This is what white privilege looks like.

Well, suicide is a complex situation, probably precipitated by a mental health disorder.
Not sure why a race hustler like you would try to connect dots between racism and suicide.
Watch the video of the racist policeman that arrested her.
Watch the video of the racist policeman that arrested her.
Another example of someone who wouldn't shut up and follow some simple instructions from the police. She didn't want to be told what to do and it landed her ass in jail. (where her family left her because they wouldn't provide bail money). Her taking her own life was her own choice.
Another example of someone who wouldn't shut up and follow some simple instructions from the police. She didn't want to be told what to do and it landed her ass in jail. (where her family left her because they wouldn't provide bail money). Her taking her own life was her own choice.
If she indeed took her own life. Anyhow, she ended up in jail because of another overly zealous and racist cop. She was in town starting a new life with a new job at the local college. The family could not afford the bail money. If she did kill herself, she obviously had some sort mental issue. She do have issue in her life. Being in jail after thinking you have a new start was hard to deal with. Never should have come to that thanks to the racist cop.
If she indeed took her own life. Anyhow, she ended up in jail because of another overly zealous and racist cop. She was in town starting a new life with a new job at the local college. The family could not afford the bail money. If she did kill herself, she obviously had some sort mental issue. She do have issue in her life. Being in jail after thinking you have a new start was hard to deal with. Never should have come to that thanks to the racist cop.
Again....if she could just follow some simple instructions and comply with requests. But no, she wasn't gonna let some white cop tell her what to do.
Not sure why that's so hard for some people. It's probably why someone people continually get in trouble. They just don't know when to shut up.
Again....if she could just follow some simple instructions and comply with requests. But no, she wasn't gonna let some white cop tell her what to do.
Not sure why that's so hard for some people. It's probably why someone people continually get in trouble. They just don't know when to shut up.
So why wasn’t this white man arrested or shot. Again, text book white privilege.
So he called the trooper names, but obeyed his commands, didn’t reach for a weapon, and didn’t try to escape from him. You are disappointed he was not shot because he is white. Wow, you need help.
So you saying that a black man doing exactly what the white man did would not have been jerked out of the car at the least? Are you kidding me? Black men have been jerked out of vehicles for less. That is the point. Having said that, the police officer in the video showed extreme constraint. That is how a police officer should treat people of all colors.
Because black people, despite being only 13% of the population, commit greater than 56% of violent crimes.
If you’re a cop, who’s going to have you more concerned?
You are one racist dude. What you just said just summed up all the cop killing unarmed blacks in one sentence. You just verified what I’ve been saying all along about cops. A lot of these cops have the same racist attitude like you. You should be ashamed of yourself white frankly.
You are one racist dude. What you just said just summed up all the cop killing unarmed blacks in one sentence. You just verified what I’ve been saying all along about cops. A lot of these cops have the same racist attitude like you. You should be ashamed of yourself white frankly.
Get a handle on your life man, Are you some black thug running around playing the fool or a black man living life like we all do? Tired of your sh*t You run around acting like fools and people have an opinion about you. Act like a normal person and MOST And i did say most people dont care if you are black or white but people like you piss normal people off
Because black people, despite being only 13% of the population, commit greater than 56% of violent crimes.
If you’re a cop, who’s going to have you more concerned?

When you are walking alone at night and you see a white kid with a baseball hat and a backpack walking behind get nervous...amirite?
So, the OJ jury nullification is OK? Look, I don't agree with a lot of jury decisions BUT, in a civilized society we must accept what is handed down. Rittenhouse was looking for trouble. That is the bigger part, it he no business there. However, someone attacks me in public (not during a riot/proest) one will likely regret my reaction .
You obviously didn't watch the trial or you wouldn't say that.
So you saying that a black man doing exactly what the white man did would not have been jerked out of the car at the least? Are you kidding me? Black men have been jerked out of vehicles for less. That is the point. Having said that, the police officer in the video showed extreme constraint. That is how a police officer should treat people of all colors.
Yes that's exactly what he's saying. I'm sure what you just saw happens quite often. Black, white and other. Most end without incident. Stupid media has you hyped up to believe that Black people will be shot on sight.
You are one racist dude. What you just said just summed up all the cop killing unarmed blacks in one sentence. You just verified what I’ve been saying all along about cops. A lot of these cops have the same racist attitude like you. You should be ashamed of yourself white frankly.
I know you dislike statistics and data. But as they say, the numbers don’t lie.
And instead of getting mad at white people, you should be mad at black people. You and the barber shop crew should be trying to figure out why those statistics exist and trying to change them.
White liberal America can’t do that for black America.
Do black people work in jails or our criminal justice system or nah?

Did KR kill any black people? No?

So how are these two things at all related?
Because Rittenhouse was acquitted due to his white privilege. The black kid was in jail for 3.5 years until he committed suicide. Later determined that someone else committed the crime.
Because Rittenhouse was acquitted due to his white privilege. The black kid was in jail for 3.5 years until he committed suicide. Later determined that someone else committed the crime.
What type of privilege is it that makes a white American almost twice as likely to be murdered by a black perpetrator than a black American being murdered by a white perpetrator?
Because Rittenhouse was acquitted due to his white privilege. The black kid was in jail for 3.5 years until he committed suicide. Later determined that someone else committed the crime.
How does this even relate? Do you even understand how you make black people look constantly whining and bitching? I have worked with both and honestly the hard working couple of black guys I knew that asked me how to do things they didnt know and listened to me were better workers. You lump all blacks into what you see them as . I did a lot of general construction, concrete , whatever , and had experience, they didnt ask me for help because I was white and I didnt offer help because I was white. Guys that werent afraid to work and didnt have experience and many white guys as well and I didnt care who wanted to learn to do a better job. I cared who listened and worked . You just keep the whole thing going acting like you do.
I know you dislike statistics and data. But as they say, the numbers don’t lie.
And instead of getting mad at white people, you should be mad at black people. You and the barber shop crew should be trying to figure out why those statistics exist and trying to change them.
White liberal America can’t do that for black America.
Here are some angry black women attacking asians. Why the rage?

Here are some angry black women attacking asians. Why the rage?

What is your point?
Because Rittenhouse was acquitted due to his white privilege. The black kid was in jail for 3.5 years until he committed suicide. Later determined that someone else committed the crime.
Rittenhouse was acquitted due to the EVIDENCE. He was NOT guilty.

Since you obviously didn't watch the trial, perhaps you should just stop referring to it. You're just making yourself sound ignorant.

Perhaps, one day, you'll learn that not everything is about race. MLK has to be rolling over in his grave with all the Identity Politics that the Dems are pushing. Some of you are too ignorant to realize you're being manipulated.

Divide & Conquer is the game, but not everyone is interested in playing.
Rittenhouse was acquitted due to the EVIDENCE.

Since you obviously didn't watch the trial, perhaps you should just stop referring to it. You're just making yourself sound ignorant.

Perhaps, one day, you'll learn that not everything is about race. MLK has to be rolling over in his grave with all the Identity Politics that the Dems are pushing. Some of you are too ignorant to realize you're being manipulated.

Divide & Conquer is the game, but not everyone is interested in playing.
The white privilege was established early and often by the judge. It was one thing that the judge at the start of the trial did not allow the prosecution to say the word victim when referring to people Kyle shot. But the main issue I had with the judge is when he did not allow the underage gun carrying charge. The WI state law clearly says that people under the age of 18 cannot possess guns. The laws says nothing about the length of the barrel that the judge ruled on.
The white privilege was established early and often by the judge. It was one thing that the judge at the start of the trial did not allow the prosecution to say the word victim when referring to people Kyle shot. But the main issue I had with the judge is when he did not allow the underage gun carrying charge. The WI state law clearly says that people under the age of 18 cannot possess guns. The laws says nothing about the length of the barrel that the judge ruled on.

Victim implies they were murdered. It is a biased term and was rightly excluded from the trial.

The law applies only to minors carrying short barreled rifles or shot guns. KR was not carrying such a weapon. You really think @BNIBoiler knows Wisconsin law better then a ****ing WI state judge?

You are a zealot, utterly convinced of the truth of your prejudices and incapable of distinguishing reality from your preconceived racial biases. You are intellectually captured by your racist puppet master, such that you absurdly embody everything you claim to oppose.
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Did CNN cover these for you and the rest of the race baiting dummies?

Look at all this white priveledge:

- HS Dropout, dreamed of being a community helper

- Lived in a homeless shelter with his mom and 2 sisters

- Deadbeat father

- Went to Kenosha to protect the community against rioters

Look at all this white priveledge:

- HS Dropout, dreamed of being a community helper

- Lived in a homeless shelter with his mom and 2 sisters

- Deadbeat father

- Went to Kenosha to protect the community against rioters
You still don't know what white privilege is. How a person grows up has nothing to do with it obviously.
You still don't know what white privilege is. How a person grows up has nothing to do with it obviously.
So when you moved to Munster 20 years ago, do you and your kids have as much privilege as the white people in the area?

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