I don't think anyone attempted to insult anyone else from what I could read of the posts in question. It's tough to know who is responding to who sometimes. At times it is a fractious board over there.
It gets confusing after a while, over there. You guys might be shooting at the wrong targets. When some of the less mature posters see that you have a GBI registration, they get all hostile. I happen to be an IU fan as well as a Purdue fan. I try to balance my postings in both places. Sometimes I can't recall what I post one place or the other.
Heck, SNU keeps posting stuff about Purdue over on Peegs. I even called him out for it. I was posting to a thread about IU's roster, and how they would use their bench - nothing Purdue related. SNU decided to continue some sort of long running argument I've had with him in the middle of the thread on IU. I continued with my posts, focusing on IU and did not rise to his bait, and he posted a second time about Purdue, for which I finally called him out.