who takes over the offense?

The only person on the offensive staff who was here when we were winning. Was a decent TE…can’t be worse than what we had calling the plays.

Newsflash…we aren’t hiring somebody mid year to step in. The offense is already installed. We won’t be switching it up. We are only switching the play caller.
The only person on the offensive staff who was here when we were winning. Was a decent TE…can’t be worse than what we had calling the plays.
I guess. He's never called plays. Most likely, it will be someone who worked with the QBs
The only person on the offensive staff who was here when we were winning. Was a decent TE…can’t be worse than what we had calling the plays.

Newsflash…we aren’t hiring somebody mid year to step in. The offense is already installed. We won’t be switching it up. We are only switching the play caller.
We won't be switching it up, but I would think the entire rest of the staff, Walters included, has some different ideas. Maybe not major changes, but minor ones that might be helpful.
Nobody on staff anymore has.
Dub is saying the QB offensive analyst. Patterson has more offensive experience with RB and WR. I'd be willing to bet Card has a good command of the air raid offense and was limited in what he wanted to do so he might just needs to release the offense play book. That offense against NE was atrocious.
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When Walters was a player, what position did he play again?

Walters says screw it, he's going to call the offense and defense rest of the season.

Yeah, probably not happening, but also not like he doesn't know a little about offense and probably going to have to take more of hands on approach regardless of he takes on the play calling duties.
When Walters was a player, what position did he play again?

Walters says screw it, he's going to call the offense and defense rest of the season.

Yeah, probably not happening, but also not like he doesn't know a little about offense and probably going to have to take more of hands on approach regardless of he takes on the play calling duties.
maybe. he didn't play offense after high school. He was a DB since his sophomore year and was a damn good one.
Dub is saying the QB offensive analyst. Patterson has more offensive experience with RB and WR. I'd be willing to bet Card has a good command of the air raid offense and was limited in what he wanted to do so he might just needs to release the offense play book. That offense against NE was atrocious.
MBob calls the rest of the staff into his office tomorrow morning. “I’ve got bad news and good news. The bad news is you’re all fired. The good news is you’ve got 8 games to earn your jobs back.”
I guess Walters was feeling the heat. People that thought that Walters would not be let go after 2 years might be convinced otherwise now. Walters will now be fighting to prove he deserves to be the head coach. I think he is over his head, but willing to give him a chance to show otherwise.

It was the right decision to let Harrell go. We were taking steps backwards on offense. If Card does not improve with a new coordinator, then he needs to be benched. There are no other excuses that can be used.

Hopefully, we will see the offense offer a little excitement going forward.
MBob calls the rest of the staff into his office tomorrow morning. “I’ve got bad news and good news. The bad news is you’re all fired. The good news is you’ve got 8 games to earn your jobs back.”
I don't think MBob was involved. It was pretty obvious that the O wasn't working and the guy in charge made a quick fire. What happens next will determine his outcome.
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Jerry Kill is now a consultant with Vanderbilt, and see how they've improved. I doubt that he'd leave them for us, but we should try to hire a similar consultant to help call the plays. Always an overachiever with what players he's been given. In 2009 his NIU team whipped Purdue handily, and I'm sure he also beat them while coaching at Minnesota. Just a highly successful coach wherever he goes, and probably would be now a top name coach if it hadn't been for his medical issues.
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The only person on the offensive staff who was here when we were winning. Was a decent TE…can’t be worse than what we had calling the plays.

Newsflash…we aren’t hiring somebody mid year to step in. The offense is already installed. We won’t be switching it up. We are only switching the play caller.
Jerry Kill is now a consultant with Vanderbilt, and see how they've improved. I doubt that he'd leave them for us, but we should try to hire a similar consultant to help call the plays. Always an overachiever with what players he's been given. In 2009 his NIU team whipped Purdue handily, and I'm sure he also beat them while coaching at Minnesota. Just a highly successful coach wherever he goes, and probably would be now a top name coach if it hadn't been for his medical issues.
What's Jim Chaney doing these days?
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Here’s a thought nobody else would dare mention…..

How about if you are going to run an air raid offense, you do so with a drop back qb rather than an option qb?

Nothing against Card. But he was never the right type of qb for the offense Walters wanted to install and run.

Another thought nobody ever thinks about or is bold enough to say. When teams get a lead, they go into a prevent defense. When a team is behind, they pass the ball. This leads to a qb generating a lot of passing stats that are basically meaningless. Qb stats look good because the opposing defense is alliwing them to pass while controlling the outcome of the game.

For those that doubt me, look at the Vikings/packers game today. Love put up some great passing stats coming from behind. The Vikings already had control of the game. They allowed love to pass.

In the end, what do you value more? Great passing stats? Or a win?
Here’s a thought nobody else would dare mention…..

How about if you are going to run an air raid offense, you do so with a drop back qb rather than an option qb?

Nothing against Card. But he was never the right type of qb for the offense Walters wanted to install and run.

Another thought nobody ever thinks about or is bold enough to say. When teams get a lead, they go into a prevent defense. When a team is behind, they pass the ball. This leads to a qb generating a lot of passing stats that are basically meaningless. Qb stats look good because the opposing defense is alliwing them to pass while controlling the outcome of the game.

For those that doubt me, look at the Vikings/packers game today. Love put up some great passing stats coming from behind. The Vikings already had control of the game. They allowed love to pass.

In the end, what do you value more? Great passing stats? Or a win?
Here’s a thought nobody else would dare mention…..

How about if you are going to run an air raid offense, you do so with a drop back qb rather than an option qb?

Nothing against Card. But he was never the right type of qb for the offense Walters wanted to install and run.

Another thought nobody ever thinks about or is bold enough to say. When teams get a lead, they go into a prevent defense. When a team is behind, they pass the ball. This leads to a qb generating a lot of passing stats that are basically meaningless. Qb stats look good because the opposing defense is alliwing them to pass while controlling the outcome of the game.

For those that doubt me, look at the Vikings/packers game today. Love put up some great passing stats coming from behind. The Vikings already had control of the game. They allowed love to pass.

In the end, what do you value more? Great passing stats? Or a win?
You don’t know what the heck you are talking about. Harrell doesn’t run a traditional air raid offense. He made that clear when he was hired and it’s been very apparent. People just assume he does because of Leach. He didn’t run a fast tempo offense except for a few random plays probably no more than brohm. A typical air raid offense does not utilize a tight end often, that was a staple under Harrell. He also made it clear he wants a mobile qb and that was the cause of some friction for Brady Allen.
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I know the definition of an air raid offense. And it sure doesn’t include an option or mobile qb. If you say Harrell valued a mobile qb over a drop back qb like Allen, then he really wasn’t running an air raid offense no matter what he was calling it. There was a reason he was fired previously.

And I knew before I posted what two posters would reply and what their reply would be.

IU fans are happy tonight and you people are unwilling to even consider out of the box ideas! So if you don’t like my ideas, do you have any of your own? I’m waiting ! How about starting your own threads with possible solutions and insight rather than constantly telling others they are stupid? Name calling doesn’t win games but must make you feel better!
I know the definition of an air raid offense. And it sure doesn’t include an option or mobile qb. If you say Harrell valued a mobile qb over a drop back qb like Allen, then he really wasn’t running an air raid offense no matter what he was calling it. There was a reason he was fired previously.

And I knew before I posted what two posters would reply and what their reply would be.

IU fans are happy tonight and you people are unwilling to even consider out of the box ideas! So if you don’t like my ideas, do you have any of your own? I’m waiting ! How about starting your own threads with possible solutions and insight rather than constantly telling others they are stupid? Name calling doesn’t win games but must make you feel better!
Dude you start every thread with a condescending statement like, you all are idiots for not thinking like me, and I’m the only one here who can come up with a good idea. Usually when I respond it’s to a comment you made openly criticizing Purdue, it’s players, or coaches for something that is nonsensical. No one spreads more hate to Purdue on this board than you.

As for the air raid, like I said he wasn’t running a true air raid. He had balanced run and pass plays and ran a lot of RPOs and designed draws just like at USC. He admitted he wasn’t trying to replicate the offense leach ran.

And stop with the lies of him getting fired previously. As far as we know he had never been fired. In fact he had just signed a 3 year extension at usc when they let Helton go and his staff. And he didn’t get fired at wvu.
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