You're just now realizing Illuminati is insane?
Of course I recognize all of those things about violent crime - I'm not an idiot. But again I say having a weapon for protection is akin to staying out of the water to avoid sharks in my opinion. Both are extremely unlikely to happen to any individual person.We each have a right to our own opinions, but be aware, that in many home invasions, people have been either beaten badly or killed. They don't only occur in "bad" neighborhoods. They have occurred across the economic spectrum.
My feeling about a gun, is the same as it was about my survival gear, when I was flying. I'd rather have it and NOT need it, than need it and NOT have it. Although the media never seems to report it, many people's lives have been saved, when they've had a gun to stop a robber or intruder. You're free to roll the dice and hopefully, you'll never be in a position where your life is in jeopardy. BTW, I taught my wife how to shoot and there was always a gun in the house, when I was on deployment. She was actually a very good shot.
Regarding the UK and Australia, we have a larger population, than both combined, which means if all countries considered have the same percentage of crazy people, we would have significantly more. Additionally, we have a much larger population of gang members in the US, which is the biggest source of gun crime.
I guess the question you have to ask yourself is, "If the government decided to eliminate the 2nd amendment and confiscate all guns, do you think we would be safer, than we already are? Who would comply with the request to confiscate weapons? Criminals? Law abiding citizens?
You're going to still try and tell me that this was staged. And 29 funerals were staged? Some of which I attended and saw the DEAD bodies of children? Newtown must have some of the best actors in the world.
As for the no life flights, there's a reason. By the time the authorities got there, the victims were dead.
As for the father you mention, he's an odd character all right. Was before the shootings, too. But no one knows how a person will act when such a tragedy befalls a town.
As for Sandy Hook School, there was NOT a decision to tear the school down before the shootings. It was a somewhat older school with some capacity/infrastructure issues. There were discussions about replacing it, but there was never a decision to tear it down until well after the shootings.
You must be insane. Your conspiracy theory is so ridiculous I am absolutely dumbfounded. You should go to Sandy Hook/Newtown and meet the parents of the slain children. Some of whom I personally know. Where are they hiding them, if it was staged?
Of course I recognize all of those things about violent crime - I'm not an idiot. But again I say having a weapon for protection is akin to staying out of the water to avoid sharks in my opinion. Both are extremely unlikely to happen to any individual person.
You must've missed the part where I said "per million people" both Australia and the UK have much, much lower gun crime and murder rates.
I have not advocated for elimination of the second amendment. Do I think we'd be safer? There are some compelling numbers overseas that say we would.
You are an odd person. Do you get paid by the obnoxious post, number of replies, both...?You didn't answer the question. Why is this guy laughing right before the cameras went live? Don't start going off on tangents. Speaking of funerals this guy was smiling ear to ear there as well. Why is this guy seen comedy hour laughing like he just won the lottery both the night of the supposed death as well as the staged funeral for the photo op? Hey its easy to sit there and throw insults. It is not so easy to face the reality that this was staged, and that our government is so evil and has such evil plans for America that they'd go to these lengths of betrayal to disarm the civilian population so that they can carry out a Hitlerian thrashing of their own on America. Answer the question. Sandy Hook was a staged psychological warfare operation. Because these were small children they didn't want to risk a failed operation with an MKULTRA shooter. They staged the shooting.
How the hell can I answer why this guy is supposedly laughing? You'd have to ask him. As I said before, he was known to be somewhat strange. So what?You didn't answer the question. Why is this guy laughing right before the cameras went live? Don't start going off on tangents. Speaking of funerals this guy was smiling ear to ear there as well. Why is this guy seen comedy hour laughing like he just won the lottery both the night of the supposed death as well as the staged funeral for the photo op? Hey its easy to sit there and throw insults. It is not so easy to face the reality that this was staged, and that our government is so evil and has such evil plans for America that they'd go to these lengths of betrayal to disarm the civilian population so that they can carry out a Hitlerian thrashing of their own on America. Answer the question. Sandy Hook was a staged psychological warfare operation. Because these were small children they didn't want to risk a failed operation with an MKULTRA shooter. They staged the shooting.
Your description of what happened at Sandy Hook not being staged is right on point but I don't think a loser like Adam Lanza would be able to perpetrate that crime by any other means than his access to assault weapons. Our laws on gun control are so ad hoc that they don't stop anyone from getting guns. If Connecticut legislates against assault weapons I'm sure all I would have to do is go to Colorado or Texas and get whatever I wanted at about any gun show. I remember growing up as a kid that a friend of my dad's had both a working bazooka and a machine gun. Unfortunately I doubt that he was the only person in America to have that type of arsenal.You seem to miss the main point. The Roseburg and Sandy Hook shootings were both perpetrated by deranged, anti-social misfits. They chose to use guns to exact revenge on innocent people. Again, the deranged lunatics committed the acts. They pulled the triggers, they killed the people. Guns do not decide to shoot themselves off.
Also, there already are manifold gun laws on the books. If a deranged lunatic wants to kill people in a fit of rage, how do you stop this person? Institutionalize everyone who might be mentally unstable? Turn in everyone who you think doesn't act the way you think they should? Well, the Progressive mentality decided to eliminate most insane asylums in the 1960s and 1970s, saying they were inhumane and cruel. Sorry, but you can't have it both ways.
His mother bought him most of his guns. They went shooting together quite often at ranges in neighboring towns.Your description of what happened at Sandy Hook not being staged is right on point but I don't think a loser like Adam Lanza would be able to perpetrate that crime by any other means than his access to assault weapons. Our laws on gun control are so ad hoc that they don't stop anyone from getting guns. If Connecticut legislates against assault weapons I'm sure all I would have to do is go to Colorado or Texas and get whatever I wanted at about any gun show. I remember growing up as a kid that a friend of my dad's had both a working bazooka and a machine gun. Unfortunately I doubt that he was the only person in America to have that type of arsenal.
Your description of what happened at Sandy Hook not being staged is right on point but I don't think a loser like Adam Lanza would be able to perpetrate that crime by any other means than his access to assault weapons. Our laws on gun control are so ad hoc that they don't stop anyone from getting guns. If Connecticut legislates against assault weapons I'm sure all I would have to do is go to Colorado or Texas and get whatever I wanted at about any gun show. I remember growing up as a kid that a friend of my dad's had both a working bazooka and a machine gun. Unfortunately I doubt that he was the only person in America to have that type of arsenal.
Well I have been to 2 gun shows-sorry. You personally may not have anything more than handguns and an assault weapon or so but I'll guarantee there are many others packing more serious heat than this. Do you know anyone who has a silencer for their gun? Well I do and it is highly illegal one but he has it nonetheless. Hopefully he has gotten rid of it since the last time I heard about it. The guy who had the machine gun and bazooka has died but I don't know what happened to his hoard of weapons. I never heard but I imagine his relatives still have them. I know another guy that has 550 guns. Why beats the hell out of me? Big EE you need to get out to rural Indiana and you might learn a thing or two about how we live and think regarding our guns. I've also found the dumber and more paranoid people seem to be the ones with the most guns. It's not a scientific poll obviously and you will probably counter with Einstein belonged to the NRA.You're suffering from Left Wing Delusion regarding gun shows. If you've ever been to one, which I doubt, you'll find the people selling guns there are registered dealers, who make you fill out the same paperwork, that you would deal with if you went to their store. The same background checks will occur and you will have to go to their shop to pick up the gun, when the waiting period is over. Occasionally, there are booths, where individuals are selling ammo, that they've hand loaded, or accessories, like holsters, belts, gun cleaning kits, etc.
The Left wants you to believe that gun shows are like a large garage sale/swap meet, where nefarious gun dealers are selling guns to people who would not be able to get them otherwise. I've been to quite a few gun shows during my life and I've never seen anything even remotely like that, so I hate to destroy that illusion for you.
Yeah, everyone that supports the Second Amendment has a few bazookas and machine guns in their basement.....
Of course I recognize all of those things about violent crime - I'm not an idiot. But again I say having a weapon for protection is akin to staying out of the water to avoid sharks in my opinion. Both are extremely unlikely to happen to any individual person.
You must've missed the part where I said "per million people" both Australia and the UK have much, much lower gun crime and murder rates.
I have not advocated for elimination of the second amendment. Do I think we'd be safer? There are some compelling numbers overseas that say we would.
No that is not true. UK is worse than the US per capita...
Worked real nice in the UK didn't it
No, I would not put that sign in the window. It wouldn't be something that crossed my mind. Why? Because gun crimes, while always attention-grabbing, are still rare.
Yes, within the US your statement about most vs. least restrictive gun laws holds true. However in comparable countries to the US (i.e. not Mexico, North Korea, etc.), that comparison does NOT hold true. Australia and the UK, for example, have markedly lower gun crime and overall murder rates than the US, especially when considering per million people, and their gun laws are remarkably strict.
I'm perfectly comfortable with guns. I have a big fat E on my pistol marksmanship ribbon for a reason. I have never had cause to believe that I needed to OWN my own handgun for any reason, and if I did I suspect I would rather move. If someone invades my home tomorrow, I would rather they take what they want and leave than risk a gunfight in my house. Otherwise, I try not to give people reason to want to come in my home and shoot me, and I think the chances that I will be the victim of a random violent crime are exceedingly small. I'm far, far more concerned about getting hit by a car while I run or ride my bike, and owning/carrying a handgun for "protection" seems about as rational and necessary as staying out of the ocean for fear of a shark attack.
I think a lot of people don't understand what the second amendment is about or why it was adopted:
It's a great analogy. I can decide where to live, but I can't decide when someone's going to attack me. I can decide to go in the water, but I can't decide if a shark is going to bite my leg. Same same.One big flaw in your analogy is, when it comes to crazy people or criminals, you don't have the luxury of DECIDING, if you WANT to go into the water. They will come to you, regardless of your location. I'm sure the vast majority of the people who died or were maimed in home invasions, felt much the same way, that you do. It's also highly unlikely, that your house will burn down, but I'll bet you have homeowner's insurance to protect you, in case it does. Is it any more irrational to protect your life and that of your family, than it is to protect your wallet against a situation that's unlikely to occur?
I didn't miss the part about, "per million people". There have been many psychological studies regarding the effect of increased population density, which tends to bring the crazy out in people and makes them more aggressive. Both would be factors in the increased incidents of violent crime.
You can look at some compelling stats within the U.S., that show there are significantly fewer gun deaths in areas where concealed carry permits are more easily acquired, than in those cities/states where they have the most stringent gun control laws. Apparently, that's just a fluke.....
Well I have been to 2 gun shows-sorry. You personally may not have anything more than handguns and an assault weapon or so but I'll guarantee there are many others packing more serious heat than this. Do you know anyone who has a silencer for their gun? Well I do and it is highly illegal one but he has it nonetheless. Hopefully he has gotten rid of it since the last time I heard about it. The guy who had the machine gun and bazooka has died but I don't know what happened to his hoard of weapons. I never heard but I imagine his relatives still have them. I know another guy that has 550 guns. Why beats the hell out of me? Big EE you need to get out to rural Indiana and you might learn a thing or two about how we live and think regarding our guns. I've also found the dumber and more paranoid people seem to be the ones with the most guns. It's not a scientific poll obviously and you will probably counter with Einstein belonged to the NRA.
BTW I would hardly call me left wing as I usually vote Republican, although that is may be changing the more crazy the right wing of the party is becoming. I am fiscally very conservative.
How the hell can I answer why this guy is supposedly laughing? You'd have to ask him. As I said before, he was known to be somewhat strange. So what?
Why don't you answer me. There were funerals for kids at St. Rose of Lima Catholic, Christ the King Lutheran, Newtown Congregational, Trinity Episcopal, a couple of non-denominational churches, Sandy Hook Methodist. Are you saying all of these people, including Pastors and Priests, were in cahoots? How about the first responders? (They were from Sandy Hook Fire and Rescue - pretty close to the school. Why don't you ask Captain Halstead what he saw that day?)
Do you know the story about Adam Lanza? I know people who personally knew Adam Lanza and his parents. His mother went to St. Rose of Lima Church for awhile. He supposedly had a form of Asperger's Syndrome. He was a social misfit - an outcast who hated just about everyone, including his own mother. His parents were divorced and his father left the house in Sandy Hook to live with his girlfriend down in Stamford. The father paid $200K a year in alimony and gave the house to her so she could take care of Adam there. Her job was to try and take care of Adam. Adam was always angry and his mother would essentially "bribe" him to try to keep him under control. She couldn't do it. Adam attacked her at times and threatened her on many occasions. My understanding is that Adam got very upset when His mother started volunteer teaching at Sandy Hook Elementary. He thought his mother loved the young kids more than she loved him. Adam ended up killing a teacher at Sandy Hook School who he had as a child. He also killed the Principal - she was at the school when he was there.
All you have is rumor and innuendo. You are full of $hit. Don't try to tell me that SHS was staged. It absolutely wasn't.
89 firearms per 100 residents in the US. Next is Yemen with 55, then Switzerland (who still practices conscription) with 46. The UK has 1.8 million registered firearms against a population of 65 million.
The US accounts for 31% of mass shooters (killing 4 or more) from 1966 to 2012. Five times more than the next country, and 65% higher per capita than the next highest (Philippines).
133 mass shootings since 2000 i the US. Next most in developed European and Asian countries is 6. SIX. In that same time, 13 European nations had 23 mass shootings accounting for 205 deaths. The US had 487 deaths.
One of those shootings in Norway accounts for 67 of those European deaths.
Germany has the highest number of mass shootings in Europe since 2000, but a death rate of 0.05 per 100,000. The US rate is three times that, and more than seven times the UK rate.
After the 1997 shooting cited in this thread, Australia outlawed semiautomatic weapons and the federal government executed a national buyback program. By 2003, a significant decrease in gun-related deaths was recognized.
Canada requires residents to hold a license to purchase and possess firearms. They've had 3 mass shootings since 2000, and a death rate of 0.01 per 100,000.
You don't need to make it illegal to own guns. We need to make it harder. Much harder.
There are so many things in this post that are just plain false, and some even already proven false from an article YOU posted. Truly, you are an idiot.Where are these statistics of quackery found? The US does not lead the world in mass shootings. Washington DC, NY, Chicago and LA lead the world in mass shootings where guns are banned in all of those cities. NY and Chicago have more violence than Mexico City. Do you realize that? So why would we adopt the way those cities do things. Mexico City has a gun ban too and its like going to Vietnam in Mexico City. Killers kill disarmed slaves. The Oregon college instituted a gun ban and got rid of armed security. A year later it was Christians being slaughtered by a Satan worshiper run by the government MKULTRA program on psychotropic drugs. What are people supposed to do wait 15 minutes for the police? It only took one armed teacher to stop that attack. Why is it that all of these shooters are on those drugs and the news refuses to make an issue out of it? The news is blaming US guns meanwhile all the cities that have conceal carry hardly ever have these problems and if they do it is at a place guns are prohibited. But 90% of the gun crimes happen in those four cities that already banned them, and if it isn't one of them it is Detroit and places in Michigan or Baltimore that also instituted the strictest gun control in the US. The UK has the worlds largest violent crime rate IN THE WORLD. They banned guns too. Africa total gun control total slaughter. Latin America total gun ban total slaughter.
What the news never tells the US public is that if you exclude all the cities in the US that have banned guns from the crime statistics the United States would be the safest country on Earth next to Switzerland. But CNN just lumps in Obama's gun ban City Chicago to bring the rest of the country down or British Knight Bloomberg's NY. How about remove the gun ban cities from the crime statistics.
There are so many things in this post that are just plain false, and some even already proven false from an article YOU posted. Truly, you are an idiot.
But an assault weapon sure makes it a lot easier for the deranged anti-social person to kill a lot of people real fast. As some one said if the gun manufacturers weren't exempt from prosecution for the harm their guns cause and we let the trial lawyers at them we probably would see reform pretty darn quick.
Not to change the topic but many people do not understand what an assault rifle is or is not. The reality is, under US Laws, a normal hunting rifle that has a few modifications that do nothing to impact performance, but are more cosmetic in nature, make it an assault weapon. In other words take a regular deer hunting rifle, add a pistol grip to it, flash supressor, and a collapsable stock-it is now an assault rifle. Still shoots the same rate, same magazine size, same bullet size, same accuracy etc
Gun control, the second amendment, and the NRA are quickly becoming the biggest reason I hate the current American political system.
Why would you go to the trouble of modifying a hunting rifle when you can so easily get the real thing?Not to change the topic but many people do not understand what an assault rifle is or is not. The reality is, under US Laws, a normal hunting rifle that has a few modifications that do nothing to impact performance, but are more cosmetic in nature, make it an assault weapon. In other words take a regular deer hunting rifle, add a pistol grip to it, flash supressor, and a collapsable stock-it is now an assault rifle. Still shoots the same rate, same magazine size, same bullet size, same accuracy etc
I finally blocked that idiot. Anyway, the Swiss still practice conscription which is why so many of their citizens have firearms, but not like the US anyway.Why would you go to the trouble of modifying a hunting rifle when you can so easily get the real thing?
BTW, the statistic about Switzerland having the most guns that illuminati keeps citing is not accurate. The US still leads the world in one thing guns:
The Top 5 Countries with the Most Guns (firearms) Per Capita
Country Civilian Firearms
(per 100 Persons) Total Civilian Firearms
1 United States 88.8 270,000,000
2 Yemen 54.8 11,500,000
3 Switzerland 45.7 3,400,000
4 Finland 45.3 2,400,000
5 Serbia 37.8 3,050,000
Let's make it illegal to mfg and own guns in the US. For sure the bad guys would be the only ones with guns. Mexico's economy would boom with the mfg of weapons and ammo. Smugglers would get Rich sneaking in guns and ammo. The bright side, maybe some of these smugglers would quit smuggling drugs and people. Response to a poster above, make auto mfg liable for auto accidents. FWIW you need a license to drive yet people drive without. You need vehicle insurance to drive yet many drive without. And so what if the Feds put a gun ban law in place. States can obviously do what they want regardless. The precedent has been set, example Colorado and Marijuana.Your description of what happened at Sandy Hook not being staged is right on point but I don't think a loser like Adam Lanza would be able to perpetrate that crime by any other means than his access to assault weapons. Our laws on gun control are so ad hoc that they don't stop anyone from tting guns. If Connecticut legislates against assault weapons I'm sure all I would have to do is go to Colorado or Texas and get whatever I wanted at about any gun show. I remember growing up as a kid that a friend of my dad's had both a working bazooka and a machine gun. Unfortunately I doubt that he was the only person in America to have that type of arsenal.
So we just throw our hands up in the air and say it's too late to do anything and everybody should try to defend themselves as best they can? I think there are in measures that can be taken realizing you can't come to a perfect solution-but we need to try. I think we owe are kids that much.Let's make it illegal to mfg and own guns in the US. For sure the bad guys would be the only ones with guns. Mexico's economy would boom with the mfg of weapons and ammo. Smugglers would get Rich sneaking in guns and ammo. The bright side, maybe some of these smugglers would quit smuggling drugs and people. Response to a poster above, make auto mfg liable for auto accidents. FWIW you need a license to drive yet people drive without. You need vehicle insurance to drive yet many drive without. And so what if the Feds put a gun ban law in place. States can obviously do what they want regardless. The precedent has been set, example Colorado and Marijuana.
Why would you go to the trouble of modifying a hunting rifle when you can so easily get the real thing?
BTW, the statistic about Switzerland having the most guns that illuminati keeps citing is not accurate. The US still leads the world in one thing guns:
The Top 5 Countries with the Most Guns (firearms) Per Capita
Country Civilian Firearms
(per 100 Persons) Total Civilian Firearms
1 United States 88.8 270,000,000
2 Yemen 54.8 11,500,000
3 Switzerland 45.7 3,400,000
4 Finland 45.3 2,400,000
5 Serbia 37.8 3,050,000
For, clearly. The second amendment protects my right to own my own shark with a gun in order to counter other sharks with guns when I go swimming in bad neighborhoods. Not only is it my God-given right to own a shark with a gun, it is the only rational, logical action one can take in order to provide protection and safety against other sharks with guns. There is so much more risk of going without a shark with a gun for that 0.004% chance that you will be killed by a shark with a gun, than there is danger involved with owning and maintaining and keeping your own shark with a gun around 100% of the time. You never know when you'll need your shark with a gun, and you'll be damn glad you have it when you need it.Why are you avoiding my question? Sharks with guns, for or against?
Really? We had a story recently about the children that had witnessed this shooting that occurred in the Muncie Star Press:Notice how the news never does the sensible thing allowing teachers to conceal carry at their own discretion to the school? That would end ALL mass shootings in schools. You'd never hear of a mass shooting again because if anyone ever tried it on a school they'd be killed before they could take out more than one person or so without being met head on immediately. But instead these liberal morons propose insanity which is disarm every law abiding person and punish the law abiders making it even easier for mass shootings. It is insanity. And it shows the insincerity of these people.
Really? We had a story recently about the children that had witnessed this shooting that occurred in the Muncie Star Press:
Indiana Principal Leonard Redden shot and killed two teachers with a shotgun at William Reed Elementary School in Hartford City, Indiana, before fleeing into a remote forest, where he committed suicide.
But you said there would never be a shooting at a school if we only armed the teachers. I suppose 2 killings does not count as a mass killing. What constitutes a mass killing? I guess we aren't terribly worried about the occasional double or triple homicides that occur on school grounds and it's true the principal did not shoot any students. And a double homicide is barely going to cause a ripple in most communities anymore because we are so numb to them.That's a shooting not a mass shooting. What that shows you is that maybe we need teacher public school registration not gun registration.
There's gonna be casualties. A few situations here and there is quite a bit more preferable to twenty million in a death camp by a government filled with people who publicly say they're trying to exterminate the public. Understand they say that NOW and are planning that publicly.
So then we should take guns from police? They shoot people everyday. Intentionally in many well publicized cases. You're never going to have a perfect society. Arming the teachers though will make this thing about as rare as finding a pile of gold at the end of a rainbow I'll tell yah that. You gotta love how Obama gets up there seizing every shooting using their deaths just to wage war on the US public asking them to surrender their protection, while he has armed snipers on the Whitehouse roof and lifetime protection. What a joke.
For, clearly. The second amendment protects my right to own my own shark with a gun in order to counter other sharks with guns when I go swimming in bad neighborhoods. Not only is it my God-given right to own a shark with a gun, it is the only rational, logical action one can take in order to provide protection and safety against other sharks with guns. There is so much more risk of going without a shark with a gun for that 0.004% chance that you will be killed by a shark with a gun, than there is danger involved with owning and maintaining and keeping your own shark with a gun around 100% of the time. You never know when you'll need your shark with a gun, and you'll be damn glad you have it when you need it.
A killer whale could do it too-don't forget that resource!The only thing that can stop a shark with a gun?
A dolphin with a gun.
What's the occasional death or 2 or 2,000, so long as we have gunz? Because, rights.But you said there would never be a shooting at a school if we only armed the teachers. I suppose 2 killings does not count as a mass killing. What constitutes a mass killing? I guess we aren't terribly worried about the occasional double or triple homicides that occur on school grounds and it's true the principal did not shoot any students. And a double homicide is barely going to cause a ripple in most communities anymore because we are so numb to them.