School Union Lies for Power & the Expense of Children they Serve

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
School Choice.....NO, not when you can lie to voters, and get away with it. What is it about Chicago voters that they are dumb enough to believe this crap?? Its like they value party over their own children's future.

The one thing that helps keeps the poor....poor, a terrible Union School failing education system.

Here's the lie .....
Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates told a news radio host that conservatives do not want Black children to read, adding that it is "part of the oath they take to be right wing.

More Race baiting lies in the article.....Chicago's people seem to be easily manipulated by race baiters?

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I love the fact that the President of the CTU doesn't even send her kid to Chicago public schools and instead sends them to private.
Why? Because she knows those schools are $hitholes and most of the teachers are morons. The only, and I mean ONLY thing the CTU membership cares about is how to get more money for themselves without accountability for actual results.
I love the fact that the President of the CTU doesn't even send her kid to Chicago public schools and instead sends them to private.
Why? Because she knows those schools are $hitholes and most of the teachers are morons. The only, and I mean ONLY thing the CTU membership cares about is how to get more money for themselves without accountability for actual results.
Correction, most of the teachers are not morons. These folks have a very tough job trying to educate kids that don't want to learn. It's because of the behavior of the kids is most likely the reason her child is going to a private school. Believe me, I know first hand.
Correction, most of the teachers are not morons. These folks have a very tough job trying to educate kids that don't want to learn. It's because of the behavior of the kids is most likely the reason her child is going to a private school. Believe me, I know first hand.

You know ehh......why do kids behave badly & don't want to learn?

Does a Govt that encourages single parent families through handouts play a major role in that?
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Correction, most of the teachers are not morons. These folks have a very tough job trying to educate kids that don't want to learn. It's because of the behavior of the kids is most likely the reason her child is going to a private school. Believe me, I know first hand.
There are many good teachers doing a tough job. There are also bad teachers with union protection. While unions protect worker's rights and promote income growth, the sole focus of the Chicago Teacher's Union leadership is to increase their own wealth and power. They guarantee that by being a large financial contributor to the Chicago Dem campaigns.
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You know ehh......why do kids behave badly & don't want to learn?

Does a Govt that encourages single parent families through handouts play a major role in that?
Because in general, the kids behaving badly are because their parents or parent in a lot of cases behave badly when they were in school. Perhaps a generation or 2 prior to that in some cases. In a lot of cases the parent(s) show no interest in their child's learning. Poor discipline at home. The parents in a lot of situations are substance abusers themselves. They don't make sure the homework is done let alone done right. Some of these kids don't even have pens, pencils or paper at home to even do the homework. Not to mention being distracted by cell phones and social media crap. The environment around the homes, are jacked up with gangs and shootings. The parents that do care about their child's education, the child usually does well in school, even in public school.
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Because in general, the kids behaving badly are because their parents or parent in a lot of cases behave badly when they were in school. Perhaps a generation or 2 prior to that in some cases. In a lot of cases the parent(s) show no interest in their child's learning. Poor discipline at home. The parents in a lot of situations are substance abusers themselves. They don't make sure the homework is done let alone done right. Some of these kids don't even have pens, pencils or paper at home to even do the homework. Not to mention being distracted by cell phones and social media crap. The environment around the homes, are jacked up with gangs and shootings. The parents that do care about their child's education, the child usually does well in school, even in public school.

What we know.....
1. Govt gives handouts encouraging single parent families. Single parents have less time for discipline, causing "Poor discipline at home."
2. Govt housing congregates poor families in areas where the "environment around the homes, are jacked up with gangs and shootings."
The italics are your quotes. Given that, can you admit Govt is a cause of poor performing students?
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What we know.....
1. Govt gives handouts encouraging single parent families. Single parents have less time for discipline, causing "Poor discipline at home."
2. Govt housing congregates poor families in areas where the "environment around the homes, are jacked up with gangs and shootings."
The italics are your quotes. Given that, can you admit Govt is a cause of poor performing students?
Nope. Not all of these kids live in public housing or on public aid living elsewhere.
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Nope. Not all of these kids live in public housing or on public aid living elsewhere.

What about the MAJORITY that are in Public Housing and on public assistance? Having worked in Center Township projects & schools, I know for a fact that these students are the MAJORITY........have you spent any time at all in Indy's Center Township or worked in the schools near Southeastern Ave Project housing????

Can you admit, the Govt lowered student performance there with the majority of these kids, given single parents and project housing?
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What about the MAJORITY that are in Public Housing and on public assistance? Having worked in Center Township projects & schools, I know for a fact that these students are the MAJORITY........have you spent any time at all in Indy's Center Township or worked in the schools near Southeastern Ave Project housing????

Can you admit, the Govt lowered student performance there with the majority of these kids, given single parents and project housing?

I see @BNIBoiler disappeared once questions got to tough.
Correction, most of the teachers are not morons. These folks have a very tough job trying to educate kids that don't want to learn. It's because of the behavior of the kids is most likely the reason her child is going to a private school. Believe me, I know first hand.
Culture. Same reason most of the shootings in Chicago are on the south and west sides. It's sad but true.
Because in general, the kids behaving badly are because their parents or parent in a lot of cases behave badly when they were in school. Perhaps a generation or 2 prior to that in some cases. In a lot of cases the parent(s) show no interest in their child's learning. Poor discipline at home. The parents in a lot of situations are substance abusers themselves. They don't make sure the homework is done let alone done right. Some of these kids don't even have pens, pencils or paper at home to even do the homework. Not to mention being distracted by cell phones and social media crap. The environment around the homes, are jacked up with gangs and shootings. The parents that do care about their child's education, the child usually does well in school, even in public school.
You seem like you should care more about this and trying to help solve these problems in the black community than worrying about statues.
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Nope. Not all of these kids live in public housing or on public aid living elsewhere.
But, the single biggest problem in the black community is still single parenthood. Over 72% of black children born to single moms. That's where it all starts. But nobody (except for me, certainly no one in Democrat leadership) is willing to call this out and try to solve it.
Condi Rice discusses school choice....
Condoleezza Rice defends school choice, argues that it is a race issue: 'Are you for school choice or not?'

Here with an implied crack @ the Obama's who were against School Choice.....BUT sent their children to SIDWELL FRIENDS private school.

Btw....not only did the Obama's send their children to SIdwell Friends, but corruptly helped to reduce the numbers of poor black kids who could attend via scholarship/vouchers.....they didn't want that "element" around their children.
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Condi Rice discusses school choice....
Condoleezza Rice defends school choice, argues that it is a race issue: 'Are you for school choice or not?'

Here with an implied crack @ the Obama's who were against School Choice.....BUT sent their children to SIDWELL FRIENDS private school.

Btw....not only did the Obama's send their children to SIdwell Friends, but helped to reduce the numbers of poor black kids who could attend via scholarship.....they didn't want that "element" around their children.
I can dig school choice. However, not sure how it works but I would think thy there is a screening process where the kids meet the minimum requirement to get in. Or take an entrance exam like I did to to get into my high school. Can a student with poor grades and behavior be able to go to a school of their choice?
I can dig school choice. However, not sure how it works but I would think thy there is a screening process where the kids meet the minimum requirement to get in. Or take an entrance exam like I did to to get into my high school. Can a student with poor grades and behavior be able to go to a school of their choice?


Some Private schools have entrance standards. Many though always try to accept a certain % of poor kids. Most charter schools let people in without an entrance exam.

What do you think about the President O who worked during his administration to reduce vouchers @ SIdwell Friends while his kids went there..... so that less poor black kids from the neighborhood could attend there? Kinda shows his character and his real thoughts about poor Black kids from the "hood".

Some Private schools have entrance standards. Many though always try to accept a certain % of poor kids. Most charter schools let people in without an entrance exam.

What do you think about the President O who worked during his administration to reduce vouchers @ SIdwell Friends while his kids went there..... so that less poor black kids from the neighborhood could attend there? Kinda shows his character and his real thoughts about poor Black kids from the "hood".
Just like other Dems, they don't like or want the school voucher programs. If there is such a group, the public school lobbyists did their job since the dems are pro-teacher unions.

School vouchers are fine but that doesn't fix the underperforming public schools.
Just like other Dems, they don't like or want the school voucher programs. If there is such a group, the public school lobbyists did their job since the dems are pro-teacher unions.

School vouchers are fine but that doesn't fix the underperforming public schools.

But to actively reduce the SIdwell Friends vouchers for poor black kids during the very time his children attended SIdwell Friends......not a good look to his character and shows the truth...he really doesn't care about poor black kids.
But to actively reduce the SIdwell Friends vouchers for poor black kids during the very time his children attended SIdwell Friends......not a good look to his character and shows the truth...he really doesn't care about poor black kids.
Obama's not caring for poor black kids is a gross misrepresentation of the president. That is not true at all.

Some Private schools have entrance standards. Many though always try to accept a certain % of poor kids. Most charter schools let people in without an entrance exam.

What do you think about the President O who worked during his administration to reduce vouchers @ SIdwell Friends while his kids went there..... so that less poor black kids from the neighborhood could attend there? Kinda shows his character and his real thoughts about poor Black kids from the "hood".
That's typical democrat leadership behavior.
The president of the Chicago Teachers union, which oversees and defends the Chicago public school system, guess where she sends her kids (I'll give your a hint....they aint going to a Chicago public school).

Dems are typically hypocrites.
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That's typical democrat leadership behavior.
The president of the Chicago Teachers union, which oversees and defends the Chicago public school system, guess where she sends her kids (I'll give your a hint....they aint going to a Chicago public school).

Dems are typically hypocrites.
The CTU only cares about enriching themselves and not about the kids as a whole. Year after year it seems like the go on strike while the kids test results continue to go down.
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The CTU only cares about enriching themselves and not about the kids as a whole. Year after year it seems like the go on strike while the kids test results continue to go down.
100% true. The answer is always "We need more money". But in reality, CPS spends more per student than almost any public school system in the nation, and still gets piss poor results. It's a cultural thing though and that aint gonna change till they're brave enough to tackle the actual problems.
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The CTU only cares about enriching themselves and not about the kids as a whole. Year after year it seems like the go on strike while the kids test results continue to go down.
Your statement is a very blanket statement. Most of the teachers do care about the students. They would not have gone into that profession if they did not. Perhaps the school city administration including the school bean counters force the CTU into precarious positions that they have to strike.

The low test scores are not because of the teachers. Most of these teachers are good teachers. The low test scores are due to the kids not wanting to learn. Plus the parent(s) not caring that they learn, most likely because they did not want to learn themselves when they were young. Some of these kids have behavior problems, again because of their home environment.
100% true. The answer is always "We need more money". But in reality, CPS spends more per student than almost any public school system in the nation, and still gets piss poor results. It's a cultural thing though and that aint gonna change till they're brave enough to tackle the actual problems.
Again, you blame this and blame that for the the woes of the CPS. So, what is the republican solution to fix the woes in the CPS, since the dems or liberals are the cause of this?
Again, you blame this and blame that for the the woes of the CPS. So, what is the republican solution to fix the woes in the CPS, since the dems or liberals are the cause of this?

DEMS jacked it up, let them fix it.
Do they want to??
History says, NO.

You see, history shows to the DEMS, the poor uneducated victim voters more important than the fix.
Sad for the people.
But DEMS have power, so it's ok?? Right??
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DEMS jacked it up, let them fix it.
Do they want to??
History says, NO.

You see, history shows to the DEMS, the poor uneducated victim voters more important than the fix.
Sad for the people.
But DEMS have power, so it's ok?? Right??
That's a dumb answer. If you cared about the students, you would not say such a thing. You would offer solutions. You can blame the dems all you want. But DeVoss under Chump did absolutely nothing when it came to public schools. Just like health care. Y'all don't want it. Want to repeal it yada yada but offer no alternatives that may work.
Again, you blame this and blame that for the the woes of the CPS. So, what is the republican solution to fix the woes in the CPS, since the dems or liberals are the cause of this?
My daughter teaches school in the CPS. She and her Mom and I donate each year coats and shoes to the kids in her class.
I agree no matter how much money you spend, it isn't getting better.
But let's not blame the teachers, it's the parents.
These children are neglected by their parents. The system isn't working in the inner cities.
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My daughter teaches school in the CPS. She and her Mom and I donate each year coats and shoes to the kids in her class.
I agree no matter how much money you spend, it isn't getting better.
But let's not blame the teachers, it's the parents.
These children are neglected by their parents. The system isn't working in the inner cities.
Despite what folks in the forum say about the CPS teachers I bet your daughter is a good teacher and is doing the best that she can with students that attend her class. I bet that she cares more for the students than enriching herself like some of these folks on this forum have said about the CPS teachers.
My daughter teaches school in the CPS. She and her Mom and I donate each year coats and shoes to the kids in her class.
I agree no matter how much money you spend, it isn't getting better.
But let's not blame the teachers, it's the parents.
These children are neglected by their parents. The system isn't working in the inner cities.
Excellent post.

Additionally - there isn't a magic supply of better teachers just waiting to take on more kids at private schools if vouchers send more kids to those schools. It's the same pool of candidates.

Some private or charter schools are great, but some really suck. The parents of the kids in those great private schools do not want the great unwashed masses to get vouchers to attend their currently excellent private schools. They don't want them to be more crowded, and they don't want to take on teachers that aren't up to their current standards. So they will push against that, and they will have lobbyists work against that, and those lobbyists speak to and financially induce politicians from both parties.

Boiler JS is spot on; in inner cities (and poor rural communities such as in Appalachia) the parents are up against it and there is so much more addiction and single parent/no parent households. And the kids from those places are really up against it.

Sometimes there is a problem without a viable, ready-made solution.
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Despite what folks in the forum say about the CPS teachers I bet your daughter is a good teacher and is doing the best that she can with students that attend her class. I bet that she cares more for the students than enriching herself like some of these folks on this forum have said about the CPS teachers.
There’s a lot of these teachers that take these jobs because it’s easy. Many don’t give their all. It’s somewhat of a part time job with great benefits. Summers off, fall break, winter break, spring break and a less than eight hour teaching day, eleven plus sick days yearly that can be banked, with health care and pension. I have most of my family that were or are teachers. I have two nieces teaching at CPS. No doubt there are some very dedicated teachers and many as described. I hear this from them all the time. They are frustrated with lazy coworkers and the union. OK have at it.
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There’s a lot of these teachers that take these jobs because it’s easy. Many don’t give their all. It’s somewhat of a part time job with great benefits. Summers off, fall break, winter break, spring break and a less than eight hour teaching day, eleven plus sick days yearly that can be banked, with health care and pension. I have most of my family that were or are teachers. I have two nieces teaching at CPS. No doubt there are some very dedicated teachers and many as described. I hear this from them all the time. They are frustrated with lazy coworkers and the union. OK have at it.
I’ve said it, and I’ll say again. There y’all go again. Maximizing the minimum and minimize the maximum. My mother was a teacher and I personally have known teachers and administrators all of my life. How dare you reduce the profession as a mere part time job. Do your nieces care about the kids. Or are they enriching themselves? Just like any profession some may not give their all. But that is only a very small minority.
That's a dumb answer. If you cared about the students, you would not say such a thing. You would offer solutions. You can blame the dems all you want. But DeVoss under Chump did absolutely nothing when it came to public schools. Just like health care. Y'all don't want it. Want to repeal it yada yada but offer no alternatives that may work.

BIG PROBLEM ...Dems are for Unions & against School Choice. So Dems stand in the way of performing kids. Get Dems out of the way.....

Then a Solution can happen......
Elimination of school unions.
Pass school choice.
Max class sizes in lower elementary Gr K-3 @ 15.
Mandatory summer school for children with reading problems.
Research shows max overall grade sizes @ 150.
Research shows offer more vocational schools in MS/HS.
Take more kids away from parents who are not for functioning as parents by defining abuse as not just physical.
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Dems are for unions as long as the union bosses send big checks to the Dems. While home and street life is a big factor, big city schools will never improve as long as the Dems feed the union boss greed in exchange for their own greed being fed.
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BIG PROBLEM ...Dems are for Unions & against School Choice. So Dems stand in the way of performing kids. Get Dems out of the way.....

Then a Solution can happen......
Elimination of school unions.
Pass school choice.
Max class sizes in lower elementary Gr K-3 @ 15.
Mandatory summer school for children with reading problems.
Research shows max overall grade sizes @ 150.
Research shows offer more vocational schools in MS/HS.
Take more kids away from parents who are not for functioning as parents by defining abuse as not just physical.
Not a bad list of potential solutions. However, some of those are good. Some have been or are currently doing. 2 for sure aren’t feasible. Good luck with removing kids from their parents for non-physical abuse.

As far as getting rid of unions, teachers ain’t going for that. School administrations have screwed teachers with collective bargaining. I can’t imagine how bad school administrations will screw teachers without union backing.
Not a bad list of potential solutions. However, some of those are good. Some have been or are currently doing. 2 for sure aren’t feasible. Good luck with removing kids from their parents for non-physical abuse.

As far as getting rid of unions, teachers ain’t going for that. School administrations have screwed teachers with collective bargaining. I can’t imagine how bad school administrations will screw teachers without union backing.

Well just so the Dem Union & Dem party are happy.
The kids future. Who cares?
Your voting record shows you certainly DON'T.
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Again, you blame this and blame that for the the woes of the CPS. So, what is the republican solution to fix the woes in the CPS, since the dems or liberals are the cause of this?
I think it's more of the mindset of how Dems and Pubs approach and solve problems. Typically, the Dems believe more money is always the solution, and there's not a lot of accountability for results or outcomes.
Pubs on the other hand, are less willing to just throw money at a problem (usually) and take different views of problem solving.
My daughter teaches school in the CPS. She and her Mom and I donate each year coats and shoes to the kids in her class.
I agree no matter how much money you spend, it isn't getting better.
But let's not blame the teachers, it's the parents.
These children are neglected by their parents. The system isn't working in the inner cities.
Most of the time, it's "Parent", not "Parents".
That's the cultural problem that needs attention.