I've been watching Faux News since way back when it was Fox News in the 90s and 2000s. Fox News used to be a nice network with a conservative twist. I'll watch to get my conservative news fix in as I like to watch or listen to both sides. The morning show, Fox & Friends was nice. Bill O'Reilly was decent seem to preach balance. He would have progressive guests on every night. Before "Hannity" it was "Hannity & Colmes". Colmes was his progressive partner every night and they went back and forth on the issues. No Carlson yet. No Ingraham yet. Then one day, Obama decides to run for president. After he won the nomination, Fox News started to gradually change. The racist TEA party was in full swing and became regular contributors to the Fox News shows. Then the day Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009, Fox News became Faux News. Bill O'Reilly was not as balanced as he was. Bashed Obama every night. The morning show changed. Bashed Obama every morning. Hannity got rid of Colmes and now it's just Hannity. Hannity bashed Obama every night. Obama conspiracy lies and theories were touted. This is when the birther issue during his campaign was still an issue on the shows. Carlson is now with the Network now spreading lies. Ingraham has her show on now spreading lies. Hannity is Hannity. These shows now gave birth and a platform to the black traitors to counter Obama like Elder, Owens, Jesse Lee Peterson, Diamond & Silk, etc. All these folks just went on a daily Obama bashing. It got so bad, Obama decided to wear a brown suit and Faux News lost their minds. Then Chump became president in 2016. More lies and conspiracy theories were touted. Faux New became state run TV in favor of Chump. The evening shows just became ridiculous and unwatchable. Again, they try to out jackass each other every night. Now they added Watters and Gutfeld. I still may take a peek at Faux News every now and then. Other news and radio agencies will report on the dumb stuff that they will say. The bottom line is no one tells me what to believe. I'm not part of any cult like the Faux News/MAGA folks are in. You will have to admit that the MAGA followers behavior is cultish.