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The last time this came up you made fun of me because I didn’t put my hands on my kids while also laughing off the diplomatic approach. Gonna give you another chance.

Why don’t you actually address what I said and explain why the results of your bombing campaign of Gaza wouldn’t be a problem for the US. You have the same depth of thought as the MAGA rednecks at a trump rally. Maybe I shouldn’t discount the “murder all of them” approach. Explain how that would work.
Oh and what happens to our hostages in your “parking lot” scenario?

Let me count the ways it would be asinine for the US to make Gaza a parking lot.

Murdering tens of thousands of civilians. Meh, they’re Muslims anyway.
Would likely inflame the Arab world and cause other Muslim countries to attack Israel AND our embassies and military bases all over the world.
Terrorism against the US all over the world would explode.

Eliminate for decades the role of the US as a peacemaker in the conflict.

Cause a backlash of protests in the US and all over the world. Not a big deal here as Trump would invoke the Insurrection Act and forcefully stop the protests.

There would be an economic backlash against the US that would decimate our economy.

Hamas would be STRONGER as our slaughter of civilians would galvanize support for them. That’s what you’re going for right?

But go ahead and act like a tough guy and ignore the results of your plan. Makes you feel better doesn’t it? Better for the US to be isolated, attacked, and ostracized. Who cares? We don’t need allies anyway. Trump will be seen as tough, not weak, and that’s what’s important.

I guess the vaunted Abraham Accords would be irrelevant then huh?

I think you got beat up a lot at recess. Everything with you is parking lots and cracking skulls. It’s so important that you completely disregard the devastating effects of such an attack……..because force and violence is how you would choose to solve complex problems.
Unfortunately trump’s clan is looking for people just like you for his next term. Shortsighted, angry, reactionary and loyal in the extreme. You and your “bull in the China shop” approach are freakin idiotic.

"I don't care about your feelings"
(I think I saw that on a t-shirt)

The muslims will get mad? Who cares? They're mad already.

You think appeasing them is going to make them like non-Muslims? Nope. They'll still chant "death to America" and whatever else their pea-sized brain will make them believe they get their 70 virgins for blowing themselves up. Nah... kill em all. Let God sort them out.

Peace through strength. And when someone (Hamas) wants to test that strength, you punish them so hard they don't dare think of doing it again.
Or, you do what Biden did with Iran. And you see what the results are now since Oct.

As far as slaughtering innocents. Do you know where they found the hostages who were just rescued last week? 2 were being held in a Palestinian journalist's apartment. Not Hamas solidiers, Palestinians citizens were holding them. So, don't give me this crap about slaughtering the innocents.
No. It's just another Republican idea of how to lower taxes, especially on the working class. When was the last time Dems proposed that?
No, it's another Republican idea that will increase the deficit. Republicans seems to be fine with high deficits under republican administrations.
No, it's another Republican idea that will increase the deficit. Republicans seems to be fine with high deficits under republican administrations.
Do you know how much Biden's student loan elimination (illegal) plan will increase the deficit?
How about the hundreds of billions Biden has given Ukraine?
Do you know how much Biden's student loan elimination (illegal) plan will increase the deficit?
How about the hundreds of billions Biden has given Ukraine?
I don't know how much the student loan elimination would increase the deficit. Probably will. But the republicans are usually hawkish on the deficit. It will be interesting on how many GOP repubs will vote on it. They vote for raising the minimum wage. Not sure if they will be exited about voting for lowering taxes for tip workers.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trumpon Saturday night suggested President Joe Biden “should have to take a cognitive test,” only to confuse who administered the test to him in the next sentence.

“The former president and presumptive Republican nominee referred to Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, who was the White House physician for part of his presidency, as “Ronny Johnson.” The moment came as Trump was questioning Biden’s mental acuity, something he often does on the campaign trail and social media.

“He doesn’t even know what the word ‘inflation’ means. I think he should take a cognitive test like I did,” the former president said of Biden during a speech at a convention of Turning Point Action in Detroit.

Seconds later, he continued, “Doc Ronny Johnson. Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He was the White House doctor, and he said I was the healthiest president, he feels, in history, so I liked him very much indeed immediately.”

That's terrible, confusing the names Jackson for Johnson. Two names that are not even close. Thanks for bringing it to FauxGrad's attention so he could quickly give a Pavlovian response. That means a lot to him.

Yeah, now I DON’T CARE about crime because it doesn’t affect me? You think I live on a freakin island?
You just repeated the same illogical BS. Do you even try to comprehend when you read?

Democrats are so evil they are willing to sacrifice their own families so criminals can be released.

You have to be one of the densest people I’ve ever interacted with.
No democrats release criminals because they know they won’t be the victims of the criminals they release because they don’t live where they release them. Exhibit A. 2 Biden invitees are arrested for a crime. Then Democratic Kim Foxx drops the charges. Your buddies get to stay in the country on tax payer’s dime and commit more crimes. Violently. And then a Democrat judge released them again. And based upon their history they will no doubt commit more crimes. So what part of these destructive beliefs are you having a hard time understanding?
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WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trumpon Saturday night suggested President Joe Biden “should have to take a cognitive test,” only to confuse who administered the test to him in the next sentence.

“The former president and presumptive Republican nominee referred to Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, who was the White House physician for part of his presidency, as “Ronny Johnson.” The moment came as Trump was questioning Biden’s mental acuity, something he often does on the campaign trail and social media.

“He doesn’t even know what the word ‘inflation’ means. I think he should take a cognitive test like I did,” the former president said of Biden during a speech at a convention of Turning Point Action in Detroit.

Seconds later, he continued, “Doc Ronny Johnson. Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He was the White House doctor, and he said I was the healthiest president, he feels, in history, so I liked him very much indeed immediately.”

LOL @ BoardLibBob and his daily dose of fake news !! Why don't you rehash the fake news lib investigation into "QUESTIONQBLE SCRIPTS (prescriptions) " that Ronny Johnson was approving while head of the WHITE HOUSE MEDICAL UNIT !! I looked, and I gotta tell yah LibBob,RONNY JOHNSON DID NOTHING WRONG when he wrote scripts for FENTANYL, KETAMINE, PROVIGIL, and MORPHINE ! Millions of Americans take these drugs every day !!!! I know this is FAKENEWS because WHO IN DONALD TRUMPS WHITE HOUSE WOULD NEED FENTANYL , MORPHINE, KETAMINE, OR PROVIGIL ????!!!!! The WHITE HOUSE MEDICAL UNIT IS A BANDAID STATION !!!!!!! RONNY WAS ONLY DEMOTED FROM ADMIRAL TO CAPTAIN !!! In the US NAVY THATS A SLAP ON THE WRIST !!! WITCH HUNT ! ELECTION INTERFERENCE ! COLLUSION !
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No democrats release criminals because they know they won’t be the victims of the criminals they release because they don’t live where they release them. Exhibit A. 2 Biden invitees are arrested for a crime. Then Democratic Kim Foxx drops the charges. Your buddies get to stay in the country on tax payer’s dime and commit more crimes. Violently. And then a Democrat judge released them again. And based upon their history they will no doubt commit more crimes. So what part of these destructive beliefs are you having a hard time understanding?
The Crow White House is on the case:

The Crow White House is on the case:

Are you too stupid to know that this link is a far right comedy site? Or did you know that yet still using it as your evidence source?

Those are the only choices; no diverting, pick one.
Are you too stupid to know that this link is a far right comedy site? Or did you know that yet still using it as your evidence source?

Those are the only choices; no diverting, pick one.
There is a third choice, JM. That you can't see it proves it is the correct choice.
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There is a third choice, JM. That you can't see it proves it is the correct choice.
So you were too stupid to know that was a parody site.

Got it, Timothy.

Election 2020 GIF by GIPHY News
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Are you too stupid to know that this link is a far right comedy site? Or did you know that yet still using it as your evidence source?

Those are the only choices; no diverting, pick one.
I am fairly certain that anyone in the middle or right know that it’s an Onion type web site. But what’s funny is that those on your side have fact checked it and labeled it as disinformation. As a heads up there has been multiple articles about Trump, MTG, Christians, and others. They do it cuz there is a lot of material there.
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I am fairly certain that anyone in the middle or right know that it’s an Onion type web site. But what’s funny is that those on your side have fact checked it and labeled it as disinformation. As a heads up there has been multiple articles about Trump, MTG, Christians, and others. They do it cuz there is a lot of material there.
What is “my side?”

Genuinely curious.
More misinformation for katstench to raise a stink:

One of my recent favs about Trump. I wonder if it that guy who just hosted SNL.
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Sorry—not really far-right. More “Trump-slurper.”
Not totally sure what Trump-slurper means but if I am right you have yet exposed yourself again because you could simply search “Trump” on their sight and see how many articles lampoon him. That’s because the writers are comedians. Not ideologues like the late night writers. Could you imagine Jimmy Kimmel doing a 3 minute skit hammering all of Biden’s shortcomings? No. He emcees a fund raiser and panders to the left wing. Could you imagine Carson or Leno or even Letterman selling out like that? The same guy that got his start by hosting a show with girls in bikinis jumping on tramps.

But your knee jerk was “far right” so no need to back down. I have lefty friends and they’ll call it the same.
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Not totally sure what Trump-slurper means but if I am right you have yet exposed yourself again because you could simply search “Trump” on their sight and see how many articles lampoon him. That’s because the writers are comedians. Not ideologues like the late night writers. Could you imagine Jimmy Kimmel doing a 3 minute skit hammering all of Biden’s shortcomings? No. He emcees a fund raiser and panders to the left wing. Could you imagine Carson or Leno or even Letterman selling out like that? The same guy that got his start by hosting a show with girls in bikinis jumping on tramps.

But your knee jerk was “far right” so no need to back down. I have lefty friends and they’ll call it the same.
Jimmy Kimmel is a far left comedian. Would never cite him as evidence of policy.