Sing it Drew!

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Here we go. I also knew someone was going to bring up some of these black conservatives. Candace Owens is a jack$%%#. Along with Diamond and Silk. Candace Owens is one of those black folks that either does not like being black or she is getting paid big bucks to things against fellow black people. When I was young, we used to call these folks Uncle Toms. However, if you read Harriet Beecher Stowe's book, "Uncle Tom's Cabin", the character in the book, a slave, Uncle Tom did not tell the slave master where the runaway slaves ran to. The villains in the book were Gumbo and Sambo. They are the slaves that told the master where the running slaves went. Therefore, folks like Candace Owens, Diamond & Silk, Lee Elder, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas are the current Gumbos and Sambos. These folks do not like being black. What Candace Owens said about George Floyd is absolutely ridiculous. This is right after the story about Amaad Arbery that was gunned down in Georgia running down the street. She questioned how he was dressed as if he is at fault for being hunted down in the neighborhood and shot. Please do not bring up these folks to somehow offset and justify the narrative. These folks are ignorant and should not be on the airways
saying this crap at all. Faux News puts these folks on all the time and it's embarrassing.
I am a little shocked reading your response. So, anyone who doesn’t share your opinion is a “Sambo”, or “jack $%%#”? Your condemnation is pretty harsh and broad sweeping.

I kind of take people one at a time and as individuals. I get really tired of identity politics. For example, calling these ANTFA crowd “left wing”, or calling all Republicans racist. Harvey Weinstein was a Democrat. Does his behavior color every Democrat? I certainly hope not for my sake. Your post reeks of identity politics.

I am afraid that Minneapolis is run by the democrats. It is theIr police department that is responsible for Floyd’s death. The police chief there is African American (not that it makes a difference). He has been working hard to reduce police abuse, and has cut the complaints by 50%. He just didn’t get to those cops that murdered the man in their custody. Those cops need to be prosecuted. You solve these problems one person at a time. Telling everyone to stop their racist behavior is like spitting into the wind. Problems are solved by individuals taking action to stop these things, and not by carrying signs.
Here we go. I also knew someone was going to bring up some of these black conservatives. Candace Owens is a jack$%%#. Along with Diamond and Silk. Candace Owens is one of those black folks that either does not like being black or she is getting paid big bucks to things against fellow black people. When I was young, we used to call these folks Uncle Toms. However, if you read Harriet Beecher Stowe's book, "Uncle Tom's Cabin", the character in the book, a slave, Uncle Tom did not tell the slave master where the runaway slaves ran to. The villains in the book were Gumbo and Sambo. They are the slaves that told the master where the running slaves went. Therefore, folks like Candace Owens, Diamond & Silk, Lee Elder, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas are the current Gumbos and Sambos. These folks do not like being black. What Candace Owens said about George Floyd is absolutely ridiculous. This is right after the story about Amaad Arbery that was gunned down in Georgia running down the street. She questioned how he was dressed as if he is at fault for being hunted down in the neighborhood and shot. Please do not bring up these folks to somehow offset and justify the narrative. These folks are ignorant and should not be on the airways
saying this crap at all. Faux News puts these folks on all the time and it's embarrassing.
Wow!!!! Of all the things said in this thread, this has to be the worst. You KNOW their thoughts and feelings? I’m sure you agree with Biden when he said AAs that don’t vote for him “ain’t black”.
To all my patriotic fellow Boilers I ask you, have you been in a high school lately, past 10, years or at an athletic event at any level. Do all students stand and recite the pledge and listen to the playing of the National Anthem in a high school, since there can be no law requiring one to stand and participate and a teacher can be fired, even in Texas, if you try and enforce a code. Been to a pro or college game lately, some people sit, some do not remove their hats and some just keep chatting on their cell or are typing on Social media, BECAUSE, there is no law that requires one to participate. Even in Texas we can only ask them to remain silent in private mediation or prayer but they can do this silent 1 minute sitting, standing up or kneeling if they choose by Texas Law for that one minute!
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Arbery was not "just running down the street". He punched a guy and tried taking his weapon, then he was shot. I've also watched multiple videos of encounters he had with police. Dude had a very aggressive personality, he also had a criminal history as well.
Are you kidding me? These racists followed him in the neighborhood. Cornered him in. Got out of their vehicle and pointed a gun at him. If you want to live you are either going to run or fight. Since it was close range he decided to fight him with the gun and he got shot. Then they tried to claim citizens arrest. That does not fly because the law says that you have witness a crime take place in order to claim citizen’s arrest. Then because of the relationship of the shooter’s dad with the police, they tried covering it up. Imagine that. We would not even heard of this if the 3rd person involved, thinking if he released the video his butt would be saved. They eventually arrested him. You act like Arbery initiated the attack. They pointed a gun at him for commuting NO CRIME. Here again, the victim gets blamed for his death. I can go on and on.
Wow!!!! Of all the things said in this thread, this has to be the worst. You KNOW their thoughts and feelings? I’m sure you agree with Biden when he said AAs that don’t vote for him “ain’t black”.
Yes, I know their thoughts and fellings. Again, if you are black, you can see these folks a mile away. We’ve been feeling the Candace Owens types for years and used to call them Uncle Toms. We’ve been feeling with these folks for years. I have no problems with other black conservatives like Michael Steele, Sen. Tim Scott, Colin Powell, Condelesa Rice etc.

As far as Joe Biden, I don’t like what he said. That was pandering. That was the same radio show/host that Hilary Clinton said that she carries around hot sauce back when she was running.
Except that I know that you do. That is how you opportunist activists think. You're just some white asshole trying to side with something you don't even come close to understanding which really makes you just as bad as the racists you try to rail against.

You somehow think that you can save us all from your ivory tower just like the south did before the civil war. You are just as oppressive to those of us that have actually lived it.

It's okay because in a week, you'll move on to something else to get angry about while you get your nails done.
Can your thoughts be infectious to the society? I sure hope so. You, and quite a few others are saving a lot of typing on my phone. At times, I've felt like rivaling Wole's posts in length! No offense Wole
Yes, I know their thoughts and fellings. Again, if you are black, you can see these folks a mile away. We’ve been feeling the Candace Owens types for years and used to call them Uncle Toms. We’ve been feeling with these folks for years. I have no problems with other black conservatives like Michael Steele, Sen. Tim Scott, Colin Powell, Condelesa Rice etc.

As far as Joe Biden, I don’t like what he said. That was pandering. That was the same radio show/host that Hilary Clinton said that she carries around hot sauce back when she was running.

But sh*thole countries and mocking a disabled reporter among many, many other things is better?
Brees issued an apology. Either he was pressured or he truly regretted his original statement. Each can decide that for themselves.
Yes, I know their thoughts and fellings. Again, if you are black, you can see these folks a mile away. We’ve been feeling the Candace Owens types for years and used to call them Uncle Toms. We’ve been feeling with these folks for years. I have no problems with other black conservatives like Michael Steele, Sen. Tim Scott, Colin Powell, Condelesa Rice etc.

As far as Joe Biden, I don’t like what he said. That was pandering. That was the same radio show/host that Hilary Clinton said that she carries around hot sauce back when she was running.
It’s complete BS to say you know their thoughts and feelings, because you’re black. You don’t like their opinions, so you sh*t on them. Calling them “Uncle Tom’s” is asinine. Your remarks are completely uncalled for and out of place. You are part of the problem.
I never said anything about President Slick’s quotes.

As far as Joe Biden, I don’t like what he said. That was pandering. That was the same radio show/host that Hilary Clinton said that she carries around hot sauce back when she was running.
So again, the 70% rate is due to all the husbands being incarcerated?

I'm with you. The marriage and divorce rate is scary in our culture at large and especially in the African American community. A single mother household statistically is terrible for children (much more likely to not go to college, to end up in prison, to abuse drugs, to have a baby out of wedlock, to have mental health issues, etc).

I'd just like to add some context to this. Single motherhood wasn't a problem in the black community until Lyndon B Johnson added a clause in the civil rights act (which provide welfare for economically disadvantaged people) that a woman would not receive those benefits if there was a man in the home. To me, this was one of the most racially harmful acts ever post-slavery to the black community because it basically destroyed the black nuclear family. (Worse yet, LBJ knew exactly what he was doing when he added this. He wanted them on the Democratic vote for decades to come. Evil man to do this, especially in a policy that was portrayed to help them. Just sick). These women were financially incentivized to divorce to receive these benefits. They also received more money per child. All this started in the black community in the 70s.

Furthermore, for all races and communities, divorces have increased post no-fault divorce laws that started with Reagan in California in the 80s (and then went nationwide). Women of ALL races are now financially incentivized to divorce and we see these numbers increase in all communities as well as single motherhood.

Add the feminist message that women "don't need a man" + the financial incentive a woman gains by divorce, it's easy to understand why the marriage and birth rates are at an all time low. You'll never hear this in the media though. They just blame men. "Be better" they say. Yes, there are some bad men who create their plight, but there are a lot of good men that are pushed out of there families, but you won't hear about that.

The way I see it, low marriage rates and high rates of fatherless children will be a problem for all Americans until they fix divorce law. It should be default to equal custody/time with kids and since women are now making what men make, they need to update the child support and alimony payment formulas (which are still stuck in 'patriarchical' times that we no longer live in). Divorce rates would plummet if done so.
Agree with the above poster. Drew was asked a question and he answered it. Didn't back down, didn't dance around. I seriously doubt his view is new to anyone close to him including teammates.

Well, people he's played with seemed to be pretty surprised by it.

What he said was not something inflammatory in a silo. However given the current climate, and that the whole protest is NOT protesting the flag, it was just tone deaf. A Green Beret actually was the one who suggested it to Kaepernick, mind you.

He could have just said something where he acknowledged the current climate, he's had conversations with his teammates over the last couple of seasons, and that he doesn't feel that's the best way to bring attention to the issues that exist in this country but he wants to help do so. Versus "anyone shouldn't do this".

For someone who's rather careful with his image and promoting all sorts of deals he has (I unfollowed him on Twitter as it was just an infomercial), he has put his foot in his mouth a couple times recently.
Amigo lo que tenemos que recordar es que ellos no tienen ganas de comprender.. de cambiar. Ya sabemos que hay un montón de datos para apoyar lo que estamos diciendo. Claro queremos que cambien su perspectiva pero como ya te dije si no quieren cambiarla no van a cambiarla. Podemos hablar del problema hasta el hartazgo pero no va a cambiar nada.

Y eso yo comprendo. Es algo que ellos tienen que querer hacer. La verdad es que el prejuicio es algo muy potente. No es obvio y la verdad es que no se dan cuenta cuando dicen cosas asi. Pero es por eso que no importa nada que ha hecho un hombre como Trump.. el es hombre y podemos decir que no existe ningun hombre perfecto... pero mientras dicen eso tambien dicen que George Floyd es un criminal y merece la muerte.. que Ahmaud Arbery hizo cosas malas en el pasado y por eso no es hombre inocente.

Pero sigue luchando mi amigo.
Just an FYI, this is what this says...

Friend, what we have to remember is that they do not want to understand ... to change. We already know that there is a lot of data to support what we are saying. Of course we want them to change their perspective, but as I already told you, if they don't want to change it, they won't change it. We can talk about the problem to the point of exhaustion, but nothing will change. And I understand that. It is something they have to want to do. The truth is that prejudice is very powerful. It is not obvious and the truth is that they do not realize when they say things like that. But that is why it does not matter anything that a man like Trump has done ... he is a man and we can say that there is no perfect man ... but while they say that they also say that George Floyd is a criminal and deserves death .. that Ahmaud Arbery did bad things in the past and that is why he is not an innocent man.
It’s complete BS to say you know their thoughts and feelings, because you’re black. You don’t like their opinions, so you sh*t on them. Calling them “Uncle Tom’s” is asinine. Your remarks are completely uncalled for and out of place. You are part of the problem.
A black conservative, Jesse Lee Peterson goes on Faux News, Hannity’s show and says that slavery for black people was good. Candace Owens says that because she never experienced racism that there is no such thing as racism. These folks need to be called out.
She questioned how he was dressed as if he is at fault for being hunted down in the neighborhood and shot.
Nice try. She questioned whether he was wearing jogging attire, after the left came up with the “he was just out for a jog” narrative. Which was obviously horse hockey.
Nice try. She questioned whether he was wearing jogging attire, after the left came up with the “he was just out for a jog” narrative. Which was obviously horse hockey.
He ran, jogged, whatever you want to call it almost every day. If he ran down the street with a TV in his hand, he still should not have been hunted down and killed. Candace Owens and others should not be trying to find justification for Arbery to be shot and killed.
He ran, jogged, whatever you want to call it almost every day. If he ran down the street with a TV in his hand, he still should not have been hunted down and killed. Candace Owens and others should not be trying to find justification for Arbery to be shot and killed.
No one justified his killing. Just pushing back against a ridiculous Lib narrative.
A black conservative, Jesse Lee Peterson goes on Faux News, Hannity’s show and says that slavery for black people was good. Candace Owens says that because she never experienced racism that there is no such thing as racism. These folks need to be called out.
What was his reasoning for saying slavery for black people was good? I’m interested, because a black friend and I had a discussion on the golf course today on a related subject.
No one justified his killing. Just pushing back against a ridiculous Lib narrative.
You see that’s what I’m talking about. Why you guys have to push back on some so called liberal narrative? Why can’t folks just show some empathy on a person that was shot and killed for no reason. It doesn’t matter why he was running down the street. The fact is someone killed him while he was running down the street.
You see that’s what I’m talking about. Why you guys have to push back on some so called liberal narrative? Why can’t folks just show some empathy on a person that was shot and killed for no reason. It doesn’t matter why he was running down the street. The fact is someone killed him while he was running down the street.
Libs were making stuff up, and she called them out for it. That’s all.
What was his reasoning for saying slavery for black people was good? I’m interested, because a black friend and I had a discussion on the golf course today on a related subject.
Just google Jessie Lee Peterson and you will find his crap. He is so jacked up, Faux News don’t even have him on anymore. They dropped him like they dropped Diamond & Silk.
Just google Jessie Lee Peterson and you will find his crap. He is so jacked up, Faux News don’t even have him on anymore. They dropped him like they dropped Diamond & Silk.
It seems most of his stuff has been taken down or filtered out by Google, because it really doesn’t return much other than saying he “Thanked white people for slavery”. It doesn’t go into detail on why he said that though.
It seems most of his stuff has been taken down or filtered out by Google, because it really doesn’t return much other than saying he “Thanked white people for slavery”. It doesn’t go into detail on why he said that though.
Anybody, let alone a black person that wants to thank white people for slavery ain't right. That is why Jessie Lee Peterson and folks like him are Sambos. He makes Candace Owens look like Oprah.
Finish Kaepernick's quote, don't edit it.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick said. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

And he said this quote before he started kneeling. He was sitting down when he was asked why. He started kneeling after talking with former Marine and NFL player Nate Boyer, who asked him to kneel instead of jus

The "country" doesn't oppress black people. A minority of closed minded racists oppress black people.

And yes, police brutality needs to end. But a black man is more than 20 times more likely to be killed by another black man than by police. But that doesn't seem to interest anyone...
The "country" doesn't oppress black people. A minority of closed minded racists oppress black people.

And yes, police brutality needs to end. But a black man is more than 20 times more likely to be killed by another black man than by police. But that doesn't seem to interest anyone...

That statistic interests me, especially considering there are about 38,000,000 non-Hispanic African Americans in the US and just over 600,000 police officers, many of whom live and work where there are very very few African Americans.

Only ‘20 times more likely’ is a crazy number when it’s put into context.
Anybody, let alone a black person that wants to thank white people for slavery ain't right. That is why Jessie Lee Peterson and folks like him are Sambos. He makes Candace Owens look like Oprah.
I agree that slavery was an awful thing. No human should be treated like that. I would ask, what would the lives of African Americans look like today without slavery?
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That statistic interests me, especially considering there are about 38,000,000 non-Hispanic African Americans in the US and just over 600,000 police officers, many of whom live and work where there are very very few African Americans.

Only ‘20 times more likely’ is a crazy number when it’s put into context.

There were nearly 3,000 homicides of blacks in 2017. Approximately 2,700 of the offenders were black.

223 black men were shot to death by police in 2017. So obviously my "20 times" number is way conservative. And that number includes justified shootings. The number of unarmed black men unjustifiably shot to death is much, much lower.
Arbery was not "just running down the street". He punched a guy and tried taking his weapon, then he was shot. I've also watched multiple videos of encounters he had with police. Dude had a very aggressive personality, he also had a criminal history as well.

This post is not going to age well for you. The Georgia GBI today said that the man who filmed the incident (the neighbor- William Bryan) told Investigators that Travis McMichael stood over Arbery's body and called him a F**** N***** prior to police arriving. He was also hit by the truck before being shot,and he was shot THREE times, twice in the chest. None of that jibes with the nonsense you posted...

"A Georgia judge has ruled that there is probable cause for the cases against three defendants accused of killing a jogger in Brunswick to move forward. The decision came as a state investigator alleged Thursday that a white man was heard saying a racist slur as he stood over Ahmaud Arbery’s body, moments after killing him with three shots from a pump-action shotgun.

The lead Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent in the case testified that Travis and Greg McMichael and a third man in another pickup, William “Roddie” Bryan, used their trucks to chase down and box in Arbery, who repeatedly reversed directions and even jumped into a ditch in a desperate struggle to escape.

Travis McMichael then got out of his truck and confronted Arbery, later telling police he shot him in self-defense after Arbery refused his order to get on the ground, Special Agent Richard Dial said. A close examination of the video of the shooting shows the first shot was to Arbery’s chest, the second was to his hand, and the third was to his chest again before he collapsed in the road, Dial said.

Bryan, who recorded that video, said he heard the gunman say a racist epithet as he stood over Arbery’s body before police arrived, Dial said. Dial said Bryan gave investigators the information a week after the McMichaels’ arrest, and there’s no indication he said it to Glynn County investigators before that."

These Klowns were not LEO, trying to arrest a subject. Arbery likely didn't even know why 3 Klan types in pickup trucks were trying to run him over. I think the McMichaels are looking at some heavy prison time...
You see that’s what I’m talking about. Why you guys have to push back on some so called liberal narrative? Why can’t folks just show some empathy on a person that was shot and killed for no reason. It doesn’t matter why he was running down the street. The fact is someone killed him while he was running down the street.

There is empathy across the entire nation for what happened to Floyd. I would hope that's evident by the response of protests that have happened in small, predominately white communities, like my hometown. But there is absolutely no reason to whitewash every opinion that doesn't agree with the narrative as racism.
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There were nearly 3,000 homicides of blacks in 2017. Approximately 2,700 of the offenders were black.

223 black men were shot to death by police in 2017. So obviously my "20 times" number is way conservative. And that number includes justified shootings. The number of unarmed black men unjustifiably shot to death is much, much lower.

I know it wasn’t by active duty police but wasn’t that Arbery case one of those ‘justified shootings’ for more than a few months?
One more link that I strongly, strongly encourage y’all to watch.

Senator Tim Scott’s conservative credentials are beyond reproach. He is an incredibly intelligent, reasonable guy, and a major proponent for law enforcement.

Three years ago, on the floor of the United States Senate, he spoke of how, as an elected official, he was pulled over by the police SEVEN TIMES in one year. He believes the obvious and only explanation was that he was a black man in a new car in the “wrong” neighborhood.

Ask yourself if you have a nice car; how many times a year do you expect to be pulled over by the police for no apparent violation? And by the third, fourth, or seventh time, how would you feel, and how scared would you be?

He ran, jogged, whatever you want to call it almost every day. If he ran down the street with a TV in his hand, he still should not have been hunted down and killed. Candace Owens and others should not be trying to find justification for Arbery to be shot and killed.

There was a white guy in FL, who actually tested the theory. He ran thru a well to do neighborhood carrying a tv, and no one even asked him questions or gave him a second look...

"A white former pastor who ran miles through his Florida neighborhood while carrying a TV in support of Ahmad Arbery says he did so to prove a point: to show that inequalities and prejudices are still alive in the United States.

The killing of a 25-year-old black man who was followed and killed by two white men on Feb. 23 as he jogged through a Georgia neighborhood caused an outcry in communities across the nation.

On Friday, Richard Demsick joined the #RunWithMaud virtual protest that called for people to share videos of themselves running in solidarity of the slain jogger. Organized by civil rights activist Shaun King, the protest took place on May 8, which would have also been Arbery’s 26th birthday"
He ran, jogged, whatever you want to call it almost every day. If he ran down the street with a TV in his hand, he still should not have been hunted down and killed. Candace Owens and others should not be trying to find justification for Arbery to be shot and killed.
Dude. The moment he grabbed the gun he was armed.
One more link that I strongly, strongly encourage y’all to watch.

Senator Tim Scott’s conservative credentials are beyond reproach. He is an incredibly intelligent, reasonable guy, and a major proponent for law enforcement.

Three years ago, on the floor of the United States Senate, he spoke of how, as an elected official, he was pulled over by the police SEVEN TIMES in one year. He believes the obvious and only explanation was that he was a black man in a new car in the “wrong” neighborhood.

Ask yourself if you have a nice car; how many times a year do you expect to be pulled over by the police for no apparent violation? And by the third, fourth, or seventh time, how would you feel, and how scared would you be?

Sen. Tim Scott is a good dude. One of the few conservatives I like. This is exactly what I've been talking about. You got a black US senator getting stopped by the police. You can't find no more racial profiling than that.
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Sen. Tim Scott is a good dude. One of the few conservatives I like. This is exactly what I've been talking about. You got a black US senator getting stopped by the police. You can't find no more racial profiling than that.
Racial profiling happens. A lot. I don’t think anyone is disputing that. DWB is a thing, unfortunately.
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I know it wasn’t by active duty police but wasn’t that Arbery case one of those ‘justified shootings’ for more than a few months?

That's a disgusting case of wannabe vigilantism. How that group wasn't arrested immediately is beyond me. If you think I don't believe in racism, you're wrong.
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