Throw some names for coaches next year….

Anybody but Walters. It’s not the talent, it’s what they are being made to do and the scheme they are dumped in.

Add that to poor tackling we go 2-10 at best
2-10, 1-11 he’s gone. There’s not a legitimate excuse. I didn’t expect us to win yesterday but also did t expect us to get mauled.
Hope. He was a pretty cheap hire! They could double his salary! And he’d still be cheap!

Hire me. I can lose just as easily! And I only would ask for $100,000 to lose.
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Probably the lack of overall accomplishments
Come on, that's bs.

I get that people are upset at the results. Maybe Walters won't work out. But that doesn't make it him a DEI hire. A risky one, definitely, but he also wasn't Bobinski's first choice. I mean, plenty of white dudes with head coaching experience have failed at Purdue.
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Come on, that's bs.

I get that people are upset at the results. Maybe Walters won't work out. But that doesn't make it him a DEI hire. A risky one, definitely, but he also wasn't Bobinski's first choice. I mean, plenty of white dudes with head coaching experience have failed at Purdue.
What has he actually accomplished as an HC? Had an OK D at Illinois but that’s playing vs mostly putrid offenses in the Big ten west! Never had anything to stop us
What has he actually accomplished as an HC? Had an OK D at Illinois but that’s playing vs mostly putrid offenses in the Big ten west! Never had anything to stop us
I'm 100% on board with acknowledging his resume was remarkably thin to be stepping into a B1G head coaching gig. Like many Purdue fans, I'm critical of the results and wonder what kind of mentality he's building in the program after getting crushed by 59 points at home.

It's calling Walter's a "DEI hire" that I'm calling BS. That strikes me as a baseless stab at injecting culture war melodrama into the situation. Like I said before, Walters wasn't anybody's first choice. I also appreciate that you weren't the one to make that claim in this thread.
I'm 100% on board with acknowledging his resume was remarkably thin to be stepping into a B1G head coaching gig. Like many Purdue fans, I'm critical of the results and wonder what kind of mentality he's building in the program after getting crushed by 59 points at home.

It's calling Walter's a "DEI hire" that I'm calling BS. That strikes me as a baseless stab at injecting culture war melodrama into the situation. Like I said before, Walters wasn't anybody's first choice. I also appreciate that you weren't the one to make that claim in this thread.
He sure ain't fighting against that claim though.
I'm 100% on board with acknowledging his resume was remarkably thin to be stepping into a B1G head coaching gig. Like many Purdue fans, I'm critical of the results and wonder what kind of mentality he's building in the program after getting crushed by 59 points at home.

It's calling Walter's a "DEI hire" that I'm calling BS. That strikes me as a baseless stab at injecting culture war melodrama into the situation. Like I said before, Walters wasn't anybody's first choice. I also appreciate that you weren't the one to make that claim in this thread.
I don’t think it was a DEI hire. As you acknowledged, I didnt say that.

Just overwhelmingly curious as to why anybody thought bringing him in was a good call. He doesn’t come off as intelligent. His teams certainly dont play that way either.

I’m sure he’s a nice guy. He’s charismatic. He seemingly wants to be here. Those are positive qualities for sure but dont carry the day when you can’t coach football and that’s what you’re here to do.
Not sure who's gonna want the job plus they'll go a couple more seasons with Walter's., We are several seasons away and based on the good football schools in the Big we are least likely in recruiting. With Notre Dame coming to the Big around the corner we are somewhere between slim and none
What has he actually accomplished as an HC? Had an OK D at Illinois but that’s playing vs mostly putrid offenses in the Big ten west! Never had anything to stop us
I know of a guy that backed into winning that B1G west once and you want a statue of him outside the stadium
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Same name I threw out before we hired Walters, Ole Miss's Kiffin! I do not believe we will fire Walters even if we go 1-11 BUT the effort and desire has to be there by the players inspired by the coaches!
Not sure that would be an upgrade.
Yeh, we think our fan base is pissed, I can't imagine how the FSU fan base feels going from a playoff team to 0-3. That team might have already thrown in the towel and just focus on beating UF.
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What about the coach at Northern Illinois (of course, since he's black, one of y'all might think he's a DEI hire)? Or Ryan Silverfield at Memphis?

I doubt we replace RW this season unless it is absolutely catastrophic, but playing along with the premise, I might look at those two.
What about the coach at Northern Illinois (of course, since he's black, one of y'all might think he's a DEI hire)? Or Ryan Silverfield at Memphis?

I doubt we replace RW this season unless it is absolutely catastrophic, but playing along with the premise, I might look at those two.
agree, and I'll play along, Candle, Dickert, and Chadwell, but as w/ any names mentioned would they come here? Dickert has some intrigue, decent success at an hard place to recruit to, they lost their conference affiliation, he's from Wisconsin ( maybe would like to get closer to home)
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What about the coach at Northern Illinois (of course, since he's black, one of y'all might think he's a DEI hire)? Or Ryan Silverfield at Memphis?

I doubt we replace RW this season unless it is absolutely catastrophic, but playing along with the premise, I might look at those two.
Knowing Purdue, 1-1!1 won't get CRW fired butif his team lays down on him like they did against ND,and he looses the locker room, that could tip the scales......
agree, and I'll play along, Candle, Dickert, and Chadwell, but as w/ any names mentioned would they come here? Dickert has some intrigue, decent success at an hard place to recruit to, they lost their conference affiliation, he's from Wisconsin ( maybe would like to get closer to home)
There are only three viable conferences that have the money and a clear paths to the playoffs,and Purdue is a member of one of those three.
Purdue is a better job than it was 7 years ago......
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