Wait until you find out about football programs.Because I’m knowledgeable about many more things than just Purdue basketball. Most local school systems are dependent on federal grants. When the federal department of education closes and transfers responsibility for those programs to the states, the states will be responsible for picking up the tabs of what was a federal grant. The states have no money to pick up the tab the federal government was paying. Where is that money going to come from for paying for those student lunches? From increased property taxes, increased state income taxes and increased sales taxes. High school sports? Students will have to start paying to play! Admittedly many school systems currently charge students to pay for their uniforms and shoes and other things. But not all schools did and not all students paid to play. All those supposed scholarships at public schools will soon disappear. And schools like luminaries is smiling!
So in support of STUDENT athletes, my desire is to give money to their school systems so that school will be able to continue to actually have athletic teams. If you follow education rather than sports, when schools are faced with budget cuts and they will be, I know what areas will be cut. And I’m sad to say band, music and art are first on the chopping block and extracurricular activities are next!
But go ahead and give a college athlete $5 million. Why? Basically for only one reason. You want your team to win. It’s not about competing anymore. Ivy League schools compete. You give out $5 million to certain players because you want to win games. Is there any other reason you’d want to pay your athletes ? Would you shell out the same amount of money if Purdue was a 20 game loser? Was Smith a good investment?
At least in giving money to st Jude and school systems, my hope is to make a difference. At some point in time, the more you give to players and the less you give to schools, you will see the schools stop offering the sports programs. You already see that in track and gymnastics. A little known fact. Not all big 10 teams have indoor track teams. Look at the MVC college conference. Not all of their schools have football teams. The ncaa is creating new tiers. What are you going to say when Purdue is no longer included in that top tier? What happens when Purdue starts cutting their sports programs and your beloved basketball program is affected? It won’t happen today or tommorow. But it will happen if we stay the current path.
Gymnastics is already a sport of the past. What sport is next? Crew? Wrestling? Field hockey? Hockey? Lacrosse? Volleyball? Swimming? On the other side of the coin, let’s give a point guard or center $10 million , because why? Because we want a winning team!