When they tell you who they are

Do you even understand the difference between a news anchor repeating what Trump is saying vs agreeing with what Trump is saying? That's the difference. It's not the anchor's job to agree or disagree. Only to report what is going on. That's why NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC etc etc are shit because they inject their opinions constantly and they are always on the left. SOME Fox people do that, but they are advertised as such. Fox does have true journalists at some times. Something you never see on the other networks.
I’m not talking about the every hosts that Faux News has. They have very good hard news folks like Shannon Breem, Hemmer, Brett Baier, and perhaps Britt Hume. etc. Those are true journalist and yes report what Chump says. My beef has always been the evening line up with Watters, Ingraham, Hannity, and Gutfeld. Tucker Carlson used to be part of this crap before he was fire me for costing the network almost $80 million dollars for spreading lies and conspiracy theories. These folks are not true journalist and they try their best to out jackass each other. They are very pro MAGA cult and spew every right wing conspiracy theories known to man. Behind the scenes they talk about and text one thing. Then get on air and spread the MAGA crap.
I’m not talking about the every hosts that Faux News has. They have very good hard news folks like Shannon Breem, Hemmer, Brett Baier, and perhaps Britt Hume. etc. Those are true journalist and yes report what Chump says. My beef has always been the evening line up with Watters, Ingraham, Hannity, and Gutfeld. Tucker Carlson used to be part of this crap before he was fire me for costing the network almost $80 million dollars for spreading lies and conspiracy theories. These folks are not true journalist and they try their best to out jackass each other. They are very pro MAGA cult and spew every right wing conspiracy theories known to man. Behind the scenes they talk about and text one thing. Then get on air and spread the MAGA crap.
All of those people you listed are opinion jockeys and are advertised as such. You get no such courtesy on the other networks.

The sad truth is that the "MAGA" cult stories you claim to despise end up being the correct version of events many times.
All of those people you listed are opinion jockeys and are advertised as such. You get no such courtesy on the other networks.

The sad truth is that the "MAGA" cult stories you claim to despise end up being the correct version of events many times.
Opinion jockeys are one thing but there is no way that they should be spreading BS literally every night. Plus the absolutely dump stuff that they say. The opinion jockeys have cost Faux News almost $80 million dollars. Plus another entity is in the wings with another lawsuit for the same conspiracy crap.
Opinion jockeys are one thing but there is no way that they should be spreading BS literally every night. Plus the absolutely dump stuff that they say. The opinion jockeys have cost Faux News almost $80 million dollars. Plus another entity is in the wings with another lawsuit for the same conspiracy crap.
How do you know it's BS? How do you KNOW they are wrong?

We don't know why Tucker was fired. Fox settled because it was cheaper and easier. Some suggest Tucker was fired to prevent his most recent story that had been recorded that is now leaked onto the net. Suggesting top brass at Fox didn't want the truth to get out about some of the issues of J6.
Best defended? There were only 2500 military personnel left in the entire country when Biden took office…….thanks to trump……..and they all weren’t at Bagram. The base covers 30 square miles. How well was it defended?
You're like Joe, cutting off a comment before the inconvenient part. (eg, "When Trump said there were good people on both sides, etc.)

The wording was "best-defended, most effective evacuation asset." Do you know of a better one?

Joe sent in 4000 troops as conditions deteriorated, contrary to the lies he was telling us about the Afg forces being ready to take over. He could have sent even more troops into Bagram instead of having our troops slink away in the night without even telling our allies, shamefully hanging them out to dry.

That was a stupid move to make, and characteristically Joe later blamed it on his military leaders. I have no doubt that was another Joe lie because our military leaders cannot possibly be that stupid, but you savior Joe has proven repeatedly that he can.

Biden had to send over 4000 troops BACK into Afghanistan to secure the evacuation.

To use Bagram, we would have had to transport civilians an hour north along an isolated highway, through Taliban controlled territory. Great idea. Or are you saying we should have just left troops at an isolated base for some other reason. What would that be? Do you think we should still be at Bagram?
Opinion jockeys are one thing but there is no way that they should be spreading BS literally every night.
Teenagers and other deep thinkers like you are literally using "literally" too much, apparently because you don't know what it means.

You remind me of 'gr8indoorsman' from the prior board who said he 'literally laughed his ass off' about a post (possibly some half-wit claim you or Bob made).

Since you admit you literally don't watch the Fox shows very often, your claim is literally absurd.
You're like Joe, cutting off a comment before the inconvenient part. (eg, "When Trump said there were good people on both sides, etc.)

The wording was "best-defended, most effective evacuation asset." Do you know of a better one?

Joe sent in 4000 troops as conditions deteriorated, contrary to the lies he was telling us about the Afg forces being ready to take over. He could have sent even more troops into Bagram instead of having our troops slink away in the night without even telling our allies, shamefully hanging them out to dry.

That was a stupid move to make, and characteristically Joe later blamed it on his military leaders. I have no doubt that was another Joe lie because our military leaders cannot possibly be that stupid, but you savior Joe has proven repeatedly that he can.
One question at a time in the hopes you will actually address them.

Are you saying we should have transported the embassy personnel, civilians and Afghans to Bagram to evacuate them?
Teenagers and other deep thinkers like you are literally using "literally" too much, apparently because you don't know what it means.

You remind me of 'gr8indoorsman' from the prior board who said he 'literally laughed his ass off' about a post (possibly some half-wit claim you or Bob made).

Since you admit you literally don't watch the Fox shows very often, your claim is literally absurd.
I do agree that folks misuse the word literally. But believe me I used the word correctly because Faux News does lie and spew BS every single evening.
I do agree that folks misuse the word literally. But believe me I used the word correctly because Faux News does lie and spew BS every single evening.

You make this claim all the time.

Well text of the opinion shows are available online the next day......Here is a short few minutes Sean Hannity as a sample.....what exactly is he lying about...... SHOW TEXT........

SEAN HANNITY: Now, first, Biden and his staff, if you remember, they all swore… Joe said it as president, he said it as candidate that never once, ever did he ever speak or talk to Hunter or his brother or anybody for that matter, about his foreign business dealings. He never discussed these foreign deals with any of these people, ever. Then the story changed. Then they said Joe Biden was never in business with Hunter or his brother or any of these foreign business partners. And that has evolved into an admission. Well, Joe Biden met with Hunter's business partners, some of them or talked to others, two dozen of them on the phone, but he didn't discuss business over what a dozen conversations, two dozen conversations. And when Joe did get on the phone, when he did go to dinner with them at Cafe Milano, all they talked about was the weather. That's what they're telling you now. The latest Democratic Party and media mob spin is a concession.

Okay. The Big Guy did have some kind of role in Hunter's business deals, but as one former White House deputy director proudly quoted, while the Comer memo ‘doesn't show direct payment to Joe Biden.’ They need to read the Foreign Corruption Act and the federal laws because you see, he doesn't have to benefit. If he takes actions as that 1023 form said as vice president that directly benefit and enrich his family, that's bribery, according to the law. Greg Jarrett will explain. You see, the foreign money went to Hunter and other Biden family members first and we all just need to move along. That's what they're telling us.
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Can’t wait to see how the Chumptowners defend this. This man cannot help himself. He falls right in line with typical narcissists. He runs his businesses and his presidential administration like a cosa nostra. His lawyers like Giuliani, Cohn, Cohen, and others were no more than consiglieres. And they want this man to be president again. Unbelievable.
What is a Chumptowner? A racist smear by you?
Right on cue, here come the Chump apologists. What makes it worse is folks on here claim that they don’t like him but defend him to no end. The man y’all support is a child that never grew up. I bet you he had no friends growing up. Probably got bullied all the time. Chump proves that he is very unfit for president everytime he opens his mouth. Please, republicans, y’all can do better than this.
Again the racist at his best
The usual suspects, right wing media radio stations. There are a whole bunch of terrestrial right wing radio stations thanks to Reagan or Bush that got rid of the fairness doctrine. Then there is the “Patriot” channel 126 on SiriusXM. I take a peek at that station from time to time until Hannity and Mark Levin come on. Then of course you have Faux News. The evening line up is unwatchable with Watters, Ingraham, Hannity, and Gutfeld. They try to out jackass each other every night. They are full tilt MAGA.
That is racist
I've been watching Faux News since way back when it was Fox News in the 90s and 2000s. Fox News used to be a nice network with a conservative twist. I'll watch to get my conservative news fix in as I like to watch or listen to both sides. The morning show, Fox & Friends was nice. Bill O'Reilly was decent seem to preach balance. He would have progressive guests on every night. Before "Hannity" it was "Hannity & Colmes". Colmes was his progressive partner every night and they went back and forth on the issues. No Carlson yet. No Ingraham yet. Then one day, Obama decides to run for president. After he won the nomination, Fox News started to gradually change. The racist TEA party was in full swing and became regular contributors to the Fox News shows. Then the day Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009, Fox News became Faux News. Bill O'Reilly was not as balanced as he was. Bashed Obama every night. The morning show changed. Bashed Obama every morning. Hannity got rid of Colmes and now it's just Hannity. Hannity bashed Obama every night. Obama conspiracy lies and theories were touted. This is when the birther issue during his campaign was still an issue on the shows. Carlson is now with the Network now spreading lies. Ingraham has her show on now spreading lies. Hannity is Hannity. These shows now gave birth and a platform to the black traitors to counter Obama like Elder, Owens, Jesse Lee Peterson, Diamond & Silk, etc. All these folks just went on a daily Obama bashing. It got so bad, Obama decided to wear a brown suit and Faux News lost their minds. Then Chump became president in 2016. More lies and conspiracy theories were touted. Faux New became state run TV in favor of Chump. The evening shows just became ridiculous and unwatchable. Again, they try to out jackass each other every night. Now they added Watters and Gutfeld. I still may take a peek at Faux News every now and then. Other news and radio agencies will report on the dumb stuff that they will say. The bottom line is no one tells me what to believe. I'm not part of any cult like the Faux News/MAGA folks are in. You will have to admit that the MAGA followers behavior is cultish.
Every post you make is racist
I don’t know. I heard his name before and can see his face. I never listened or watched his show. If he is a Chump supporter then I reckon he is part of that MAGA media.
Racist or just stupid and don't know how to spell? Probably both
One question at a time in the hopes you will actually address them.

Are you saying we should have transported the embassy personnel, civilians and Afghans to Bagram to evacuate them?
You must be the only dem loyalist left who is still defending the idiot decision to close Bagram. Even Biden essentially acknowledged the stupidity of it by blaming it on the military advisers, which was a lie I am sure.

I am saying we should have kept our options open by keeping Bagram airfield open. As it was, embassy people had to be transported by helicopter from the embassy to Kabul airport. By the idiot decision to close Bagram, that was the only air evacuation option - an extremely risky and tenuous situation:

"The defense official said the “current plan” is that as long as any US diplomats maintain a presence at the airport, there will be a contingent of US forces there to protect them. But the official acknowledged that if the Taliban are essentially in charge, the “reality” of keeping diplomats and troops at the airport may not hold."

"A military team was expected to arrive and set up its own air traffic control system at the airport in Kabul in order to increase the number of evacuation flights out of the airfield. This type of capability is routinely maintained by the Air Force so it can operate at airfields in remote or war zone environments.

“We are going to ramp up flights,” the defense official said.

This official added that “the current situation is going south pretty fast” and that from the outset, in the view of some, “there was no assessment pessimistic enough.”

“The security situation in Kabul is changing quickly including at the airport. There are reports of the airport taking fire; therefore we are instructing U.S. citizens to shelter in place,” the security alert said.

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