Demagogue | Definition of Demagogue by Merriam-WebsterA demagogue is someone who isn't principled. In other words, they say what they need to say to embrace voters rather than what they believe. Bernie Sanders is as far from a demagogue as I've ever seen this late in an election... maybe someone like Ron Paul or Ross Perot would be along those lines. Bernie is as genuine as they come. He's just genuinely nuts.
I think Hillary is saying what she believes. She has run a little further left to combat Bernie, so I think that saying she is a demagogue is more fair than calling Sanders one, but she still pales in comparison to Trump, who has more or less admitted he's just saying what's popular with the voters he wants to attract, and that all of his stances are negotiable/flexible.
Yes, stances are always flexible, but the major problem I have with Trump, and the problem I keep repeating over and over and over again to you guys is that the Trump you think you know isn't Trump. It's a character created to attract voters on a scale I haven't seen in a long, long time.
I cannot vote for someone whose principles I don't understand. That he has not stood on any principles that he actually believes is the biggest turnoff for me - bigger than the fact that he's a loose cannon and would be a poor representative of the United States overseas, IMO.
That you think all three of these candidates are equally demagogic leads me to believe you don't really understand what the word means.
As I've said before, while I don't like Hillary, at least I know what she thinks and where she stands and what to expect from her (for better and for worse) when she is president. I have no clue what to expect from Trump, but based on everything I've seen in the campaign so far - from his missteps to his sophomoric behavior in debates and in rallies - I cannot see myself voting for him.
You are all entitled to your opinions and your votes, as I am to mine. One man can change my mind, and he doesn't have a login on this website. He's got a hell of a lot of work to do with me and many other voters to have a prayer at winning enough electoral votes in November against Hillary.
If it makes you feel better, I vote in California, so I doubt my vote for Hillary will be the one that awards her the state...
Merriam-Webster › dictionary › demago...
Full Definition of demagogue. 1 : a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power. 2 : a leader championing the cause of the common people in ancient times.
HRC wants to be Pres. Agree? If you re read the definition, having principals isn't in the definition. I thinks she has no principals because in her drive for the presidency he will say anything to anyone in order to get their votes.
Ditto for Trump. Like many Americans I have had it with Washington, period. HRC is the establishment in this elections. Her claims to take on Wall Street, etc are pure hogwash. Is Trump playing on the Washington hatred? Hell Yes! Is HRC playing on Race, Immigration, Rich vs Poor? Damned Right!!
Your Opinion....My Opinion......have a great Memorial Day! God Bless America!!