Yup, nothing to see her. Just multiple attacks in multiple German cities, including in the industrial north, the Rhineland, in Berlin, in Munich. There is evidence that these attacks were coordinated because many of them happened on the same night, but these have been going on for the better part of two years now.lol it's so rare for there to be groping of women in large public events with tons of people closely packed together!! Must be something only African and Arab men do...we certainly don't have any of those issues here (and when we do, it's certainly not done by white men...or Christians).
I love how when it's a police shooting here, we need detailed, verified, multiple witness testimony before we will believe it, but if it is Africans and Arabs in Europe, all we need is a news article about vague reports.
"Police in the city said they had received six criminal complaints.
There have been suggestions that those behind the attacks may have been organised criminals using sexual assaults to distract their victims while they were robbed.
Some three-quarters of the criminal complaints filed in Cologne were for robbery."
So, to recap, in a very large public gathering, criminals were present, and did the things criminals do, pickpocket, rob, grope, and whatnot. The same things they do in Russia, or China, or the United States whenever large groups of folks get together in big cities.
Are you illiterate, or purposely retarded? Police have received 90 criminal complaints, around a quarter of them for sexual assault, including one case of rape.
all you can do is build a strawman. were there gangs of immigrants chasing women around in your examples? NO. a police spokesman in Hamburg said. “But this phenomenon is unusual.” Did those states officials release statements in your examples? “We will not take gangs of North African men humiliating defenceless women with brazen sexual attacks,” Ralf Jäger, the state’s interior minister, said. “I saw people jump and run, because a rocket had been fired at their legs,” she said...Have you ever even ridden a subway or metro? I rode DC metro 5 days a week for work. Can you even process what this type of activity would look like? Build another strawman though. That's all you can do. You can't read. You can't think. Everything is racism. White people are bad. Obviously these whore women were just asking for it. Only a true enemy of a free people would shake this incident off as just some new years hijinks.
I bolded 90 because you have the reading comprehension skills of a first grader. You've been trying to write these incidents off as ordinary, but failed miserably.LMAO, you need to learn what strawman actually means. You cited one main thing: 90 claims. Ya bolded it and everything. I showed you that other places where immigration is not remotely a problem, like Australia, sees 450. No those state officials paid for an actual study...but you got me, it wasn't a "statement." That's way more persuasive than a study.
Yep, I've ridden the metro in DC in fact. Seen all sorts of ridiculous stuff. Have you taken a second to search for NYC subway crime? There are whole websites dedicated JUST to NYC subway crimes. The rest of your post is vapid silliness....well all of it is, but there's no point in responding to it all.
I bolded 90 because you have the reading comprehension skills of a first grader. You've been trying to write these incidents off as ordinary, but failed miserably.
Refugees went to work in Finland, Austria, and Sweden as well.
Germany confirms the violence was caused by refugees.
Here at home, Feds arrest 2 refugees on terror charges. Lied on their immigration papers about not being terrorists. I guess the system isn't airtight after all.
Why do these people get to trample on the rights of others? You are the one calling this ordinary! What a loon!Can you point me to anyone who said the system was "airtight" and by airtight I assume you mean flawless?
Can you point me to any human system ever that was or is "airtight?"
How many refugees do we take in a year, and what percentage of that is 2 refugees?
What is the acceptable percentage do you think that would make us say if x percent of refugees turn out to be linked to terrorists we would be ok with that? Is it literally zero in your mind?
Why do these people get to trample on the rights of others? You are the one calling this ordinary! What a loon!
HAHA! the racism card. your mind is so weak and fragile. How about misogyny?lol Yes, crime is quite ordinary, it is even more ordinary in the circumstances involved in this situation. What is also ordinary is that the police investigate, if they find any evidence they arrest, and then there is a trial to see if any crimes were committed BRD.
But sure, if only we got rid of and Europe got rid of those dark skinned Muslims, no one would ever have their "rights trampled."
HAHA! the racism card. your mind is so weak and fragile. How about misogyny?
Gangs of hundreds of men chase women around and rob and sexually assault them "all of the time" in Germany! Wow, I bet that is news to the Germans! Good luck with your racism though. I'm sure the assaulted women appreciate you calling them that.Yes, no racism here when talking about something that happens all of the time but turns into something somehow different and special if the alleged (look up that word, or have your mommy explain it to you) perpetrators are "Arab and North African men" ya know, like the title of the article you linked to.
But yes, yes, I know...it isn't racism if it's true!
Gangs of hundreds of men chase women around and rob and sexually assault them "all of the time" in Germany! Wow, I bet that is news to the Germans! Good luck with your racism though. I'm sure the assaulted women appreciate you calling them that.
By Thursday, there were 120 criminal complaints in Cologne alone. Pathetic reading comprehension.Yep. I keep forgetting, it had to be true. No need for evidence or a trial concerning the "gangs of hundreds of men chasing women around robbing and sexually assaulting them." You just need "six criminal complaints" to extrapolate out from.
And even though the Guardian link by your compatriot says: "Plate said the vast majority of the criminal acts documented by federal police on the night were related to theft and bodily injury" we should ignore that and just assume it was really a bunch of sexual assault and raping going on.
And we should ignore this part too:
"Victims have described their attackers as being Arab or north African in appearance but a Cologne lawyer joined a growing number of people on Thursday who insisted the description was incomplete. 'Clients I’ve spoken to who were there at the station to peacefully see in the new year say that there were also Albanian, Kurds, Montenegrins, Syrians and Iraqis involved in the tumult,' said Mehdi Labidi, a Tunisian-German."
By Thursday, there were 120 criminal complaints in Cologne alone. Pathetic reading comprehension.
S T R A W M A N. Deal with the issue or not. You suck at this debate thing.But you didn't start this thread on Thursday, you started it when there were only six. That's all it took for you. And yeah, not all that surprising that when the media raises an issue like this that folks are going to call up and say, yeah, me too.
Of course, I bet you are quite skeptical of these claims in other circumstances aren't you? When BLMs talks about rampant police harassment, I bet you are way more skeptical of those claims aren't ya?
I see folks bend over backwards in logic pretzels to explain why something wasn't illegal or a problem, but all it takes here is a few news articles and anonymous complaints.
S T R A W M A N. Deal with the issue or not. You suck at this debate thing.
S T R A W M A N. Deal with the issue or not. You suck at this debate thing.
His responses aren't strawmen. It is the red herring fallacy, instead. He wants to discuss anything but the Islamist problem in the EU. Maybe a touch of ignoratio elenchi.
So, I skipped most of this thread, because it's just the usual GD name-calling, etc.
Can someone explain what these large groups were doing hanging around the train stations? No, people don't need an excuse to be out in public, but I find it very odd that these huge groups were at the train station for any lawful reason.
So, I skipped most of this thread, because it's just the usual GD name-calling, etc.
Can someone explain what these large groups were doing hanging around the train stations? No, people don't need an excuse to be out in public, but I find it very odd that these huge groups were at the train station for any lawful reason.
It is a rather common practice in the Islamic world.
It is called taharrush gamea.
Quoting the BBC...
The report describes a modus operandi known as "taharrush gamea" in Arabic, meaning group sexual harassment in crowds, and compares it to incidents reported in Cairo's Tahrir Square at the time of the Egyptian revolution.
The regressive left governments, come to find out, repressed 100s of incidents of taharrush gamea for more than two years. This is in Sweden.
As of now, we are up to over 500 attacks, 40% sexual, and close to 1000 men involved in the German terrorist attacks.
The Chief of Police in Cologne has been fired for the cover-up and inaction.
If you don't remember, the same act of taharrush gamea was perpetuated against a CBS reporter during the Arab spring.
Islamic culture doesn't respect women in the same way as the west. So, If you import a million Islamic men, guess what you get?
I don't know, modern society certainly doesn't have a word for "public gang rape".
But, one society does. Let us all hope that the world can learn from Europe's mistakes.
Yeah, I mean it's not like five guys didn't allegedly pull a gun on a father in NYC and then rape her daughter just recently in public. No public gang rape here. We TOTALLY respect women, like in frats, they never get young women drunk and rape them.
That was completely abhorrent. However, that was one (awful) incident. What we're talking about here is hundreds of women saying they were assaulted in one area, at one time. I understand that Europeans' new fear of refugees must be taken into account when looking at this, but there's a common thread, here. Are these women describing local Germans assaulting them? I've heard nothing like that (media bias, blah blah blah).
But we don't have those numbers. There is evidence of much of this being covered up for political reasons. Right now, I'm not sure that people actually know what happened. So, this shouldn't be ignored. It should be investigated. People should try to reserve judgement, but there should be some serious investigation.
I don't recall there being coverups of border violence in the US.
OK, yes, we don't have all the information in the Germany situation...yet folks are making wide-ranging pronouncements. All I and others have said is...wait five minutes, let the information come in, compare it to other information, and then at least those wide-ranging pronouncements will have some basis in fact.