You're conflating the mass shootings in this country with events like Roseland, which is a very small portion of that. The majority of these MASS SHOOTINGS are occurring in places like Chicago, Baltimore, NY and LA, and they are gang related. All those places have very stringent gun control laws, as well.
That's the lunacy of the gun control argument. You have cities and states, that have a large number of mass shootings, AND the toughest gun control laws in the country. Then, there are other cities and states, that provide easier access to concealed carry permits, AND they have the fewest gun related incidents. Yet, rather than modelling our gun laws to reflect what states like Florida and Texas are doing successfully, the gun control advocates want to replicate what Illinois, NY, and MD are doing, which has been an utter failure. How does that make any rational sense?
Now you want to replicate Australia. No problem. Go ahead and eliminate the 2nd amendment. Are there any others you'd like to scrap as well? Freedom is what makes this country a great place. Eroding and eliminating the freedoms we have, makes it less great.
There are over 300 Million guns in this country. How are you going to take them away? A buyback? I'm sure all the gang bangers and drug dealers will be at the head of that line. You could run around, kicking in doors and seizing weapons. That's worked well for a lot of Third World Dictators. Perhaps, that's the kind of country you'd rather live in? Whatever method you use, I can guarantee, that the people you LEAST want to have guns, will be the last to lose theirs. The law of unintended consequences.
If ALL the gun control laws, that Obama and his minions have wanted in the last 6 years were enacted, they would NOT have eliminated one of the mass shootings, that has everyone so emotionally upset. OMG, could it just be political posturing?
Somewhere in this whole debate, the focus has been placed solely on the gun, and the person that's wielding it is getting a pass. I've had guns in my house for over 50 years and I've never had one sneak out and commit a crime. Don't you think it makes more rational sense to focus on the PEOPLE misusing the guns, rather than venting on inanimate objects.
The key, as I see it, is just accountability. Florida mandates a 5 year sentence for using a gun in a crime, on top of the penalty for that crime. More importantly, they enforce their laws. It seems to be working pretty well.
Personally, I'd rather have a 5 yr mandatory sentence, if you possessed a gun in the commission of a crime. Add another 5 years, if you actually FIRED the gun in the commission of a crime. Then the state should publicize it, every time someone was convicted of a gun crime, which may have a deterrent effect.
Regarding the mentally defective, that's a more difficult situation. In most of the cases, where we've had school shootings, there was information available on social media (Facebook, twitter, etc), that gave clues regarding what was about to happen. How hard would it be to set up a Hotline for people to call, if they suspected that someone was flipping out and about to go Postal? I know it will add a burden on already overburdened police departments, but if it can prevent some of these incidents, it would be well worth the time and effort.