Where does Keion Brooks end up?

Maybe I can help with this coach/not-coach debate. Let's take a good coach that can recruit (proven), and cut his recruiting budget severely. Within the span of 3 years he goes from first place to last place in his conference. The decline is primarily due to recruiting. Same coach with budget restored reaches first place again within 2 year. Is it the coach or the budget? Same school, same coach.
can that happen? ;)
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STOP - just STOP replying to "73 (he said humbly and without anger) .... he feeds off feedback ... we ALL need to stop feeding him .... IMHO.
I get it but in defense of my Post it was prior to his admission by a week or two.:)
I will admit that I have checked into a 1973 rehab facility. I'm working on me now. It's been over 72 hours since I read a 1973 post. I am looking for a sponsor, so, let me know...;)
I get it but in defense of my Post it was prior to his admission by a week or two.:)
I will admit that I have checked into a 1973 rehab facility. I'm working on me now. It's been over 72 hours since I read a 1973 post. I am looking for a sponsor, so, let me know...;)
You know that I love you Bro ... but I honestly have enough rehab debt to consume me for a while .. but good luck. I recommend a mouth guard like thingie that lets you grit your teeth without damaging your jaw.
You know that I love you Bro ... but I honestly have enough rehab debt to consume me for a while .. but good luck. I recommend a mouth guard like thingie that lets you grit your teeth without damaging your jaw.
It appears I stuck my foot in my mouth. My apologies. I forget that I don't really know the people I'm talking to and can easily offend without intending to do so. Thanks for letting me know of my error. Not just you but potentially many, so sincerely sorry for the insensitive post.