White Privilege is a shakedown

Thinking you know how a complete stranger relates to the black people in his life, how much he knows (or doesn't know) about their life and struggles, THAT is the epitome of clueless arrogance.
@BuilderBob6 is the most clueless and arrogant one here!! Left wing Twitter ruined whatever brain cells he had
Yeah...... straight white, Christian males are now the oppressed in this country. That's rich.
Except for you, who is a straight (unconfirmed) white Christian male (identify?) but you're saddled with white guilt and carry the burden of white privilege.
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So, if that isn’t the reason, what is the reason? Is it that hard to acknowledge such a thing as white privilege? What is the hang up? Don’t you guys always claim conservatives only use reason and facts? Why the refusal to acknowledge history? Shouldn’t the party of non snowflakes be able to discuss this?

Also, why do you always deflect to Bni?
Like I said, ask BNI if he would preferred to be born white. See what he says.

(and by the way, hate to burst your liberal bubble, but there's not such thing as 'white privilege'. That's a term made up by the liberal media to pander to blacks in order to try and secure that voting base).
The idea that you think you KNOW the minorities you went to school with or have worked with were treated no differently because of their skin color is the epitome of clueless arrogance. flipping an extra nickel to your black counter server at McDonald's for your morning coffee doesn't make you woke. It makes you patronizing.
So, if that isn’t the reason, what is the reason? Is it that hard to acknowledge such a thing as white privilege? What is the hang up? Don’t you guys always claim conservatives only use reason and facts? Why the refusal to acknowledge history? Shouldn’t the party of non snowflakes be able to discuss this?

Also, why do you always deflect to Bni?
Why ask BNI? Because according to him, he's the voice of black America on this board.

And I can't think of a better person to ask that question. After all, according to BNI, we live is systemic racist society. So, as a black man, if he doesn't wish he were born white, I think the conversation is moot.
I have no idea how he "relates" to black people or minorities in his life.

I do know.........that he doesn't know all the minorities he went to school with or all the minorities he's worked with well enough to know they were treated no differently because of their skin color. Complete bullshit. He said NO ONE.

Do you think all the fat white kids were treated the same as everyone else?
What about the short nerdy kid with glasses?
What about the white kid always picked last in gym class?
What about the very homely looking girl who was never asked on a date? Never invited to a dance? Who was made fun of for her looks?
You don't think those kids had it tough growing up?
But, I'm sure you're going to say "well, at least they're not black"

You silly lefty libs want so badly to make everything to be about skin color that you fall over each other trying to be first in line to make a point about skin color.
What is your ethnic background since you say you are non-white?
How about you answer the question I posted earlier instead of deflecting? Unlike you, I don't make every argument about race. The only reason I tag myself as 'non-white' is because of you and how you impose racism to people that disagree with you. See unlike you and your racism, skin color should and is irrelevant.

But I also know how you are. You are a blatant racist and like to label people that disagree with you the same way with no merit. So being a 'non-white' such as myself, I can debunk all of your comments since I don't fit your media infused narrative. Plus you're a blatant bigot so you knowing my ethnic background only adds fuel to your fire and while I am not a white person, you not knowing I am positive triggers you to no end which is only a plus.

And since it is clear that you won't answer the previous question I posted and only chose to deflect, it looks like I was right about you with one of the things I posted.
How about you answer the question I posted earlier instead of deflecting? Unlike you, I don't make every argument about race. The only reason I tag myself as 'non-white' is because of you and how you impose racism to people that disagree with you. See unlike you and your racism, skin color should and is irrelevant.

But I also know how you are. You are a blatant racist and like to label people that disagree with you the same way with no merit. So being a 'non-white' such as myself, I can debunk all of your comments since I don't fit your media infused narrative. Plus you're a blatant bigot so you knowing my ethnic background only adds fuel to your fire and while I am not a white person, you not knowing I am positive triggers you to no end which is only a plus.

And since it is clear that you won't answer the previous question I posted and only chose to deflect, it looks like I was right about you with one of the things I posted.
What question? Please re-phrase.
still waiting on one of our liberal counterparts to define the privilege black Americans experience by being half as likely to be killed at the hands of a white American as a white American is to be killed at the hands of a black American?
still waiting on one of our liberal counterparts to define the privilege black Americans experience by being half as likely to be killed at the hands of a white American as a white American is to be killed at the hands of a black American?

How about going into their privilege of being held to lesser standards of achievement for advancement in academia and the professional world.
How about you answer the question I posted earlier instead of deflecting? Unlike you, I don't make every argument about race. The only reason I tag myself as 'non-white' is because of you and how you impose racism to people that disagree with you. See unlike you and your racism, skin color should and is irrelevant.

But I also know how you are. You are a blatant racist and like to label people that disagree with you the same way with no merit. So being a 'non-white' such as myself, I can debunk all of your comments since I don't fit your media infused narrative. Plus you're a blatant bigot so you knowing my ethnic background only adds fuel to your fire and while I am not a white person, you not knowing I am positive triggers you to no end which is only a plus.

And since it is clear that you won't answer the previous question I posted and only chose to deflect, it looks like I was right about you with one of the things I posted.
I don’t impose racism on people that disagree with me. I impose racism on people that are racist.
Still didn’t answer the question. You say white privileged is t a thing but you don’t think about race? Must think about it some.
Am I going to be born to a wealthy black family, or a trailer trash white family? Which would you choose?
Still waiting for you to either A) Learn to read or B) learn some reading comprehension skills.
He can’t hear either! Shared a Biden quote with him and he refused to acknowledge what Biden said and he twisted a basic quote. He literally included words that didn’t exist AFTER I shared the video with him of Biden saying it. He’s a fool
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I have no idea how he "relates" to black people or minorities in his life.

I do know.........that he doesn't know all the minorities he went to school with or all the minorities he's worked with well enough to know they were treated no differently because of their skin color. Complete bullshit. He said NO ONE.

JesusHC, BB. You insist on doubling down on your clueless arrogance (your own words). Only God ( for those of us who believe) knows what you are claiming to be privy to wrt the life of someone you know NOTHING about. What don't you get about that?

You wonder why people are dismissive of you on here- it is because you are claiming knowledge that no one could possibly have about a complete stranger. Please, just stop it. You are really making yourself look like a fool (on a good day and you aren't having many of those).
JesusHC, BB. You insist on doubling down on your clueless arrogance (your own words). Only God ( for those of us who believe) knows what you are claiming to be privy to wrt the life of someone you know NOTHING about. What don't you get about that?

You wonder why people are dismissive of you on here- it is because you are claiming knowledge that no one could possibly have about a complete stranger. Please, just stop it. You are really making yourself look like a fool (on a good day and you aren't having many of those).
@BuilderBob6 has lost control !!! What an idiot
JesusHC, BB. You insist on doubling down on your clueless arrogance (your own words). Only God ( for those of us who believe) knows what you are claiming to be privy to wrt the life of someone you know NOTHING about. What don't you get about that?

You wonder why people are dismissive of you on here- it is because you are claiming knowledge that no one could possibly have about a complete stranger. Please, just stop it. You are really making yourself look like a fool (on a good day and you aren't having many of those).
lol. The poster claimed TO KNOW that the minorities he encountered or knew in school and his workplace "were(n't) really treated any differently because of it (the color of their skin). No one (he) work(s) with used to be treated differently because of it." Why don't you tell that idiot that only your God knows what his minority acquaintances went through? Why are you telling me? He's the arrogant white guy who thinks he has a GD clue about what it's like to live a day as a minority in this country. He knows NOTHING about them either. What don't you get about that? That's the point I'm making.........and you're making it for me.

I know nothing about him or his life. But you're accusing me of making judgements about one man........and he's making judgements about ALL the minorities in his school and his he KNOWS NONE of them were treated any differently because of the color of their skin. But me making a judgement of that statement makes me arrogant but not him? I stand by my accusation, based on WHAT HE SAID.

To be clear, I don't give a flying fvck that the anger obsessed, white fright trumpers here are dismissive of me. Hell, it's a badge of honor. Please, piss off.
Except for you, who is a straight (unconfirmed) white Christian male (identify?) but you're saddled with white guilt and carry the burden of white privilege.
So I guess we can add homophobe to your list of attributes that includes racism, pro police brutality and vigilantism, and anti democracy and the law. I think you qualify for the Trump Gold Card.
lol. The poster claimed TO KNOW that the minorities he encountered or knew in school and his workplace "were(n't) really treated any differently because of it (the color of their skin). No one (he) work(s) with used to be treated differently because of it." Why don't you tell that idiot that only your God knows what his minority acquaintances went through? Why are you telling me? He's the arrogant white guy who thinks he has a GD clue about what it's like to live a day as a minority in this country. He knows NOTHING about them either. What don't you get about that? That's the point I'm making.........and you're making it for me.

I know nothing about him or his life. But you're accusing me of making judgements about one man........and he's making judgements about ALL the minorities in his school and his he KNOWS NONE of them were treated any differently because of the color of their skin. But me making a judgement of that statement makes me arrogant but not him? I stand by my accusation, based on WHAT HE SAID.

To be clear, I don't give a flying fvck that the anger obsessed, white fright trumpers here are dismissive of me. Hell, it's a badge of honor. Please, piss off.
lol. The poster claimed TO KNOW that the minorities he encountered or knew in school and his workplace "were(n't) really treated any differently because of it (the color of their skin). No one (he) work(s) with used to be treated differently because of it." Why don't you tell that idiot that only your God knows what his minority acquaintances went through? Why are you telling me? He's the arrogant white guy who thinks he has a GD clue about what it's like to live a day as a minority in this country. He knows NOTHING about them either. What don't you get about that? That's the point I'm making.........and you're making it for me.

I know nothing about him or his life. But you're accusing me of making judgements about one man........and he's making judgements about ALL the minorities in his school and his he KNOWS NONE of them were treated any differently because of the color of their skin. But me making a judgement of that statement makes me arrogant but not him? I stand by my accusation, based on WHAT HE SAID.

To be clear, I don't give a flying fvck that the anger obsessed, white fright trumpers here are dismissive of me. Hell, it's a badge of honor. Please, piss off.

Are you as much fun in person as you are. on line, Bob?

You say you don't give a "flying fvck" what any of us "anger obsesssed .... trumpets" think but the amount of time you spend on here trying to educate us says differently. You might make the occasional point that would cause someone to stop and think about it for a minute if everything you say wasn't dripping with vitriol and wrapped in smug superiority. Your attacks are returned in kind and the result is just a lot of wheel spinning. Perhaps you should think about getting another hobby unrelated to personal attacks on the internet.
Imagine thinking people grow up in poverty and go to poor school systems just because of the color of skin. You do realize not all of them do? And then ones that do, it has nothing to do with skin color and more to do with their parents choices. I've known people of all races from different up bringing's and none of it had to do with skin color and more to do with their choices.

I said being put in the circumstances of a random black person when you were born. Those things are more likely if you are black. That is just a fact.

Also, are you saying it is not a privilege to have parents who made good decisions?

Also, how did their parents get into the situations they are in? Does it have anything to do with how black people have been treated in this country.
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I said being put in the circumstances of a random black person when you were born. Those things are more likely if you are black. That is just a fact.

Also, are you saying it is not a privilege to have parents who made good decisions?

Also, how did their parents get into the situations they are in? Does it have anything to do with how black people have been treated in this country.

absolutely not! People put themselves in situations because of the decisions they make.
Are you saying that because some blacks were treated poorly 50 years ago, that it’s impacting people committing crimes or making bad decisions today?
Man, that’s super racist.
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absolutely not! People put themselves in situations because of the decisions they make.
Are you saying that because some blacks were treated poorly 50 years ago, that it’s impacting people committing crimes or making bad decisions today?
Man, that’s super racist.
That’s not racist. That is true in most cases. Yes, poor choices affect what you do no matter what color you are. However, Jim Crow 55 years ago set black people back tremendously. Housing, jobs, lynchings, voting, bank loans, justice system, education etc. Prior to all this, slavery was an obvious detriment to blacks in America. Generations to come were effected.
Are you as much fun in person as you are. on line, Bob?

You say you don't give a "flying fvck" what any of us "anger obsesssed .... trumpets" think but the amount of time you spend on here trying to educate us says differently. You might make the occasional point that would cause someone to stop and think about it for a minute if everything you say wasn't dripping with vitriol and wrapped in smug superiority. Your attacks are returned in kind and the result is just a lot of wheel spinning. Perhaps you should think about getting another hobby unrelated to personal attacks on the internet.
@BuilderBob6 is just theeeee worst
That’s not racist. That is true in most cases. Yes, poor choices affect what you do no matter what color you are. However, Jim Crow 55 years ago set black people back tremendously. Housing, jobs, lynchings, voting, bank loans, justice system, education etc. Prior to all this, slavery was an obvious detriment to blacks in America. Generations to come were effected.
So, I ask again:, how is what happened over 50 years ago causing crime, murder, single mother rate to be such a problem in black America today?
It’ all about personal decisions and accountability.
Unfortunately, the culture is what it is.
absolutely not! People put themselves in situations because of the decisions they make.
Are you saying that because some blacks were treated poorly 50 years ago, that it’s impacting people committing crimes or making bad decisions today?
Man, that’s super racist.

If people grow up surrounded by crime don’t you think they are more likely to be criminals themselves?

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