I can agree with you.
However, honest question.
Did you adults have as much pressure when you were our age as we do today? The temptations that exist today are unreal. Social media, advertising everywhere you go. "Rising civil unrest in a country that has lost its identity. Guys who want to be girls and girls who want to be guys. Academics are way more pressure nowadays.
How bout that inflation?
Maybe forgot to mention GMO's (put into use in the US in 1994)
You could get into a state school pretty easily back then, today I have friends who didn't get in with a 3.4 and a bunch of volunteer work.
Both of our worlds are/were different as teenagers. However at the same time I can make factual points on how your childhood was hard too (depending on age):
-the Cold War
- having to learn things for yourself
- stricter parenting styles (for the better as a whole)
-less technology involved in everyday life (could be for the better or worse).
And on and on.
I'll answer this since you asked. As an educator and a father, it has been on my mind for many years. FIRST - I have children at child-bearing ages and I honestly hope they don't have children. That statement is hard to make and says a lot about my fears. Pressure today is from different sources, and more difficult to deal with.
Living the American Dream was fully possible. Get a job, buy a house, have kids, stay with the same company for 40 years, get a pension. Not so much today.
PRESSURE - I lived through Vietnam (the first meaningless and horrifyingly brutal war) in which several friends died and others came home to terrible lives. The assassination of JFK, MLK, and RFK. Things that have not happened since. The race riots in Watts, the riots at the Chicago Democratic convention. Woodstock. Talk about Civil Unrest!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, stress over war, Nixon was crazy, anti-drug war was active, racism was everywhere. But it essentially did not impact me.
ACADEMICSS - Few high schools had college prep courses, mine didn't. But PU/IU/ISU/BSU had to accept in-state students at that time. Maybe on Pro, but accepted. My opinion is that college meant something far past the party atmosphere of today. Men were going to the Moon, it was an intellectually exciting time and many rural kids grabbed on. Kids wanted to learn.
BOREDOM - Kids are bored these days. Immediate gratification provided by technology causes kids to NEED constant stimulus. I could shoot baskets for hours, ride my bike to a friends farm that was 5 miles away so we could throw rock at bottles, buy rolls of coins at the bank to search for ones I needed for my coin collection, read books. None of those fulfill today's kids - thus dissatisfaction, anger, drugs.
BULLYING - in my day, a bully would be eliminated by: A. other kids, B. school admin, C. the coach or bus driver, D. their parents. You just didn't act that way. I was in a rural community, but "bad" kids were simply not tolerated. Parents supported admins, coaches, bus drivers. Their kid wasn't "special." Bullying and peer pressure is PRESSURE ... my friends were highly supportive and fun to be around. Pressure didn't come from the kids around me.
JOBS/MONEY - Jobs were everywhere. Everyone I knew worked all they wanted to. Kids mowed yards, washed cars, put up hay, worked fast-food. Made about 7x what a gallon of gas cost. College grads got hired and paid decently. I didn't see job/money pressure like is prevalent today.