Yes, the date in which a new president is confirmed is 100% set in stone. The Constitution explicitly says what day it must occur. Therefore, no court could legally state otherwise. That's why it was near impossible for Trump to win in court, because the extremely limited time between the election and certification. The left knew this and used it to it's advantage.
"The Constitution and federal law establish a detailed timetable following the presidential election
during which time the members of the electoral college convene in the 50 state capitals and in the
District of Columbia, cast their votes for President and Vice President, and submit their votes
through state officials to both houses of Congress."
Of course, in this case, only 5 courts found there was no actionable claim. FIFY because your statement was demonstrably false as I have shown multiple times.
I made no such statement in regards to a hand count. Please don't put words in my mouth.