
Apr 11, 2007
Starting QB for the Rebels quit after the school evidently reneged on an NIL commitment. He can take redshirt and have one last chance to cash in next year. UNLV is 3-0 and supposedly one of the favorites from G5 to make the playoff. What a world we've created in college football.
Starting QB for the Rebels quit after the school evidently reneged on an NIL commitment. He can take redshirt and have one last chance to cash in next year. UNLV is 3-0 and supposedly one of the favorites from G5 to make the playoff. What a world we've created in college football.
Good for him. Used the only leverage he had.

One more reason why we need contracts for these professional athletes.
Good for him. Used the only leverage he had.

One more reason why we need contracts for these professional athletes.
Don't disagree with that at all.

But now reports are that all NIL agreements were met, but the kid and his family hired an agent because they came to believe he was worth more. Looking at his numbers, I can't imagine why lol. Who knows what the truth is.
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Don't disagree with that at all.

But now reports are that all NIL agreements were met, but the kid and his family hired an agent because they came to believe he was worth more. Looking at his numbers, I can't imagine why lol. Who knows what the truth is.
So the kids flat out lying? I’m sure there is more to the story but seems weird he would opt out of playing anymore this season and telling media he is not getting what was committed to him if he was getting what was agreed to.
We definitely need more transparency about these deals. I doubt anyone on this forum has a full understanding of what happened, but I agree with PTFHBTFU that it seems odd the QB would back out if he was getting paid what he was owed.
Wonder how this works with his scholarship. Did he quit UNLV the school or just the football team?

Not sure if he would get drafted, but huge gamble on his part to essentially throw away what may be a magical year.
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From reading the article, this is where things get weird because it's not supposed to be the school itself or the coaches offering the NIL benefits. That's why the collective is there. So in theory there shouldn't be any validity to the assistant coach's 'offer.' This had to come to a head somewhere at some point. Here we are, so I'm curious to see how it plays out.
From reading the article, this is where things get weird because it's not supposed to be the school itself or the coaches offering the NIL benefits. That's why the collective is there. So in theory there shouldn't be any validity to the assistant coach's 'offer.' This had to come to a head somewhere at some point. Here we are, so I'm curious to see how it plays out.
Thought there was a rule passed recently that schools could start directly paying players. Assume Nevada is a state that allows this.

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