Where are the riots

Please show any evidence of states other than PA in this case. I have not seen any.

Again — those votes in question in PA have not even been included in the counts to date per a report this AM.
Just one example.

Other states Trump is suing, WI, Ga, Pa and MI changed their requirements.
You can google them if you like.
States, illegally changed their voting requirements because of Covid. Good or bad it was illegal,
Governors have no constitutional authority to make changes. That is Trump's complaint.
I think he is grasping at straws as the damage is done, the votes have already been counted.
So even if the SC makes a decision, what can they decide?
If the votes weren't separated there is no way of knowing now, when the votes were received.
So any recount would most likely include any illegal ballots.
So does this mean that there was massive fraud?

Never said that Beth. if you allow something for potential fraud, anything is possible from both sides. Not requiring an ID being pushed by Dems is idiotic. Minimize the opportunity for fraud allows for more legit elections. i am sure fraud has happened in every election but can be exposed in close elections.
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I think when you get a certain segment of the population that has been told by their political leaders that they are victims of an unfair and unjust society, that everything is rigged against them, that without government intervention, that they won't and can't succeed, then you end of with that segment that feels justified and even encouraged, by those same political leaders, to rebel, resist and react.
we don't need political leaders to describe our reality to us. We know it, we see it, we experience it, we lived it. It is honestly very condescending to suggest otherwise.
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Never said that Beth. if you allow something for potential fraud, anything is possible from both sides. Not requiring an ID being pushed by Dems is idiotic. Minimize the opportunity for fraud allows for more legit elections. i am sure fraud has happened in every election but can be exposed in close elections.

All I am saying is that a few ballots may have slipped through but that does not mean enough to any way determine an election. Example: Let’s assume that Alex Trebck mailed in his ballot but then he died before Election Day. His ballot should have been removed and not counted as that is the law. That is a rare and unusual example but it’s not major enough to matter. Did that happen? And if it did, did it happen with republican, Democrat and independent votes? I am, of course, making this up as I have no idea if Trebck voted or if he was even an American citizen.
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we don't need political leaders to describe our reality to us. We know it, we see it, we experience it, we lived it. It is honestly very condescending to suggest otherwise.
If we don't need political leaders to describe our reality to us, is it honestly very condescending for them to tell us to wear masks and all the rest of it - while sneaking around themselves to get their hair done and so forth?
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I think when you get a certain segment of the population that has been told by their political leaders that they are victims of an unfair and unjust society, that everything is rigged against them, that without government intervention, that they won't and can't succeed, then you end of with that segment that feels justified and even encouraged, by those same political leaders, to rebel, resist and react.
To be fair Trump played the hell out of that card too.
To be fair Trump played the hell out of that card too.
Trump was telling them they needed government intervention to succeed? I think you missed something along the way - unless you mean an end to various trade agreements that crushed US workers.
Were there riots when Trump won?

Do you guys even try to make logical comparisons or do you just hear a buzzword and then hammer it to death.


If you are going to try and be cute and make some kind of point/comparison at least try and think if what you are comparing are both apples
Remind us again why the cities were boarding up prior to the election?
Trump was telling them they needed government intervention to succeed? I think you missed something along the way - unless you mean an end to various trade agreements that crushed US workers.
I don't think its incorrect to say the ways Trump whipped up support among lower class voters was to describe the system as unjust to them and that society was unfair. Trump sold America first as a boon for certain groups of people. Sure he made trade deals that are better for the US but let's not act like he wasn't playing the you need me to fixed the rigged system card. I say this as someone that voted for Trump for various reasons but the left doesn't own the politicians will make your life better card.
I don't think its incorrect to say the ways Trump whipped up support among lower class voters was to describe the system as unjust to them and that society was unfair. Trump sold America first as a boon for certain groups of people. Sure he made trade deals that are better for the US but let's not act like he wasn't playing the you need me to fixed the rigged system card. I say this as someone that voted for Trump for various reasons but the left doesn't own the politicians will make your life better card.
Lower-class voters? You mean people who have low class? The deplorables, as Hillary liked to call them?
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I don't think its incorrect to say the ways Trump whipped up support among lower class voters was to describe the system as unjust to them and that society was unfair. Trump sold America first as a boon for certain groups of people. Sure he made trade deals that are better for the US but let's not act like he wasn't playing the you need me to fixed the rigged system card. I say this as someone that voted for Trump for various reasons but the left doesn't own the politicians will make your life better card.
No doubt Trump reached out to lower income voters. His policies also
helped those lower income voters. It went beyond just better trade deals.
Just one example.

Other states Trump is suing, WI, Ga, Pa and MI changed their requirements.
You can google them if you like.
States, illegally changed their voting requirements because of Covid. Good or bad it was illegal,
Governors have no constitutional authority to make changes. That is Trump's complaint.
I think he is grasping at straws as the damage is done, the votes have already been counted.
So even if the SC makes a decision, what can they decide?
If the votes weren't separated there is no way of knowing now, when the votes were received.
So any recount would most likely include any illegal ballots.

Let's have a national run off! But, only in-person voting allowed and has to be verified by ID.
we don't need political leaders to describe our reality to us. We know it, we see it, we experience it, we lived it. It is honestly very condescending to suggest otherwise.

Give me a good, concrete example of what Democrats have done for blacks in the last 20 years?

How can you say that the policies of Democrats benefit blacks when the evidence clearly shows that's not the case.

The person who has helped blacks progress the most financially is Trump. That's been proven.
Trump was telling them they needed government intervention to succeed? I think you missed something along the way - unless you mean an end to various trade agreements that crushed US workers.

I think what he was saying was that Trump was telling blacks that the Democrats aren't helping them. It was the "what the hell have you got to lose" speech.
Let's have a national run off! But, only in-person voting allowed and has to be verified by ID.

aww you poor little baby can’t take the L. Would you feel a little better if we gave you a runners up trophy? It’s ok we can let you take your time accepting reality. The republican meltdown continues.
Give me a good, concrete example of what Democrats have done for blacks in the last 20 years?

How can you say that the policies of Democrats benefit blacks when the evidence clearly shows that's not the case.

The person who has helped blacks progress the most financially is Trump. That's been proven.
Obamacare, especially in states that passed the medicaid extension, improved the health of african americans! there's one

And many places, including Boston where I lived, have passed police reforms that makes our dealings with law enforcement less fraught
at city levels, many places have passed (including Boston where I live),
I don't think its incorrect to say the ways Trump whipped up support among lower class voters was to describe the system as unjust to them and that society was unfair. Trump sold America first as a boon for certain groups of people. Sure he made trade deals that are better for the US but let's not act like he wasn't playing the you need me to fixed the rigged system card. I say this as someone that voted for Trump for various reasons but the left doesn't own the politicians will make your life better card.

Please provide objective proof of this, complete with how you are measuring better
Give me a good, concrete example of what Democrats have done for blacks in the last 20 years?

How can you say that the policies of Democrats benefit blacks when the evidence clearly shows that's not the case.

The person who has helped blacks progress the most financially is Trump. That's been proven.
what a joke. Look, I have lived long enough in the US to know that blacks are the first victims of economic recessions, and the last winners of a recovery. First fired, last hired. The longer a recovery lasts in America, the better it gets relatively for black folks. It's just a vestige of how our society is structured. That there is the actual injustice worthy of tackling, but we will leave that for another day.

The longer a recovery goes on , the better things start getting better relatively for blacks. That Trump was a beneficiary of the long period of economic expansion that started under Obama and continued under Trump. That trend would have happened under just about any President as long as the recovery continued. Kudos for Trump for being in power when it happened.

What's the unemployment rate now? Who is and was disproportionately dying from COVID? Look we know who is doing something for us. We are not stupid. We know why we vote for who we vote for. That you are subtly implying that large swarths of black people are stupid and incapable of recognizing who is actually their ally is exactly the type of language, culture, mindset, and rhetoric that makes your side unwelcoming to blacks. Just stop at this point. It honestly is condescending, and kinda racist.
what a joke. Look, I have lived long enough in the US to know that blacks are the first victims of economic recessions, and the last winners of a recovery. First fired, last hired. The longer a recovery lasts in America, the better it gets relatively for black folks. It's just a vestige of how our society is structured. That there is the actual injustice worthy of tackling, but we will leave that for another day.

The longer a recovery goes on , the better things start getting better relatively for blacks. That Trump was a beneficiary of the long period of economic expansion that started under Obama and continued under Trump. That trend would have happened under just about any President as long as the recovery continued. Kudos for Trump for being in power when it happened.

What's the unemployment rate now? Who is and was disproportionately dying from COVID? Look we know who is doing something for us. We are not stupid. We know why we vote for who we vote for. That you are subtly implying that large swarths of black people are stupid and incapable of recognizing who is actually their ally is exactly the type of language, culture, mindset, and rhetoric that makes your side unwelcoming to blacks. Just stop at this point. It honestly is condescending, and kinda racist.
Bingo. And that AA's aren't smart enough or able to see that the MSM is fooling them. Of course the trumpers say that about all of us.
aww you poor little baby can’t take the L. Would you feel a little better if we gave you a runners up trophy? It’s ok we can let you take your time accepting reality. The republican meltdown continues.

Ha ha. I'm hardly melting down. Like I said, if Dumb n Dumber do eventually get put in the White House, as long as they don't screw things up for me financially, I can take their silliness for 4 years after which time Nikki Haley will be elected.
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what a joke. Look, I have lived long enough in the US to know that blacks are the first victims of economic recessions, and the last winners of a recovery. First fired, last hired. The longer a recovery lasts in America, the better it gets relatively for black folks. It's just a vestige of how our society is structured. That there is the actual injustice worthy of tackling, but we will leave that for another day.

The longer a recovery goes on , the better things start getting better relatively for blacks. That Trump was a beneficiary of the long period of economic expansion that started under Obama and continued under Trump. That trend would have happened under just about any President as long as the recovery continued. Kudos for Trump for being in power when it happened.

What's the unemployment rate now? Who is and was disproportionately dying from COVID? Look we know who is doing something for us. We are not stupid. We know why we vote for who we vote for. That you are subtly implying that large swarths of black people are stupid and incapable of recognizing who is actually their ally is exactly the type of language, culture, mindset, and rhetoric that makes your side unwelcoming to blacks. Just stop at this point. It honestly is condescending, and kinda racist.

I love it...always, and I mean ALWAYS, make sure you call someone a racist when you don't agree with them. So typical.
You seem to have bought into the victimhood mentality, just like BNI.

As I've said before, and will continue to believe, the 2 biggest problems in black society are the destruction of the nuclear/2 parent/married family and the fact that 70+% of black children are born to single mothers.
But I'll ask again, if Trump and Republicans pushed through criminal justice reform, opportunity zones, the First Step program and permanent funding for HBCUs, what are the Democrats doing for you?
aww you poor little baby can’t take the L. Would you feel a little better if we gave you a runners up trophy? It’s ok we can let you take your time accepting reality. The republican meltdown continues.
How about a run-off vote to run-off a viral zoonotic disease carrier back to his native geese-dropping-infested clownpantsnation forums where his limited intelligence will blend right in?
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I love it...always, and I mean ALWAYS, make sure you call someone a racist when you don't agree with them. So typical.
You seem to have bought into the victimhood mentality, just like BNI.

As I've said before, and will continue to believe, the 2 biggest problems in black society are the destruction of the nuclear/2 parent/married family and the fact that 70+% of black children are born to single mothers.
But I'll ask again, if Trump and Republicans pushed through criminal justice reform, opportunity zones, the First Step program and permanent funding for HBCUs, what are the Democrats doing for you?
I am not calling you racist because you don't agree with me. I am calling you racist because you are insinuating that black people are not smart and you know better than them what is good for them. That attitude is racist. Period. There's no other way to explain it. I gave you enough room to back off it in this thread alone, before calling you out on it. Instead you keep doubling down on it like the racist fool you are . Look, you don't understand our challenges. You are not even trying to understand it. You can't even begin to relate to it. Yet you want to come and pontificate on things you have no clue about. Just shut up and learn or better yet just focus on issues you are actually are qualified to contribute to.
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Ha ha. I'm hardly melting down. Like I said, if Dumb n Dumber do eventually get put in the White House, as long as they don't screw things up for me financially, I can take their silliness for 4 years after which time Nikki Haley will be elected.

We will see what remains of the Republican Party after they move on from trump.
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I am not calling you racist because you don't agree with me. I am calling you racist because you are insinuating that black people are not smart and you know better than them what is good for them. That attitude is racist. Period. There's no other way to explain it. I gave you enough room to back off it in this thread alone, before calling you out on it. Instead you keep doubling down on it like the racist fool you are . Look, you don't understand our challenges. You are not even trying to understand it. You can't even begin to relate to it. Yet you want to come and pontificate on things you have no clue about. Just shut up and learn or better yet just focus on issues you are actually are qualified to contribute to.
Why would policy that is better for the working white man be less beneficial to a working black man?
Why would policy that is better for a wealthy white man be less beneficial to a wealthy black man?
And if so why?
Why would policy that is better for the working white man be less beneficial to a working black man?
Why would policy that is better for a wealthy white man be less beneficial to a wealthy black man?
And if so why?
Excellent question, are unemployment rates for similarly educated whites and blacks ever the same? There are systemic and structural racial issues here in US, that often disproportionately affect black people. Without specifying the exact policy you are proposing, it would be very premature to assume that on aggregate it will have similar effects on both groups.
Excellent question, are unemployment rates for similarly educated whites and blacks ever the same? There are systemic and structural racial issues here in US, that often disproportionately affect black people. Without specifying the exact policy you are proposing, it would be very premature to assume that on aggregate it will have similar effects on both groups.
I would be interested in seeing the unemployment rates for equally/not similarly qualified individuals of different races and gender. The equally qualified would be hard to prove.
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Excellent question, are unemployment rates for similarly educated whites and blacks ever the same? There are systemic and structural racial issues here in US, that often disproportionately affect black people. Without specifying the exact policy you are proposing, it would be very premature to assume that on aggregate it will have similar effects on both groups.
Do you think there are structural racial issues in our K-12 schools?
I am not calling you racist because you don't agree with me. I am calling you racist because you are insinuating that black people are not smart and you know better than them what is good for them. That attitude is racist. Period. There's no other way to explain it. I gave you enough room to back off it in this thread alone, before calling you out on it. Instead you keep doubling down on it like the racist fool you are . Look, you don't understand our challenges. You are not even trying to understand it. You can't even begin to relate to it. Yet you want to come and pontificate on things you have no clue about. Just shut up and learn or better yet just focus on issues you are actually are qualified to contribute to.

You can call me a racist, that's OK, it's doesn't bother me. But don't use your skin color as some sort of handicap that results in you being exposed to unique challenges. You're black? Congrats. Guess what? I don't care. I won't treat you any differently, unless of course, you think I should?

But, like BNI, if you're going to lump all black people together and believe all blacks should vote Democrat, otherwise you're doing a disservice to your race, that's what I have a problem with.

Finally, if you think a lot of your problems in life are because of your skin color, I have little tolerance for that.
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Excellent question, are unemployment rates for similarly educated whites and blacks ever the same? There are systemic and structural racial issues here in US, that often disproportionately affect black people. Without specifying the exact policy you are proposing, it would be very premature to assume that on aggregate it will have similar effects on both groups.

Can you elaborate on these systemic and structural racial issues? Curious as to whether these are actual laws on the books or just opinion.
Can you elaborate on these systemic and structural racial issues? Curious as to whether these are actual laws on the books or just opinion.
Thanks for asking. Systemic and structural does not mean its there on paper in black and white or that you can just legislate it away. I wish it was that easy. I will give a you a non-trivial but current example.

Black people are dying at twice the rates of whites from COVID, and it is definitely not due to biology or anything inherent in blackness or personal responsibility. We do know black people in Africa are not dying from COVID at similar rates. That racial disparity in COVID outcomes in US instead is reflecting structural inequities inherent to US society as it currently is, where black people in general tend to have poorer health, are generally poorer, have worse access to care, disproportionately work at jobs that place them at higher risks etc. All those are structural issues. None of which can be fixed by just making laws. Rather, they are complex difficult issues often stemming from historical and ongoing power dynamics in US. Pretending those kinds of issues don't exist or trying to wave them away is exactly the type of rhetoric that makes a certain political party unwelcoming towards people who have to deal with these very real issues in their everyday life.
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I am not calling you racist because you don't agree with me. I am calling you racist because you are insinuating that black people are not smart and you know better than them what is good for them. That attitude is racist. Period. There's no other way to explain it. I gave you enough room to back off it in this thread alone, before calling you out on it. Instead you keep doubling down on it like the racist fool you are . Look, you don't understand our challenges. You are not even trying to understand it. You can't even begin to relate to it. Yet you want to come and pontificate on things you have no clue about. Just shut up and learn or better yet just focus on issues you are actually are qualified to contribute to.
Are the challenges that you refer to based solely on the color of your skin? If so, please help us understand why black immigrants do better here in the U.S. than native blacks?
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You can call me a racist, that's OK, it's doesn't bother me. But don't use your skin color as some sort of handicap that results in you being exposed to unique challenges. You're black? Congrats. Guess what? I don't care. I won't treat you any differently, unless of course, you think I should?

But, like BNI, if you're going to lump all black people together and believe all blacks should vote Democrat, otherwise you're doing a disservice to your race, that's what I have a problem with.

Finally, if you think a lot of your problems in life are because of your skin color, I have little tolerance for that.
It's not about using my blackness as a weapon. I am nowhere suggesting all blacks should vote democrat. I am trying to help you understand why we do tend to vote overwhelmingly democrat since you seemed baffled by it.

But I will echo it again, "insinuating black people are stupid and you know better than them what is good for them" is condescending, and without a doubt a racist mindset. You may not view yourself as racist, and that's fine. But if you find yourself holding that mindset or espousing that rubbish, i would suggest it is time you did some serious introspection.
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It's not about using my blackness as a weapon. I am nowhere suggesting all blacks should vote democrat. I am trying to help you understand why we do tend to vote overwhelmingly democrat since you seemed baffled by it.

But I will echo it again, "insinuating black people are stupid and you know better than them what is good for them" is condescending, and without a doubt a racist mindset. You may not view yourself as racist, and that's fine. But if you find yourself holding that mindset or espousing that rubbish, i would suggest it is time you do some introspection.
Are black immigrants from Africa included in the black people that you speak of?
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Are the challenges that you refer to based solely on the color of your skin? If so, please help us understand why black immigrants do better here in the U.S. than native blacks?
I am uniquely qualified to answer this question. I am an immigrant. By a lot of standards, education, income, however you measure it, I have done extremely well in the US. US is a fantastic country by the way.

I like to say I have had the opportunity of being black elsewhere and being black in US. I grew up being completely oblivious of my blackness, that's a luxury that's just not available to me in US. Not once in the 17 years I spent elsewhere did it ever cross my mind that I was black. I don't think a day goes by in US that I am not aware of it. I know we will like to live in a society that your color doesn't matter. US is not that place for a black person. And I think (I don't know for sure), that as a white person, it really is difficult to fully grasp what this means. In the US, in many ways, the default is whiteness.

I have other things to add to this, but I have to run to a meeting.
I am uniquely qualified to answer this question. I am an immigrant. By a lot of standards, education, income, however you measure it, I have done extremely well in the US. US is a fantastic country by the way.

I like to say I have had the opportunity of being black elsewhere and being black in US. I grew up being completely oblivious of my blackness, that's a luxury that's just not available to me in US. Not once in the 17 years I spent elsewhere did it ever cross my mind that I was black. I don't think a day goes by in US that I am not aware of it. I know we will like to live in a society that your color doesn't matter. US is not that place for a black person. And I think (I don't know for sure), that as a white person, it really is difficult to fully grasp what this means. In the US, in many ways, the default is whiteness.

I have other things to add to this, but I have to run to a meeting.
I can say that telling anyone who is white that they are racist simply because they were born that way will not improve anything. It's just another way for liberals to divide us up based on skin color, religion, gender, etc. As their policies are awful, I'm not surprised by this. I am surprised by how many people fall for it.

In Biden's first speech from the 'Office of the President-Elect', he noted that one of the most important items his administration will deal with is systemic racism. Newsflash for everyone - a systemic racist country doesn't elect a black President in 2008 and 2012 along with a POC Vice President in 2020. It's a false narrative that works well for those seeking power, that's it.
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Thanks for asking. Systemic and structural does not mean its there on paper in black and white or that you can just legislate it away. I wish it was that easy. I will give a you a non-trivial but current example.

Black people are dying at twice the rates of whites from COVID, and it is definitely not due to biology or anything inherent in blackness or personal responsibility. We do know black people in Africa are not dying from COVID at similar rates. That racial disparity in COVID outcomes in US instead is reflecting structural inequities inherent to US society as it currently is, where black people in general tend to have poorer health, are generally poorer, have worse access to care, disproportionately work at jobs that place them at higher risks etc. All those are structural issues. None of which can be fixed by just making laws. Rather, they are complex difficult issues often stemming from historical and ongoing power dynamics in US. Pretending those kinds of issues don't exist or trying to wave them away is exactly the type of rhetoric that makes a certain political party unwelcoming towards people who have to deal with these very real issues in their everyday life.

Without researching it, I'm also going to guess that the percentage of blacks with comorbidities is also higher (obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc.) which as we know, would lead to a much higher death rate for covid. Are those comorbidities and issue of societal structure or culture?

Speaking of culture, is the 70% birth rate of black children to single mothers a societal, structural or cultural phenomenon? Why is this major, catastrophic problem never addressed by black leadership?
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It's not about using my blackness as a weapon. I am nowhere suggesting all blacks should vote democrat. I am trying to help you understand why we do tend to vote overwhelmingly democrat since you seemed baffled by it.

But I will echo it again, "insinuating black people are stupid and you know better than them what is good for them" is condescending, and without a doubt a racist mindset. You may not view yourself as racist, and that's fine. But if you find yourself holding that mindset or espousing that rubbish, i would suggest it is time you did some serious introspection.

I didn't imply that black people were stupid. What you might infer is totally different.
What I was questioning, was "why have Democrats earned their loyalty at the voting booth when it doesn't appear that voting Democrat has helped them to any great extent?"
And to your point about all blacks voting Democrat: if they all shouldn't , who should?
Ask BNI. He believes any black who doesn't vote Democrat is a racial trader and hates being black. (I'm sure you've read his posts. I'm not making this up).

You should actually want there to be more people like me who don't care what your skin color is and believes you shouldn't either. But, using your skin color as a reason for believing you get treated differently doesn't fly with me. There are way too many examples of black people who have come up through tough circumstances and become successful. But then you have a considerable segment of that population who have been told by Democrats (and sadly, white liberals) that the system is stacked against them and they're problems are not their fault. That's BS and I don't buy it.
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Without researching it, I'm also going to guess that the percentage of blacks with comorbidities is also higher (obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc.) which as we know, would lead to a much higher death rate for covid. Are those comorbidities and issue of societal structure or culture?

Speaking of culture, is the 70% birth rate of black children to single mothers a societal, structural or cultural phenomenon? Why is this major, catastrophic problem never addressed by black leadership?
Larry Elder has spoken about this for years. He backs it up with data showing how young black men growing up without a father are far more likely to commit crime, lack proper education, etc. There are millions of people stuck in our biggest cities who are stuck on welfare with no way to get out. This is what systemic generational poverty looks like. So sad.

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