The only good thing Brandon has done....


Oct 4, 2004
He hasn't completely F'd up the stock market....yet.

I know there's time left in his presidency (probably not much though considering his mental condition) and Brandon has proven to turn everything he touches to shit, but if he can just avoid screwing this up, I'll be impressed.
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He hasn't completely F'd up the stock market....yet.

I know there's time left in his presidency (probably not much though considering his mental condition) and Brandon has proven to turn everything he touches to shit, but if he can just avoid screwing this up, I'll be impressed.

I heard a good explanation for that. Everything else is so screwed up, people with money don't have anywhere else to put it, so they are putting it in stocks. So that is what is inflating it.

I don't know enough about stocks to argue, but I'll take the win where I can get it.
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I heard a good explanation for that. Everything else is so screwed up, people with money don't have anywhere else to put it, so they are putting it in stocks. So that is what is inflating it.

I don't know enough about stocks to argue, but I'll take the win where I can get it.
As long as the Fed keeps interest rates low, both the stock market and real estate will continue to increase. With inflation rising, it’s only a matter of time before the Fed ends easy money IMO
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Hopefully I didn't speak too soon.
Looks like Brandon may have F'd up the stock market as well.
These inflation numbers aren't coincidence.
The only good thing is the my cryto holdings seem to be a nice inflation hedge against the stock market.
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Hopefully I didn't speak too soon.
Looks like Brandon may have F'd up the stock market as well.
These inflation numbers aren't coincidence.
The only good thing is the my cryto holdings seem to be a nice inflation hedge against the stock market.
Are you expecting a long-term drop in the market?
Are you expecting a long-term drop in the market?
No, I don't feel like there's a major correction. The market has been very resilient and I think as covid restrictions relax, consumer spending will increase and unemployment numbers continue to improve. I think this is just a short term reaction to the inflation data.
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No, I get that LGB is a fun little way to say **** Joe Biden, but just calling him Brandon doesn't really make sense to me? It's like when dumb libs were obsessed with calling Trump Drumpf or Cheeto or whatever.
Actually, I think calling Biden "Brandon" is pretty funny because everyone knows what you're referring to and it's gets libs panties in a wad. Which I enjoy.
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Actually, I think calling Biden "Brandon" is pretty funny because everyone knows what you're referring to and it's gets libs panties in a wad. Which I enjoy.
People know who past presidents are just by the initials. Just look at a few like JFK LBJ. W and now we have FJB. More than likely that’s how he will be remembered.
I may have spoken too soon......I looks like Brandon F'd up the stock market as well.

I knew it was wishful thinking that Brandon's dumbass wouldn't mess up the market.
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I may have spoken too soon......I looks like Brandon F'd up the stock market as well.

I knew it was wishful thinking that Brandon's dumbass wouldn't mess up the market.
Hang in there. America is strong and resilient. We survived Jimmy, we can survive Slow Joe.
Hang in there. America is strong and resilient. We survived Jimmy, we can survive Slow Joe.

We'll survive, but it's going to be painful until we can kick this democrat administration to the curb and put some people in office who are competent.

The funny part is, you still have people dumb enough to believe Biden's doing a good job, although that number seems to decrease by the day.
As long as the Fed keeps interest rates low, both the stock market and real estate will continue to increase. With inflation rising, it’s only a matter of time before the Fed ends easy money IMO

Fed will hate to end easy money with Dems in power.

However, if Rs take Senate & House the corrupt Fed likely would then......and I can already see the complicity of the corrupt media writing the narrative that Rs blocking everything is taking down real estate & the market once Fed raises rates.
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We'll survive, but it's going to be painful until we can kick this democrat administration to the curb and put some people in office who are competent.

The funny part is, you still have people dumb enough to believe Biden's doing a good job, although that number seems to decrease by the day.
I think the same folks suffering TDS also are suffering from BDS (Biden Deniability Syndrome)
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He hasn't completely F'd up the stock market....yet.

I know there's time left in his presidency (probably not much though considering his mental condition) and Brandon has proven to turn everything he touches to shit, but if he can just avoid screwing this up, I'll be impressed.
Let’s just hope he doesn’t sign into law an increase to the Capital Gains Tax Rate. If this happens along with higher interest rates, IMO this will cause a major market decline