HAHA.... republican talking point? That is a 1st grade science book. You got to love these people that are so invested in their lies that they now call photosynthesis a conspiracy theory. They are so invested in the lie that all reality is now a conspiracy theory. If you say anything true it is a conspiracy theory because they gotta have their one word government. I was also reading their white papers at Penn State, some of those emails that got hacked. You just finely illustrated one of their tactics is that they take something so incredibly basic and simple and use that fancy word trick to paint over the moronic minds of the public that doesn't even know what CO2 is or H2O. You tell the public is water good and they'll say yes. You tell the public should we ban H2O because it is a toxic chemical and they'll have a law passed tomorrow because they're such nincompoops they can't understand what H2O means. They like to use those fancy words to confuse the moron heads in public dummy classes at all these nelly schools with a simpering slob as a teacher. Without CO2 ALL life on Earth would die. Life cannot exist without CO2. And the government is trying to tell you that it is more evil than Satan. Now there is no sugar coating that or sidestepping here. That is undeniable. They are an occupational organization here to conduit the United States under foreign rule through a world government and their program is to put their world tax over the economy forever, and that will be a tax to breathe. As plants produce oxygen by digesting CO2. CO2 is what plants breathe. Does that register in your brain? The MAGNITUDE of that? What is even more amazing is that it was the United Nations that established CO2 as bad under the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and now they say a global carbon tax paid to them is their proposal. That is how dumb the masses are. If you were going to try and put an atmosphere on Mars the first thing scientists would do is find away to produce carbon dioxide. That is what is so amazing. They say on Earth it is evil, but you read those same authors in some cases, the ones at the Ivy League colleges that are on the take to lie, they write in their academic papers that the key to establishing an atmosphere on Mars is to line the planet with CO2.
They tell you CO2 is evil while they laugh at you in their Ivy League white papers. It is such an insult to all you dummied up global warming ninnies. Man have they made you their minions.
The same heating effect could be reproduced on Mars by setting up hundreds of these factories. Their sole purpose would be to pump out CFCs, methane, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
These greenhouse-gas factories would either have to be ferried to Mars or made out of materials already located on Mars, which would take years to process. In order to transport these machines to Mars, they would have to be lightweight and efficient. These greenhouse machines would mimic the natural process of plant
photosynthesis, inhaling carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen. It would take many years, but the Mars atmosphere would slowly be oxygenated to the point that Mars colonists would need only a breathing-assistance apparatus, and not a pressure suit as worn by astronauts. Photosynthetic bacteria could also be used in place of or in addition to these greenhouse machines.