Why is Trump fighting so hard for the wall?


Gold Member
Dec 9, 2014
Personally, I really don't have an opinion either way.

I guess I don't understand why Donald is so adamant about it. Is it just to please his base? I wouldn't think he would be against cheap labor. It is something else.
Personally, I really don't have an opinion either way.

I guess I don't understand why Donald is so adamant about it. Is it just to please his base? I wouldn't think he would be against cheap labor. It is something else.

It’s because Ann Coulter and others associated with Fox News have put him in a corner and told him his presidency would be a failure if he didn’t get the wall done. His base is too stupid to think for themselves and realize that the entire premise is totally absurd (never mind that he straight up told them Mexico would pay for it), so they go right along with it.
It’s because Ann Coulter and others associated with Fox News have put him in a corner and told him his presidency would be a failure if he didn’t get the wall done. His base is too stupid to think for themselves and realize that the entire premise is totally absurd (never mind that he straight up told them Mexico would pay for it), so they go right along with it.
I mean of all the "problems" with this country, making a wall or fence or whatever seems lower on the list. $5.7 billion towards a cure for cancer. Or fight opioids. Or help with mental health. Or rebuild California.
It’s because Ann Coulter and others associated with Fox News have put him in a corner and told him his presidency would be a failure if he didn’t get the wall done. His base is too stupid to think for themselves and realize that the entire premise is totally absurd (never mind that he straight up told them Mexico would pay for it), so they go right along with it.
I mean of all the "problems" with this country, making a wall or fence or whatever seems lower on the list. $5.7 billion towards a cure for cancer. Or fight opioids. Or help with mental health. Or rebuild California.

Oh no. We have to make sure that the folks in places like northern Minnesota are safe from the onslaught.

I get a kick out of him saying it’s a crisis, that it’s an emergency, that we have to do this NOW.....when the wall would take years and years to build.

I guess things like cancer can wait.
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Oh no. We have to make sure that the folks in places like northern Minnesota are safe from the onslaught.

I get a kick out of him saying it’s a crisis, that it’s an emergency, that we have to do this NOW.....when the wall would take years and years to build.

I guess things like cancer can wait.
Politics aside, I was talking to a friend who is a construction engineer and his estimation is that anything concrete, even concrete filled steel, would be a lot more than $5 bill.
Oh no. We have to make sure that the folks in places like northern Minnesota are safe from the onslaught.

I get a kick out of him saying it’s a crisis, that it’s an emergency, that we have to do this NOW.....when the wall would take years and years to build.

I guess things like cancer can wait.
Politics aside, I was talking to a friend who is a construction engineer and his estimation is that anything concrete, even concrete filled steel, would be a lot more than $5 bill.

Yep. I’ve seen estimates of $20+ billion. Not to mention ongoing maintenance.

No one is saying immigration isn’t a huge issue. No one is advocating for open borders as he constantly claims. If he wants a wall, as ridiculous as it is, then he can make Mexico pay as he promised. Therefore he needs zero money from US citizens.

He has this opportunity to make meaningful changes that are both effective and humane, and instead he spends his time lying about a crisis that isn’t there to fire up his base.....all because it’s what Fox News wants him to do.
As others have said, he's backed himself into a corner and can't come out without the Fox News crowd's blessing to do it.
I also wish someone would explain that.
I want someone to explain how you don’t sign a budget bill that all 100 senators agreed upon, the absolute definition of bipartisanship and how our government should work. The fact he wouldn’t sign the bill proves he places himself before country, each time he opens his mouth and says otherwise, anyone with a shred of common sense knows he’s lying. He can’t get past his own vanity with this wall issue
I want someone to explain how you don’t sign a budget bill that all 100 senators agreed upon, the absolute definition of bipartisanship and how our government should work. The fact he wouldn’t sign the bill proves he places himself before country, each time he opens his mouth and says otherwise, anyone with a shred of common sense knows he’s lying. He can’t get past his own vanity with this wall issue
Hard to believe 100 senators agreed on any one bill. That seems to be total b.s..
I wish someone would explain why Congress didnt give him all of the money he wanted for the wall last year,when the Republicans still controlled both Houses of Congress.

The really interesting part to me is that a government-funded construction project that will take years and cost billions to build, not to mention commits the US to perpetual payments for maintenance, just to satisfy a minority of voters is EXACTLY the kind of in-efficient, ripe for corruption, government waste that "conservatives" have rallied against for as long as I've been alive. Until now. Amazing.
Oh no. We have to make sure that the folks in places like northern Minnesota are safe from the onslaught.

I get a kick out of him saying it’s a crisis, that it’s an emergency, that we have to do this NOW.....when the wall would take years and years to build.

I guess things like cancer can wait.
Politics aside, I was talking to a friend who is a construction engineer and his estimation is that anything concrete, even concrete filled steel, would be a lot more than $5 bill.

Yep. I’ve seen estimates of $20+ billion. Not to mention ongoing maintenance.

No one is saying immigration isn’t a huge issue. No one is advocating for open borders as he constantly claims. If he wants a wall, as ridiculous as it is, then he can make Mexico pay as he promised. Therefore he needs zero money from US citizens.

He has this opportunity to make meaningful changes that are both effective and humane, and instead he spends his time lying about a crisis that isn’t there to fire up his base.....all because it’s what Fox News wants him to do.

Just to add more context: just a few minutes ago he called it an INVASION. Again, nothing more than appealing to his base and of course whatever Fox News says it is. Pandering to the fears of the ignorant.
I wish someone would explain why Congress didnt give him all of the money he wanted for the wall last year,when the Republicans still controlled both Houses of Congress.
When it came up before he needed 60 votes in the Senate, not enough pubs. I would have thought the great dealmaker could sway enough Dems to get it passed but I guess when you spend half your time blaming them for everything and calling them names, the Dems might not want to see it his way.

I don't know why there was never a specific plan laid out by this admin. For instance, there needs to be walls in urban areas, maybe some in other high traffic areas. In other areas we can use high tech etc., More patrols......whatever.

Instead we get THE WALL.......and it has become this vague, unexplained.......thing that is being fought over when no one really knows what it is. It WAS going to be concrete the entire way but then only part of the way and then got changed to steel.

I know this president has trouble being specific but it seems to me he might get more support if he actually had a PLAN.
Thanks for all of your replies.This wall issue helps me understand why some people dont vote.No matter who is in office ,things are messed up.
Thanks for all of your replies.This wall issue helps me understand why some people dont vote.No matter who is in office ,things are messed up.

I would argue that this is why people SHOULD vote.

Get educated on the issues and vote.
I would argue that this is why people SHOULD vote.

Get educated on the issues and vote.
I see your point and its a good one but I have voted in every election since 1972 and in each election year there seems to be more negativity,mud slinging,etcwhich turns people off.
Cable news started this. 1992.
While I agree, I think it started a bit earlier with talk radio. It started with both sides having radio shows where they would pick a topic and scream their opinion about it and how they (and their side) were right and the other side was wrong. This lead to radio syndication and increased popularity, eventually leading to cable news / tv networks picking up and producing televised versions. Their success proved that "opinion-based" programming could be successful. The major news outlets essentially copied this formula and began to add specialist contributing commentary. While it saved the news reporters / journalists time from having to research more into their stories (to be able to accurately report the news), the contributing commentators have less of a restriction to be un-biased about their topic that they are being asked questions about (ie. less journalistic "integrity"). Regardless, the programming was deemed successful because ratings increased, and so they continued down that path to the point where the majority of news media is now 50% factual information (and that may be generous) and 50% reaction to these supposed facts.
It’s because Ann Coulter and others associated with Fox News have put him in a corner and told him his presidency would be a failure if he didn’t get the wall done. His base is too stupid to think for themselves and realize that the entire premise is totally absurd (never mind that he straight up told them Mexico would pay for it), so they go right along with it.

Stupid comment. It’s about his promises. As stupid as Trump acts we need to extend and enhance the border walls, fences, whatever.
When it came up before he needed 60 votes in the Senate, not enough pubs. I would have thought the great dealmaker could sway enough Dems to get it passed but I guess when you spend half your time blaming them for everything and calling them names, the Dems might not want to see it his way.

I don't know why there was never a specific plan laid out by this admin. For instance, there needs to be walls in urban areas, maybe some in other high traffic areas. In other areas we can use high tech etc., More patrols......whatever.

Instead we get THE WALL.......and it has become this vague, unexplained.......thing that is being fought over when no one really knows what it is. It WAS going to be concrete the entire way but then only part of the way and then got changed to steel.

I know this president has trouble being specific but it seems to me he might get more support if he actually had a PLAN.

Excellent post, thanks.
It’s because Ann Coulter and others associated with Fox News have put him in a corner and told him his presidency would be a failure if he didn’t get the wall done. His base is too stupid to think for themselves and realize that the entire premise is totally absurd (never mind that he straight up told them Mexico would pay for it), so they go right along with it.

Stupid comment. It’s about his promises. As stupid as Trump acts we need to extend and enhance the border walls, fences, whatever.

Personally I’d like to see his attention turn towards something like oh, say, gun violence since that’s really a crisis in this country. But that’s just me.

And it’s not a stupid comment because it’s exactly how it’s gone.
I wish someone would explain why Congress didnt give him all of the money he wanted for the wall last year,when the Republicans still controlled both Houses of Congress.

He didn’t have the votes even with the majority, McConnel didn’t support him on several of of his initiatives IMO because Trump continued his verbal bat tack son virtually everyone.
Personally I’d like to see his attention turn towards something like oh, say, gun violence since that’s really a crisis in this country. But that’s just me.

And it’s not a stupid comment because it’s exactly how it’s gone.

Really? His base is smart enough to know that most of his policies are good for the country and refuse to let his behavior detract them. Neither the Reps nor the Dems care a damn about the people. The media on both sides feed the hate for ratings.
Personally I’d like to see his attention turn towards something like oh, say, gun violence since that’s really a crisis in this country. But that’s just me.

And it’s not a stupid comment because it’s exactly how it’s gone.

Really? His base is smart enough to know that most of his policies are good for the country and refuse to let his behavior detract them. Neither the Reps nor the Dems care a damn about the people. The media on both sides feed the hate for ratings.

And what policies would those be? Rolling back environmental regs in the face of science saying to do otherwise? A mega tax cut for corporations that isn’t helping the average citizen? Withdrawing from Syria without consulting with his foreign advisors?

While there have been a few good things, I am going to have to disagree with you there.
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And what policies would those be? Rolling back environmental regs in the face of science saying to do otherwise? A mega tax cut for corporations that isn’t helping the average citizen? Withdrawing from Syria without consulting with his foreign advisors?

While there have been a few good things, I am going to have to disagree with you there.

Spot on. Also, many of the policies that he ran on are not all that traditionally conservative. Conservatives have always preached free trade, not tariffs. They've embraced law enforcement and the FBI, not attacked it. Recently, they've been defense hawks, preaching an aggressive America overseas limits domestic terrorism. Conservatives have loathed Russia historically and have been hyper critical of any moves they make militarily. Conservatives also are no fans of large government construction projects, especially on the Federal level.
Spot on. Also, many of the policies that he ran on are not all that traditionally conservative. Conservatives have always preached free trade, not tariffs. They've embraced law enforcement and the FBI, not attacked it. Recently, they've been defense hawks, preaching an aggressive America overseas limits domestic terrorism. Conservatives have loathed Russia historically and have been hyper critical of any moves they make militarily. Conservatives also are no fans of large government construction projects, especially on the Federal level.

Free trade should run in both directions. What we call free trade is China has a 25% tariff on auto imports and we have a 5% on their imports. Uh, that’s free? For decades we could live with that but with China no longer being a developing nation it was far past time to make corrections. Ditto with Europe and Mexico.
Free trade should run in both directions. What we call free trade is China has a 25% tariff on auto imports and we have a 5% on their imports. Uh, that’s free? For decades we could live with that but with China no longer being a developing nation it was far past time to make corrections. Ditto with Europe and Mexico.
I never could see how it really benefits anyone to do tariffs. It just means your consumers and the general economy of your country have to pay more for things they want to purchase so they lose to in imposing a tariff. We could do price supports for key elements industries of our country but that to takes something away from the rest of the economy.
Thanks for all of your replies.This wall issue helps me understand why some people dont vote.No matter who is in office ,things are messed up.
of course ,you only got answers on one side of the issue. Most likely college kids who don't know any better, but think they do.
I never could see how it really benefits anyone to do tariffs. It just means your consumers and the general economy of your country have to pay more for things they want to purchase so they lose to in imposing a tariff. We could do price supports for key elements industries of our country but that to takes something away from the rest of the economy.

I think it is a defensive move when a country like China is aggressively manipulating its economy to take advantage of our free trade policies. Sure, we get lower prices in the short term but in the long term they eat away at our wealth, especially from citizens that do not have the money or ability to get the education or training needed to do higher level work. For me, I would willingly pay higher prices for products made in our country so that people could be employed rather than I would pay higher taxes to pay for welfare for the same people not to work.
For me, I would willingly pay higher prices for products made in our country so that people could be employed
that is the free market model we currently enjoy.
consumers are free to buy domestic goods or choose imports. it depends on the product & country as to which is higher/lower priced.

rather than I would pay higher taxes to pay for welfare for the same people not to work.
root issue: involuntary taxation
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that is the free market model we currently enjoy.
consumers are free to buy domestic goods or choose imports. it depends on the product & country as to which is higher/lower priced.

What is the role of the Fed Gov regarding international trade? Why were the long standing discrepancies between our import and export programs allowed to be put into effect initially?

root issue: involuntary taxation