Trump Campaign in Disarray

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Amy Dacey, the chief executive officer of the DNC, Luis Miranda, the party's communications director, and Brad Marshall, chief financial officer

nah nah nah nah hey hey hey good bye
Right, but why does that worry you? I hope he quits and the whole campaign falls apart.

My thing is this: Trump is absolutely terrible for the country (both as a candidate and would be as president). However, for the time being, he's really hammering home how terrible the extremism, hatred and stubbornness of the GOP are. This started with the Tea Partiers. While he's not a Tea Partier, Trump still taps into that same nuttery. Both political parties need to understand how damaging it is to cater to that kind of extremism. I'm all for him staying in until people actually learn that this is the result of being stupid, voting with emotion, and refusing to actually think about the results of your vote. He needs to be removed before he does actual damage to the country, but I don't think he's there, yet.
My thing is this: Trump is absolutely terrible for the country (both as a candidate and would be as president). However, for the time being, he's really hammering home how terrible the extremism, hatred and stubbornness of the GOP are. This started with the Tea Partiers. While he's not a Tea Partier, Trump still taps into that same nuttery. Both political parties need to understand how damaging it is to cater to that kind of extremism. I'm all for him staying in until people actually learn that this is the result of being stupid, voting with emotion, and refusing to actually think about the results of your vote. He needs to be removed before he does actual damage to the country, but I don't think he's there, yet.
So what is the left doing to combat the Bernie nuttery? Adopting his principles as part of the platform? The Bernie nuttery is every bit as damaging as the Tea Party nuttery.

What we need is centrist nuttery. Enter Libertarians.
Right, but why does that worry you? I hope he quits and the whole campaign falls apart.
Because him staying in is going to lead to an absolute landslide victory, republicans coming to their sanity albeit belatedly might actually mitigate that. It's been clear before and even more clear now that Trump can't possibly win at this point. Any delusion that he isn't batcrap crazy has been removed for all but a few.
So what is the left doing to combat the Bernie nuttery? Adopting his principles as part of the platform? The Bernie nuttery is every bit as damaging as the Tea Party nuttery.

What we need is centrist nuttery. Enter Libertarians.
While it is the most progressive platform, there isn't anything in there that strays far from a core Dem ideal IMO. The "nutty" stuff was suppressed for the most part.
So what is the left doing to combat the Bernie nuttery? Adopting his principles as part of the platform? The Bernie nuttery is every bit as damaging as the Tea Party nuttery.

What we need is centrist nuttery. Enter Libertarians.

Bernie is Tea Party (2010) Lite. The Democratic platform doesn't include the really crazy parts of his platform. At this point, I think some time is what's needed to quell that nonsense. We'll have to see. If the downticket challengers get slapped around, then that'll be the end of the Revolution (RIP Prince). Not here (because this board is a shell of what it once was), but I've been comparing Trump and Bernard from the outset. They are both horrific candidates. And the libertarians are a joke. C'mon.
Because him staying in is going to lead to an absolute landslide victory, republicans coming to their sanity albeit belatedly might actually mitigate that. It's been clear before and even more clear now that Trump can't possibly win at this point. Any delusion that he isn't batcrap crazy has been removed for all but a few.
Gotcha. Makes sense, and yes, should a tolerable Republican come to the fore, I would consider "going home".

While it is the most progressive platform, there isn't anything in there that strays far from a core Dem ideal IMO. The "nutty" stuff was suppressed for the most part.
Eh... Free college for everyone is a core Dem ideal? I know single-payer is, but even most liberals recognize that we aren't ready for that (Vermont). I guess I view some of his progressive ideas as pretty extreme, but that's because I'm not particularly progressive myself.
Not here (because this board is a shell of what it once was), but I've been comparing Trump and Bernard from the outset. They are both horrific candidates. And the libertarians are a joke. C'mon.
Definitely agree on these points, except the Libs. I don't like them in general, but I'm willing to tolerate a few of their views understanding that they don't have the authority to do the things I don't want them to do (legalize pot, pull back literally everything from around the world and turtle). If they're tolerable people, I already align with most of their social and fiscal views (but not all), I don't think they're a joke at all as compared to Trump and probably Clinton too. There is a significant portion of the country that doesn't fit with either major party. The Libs offer an alternative to folks like me who are fiscal conservatives and at least somewhat socially liberal.
Gotcha. Makes sense, and yes, should a tolerable Republican come to the fore, I would consider "going home".

Eh... Free college for everyone is a core Dem ideal? I know single-payer is, but even most liberals recognize that we aren't ready for that (Vermont). I guess I view some of his progressive ideas as pretty extreme, but that's because I'm not particularly progressive myself.
But it isn't free college for everyone. She made changes to it. Debt free college for folks under 100K is effectively what it says now...that was the compromise.
Got it, thanks. Admittedly, I haven't gone through the official party platform.
It was some of those nuttier left wing left out that led to the last Berners protesting at the convention. I suppose opposition to TPP isn't nutty, but it was somewhat nutty to think you would enshrine that in the party platform given that it's a policy position of your party leader/President.
So what is the left doing to combat the Bernie nuttery? Adopting his principles as part of the platform? The Bernie nuttery is every bit as damaging as the Tea Party nuttery.

What we need is centrist nuttery. Enter Libertarians.

"centrist nuttery" lol

My vote for phrase of the year...
Hey, they're pretty center (because some views are left and some are right, so that cancels out, right?), and they're definitely nutty.
Hey, they're pretty center (because some views are left and some are right, so that cancels out, right?), and they're definitely nutty.
LOL I don't think if you combine the crazy of both sides that the crazy cancels out. I think it just blows everything up like matter and anti-matter.
LOL I don't think if you combine the crazy of both sides that the crazy cancels out. I think it just blows everything up like matter and anti-matter.
Low-energy positively charged particles and low-energy negatively charged particles circle each other before eventually colliding causing "pair annihilation." This is how I view Libertarians. It's like the crazy never existed.
Low-energy positively charged particles and low-energy negatively charged particles circle each other before eventually colliding causing "pair annihilation." This is how I view Libertarians. It's like the crazy never existed.
Yeah but if they were in charge everything would blow up! (to continue the analogy).