on Monday as well as was the accused.

Just vote already. It is obvious to 100% of America what is going here.

Even DiFi is walking this back now.
Are we weaponizing the DoJ AGAIN!?!?
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Not sure what moryou want. He's already stated he doesn't know what she's talking about and that he never saw Kavanaugh do anything to anyone the way she describes. I say let the FBI investigate it - should take about 4 hours to wrap up.

I have read every article I could find about this - most say the witness says "he can not remember the incident"; some say nothing about the witness; Fox news says the witness disputes her account of what happened.

Along with this, I read that Kavanaugh's mother, a judge, was somehow involved in a legal dispute with the witnesses' parents. Other accounts say "not true" I went to two fact-checking websites and both said that it is not true that Kavanaugh's mother was in any way involved with witnesses' parents. Honestly, I don't know what to believe any more.
Good point. Stunning that Trump won the election given all that has come out about how so many people were working illegally to ensure Hillary won.

I have just about decided that voting is pointless as every political party seems to me to be totally corrupt and only interested in keeping their jobs. Both the Congress and the Supreme Court need term limits and maybe other checks to stop these professional politicians who want to see their party win so they can steal and lie even more. No one in government no matter the party seems to care about the citizens of our country and democracy and the future of our country.
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I have just about decided that voting is pointless as every political party seems to me to be totally corrupt and only interested in keeping their jobs. Both the Congress and the Supreme Court need term limits and maybe other checks to stop these professional politicians who want to see their party win so they can steal and lie even more. No one in government no matter the party seems to care about the citizens of our country and democracy and the future of our country.

just consider voting non R or D next time.
90+% of people are literally choosing this, and agree to abide by their games. eventually people will collectively look elsewhere.
Care to expand on what you mean by 'there is validity to the arguments that are made in favor of giving accusers the benefit of the doubt'?

I was commenting more generally on accusations of misconduct rather than specifically about the Kavanaugh situation.

There is logic to the assertion that an accuser generally gets no benefit from making an accusation like this. What does Dr. Ford - or any other accuser - gain from making an accusation that would motivate making something like this up out of whole cloth? Why would she want to put herself through the hell that she is going through if she knows that the allegation is false?

Obviously, that does not automatically mean that the allegation is true - I believe I acknowledged that above. And obviously there are situations where allegations have been made up out of whole cloth. Nevertheless, it does give me pause before automatically dismissing sexual misconduct allegations as a blatant lie or nothing more than a political hit job. It makes the whole situation far more difficult to navigate.
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I was commenting more generally on accusations of misconduct rather than specifically about the Kavanaugh situation.

There is logic to the assertion that an accuser generally gets no benefit from making an accusation like this. What does Dr. Ford - or any other accuser - gain from making an accusation that would motivate making something like this up out of whole cloth? Why would she want to put herself through the hell that she is going through if she knows that the allegation is false?

Obviously, that does not automatically mean that the allegation is true - I believe I acknowledged that above. And obviously there are situations where allegations have been made up out of whole cloth. Nevertheless, it does give me pause before automatically dismissing sexual misconduct allegations as a blatant lie or nothing more than a political hit job. It makes the whole situation far more difficult to navigate.

I understood it was more general.

I see the points-just not sure I agree. What does someone get from it? All in the eye of the beholder. Some see book deals, notoriety, money. If what was allegedly scrubbed off of her social media is even half true she obviously had political motive. We do not even have to look back more than a few months ago to see the last serious allegation that was all made up.

I do not think this should be dismissed either. That said, the timing, handling, and lies Dems/Feinstein are basing story on, as well as the ambiguity and demands from Ford have all but crushed credibility in the case.

The only thing that can save Ford;s story now is if the other witness comes out and admits it happened.
Investigate what? There was a person present, that the accuser brought up herself, who said he will not testify under oath. Call me crazy, but that would probably be a good first step?

Not sure who passes a polygraph, invites the FBI to investigate their life, etc. just so they can delay a vote for a week. You bring up all these people who vouch for Kavanaugh - well many of them have backed off now that there's a name attached to the accusation.

Also, the accuser also has hundreds of people who have come forward to say the exact same stuff you are parading around about Kavanaugh - in the end, it really doesn't matter. Is it a popularity contest?

I don't think this will change any GOP minds and fully expect Kavanaugh to be confirmed - but my goodness the levels you go to to get there. And again, you have nothing to say about a woman receiving death threats and is in hiding with her children - except basically to say she's putting on a farce. Kudos.

Not sure I should bother responding to this crap.

Ok, and he says he was not there, does not remember an incident similar, and does not remember pulling Kavanaugh off of any woman ever. That is wrapped up in less than an hour. I would be more inclined to believe her if she would testify under oath instead of making demands to the Executive Branch, DoJ, and Senate about an investigation and accepting and establishing facts before she testifies. I mean that would be the point of an investigation-not let her or her lawyers define that.

So sure, getting both to testify would be a good first step-they said they do not want to. Pretty sure I have said that 3-4 times.

The polygraph has actually raised more questions. Who paid for it? Who administered it? How many times did she take it? Where are the results? That would be part of the investigation/testimony, for some reason it is a big secret.

And no, Ford does not have a few hundred people saying positive things about her. What was made for her was a letter from alum at her high school. A few hundred signed it, and if one looks at the letter it is signed alum from 1968-2018. She does not know those people. That is nowhere near the same as individual people that are character witnesses. People have not backed off what they said about Kavanaugh, just not public about it. Big difference.

Hmmm, the levels the Republicans went to get there or the levels Democrats went to stop it or at least delay the hearing?

Never said it was a farce, those are your words. What is a farce is the way it has been handled from the get go by Dems and Ford's lawyers.
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So you're saying I probably won't remain anonymous if I write a U.S. Senator and tell them that a Supreme Court nominee (that my party doesn't want to be confirmed) attempted to sexually assault me? Well what if I take a polygraph? Will I remain anonymous then?
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If Feinstein truly cared about this allegation she would’ve presented it 45 days ago. She held onto it until the last possible moment meaning she was more concerned about delaying the nomination than in getting any sort of justice for the accuser.
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If Feinstein truly cared about this allegation she would’ve presented it 45 days ago. She held onto it until the last possible moment meaning she was more concerned about delaying the nomination than in getting any sort of justice for the accuser.
Fyi, repeating a canard doesn't make it any the more true.
Fyi, repeating a canard doesn't make it any the more true.
July 30 2018


Senator Dianne Feinstein

Dear Senator Feinstein;

I am writing with information relevant in evaluating the current nominee to the Supreme Court.
As a constituent, I expect that you will maintain this as confidential until we have further opportunity to speak.

Brett Kavanaugh physically and sexually assaulted me during high school in the early 1980's. He conducted these acts with the assistance of REDACTED.

Both were one to two years older than me and students at a local private school.

The assault occurred in a suburban Maryland area home at a gathering that included me and four others.

Kavanaugh physically pushed me into a bedroom as I was headed for a bathroom up a short stair well from the living room. They locked the door and played loud music precluding any successful attempt to yell for help.

Kavanaugh was on top of me while laughing with REDACTED, who periodically jumped onto Kavanaugh. They both laughed as Kavanaugh tried to disrobe me in their highly inebriated state. With Kavanaugh's hand over my mouth I feared he may inadvertently kill me.

From across the room a very drunken REDACTED said mixed words to Kavanaugh ranging from "go for it" to "stop."

At one point when REDACTED jumped onto the bed the weight on me was substantial. The pile toppled, and the two scrapped with each other. After a few attempts to get away, I was able to take this opportune moment to get up and run across to a hallway bathroom. I locked the bathroom door behind me. Both loudly stumbled down the stair well at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home.

I have not knowingly seen Kavanaugh since the assault. I did see REDACTED once at the REDACTED where he was extremely uncomfortable seeing me.

I have received medical treatment regarding the assault. On July 6 I notified my local government representative to ask them how to proceed with sharing this information . It is upsetting to discuss sexual assault and its repercussions, yet I felt guilty and compelled as a citizen about the idea of not saying anything.

I am available to speak further should you wish to discuss. I am currently REDACTED and will be in REDACTED.

In confidence, REDACTED.
July 30 2018


Senator Dianne Feinstein

Dear Senator Feinstein;

I am writing with information relevant in evaluating the current nominee to the Supreme Court.
As a constituent, I expect that you will maintain this as confidential until we have further opportunity to speak.

Brett Kavanaugh physically and sexually assaulted me during high school in the early 1980's. He conducted these acts with the assistance of REDACTED.

Both were one to two years older than me and students at a local private school.

The assault occurred in a suburban Maryland area home at a gathering that included me and four others.

Kavanaugh physically pushed me into a bedroom as I was headed for a bathroom up a short stair well from the living room. They locked the door and played loud music precluding any successful attempt to yell for help.

Kavanaugh was on top of me while laughing with REDACTED, who periodically jumped onto Kavanaugh. They both laughed as Kavanaugh tried to disrobe me in their highly inebriated state. With Kavanaugh's hand over my mouth I feared he may inadvertently kill me.

From across the room a very drunken REDACTED said mixed words to Kavanaugh ranging from "go for it" to "stop."

At one point when REDACTED jumped onto the bed the weight on me was substantial. The pile toppled, and the two scrapped with each other. After a few attempts to get away, I was able to take this opportune moment to get up and run across to a hallway bathroom. I locked the bathroom door behind me. Both loudly stumbled down the stair well at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home.

I have not knowingly seen Kavanaugh since the assault. I did see REDACTED once at the REDACTED where he was extremely uncomfortable seeing me.

I have received medical treatment regarding the assault. On July 6 I notified my local government representative to ask them how to proceed with sharing this information . It is upsetting to discuss sexual assault and its repercussions, yet I felt guilty and compelled as a citizen about the idea of not saying anything.

I am available to speak further should you wish to discuss. I am currently REDACTED and will be in REDACTED.

In confidence, REDACTED.
I know you will say this is "Fake News" and/or a lie but -
Fyi, repeating a canard doesn't make it any the more true.

So how is what was posted a canard as you put it?

-Did she have this information 6 weeks ago? Yes. Known fact.
-Did she bring it up to anyone? No. Known fact.
-Did she bring it up when Grasserly had bipartisan meeting to update information in background checks? No. Known fact.
-Did she bring it up with kavanaugh in his interviews? No. Known fact.
-Did she ask for there to be an investigation and delay vote? Yes. Known fact. I have not seen a quote from her about justice for the accuser that did not also include statements about delaying vote. Tells one all they need to know.
-Could/Should she have requested an investigation earlier? Yes. Known fact and a moral and ethical issue. Other members on the judiciary committee/congressional staffers have said how she handled it is weird. That from the New Yorker.

Not sure how any of this is a rumor/canard. That is all truth.
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Two things:
1. If we're to believe her then apparently she was going to sit on this incredibly serious accusation? Interesting.
2. Since she was the only one who received the letter, just how exactly did Dr. Ford's name get leaked to the press?
As I recall Ford spoke to her congressperson and contacted Feinstein at his/her suggestion.

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