My posts rarely attack anybody on this board! However this board finds amusement in attacking me personally rather than the suggestions I posted! I gave you something to discuss and think about, but rather you’d rather talk about and diss me!
I brought up a point that you believe is impossible! We may head to war with Canada. Who would have thought that would be possible last year?
As each day passes, things that most people Would say are impossible actually happen! It’s time to open your minds to accept that what was once thought impossible is no longer impossible.
There is talk of building a tunnel from nyc to London. That’s scientifically impossible but nobody calls the one who boasts about being able to do it stupid. They call him a genius.
What I’m suggesting has precedent. A player used to court system to get back on the team after his school suspended him. In the old days, nobody questioned a school’s authority or decision.
We have seen many changes in the Nil and commitments in the last year. Catchings signed an LOI. Last year we all would have thought that was a binding agreement. But he found a smart lawyer and got out of his written contract agreement.
So I look at the past, present and the future. What’s preventing Harper and his buddy from leaving Rutgers and signing with Kansas For the dance? You actually believe the NCAA could prevent it from happening? Ever been to the Gulf of America? Stranger things in life have happened!