Why the clock issue(s)?


Nov 2, 2018
It is dumb...and quasi-embarrassing...that Purdue/Mackey has the clock issues that it does.

In all seriousness...why does Purdue not have a modern day shot clock like every other team in the country apparently does?

I am stunned that it is not just required for that matter...regardless, seems like a really easy "fix" on Purdue's part and equally inexcusable that it has not already been fixed.
We were talking about this at work, it's embarrassing. Makes the department look cheap. B1G should have mandated it, you want to to play any games at home, you install the current shot clock. The "you should be able to tell by how quick it's going" argument isn't a good one in my opinion. Players may just be glancing up after a near airball and see something like 25 thinking reset clock with 25 seconds, instead it is actually 2.5 seconds.
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Candidly, I had no idea this was the case with the shot clock until last night - and I can't come up with an acceptable reason for this not being corrected immediately not to mention it having even been an issue at all. Ironically, it came up twice during the game - the first time probably cost Purdue a possession.

Regardless that the conference schools were aware of this and agreed, it reflects poorly on the University, IMHO.

Now....are there bigger fish to fry? Yes.....but c'mon......and being a world class science and engineering school doesn't help things either.
We were talking about this at work, it's embarrassing. Makes the department look cheap. B1G should have mandated it, you want to to play any games at home, you install the current shot clock. The "you should be able to tell by how quick it's going" argument isn't a good one in my opinion. Players may just be glancing up after a near airball and see something like 25 thinking reset clock with 25 seconds, instead it is actually 2.5 seconds.
I agree, that needs fixed, makes us look 2nd class. I believe that is what Iliini's coach was chewing on Matt for after the game.
It is embarrassing, but how long has it been like this? I'd hate to play this way and I'm sure it gives Purdue a bit of an edge, but it's really strange that nobody else has complained about it (as far as I know).
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I believe I heard that this is the first year where the NCAA has allowed shot clocks to display tenths of seconds. I could be wrong about that, but I'm virtually certain that this is the first year (and last night was the first game) where it became an issue.

I can speak only for myself, but when I look at the shot clock and the second digit is changing every 1/10 of a second, it doesn't take long to figure out that we're under 10 seconds. If the clock has stopped, then I can perhaps understand the confusion. However, statistically speaking, it should only be an issue 30% of the time. Under no circumstance is the shot clock ever over 30, so if you see anything between 31 - 99 on the shot clock, then you should know it's actually 3.1 - 9.9.
Candidly, I had no idea this was the case with the shot clock until last night - and I can't come up with an acceptable reason for this not being corrected immediately not to mention it having even been an issue at all. Ironically, it came up twice during the game - the first time probably cost Purdue a possession.

Regardless that the conference schools were aware of this and agreed, it reflects poorly on the University, IMHO.

Now....are there bigger fish to fry? Yes.....but c'mon......and being a world class science and engineering school doesn't help things either.
It has been an issue before this has been an issue several times...and, there have been issues on the Women's side as well.

Like say, small fish as you suggest and I don't disagree at all, but, agree as well...crazy that it is even an issue...just get a clock that functions way that they don't have the funds to do so, and, I could not agree more that it looks even more stupid given the world class science and engineering recongnition.
I believe I heard that this is the first year where the NCAA has allowed shot clocks to display tenths of seconds. I could be wrong about that, but I'm virtually certain that this is the first year (and last night was the first game) where it became an issue.

I can speak only for myself, but when I look at the shot clock and the second digit is changing every 1/10 of a second, it doesn't take long to figure out that we're under 10 seconds. If the clock has stopped, then I can perhaps understand the confusion. However, statistically speaking, it should only be an issue 30% of the time. Under no circumstance is the shot clock ever over 30, so if you see anything between 31 - 99 on the shot clock, then you should know it's actually 3.1 - 9.9.
It only does it under 5 for Purdue...but, it is just dumb that it goes from 5 to 49...and, far more so for an opposing player.

There just should be a standard clock that all schools use...not difficult at all or much to ask even for that to be the case.
Illini fan here.. attended the game last night at Mackey (4th visit).. Best college basketball atmosphere I've ever witnessed. But 2 things... 1. The clock stuff is bad and needs fixed after the season.
2. Purdue's PA announcer is AWFUL. You guys deserve better.
Illini fan here.. attended the game last night at Mackey (4th visit).. Best college basketball atmosphere I've ever witnessed. But 2 things... 1. The clock stuff is bad and needs fixed after the season.
2. Purdue's PA announcer is AWFUL. You guys deserve better.
Agree on 1. On 2, I think he’s OK.
Illini fan here.. attended the game last night at Mackey (4th visit).. Best college basketball atmosphere I've ever witnessed. But 2 things... 1. The clock stuff is bad and needs fixed after the season.
2. Purdue's PA announcer is AWFUL. You guys deserve better.
My wife loves our announcer. She always looks for him when we're at the games (something about his voice). What was it about him you didn't like?
It is dumb...and quasi-embarrassing...that Purdue/Mackey has the clock issues that it does.

In all seriousness...why does Purdue not have a modern day shot clock like every other team in the country apparently does?

I am stunned that it is not just required for that matter...regardless, seems like a really easy "fix" on Purdue's part and equally inexcusable that it has not already been fixed.
We’re you aware of the before yesterday?
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We’re you aware of the before yesterday? happened earlier this year as happens every game for that matter.

The only reason it was an issue yesterday was because the referee (Szelc) stopped play (when he did not need to) to review whether the ball had hit the rim (it clearly had not) and, then had to reset the shot clock.

Yeah I was aware of was/is Purdue...thus why they apparently had some memo go out.

There have been a handful of clock issues in general this year aside of this particular one, and, same thing on the Women's side as well in that regard.
Illini fan here.. attended the game last night at Mackey (4th visit).. Best college basketball atmosphere I've ever witnessed. But 2 things... 1. The clock stuff is bad and needs fixed after the season.
2. Purdue's PA announcer is AWFUL. You guys deserve better.
I had 2 Illinois fans sit directly behind me...both said that the atmosphere was awesome as well, and, they enjoyed being there...despite the outcome.

The clock issue is just dumb as already stated...more was made of it and is being made of it than need be, but, it is dumb that it even was/is an issue. happened earlier this year as happens every game for that matter.

The only reason it was an issue yesterday was because the referee (Szelc) stopped play (when he did not need to) to review whether the ball had hit the rim (it clearly had not) and, then had to reset the shot clock.

Yeah I was aware of was/is Purdue...thus why they apparently had some memo go out.

There have been a handful of clock issues in general this year aside of this particular one, and, same thing on the Women's side as well in that regard.
But yea, that clock has been there for years.
Does not change the fact that it is dumb that it functions as it does...

I have always felt that it was dumb...maybe now that everybody else was made aware of it, they will fix/replace it.
Meh. Non issue, if we had slightly competent officiating in B1G wouldn’t even be discussing. It’s bullshit that we’re giving the officials a free pass for their incompetence. They should’ve escorted that official completely out of the stadium before the game was over.
Meh. Non issue, if we had slightly competent officiating in B1G wouldn’t even be discussing. It’s bullshit that we’re giving the officials a free pass for their incompetence. They should’ve escorted that official completely out of the stadium before the game was over.
I just think it is dumb that it is even an issue...just get a modern clock...not a tough or unreasonable ask. I do think it is getting blown out of proportion, but, I also think it should not be an issue, and, if they replace it, it won't be.

On the second/other matter...could not agree more. The crew last night was garbage and did a lousy job...the problem is that the assortment available for the B1G is awful in large, you are getting a garbage crew in general pretty much any night...just a matter of how bad the collective group is.

I always start with the obvious...if Bo is not there, it is not as bad as it could be. Now that I know Lamont Simpson is back (that was news to me until this weekend in that I had not seen him at Mackey at all...I wish it were not the case), he would probably be the next worst in that he is incompetent as guy that worked a game where there was a 41 shot disparity in FTs should be working another game. Carstensen was awful last night...Szelc was not good (he often isn't) and Eck was bad enough to have Painter yell at him...a rarity, but, shows how bad he was. happened earlier this year as happens every game for that matter.

The only reason it was an issue yesterday was because the referee (Szelc) stopped play (when he did not need to) to review whether the ball had hit the rim (it clearly had not) and, then had to reset the shot clock.

Yeah I was aware of was/is Purdue...thus why they apparently had some memo go out.

There have been a handful of clock issues in general this year aside of this particular one, and, same thing on the Women's side as well in that regard.
What I found funny is that Robbie had to explain to the other announcer what was happening. The other guy clearly had no clue.

I expect they'll change the clock in the near future.
I haven't heard a thing about it until last night, but if there was a bulletin that went out about it, everybody should've been aware of it and should be pretty easy to understand when the second number is moving as fast as it does in tenths of a second. Nevertheless, I don't see where that would be difficult or expensive to change and get the clock the same as the clock that everybody else is using.
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It is embarrassing, but how long has it been like this? I'd hate to play this way and I'm sure it gives Purdue a bit of an edge, but it's really strange that nobody else has complained about it (as far as I know).
It appears that most people did not even notice it until last night as I have never before heard or read anything about it. It's all very odd as they should have received the memo.
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No, no and No! As an engineering, science and technology school that was just embarrassing. Fix it now. And for the guys saying chip shortages or whatever, it’s a f’cking clock. Generic chips from the 60s can make a clock.
Are you sure about that with electronics supply issues being what they have been the past couple of years? especially before the season started? (and they probably don't want to switch mid-season)
They did mention Purdue is the only B1G school without the decimal version, so I wouldn't think it is this. I would guess they knew it could do the tenths in the manner it currently is, so they didn't order new ones.
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They did mention Purdue is the only B1G school without the decimal version, so I wouldn't think it is this. I would guess they knew it could do the tenths in the manner it currently is, so they didn't order new ones.
Order clocks that work to the current standard. We need to make it 100% foolproof…. for folks like Bo, Paul, DJ, etc.