You reap what you sow

The data has been proven wrong about people being protected from COVID. Why do vaccinated people get COVID? People have still died and have suffered other conditions such as blood clots.
The COVID vaccine manufactures and the scientist have said from the get go that there is a certain percent effectiveness. Therefore, since that percent effectiveness is not 100% some folks will still get COVID. Similarly with the seasonal flu. Some folks that get vaccinated with the seasonal flu vaccine still get the seasonal flu.
I can't wait until the "Scientists" tell the sheep that they have to cut off the tip of their pinkie finger. A lot of these mopes will be running for the pruning shears.
Hey Remember Overlord Fauci recommending 2 or 3 masks ? These bozos probably went along with that …

He asked for examples. I provided some. I believe in science, just not all science is right all the time. Just like doctors, you need them, but they make mistakes to.
There’s certainly nothing wrong with questioning things. It’s one of the ways we make advancements. But you’re arguing against proven science because someone told you to, and you got no further than that. You and others on here are at the point where you know the grass is green, but someone will say it’s yellow and by god, it’s now yellow in your mind and that’s that.
There’s certainly nothing wrong with questioning things. It’s one of the ways we make advancements. But you’re arguing against proven science because someone told you to, and you got no further than that. You and others on here are at the point where you know the grass is green, but someone will say it’s yellow and by god, it’s now yellow in your mind and that’s that.
I will always question the scientific claims of someone who believes a man can get pregnant.
@SKYDOG : "My grammama smoked two packs a day and lived until she was 98. And she died when a piano fell on her head while she was moving furniture. Therefore, smoking isn't dangerous. Dumb-ass scientists didn't know what they were talking about with smoking!'

You do realize that Americans were dying of COVID by the hundreds of thousands until the vaccine was widely distributed, and then the deaths faded to practically zero.

I mean, how anti-science, conspiracy theory-believing, naïve, and ignorant do you have to be to not believe that scientists come to conclusions based on objective evidence, and that vaccines are a godsend to the human species?

And when a doctor or scientist issues precautionary or preventative advice? That is exactly what it is; a best-practice based on best available evidence, not an infallible panacea.

Is this even a topic for discussion in America in 2024?!!? Is this in part because the MAGA mindset has inculcated a belief in their followers to look for a conspiracy theory behind every obvious and evidence-based conclusion?

Holy crap.
@SKYDOG : "My grammama smoked two packs a day and lived until she was 98. And she died when a piano fell on her head while she was moving furniture. Therefore, smoking isn't dangerous. Dumb-ass scientists didn't know what they were talking about with smoking!'

You do realize that Americans were dying of COVID by the hundreds of thousands until the vaccine was widely distributed, and then the deaths faded to practically zero.

I mean, how anti-science, conspiracy theory-believing, naïve, and ignorant do you have to be to not believe that scientists come to conclusions based on objective evidence, and that vaccines are a godsend to the human species?

And when a doctor or scientist issues precautionary or preventative advice? That is exactly what it is; a best-practice based on best available evidence, not an infallible panacea.

Is this even a topic for discussion in America in 2024?!!? Is this in part because the MAGA mindset has inculcated a belief in their followers to look for a conspiracy theory behind every obvious and evidence-based conclusion?

Holy crap.
The mindset isn't to believe in conspiracy theories, it's to not believe everything you're told. It's to gather data and question what you're being told if something doesn't seem to quite line up.

Why? Because someone screwed up and there was a lot of CYA and alternative motives occurring.

And since you brought up the death numbers, I'm assuming you remember that there was a lot of questioning around what the actual numbers were based on evidence? For example, there were people killed in car accidents, who it turned out happened to also be Covid positive, who were then counted as a Covid related death.

When that information is leaked, yeh, I'm going to start questioning things.
There’s certainly nothing wrong with questioning things. It’s one of the ways we make advancements. But you’re arguing against proven science because someone told you to, and you got no further than that. You and others on here are at the point where you know the grass is green, but someone will say it’s yellow and by god, it’s now yellow in your mind and that’s that.
Certain types of grass are yellow at various times of the year. You obviously are not following the science of agrostology.

Your belief that grass is only green shows how narrow your knowledge base is, consistent with your dem-lib views.
Some of us are smart enough to think for ourselves, instead of just blindly following Big Government “Scientist” Hacks.
Because you know more than the scientists. You dismiss science not because you understand the subject better than they do........obviously........but because it doesn't agree with your politics.
Because you know more than the scientists. You dismiss science not because you understand the subject better than they do........obviously........but because it doesn't agree with your politics.
I love how libs scream "FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!!" but then in the next sentence, claims that a man can get pregnant. Or that someone can change their gender just because they feel like it. Where's the science in that?
I love how libs scream "FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!!" but then in the next sentence, claims that a man can get pregnant. Or that someone can change their gender just because they feel like it. Where's the science in that?
In my experience most liberals not all believe in everything they are told. Many conservatives don’t take everything at face value and make their decisions on what’s been told and their own research.
I love how libs scream "FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!!" but then in the next sentence, claims that a man can get pregnant. Or that someone can change their gender just because they feel like it. Where's the science in that?

In my experience most liberals not all believe in everything they are told. Many conservatives don’t take everything at face value and make their decisions on what’s been told and their own research.
This is not a ‘liberal vs conservative’ argument.

Science does not know nor declare a political philosophy.
This is not a ‘liberal vs conservative’ argument.

Science does not know nor declare a political philosophy.
Right science doesn’t know a political philosophy, but the people who believe all science or all things told are differentiated many times by political affiliation.
The COVID vaccine manufactures and the scientist have said from the get go that there is a certain percent effectiveness. Therefore, since that percent effectiveness is not 100% some folks will still get COVID. Similarly with the seasonal flu. Some folks that get vaccinated with the seasonal flu vaccine still get the seasonal flu.
That is true, but thinking back about Fauci and his follies, there were so many things untrue to believe.
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That is true, but thinking back about Fauci and his follies, there were so many things untrue to believe.

There were multiple precautionary measures that turned out to be unnecessary. That doesn't mean that they were disingenuous.
@SKYDOG : "My grammama smoked two packs a day and lived until she was 98. And she died when a piano fell on her head while she was moving furniture. Therefore, smoking isn't dangerous. Dumb-ass scientists didn't know what they were talking about with smoking!'

You do realize that Americans were dying of COVID by the hundreds of thousands until the vaccine was widely distributed, and then the deaths faded to practically zero.

I mean, how anti-science, conspiracy theory-believing, naïve, and ignorant do you have to be to not believe that scientists come to conclusions based on objective evidence, and that vaccines are a godsend to the human species?

And when a doctor or scientist issues precautionary or preventative advice? That is exactly what it is; a best-practice based on best available evidence, not an infallible panacea.

Is this even a topic for discussion in America in 2024?!!? Is this in part because the MAGA mindset has inculcated a belief in their followers to look for a conspiracy theory behind every obvious and evidence-based conclusion?

Holy crap.

The COVID vaccine manufactures and the scientist have said from the get go that there is a certain percent effectiveness. Therefore, since that percent effectiveness is not 100% some folks will still get COVID. Similarly with the seasonal flu. Some folks that get vaccinated with the seasonal flu vaccine still get the seasonal flu.

This is not a ‘liberal vs conservative’ argument.

Science does not know nor declare a political philosophy.
Because you know more than the scientists. You dismiss science not because you understand the subject better than they do........obviously........but because it doesn't agree with your politics.

This sums up my thoughts on Big Science pretty well.

It's all Covid and climate change driving this. Unfortunately it will be spread to all other science as well.

Science is sometimes wrong but they always get to the right answer.

If you eliminated the Bible and all knowledge of it, in a thousand years it wouldn't come back just as it was. However, if you destroy all science, in a thousand years all of it would come back just as it was........because all the tests would yield the same results.

I'm sorry all of you are so triggered because all the scientists didn't come to all the right conclusions about an unknown, deadly disease in a few months.
It's all Covid and climate change driving this. Unfortunately it will be spread to all other science as well.

Science is sometimes wrong but they always get to the right answer.

If you eliminated the Bible and all knowledge of it, in a thousand years it wouldn't come back just as it was. However, if you destroy all science, in a thousand years all of it would come back just as it was........because all the tests would yield the same results.

I'm sorry all of you are so triggered because all the scientists didn't come to all the right conclusions about an unknown, deadly disease in a few months.
If anyone is triggered, it’s the sheep like you, when anyone has the audacity to think for themselves, or protest against draconian government overreaches based on bad or corrupt science.

There were multiple precautionary measures that turned out to be unnecessary. That doesn't mean that they were disingenuous.
Email/social media evidence shows there was a coverup by Fauci and those dependent on funding from the gov about the origins of covid.

Not to mention by the Chinese science establishment and scientists at the WHO.
Because when Covid hit, you knew how it was transmitted and you knew the wrong masks didn't work and you knew kids were less susceptible. Sure.

When it comes to public health, the recommendations of the experts are always going to err on the side of caution. Many people came to the conclusion masks weren't necessary simply because they didn't like wearing them rather than any scientific reasoning. Just because some of the complaints turned out to be right doesn't mean is was wrong to take the precautions. It's like watching and complaining about what play they ran or didn't run. You have no info but think you're right because the play didn't work.
Because when Covid hit, you knew how it was transmitted and you knew the wrong masks didn't work and you knew kids were less susceptible. Sure.

When it comes to public health, the recommendations of the experts are always going to err on the side of caution. Many people came to the conclusion masks weren't necessary simply because they didn't like wearing them rather than any scientific reasoning. Just because some of the complaints turned out to be right doesn't mean is was wrong to take the precautions. It's like watching and complaining about what play they ran or didn't run. You have no info but think you're right because the play didn't work.
What was the reasoning in making people in a restaurant wear a mask while walking to their table or the bathroom but not while they're sitting down?