***Election results thread***

Observation. Can't you see how "unfair" and "rigged" everything is against poor Donald. Boohoo.
It was pretty easy to see that in regard to his msm coverage - as well as what truly appears to be a corrupt FBI operation against him starting in 2016. Looking forward to the Durham report for more info on that.
Grueling? People always say that, but I think it is just an assumption.

The job has always looked pretty easy to me - especially for those presidents who keep us out of idiot foreign adventures.
Then why do they all age twice as fast in the White House?
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I agree that they sure don't help Biden who is a centralist and he had to pick Kamala to keep the party happy. The two Republicans I could not stand from 2016 were Cruz and Trump and if not Trump we would have Cruz and I dislike him even more than Trump. It looks like we are going to have a stalemate with a Republican senate. Wall Street seems to be happy as it is up 2.86% as I type.
All the lefties/socialists I know hate Mayor Pete. They think he’s a phony. I probably like him more than they do.
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Let's be honest, both sides have done that. The left is still complaining about 2016. Neither party can claim the moral high ground and that has been the case for a long time. I think it's disgusting the amount of money out of district parties will spend to try and influence local races. The entire thing is just completely screwed up and the amount of money spent to try and buy congressional and senate races is absolutely ridiculous.
I mean only one candidate has come out, declared victory, and outright said a certain group of people are trying to steal the election.

Trump believes he is more important than American democracy. He's outright saying that in public.
Call me an ageist, but both of these clowns are too old to be starting a grueling four year term as POTUS. They have age limits in certain jobs for a reason.
Sorry, but you realize wrong. My comment was based on the observations that Biden is clearly in mental decline and may have to discontinue sometime in the next four years - and that his win is a victory for the Beltway establishment he has long been dependent on.

(correction, this was a reply to "the man" and his comment that he realizes I intended my post as an insult to Biden - which makes no sense unless I thought Biden was reading this thread. )
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California and NY should follow Nebraska's lead and break up their electoral college votes.
It's a shame the people in up State NY and the Rural areas of CA don't get represented.
Illinois is another example, As goes Chicago so go's Illinois.
Not enough electoral votes to matter, but it does seem to me anyways, that there should be some balancing and some of these larger states could use a split only so those states don't dominate the results so much.
Yeah, I don't have a good answer, you just have to watch that you don't turn it into basically just a popular vote
that was going to be my reply.
that would essentially just be inching closer to support/logic for popular vote.
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Don't you have something better to do than follow me around like a lost puppy looking for attention? JFC man, grow up.
Sorry if I hurt your feelings, PD, but I read the posts on topics that interest me, and reply mainly to those that are the dumbest. That is why it may seem that I am "following" you around.
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Sorry, but you realize wrong. My comment was based on the observations that Biden is clearly in mental decline and may have to discontinue sometime in the next four years - and that his win is a victory for the Beltway establishment he has long been dependent on.

(correction, this was a reply to "the man" and his comment that he realizes I intended my post as an insult to Biden - which makes no sense unless I thought Biden was reading this thread. )
IMO Trump is also too old to start a four year term as POTUS.
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It may end up being the best of both worlds with this election for Republicans. No more Trump, but also no tax increases, new green deal, packing of the courts, or any of the other socialist ideals of the Democratic Party. If Biden tries to lockdown the country, it will just go to the Supreme Court and be deemed unconstitutional. They really have no power without the Senate or the SC.

There will be more stimulus, but that helps the stock market.
It looks like the market agrees with you
Now the one issue that is not be talked about enough, in fact, not at all, is the inevitable loss of Kayleigh McEnany. Now that is something to truly be sad about.

Though I'm sure she will end up on TV somewhere.
She will be co-hosting with the new Fox News show that follows Tucker ....

"Airing of Grievances" hosted by Donald and Kayleigh.
I realize this was an attempt at insult to Biden, but Trump is damn old himself and the party is going divorce itself from Trumpism, as it should.

Personally, I want to see Marco Rubio take another swing at it in 2024 either way.
I like Rubio as well. Trumpism style (tweets, yelling at reporters etc etc) will be divorced by Republicans. Other than a softer stance on immigration (moreso words than policy), the next republican candidate would be wise to embrace a lot of the Trump policies (tax cuts, cutting regulations, enterprise zones, school choice, realize China is a far bigger threat than Russia to US, Middle East policy etc etc).

Rubio and Trump agree on a lot of stuff. Just very different personalities.
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I personally have really benefited from Trump’s policies and want him to win but if my taxes aren’t increased I will be happy. But if Biden gets his way I will have a big tax increase in the next 4 years.
with government spending,
our long term increases are already set in motion
I mean only one candidate has come out, declared victory, and outright said a certain group of people are trying to steal the election.

Trump believes he is more important than American democracy. He's outright saying that in public.
The difference between Trump and other Presidential candidates is Trump always says that stuff himself. Everyone else usually let's those around them say it. Bidens campaign lawyer declared victory for Biden. He is likely correct, but an example of letting others say it.

Although Biden and those around him have also talked a lot about concerns of Trump "stealing the election" over last several months. We had the media and democrats accuse Republicans of "voter suppression" because on day one of early voting there were long lines around Atlanta. Never mind there were still 3 weeks left to vote absentee or in person in Atlanta.
The difference between Trump and other Presidential candidates is Trump always says that stuff himself. Everyone else usually let's those around them say it. Bidens campaign lawyer declared victory for Biden. He is likely correct, but an example of letting others say it.

Although Biden and those around him have also talked a lot about concerns of Trump "stealing the election" over last several months. We had the media and democrats accuse Republicans of "voter suppression" because on day one of early voting there were long lines around Atlanta. Never mind there were still 3 weeks left to vote absentee or in person in Atlanta.
You want to link where Bidens campaign lawyer said that? Can't even find that on Breitbart.

Are you really crediting trump for prematurely claiming victory himself vs someone else doing it?

How long are you gonna use this one story of what the media said about lines in Atlanta as some sort of argument against republican suppression efforts? Trump is CLEARLY trying to suppress votes RIGHT NOW!!!! wtf man.
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You want to link where Bidens campaign lawyer said that? Can't even find that on Breitbart.

Are you really crediting trump for prematurely claiming victory himself vs someone else doing it?

How long are you gonna use this one story of what the media said about lines in Atlanta as some sort of argument against republican suppression efforts? Trump is CLEARLY trying to suppress votes RIGHT NOW!!!! wtf man.
Settle down chief. Is an MSNBC producer a good enough source for you?

Settle down chief. Is an MSNBC producer a good enough source for you?

Thanks for the link.

You are still giving the president of the United States credit for prematurely claiming he won the election.......vs a lawyer for Biden.

Who do you think the American people heard between the two?

How many more times are you going to bring up this Atlanta media store and use it as an example of .........well I don't what it's supposed to prove.
The difference between Trump and other Presidential candidates is Trump always says that stuff himself. Everyone else usually let's those around them say it. Bidens campaign lawyer declared victory for Biden. He is likely correct, but an example of letting others say it.

Although Biden and those around him have also talked a lot about concerns of Trump "stealing the election" over last several months. We had the media and democrats accuse Republicans of "voter suppression" because on day one of early voting there were long lines around Atlanta. Never mind there were still 3 weeks left to vote absentee or in person in Atlanta.
Yes, Trump is just like all the rest. Sure. Whatever makes you feel better.

Who says it matters.
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Thanks for the link.

You are still giving the president of the United States credit for prematurely claiming he won the election.......vs a lawyer for Biden.

Who do you think the American people heard between the two?

Again relax and take a few breaths. I specifically pointed out how Trump is different, in that he talks about this stuff himself. Most presidential candidates let others around them do it.

I didn't give Trump credit, I think letting others talk about this stuff is a much better political strategy. I then gave an example of that with Biden's lawyer.
Again relax and take a few breaths. I specifically pointed out how Trump is different, in that he talks about this stuff himself. Most presidential candidates let others around them do it.

I didn't give Trump credit, I think letting others talk about this stuff is a much better political strategy. I then gave an example of that with Biden's lawyer.
But your point was a rebuttal to claims of victory by either side, arguing Bidens lawyer said the same thing as trump and implying it had the same effect.

Whoop de damn do that trump talks about this stuff himself. Most people think, including many trumpers, that he should keep his mouth shut more, he only gets himself in more trouble and looks more foolish. You want to say that's a good thing to salvage your argument, have at it.

The only point here is that one candidate is arguing that the vote count should stop in states where he's leading and continue in states where he's behind........and has said he already won. Argue that without deflecting to some meaningless point.
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It looks like the market agrees with you

This is the optimal outcome. The Republicans don't have the wrath of Trump over their heads in the Senate but can still block nonsensical things being passed. The legislation being passed will need to be bi-partisan.

The only other hope is that the use of the Executive Order is stopped for the good of the country.

We can go back to being a functioning democracy.
This is the optimal outcome. The Republicans don't have the wrath of Trump over their heads in the Senate but can still block nonsensical things being passed. The legislation being passed will need to be bi-partisan.

The only other hope is that the use of the Executive Order is stopped for the good of the country.

We can go back to being a functioning democracy.
California and NY should follow Nebraska's lead and break up their electoral college votes.
It's a shame the people in up State NY and the Rural areas of CA don't get represented.
Illinois is another example, As goes Chicago so go's Illinois.
Oh really. So you are all for proportional representation now. Remind me again, the senator to population ratio for California, then compare that with ND, SD, Idaho, and all the other empty states.

I'm all for proportional representation. I just want us to be consistent in advocating it
sharpie gate lives on

I am most curious about this. How did they know to give the Trump voters Sharpies? Were they tapping their "microwaves" like that dastardly Obama did to Trump in 2016 to identify voter preference and put them on the Sharpie list? Were Trump voters asked to identify themselves at the writing instrument distribution center at the Poleing (sic/tic) place? I am most curious as to how the Dems/deep state/China/MSNBC/Obama/Hillary was able to achieve this stunning subterfuge . . . I have a sense by the time this is all over Trump will be claiming that the Russians hacked into the voting machines to change votes to Biden because he was so incredibly tough on Russia (or was it the Ukrainians? I can never remember who the boogeyman actually is . . . )
I've been going through and crunching numbers for the various states that are still up in the air district by district.

Based upon the HUGE caveat that the current polling percentages stay relatively the same as what they are now and you apply those numbers to the percentage of the vote not tallied:

Biden wins Wisconsin (pretty much already been called)
Biden wins Nevada.....barely (<5000 votes)
Biden wins Arizona
Biden wins Michigan
Biden loses Pennsylvania
Biden loses NC, but not by much (<15,000)

Georgia is going to be really really close. By my count, Joe's got at least another +90,000 to +100,000 net votes headed his way in all of the current blue-leaning districts. It's really going to come down to whether the ~1% to ~5% of the remainder red-leaning counties make up that ~10,000 to ~20,000 votes that would need to offset the additional 90/100,000 votes Biden is getting (he is currently down about 79,500 votes)
This is the optimal outcome. The Republicans don't have the wrath of Trump over their heads in the Senate but can still block nonsensical things being passed. The legislation being passed will need to be bi-partisan.

The only other hope is that the use of the Executive Order is stopped for the good of the country.

We can go back to being a functioning democracy.

This is a pretty good outcome for 2 years, if Republicans hold on to Senate. The Senate Republicans won't have to answer daily questions about Trumps tweets. On the flip side the Senate Republicans are about ready to face a 2 year firestorm of negative media coverage. They are going to get blamed for anything and everything. The last 4 years the media for the most part has left them alone (other than constant questions for Trump) because all their fire was directed at Trump.

The Senate map isn't good for Republicans in 2022, So still have to be worried about wack job policies, packing court etc etc in last two years of Biden.