Religious leader: "The tragedy is that more of them didn't die."

My apologies for not answering this sooner. However, there is no short answer, but I will try to be brief.

My Pollyanna upbringing is that people will eventually figure out that it is all about loving God and thy neighbor.

By allowing prayer in school, kids need to learn to love one another and be accountable for their actions. This allows positive role models for kids like the Orlando terrorist, who grew up with a father who taught violence to the heretics.

Trump is being misquoted by the corrupt media, because he wants to go back to using common sense. We need to make America great again and we do this by making America first and teaching family, Patriotic and religious values. Our Bible for the country should be the Constitution, which allows freedom of religion. The problem today is Obama and the media allow Islamic prayers and censors Christian prayers.
Wait... what?

There's a difference between allowing prayer in schools, and forcing prayer in school. Where are Christian prayers being censored that Muslim prayers are being allowed?
I am pro-Second Amendment and also for denying ahole terrorists and people on the no-fly list the ability to buy guns.

Today, even Trump sounded like he might support this stance.

The gun shop reported this guy to the FBI within a mere few weeks of this attack because a Muslim came into their store looking for level 3 body armor and after the gun shop said no the guy called his handler; that too was reported to the FBI. So A) the FBI knew and allowed or ran this attack covertly and B) this guy did not work alone. Those are very serious facts. The no fly list is the whole idea of a Hitler list whereby the government can arbitrarily put citizens on round up lists for extermination outside of due process. Due process is a mute point where there is proof and probable cause, so stripping away due process is what it is. It is an extermination list power for the government. The government has no authority whatsoever to do that. If they want to investigate someone that is fine. Though in this case it was the State Department under Hillary Clinton's ORDERS that allowed this guy to go free in the same manner it was Bill Clinton under his personal directives that allowed Osama Bin Laden to go free as well. The point is the FBI not only had this guy on a list, and so did multiple branches of the government, but ALSO the gun store called the FBI prior to the attack and the FBI allowed the attack to go through unabated. It is high treason. The only thing a list is going to do is get people exterminated as it has done every single time throughout history. Government wants extermination lists to slaughter its citizenry. A government wants this when it is taken over by an outside group such as the US government is under foreign rule right now. Lets just call it what it is. It is a pre-extermination list. If someone gets on the list they should be exterminated; that is what liberals want. And that is precisely what the government under CFR control is indeed creating. If you think it is a mistake that the FBI didn't listen TO A GUN SHOP WARNING, then you best think again. That was not a mistake.

Worse is this guys father hangs out at the White House. So not only did Hillary block the investigation, not only did the FBI get a warning from the gun shop, but on top of that the Orlando shooters father hung out at the White House and had fine wine dinners with Obama. And at the State Department. That couldn't be made up if someone tried to make it up. You cannot make that kind of treachery up. It is incredible treason.
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I cited Newsmax, because I googled your question, because I am very busy. There were other sources, but I did not have time to read all of them. This gave 5 examples and cited other sources, so it looks legitimate.

I see how Obama cancelled National Prayer day, but allowed Muslim to come to the WH to pray. I also saw Tebow praying on the field and being ridiculed by the media. I see on FB that we need to put prayer back in school and that is what I am I favor of doing.

I don't think kids should be forced to pray. I do think kids should give the Pledge of Allegiance under God everyday.
The gun shop reported this guy to the FBI within a mere few weeks of this attack because a Muslim came into their store looking for level 3 body armor and after the gun shop said no the guy called his handler; that too was reported to the FBI. So A) the FBI knew and allowed or ran this attack covertly and B) this guy did not work alone. Those are very serious facts. The no fly list is the whole idea of a Hitler list whereby the government can arbitrarily put citizens on round up lists for extermination outside of due process. Due process is a mute point where there is proof and probable cause, so stripping away due process is what it is. It is an extermination list power for the government. The government has no authority whatsoever to do that. If they want to investigate someone that is fine. Though in this case it was the State Department under Hillary Clinton's ORDERS that allowed this guy to go free in the same manner it was Bill Clinton under his personal directives that allowed Osama Bin Laden to go free as well. The point is the FBI not only had this guy on a list, and so did multiple branches of the government, but ALSO the gun store called the FBI prior to the attack and the FBI allowed the attack to go through unabated. It is high treason. The only thing a list is going to do is get people exterminated as it has done every single time throughout history. Government wants extermination lists to slaughter its citizenry. A government wants this when it is taken over by an outside group such as the US government is under foreign rule right now. Lets just call it what it is. It is a pre-extermination list. If someone gets on the list they should be exterminated; that is what liberals want. And that is precisely what the government under CFR control is indeed creating. If you think it is a mistake that the FBI didn't listen TO A GUN SHOP WARNING, then you best think again. That was not a mistake.

Worse is this guys father hangs out at the White House. So not only did Hillary block the investigation, not only did the FBI get a warning from the gun shop, but on top of that the Orlando shooters father hung out at the White House and had fine wine dinners with Obama. And at the State Department. That couldn't be made up if someone tried to make it up. You cannot make that kind of treachery up. It is incredible treason.
The Obama administration fast tracked 1,000,000 Muslims into the USA between 2010 and 2014. It has been stated (by Senator Jeff Sessions today I believe) that the administration has applied for green cards for another 1,000,000 Muslims to fast track into the USA. They are trying to expedite them during Obama's remaining months in office. And as Trump has stated, many of these people are from places like Syria and they have not been properly vetted.

Trump has been talking about this issue (somewhat obliquely) for months.

In my mind, this is high treason. And why is it not being reported by any large media outlets except for on Fox News?
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That crazy liberal 4 star US Army General, commander of the Joint Special Operations (JSOC) Stanley McChrystal has this to say....

Some opponents of closing these gaps in our laws will continue to argue that dangerous people will obtain guns in our country no matter what, and therefore that taking steps to make it harder for them is fruitless. That is both poor logic and poor leadership.

Just as something as complex as a combat operation in a war zone meant that we could not eliminate every enemy combatant or prevent every American casualty, we cannot prevent every dangerous person from getting a gun, and we cannot prevent every gun tragedy. But wouldn't preventing many of them be worth it? I believe it would.


Our communities should not feel like war zones. Our leaders can start by doing more to keep guns out of the hands of those who cannot be trusted to handle them responsibly. That must be our mission.

Full Column

Meanwhile, Trump is proclaiming more people should have been armed and it would have stopped the shooter. Because having a bunch of people with guns in a club getting drunk is such a great idea.
GR8, great point as the Pope also wants globalization.
sdboiler, you are 100% right. Also the CIA Director contradicted Obama's statement that ISIS is being reduced. He is saying ISIS is gaining in strength and is finding ways to infiltrate the West. Again, Trump is right that we need to vet them better. Plus as Trump observed, the Muslim refugees that are coming in are mainly young men. Why aren't there more women and children?

lbodel, you are being lead by a corrupt media, a DC Cartel (including some Republicans) and lobbyists. IMO, you are right that we need ways to reduce guns to the "wrong" people. We have learned that it is Obama's way or the highway. Obama is right that there are probably 7 kids in America being bullied for wanting to be transgender. Putting in transgender bathrooms in all 50 states will cut it down at the expense of billions. Not an issue is most schools, but Obama says if schools don't comply, he will cut off funding. This is a major reason the NRA won't budge with Obama.

Trump has said he will talk to the NRA about compromises. Trump will talk about gun safety and how if the NRA compromises here then he will talk to the left about compromising on their issues (like safe cities for illegal felons). This is another example where Hillary misses the boat.

BTW, why weren't the bouncers, management and bartenders armed?
Meanwhile, Trump is proclaiming more people should have been armed and it would have stopped the shooter. Because having a bunch of people with guns in a club getting drunk is such a great idea.

Yeah I heard him say that, made me shake my head.

There is an assymetry to all of this. Keeping assault rifles legal doesn't mean random "good" people are going to carry an assault rifle around in public just in case they need to protect themselves. People who want to protect themselves in public with a gun do so with a small handgun. So essentially assault rifles only get used in public by mass murderers. I'm not a gun guy so correct me if I'm wrong.

Making assault rifles illegal to carry, own, and buy seems to me like the right compromise between 2nd amendment rights and ensuring the general safety of the public.
GR8, great point as the Pope also wants globalization.
sdboiler, you are 100% right. Also the CIA Director contradicted Obama's statement that ISIS is being reduced. He is saying ISIS is gaining in strength and is finding ways to infiltrate the West. Again, Trump is right that we need to vet them better. Plus as Trump observed, the Muslim refugees that are coming in are mainly young men. Why aren't there more women and children?

lbodel, you are being lead by a corrupt media, a DC Cartel (including some Republicans) and lobbyists. IMO, you are right that we need ways to reduce guns to the "wrong" people. We have learned that it is Obama's way or the highway. Obama is right that there are probably 7 kids in America being bullied for wanting to be transgender. Putting in transgender bathrooms in all 50 states will cut it down at the expense of billions. Not an issue is most schools, but Obama says if schools don't comply, he will cut off funding. This is a major reason the NRA won't budge with Obama.

Trump has said he will talk to the NRA about compromises. Trump will talk about gun safety and how if the NRA compromises here then he will talk to the left about compromising on their issues (like safe cities for illegal felons). This is another example where Hillary misses the boat.

BTW, why weren't the bouncers, management and bartenders armed?
The Pope wants globalization because he washed the feet of a Muslim on Holy Thursday? That's a novel premise.
The Obama administration fast tracked 1,000,000 Muslims into the USA between 2010 and 2014. It has been stated (by Senator Jeff Sessions today I believe) that the administration has applied for green cards for another 1,000,000 Muslims to fast track into the USA. They are trying to expedite them during Obama's remaining months in office. And as Trump has stated, many of these people are from places like Syria and they have not been properly vetted.

Trump has been talking about this issue (somewhat obliquely) for months.

In my mind, this is high treason. And why is it not being reported by any large media outlets except for on Fox News?
How is it "high treason"?
How is it "high treason"?
Why is Obama so hellbent on fast-tracking millions of Muslims into the USA right now? What purpose does this policy of his (and presumably HRC if she gets elected) serve? It doesn't give you pause that this administration is doing this even after San Bernadino and Orlando?
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America’s three priorities should be:
  1. The economy, where our debt is $19+ trillion. Trump will help create high paying jobs in the US.

  2. ISIS is terrorizing & coming to America. Trump won’t just contain it; he will eliminate it.

  3. Illegal immigration allows in terrorists, hard drugs and illegals that we pay to feed, give medical care and educate. Trump will be vet immigrants, will better supervise visas and will build a wall curtailing illegal drugs.
Politicians are making 3 priorities out of secondary issues.
  1. Climate control, where we need to continue to learn not to waste water, recycle, waste energy and look for alternative green sources. However, the biggest abusers are countries like India and China, where we have to negotiate. This is Trump’s forte.

  2. Transgender kids are bullied. When I was a kid, we had protectors of those who did not fight. Get Patriotism back in the schools and educate the kids that all should be protected. A few transgender kids may still be bullied, but the answer is not to spend tens of billions building transgender bathrooms. Obama makes this a top priority and it is his way or schools lose Federal funding. This is important, but let the 5-10 schools with this problem figure out the solution and weigh the expense of building extra bathrooms.

  3. Putting more restriction on gun sales. Trump and I are 2nd Amendment advocates. However, Trump said he will work out a compromise with the NRA and I am in favor of this 100%. Put on restrictions and have the left give up sanctuary cities. Both R&D parties will stand behind this. The NRA will never budge with Obama/Hillary, because they see how he compromised with the transgender issue.
If a religion or anybody, anything or any country says they want to annihilate the US; then we should not allow them into the US without severe vetting.

The left calls us racist for wanting interment camps for the Japanese during WWII. They conveniently forget that we also had internment camps for the lily white Germans not only in WWII, but also in WWI. Funny that the media does not mention that.
If a religion or anybody, anything or any country says they want to annihilate the US; then we should not allow them into the US without severe vetting.

The left calls us racist for wanting interment camps for the Japanese during WWII. They conveniently forget that we also had internment camps for the lily white Germans not only in WWII, but also in WWI. Funny that the media does not mention that.
A liberal democrat from New York authorized the internment camps during WWII.
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Funny how Hillary's former right hand man is Mayor of NYC and Obama's is Mayor of Chicago. How are they doing?
Ecouch, this is not meant as a dig, but a suggestion. You need to take a good Bible Study on the New Testament. First go to a few Churches and find one that is most loving and receptive to you. Then sign up for the study. Christians are to be warm, non-judgmental and receptive to all.

Jesus taught that leaders should be servant leaders and to do things to others with humbleness and respect. Jesus' example was to wash his disciples' feet. This is what the Pope should be doing to his followers' feet. The Pope is trying to expand Christianity by washing Muslims' feet.

I appreciate the gesture, but America is trying to globalize and it is bankrupting us. We need to listen to Trump and put America first. It is also not wise IMO to wash the feet of people in a country who say they want to annihilate the US. However, I met a new friend twice at neighborhood gatherings and he is Syrian and when I talk to him it is with humbleness and respect. BTW, he may not like it, but he agrees what Trump is doing is the best thing for the US. He blames other Muslim countries - hint Saudi Arabia.
Why is Obama so hellbent on fast-tracking millions of Muslims into the USA right now? What purpose does this policy of his (and presumably HRC if she gets elected) serve? It doesn't give you pause that this administration is doing this even after San Bernadino and Orlando?

By fast mean taking 2 years to process them? And by millions you mean 10,000?

If you need a simple explanation of what happens with refugees, maybe try this:
A funny piece, but it left out that the FBI Director said that we cannot adequately vet Syrian refugees. Samatha may be right though, you have to be crazy to try and sneak in. Almost as crazy as blowing yourself up along with 20+ other people.

I know you listened to Obama say right after Orlando that ISIS #'s are declining, because it was all over the news. Did you hear the CIA Director contradict him? More importantly he said that ISIS is aggressively trying to infiltrate the West. Since then, Obama let him around 900 more.

I also agree that 95% of the refugees are great people. I think Hillary said she wants to take in 50,000+. That means only 2500 want to annihilate the US. BTW, now I wonder how many will come through Canada.

Recently I met a neighbor who grew up in Syria and was telling me how diversified Syrians are. He was proud that Syrians brought in many refugees from different countries at different times over the past 20 years. He understand what Trump is saying and is MUCH more annoyed that there are at least 5 Muslim nearby countries who have taken in zero of his country's refugees.
By fast mean taking 2 years to process them? And by millions you mean 10,000?

If you need a simple explanation of what happens with refugees, maybe try this:
I said Muslims not just Syrians. And no, fast tracking doesn't mean two years of vetting. It means they get moved to the front of the line and get "placed" with the cooperation of the federal government and bleeding heart liberals like Governor Dan Malloy of CT. Over 80% of these Muslims fast tracked into the country immediately sign up for social programs like food stamps and welfare.

There are people who are much more worthy of coming into this country and are forced to wait years to get in because this administration has decided that their demographics are not what they want. Why is it that the Obama Administration routinely denies Syrian Christians green cards but not the Muslims?
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Why is Obama so hellbent on fast-tracking millions of Muslims into the USA right now? What purpose does this policy of his (and presumably HRC if she gets elected) serve? It doesn't give you pause that this administration is doing this even after San Bernadino and Orlando?
No, because I don't think all or even most Muslim refugees are terrorists bent on overthrowing the government.
How is it not unconstitutional to favor 1 religion over another with regard to our immigration policy?
With our REFUGEE policy. You guys are the ones wanting to impose restrictions on a group based on religion. We accept other refugees from other places, too. And, by the way, the President hasn't said anything about Muslims. Y'all are the ones who seem to think "everyone with brown skin from ME is a Muslim (and also a terrorist)".
If a religion or anybody, anything or any country says they want to annihilate the US; then we should not allow them into the US without severe vetting.

The left calls us racist for wanting interment camps for the Japanese during WWII. They conveniently forget that we also had internment camps for the lily white Germans not only in WWII, but also in WWI. Funny that the media does not mention that.
None of which makes any of it right...

And yeah, generally I'm OK with not allowing a bunch of North Koreans or Iranians into the country. I'm not OK with expanding that to Muslims because the 1.6 billion of them in the world come from lots of different places and only a very tiny fraction of them "hate America".
With our REFUGEE policy. You guys are the ones wanting to impose restrictions on a group based on religion. We accept other refugees from other places, too. And, by the way, the President hasn't said anything about Muslims. Y'all are the ones who seem to think "everyone with brown skin from ME is a Muslim (and also a terrorist)".
Please quote for us the section of the constitution that contains the refugee policy that doesn't allow us to block immigration as we see fit.
I said Muslims not just Syrians. And no, fast tracking doesn't mean two years of vetting. It means they get moved to the front of the line and get "placed" with the cooperation of the federal government and bleeding heart liberals like Governor Dan Malloy of CT. Over 80% of these Muslims fast tracked into the country immediately sign up for social programs like food stamps and welfare.

There are people who are much more worthy of coming into this country and are forced to wait years to get in because this administration has decided that their demographics are not what they want. Why is it that the Obama Administration routinely denies Syrian Christians green cards but not the Muslims?

You're still talking about two different things. There's no "Muslim" line and "non-Muslim" line when dealing with immigration. The Syrian refugee problem is a separate issue - and that number is not anywhere near what you're talking about.

You have no facts to back anything you're spouting.
A funny piece, but it left out that the FBI Director said that we cannot adequately vet Syrian refugees. Samatha may be right though, you have to be crazy to try and sneak in. Almost as crazy as blowing yourself up along with 20+ other people.

I know you listened to Obama say right after Orlando that ISIS #'s are declining, because it was all over the news. Did you hear the CIA Director contradict him? More importantly he said that ISIS is aggressively trying to infiltrate the West. Since then, Obama let him around 900 more.

I also agree that 95% of the refugees are great people. I think Hillary said she wants to take in 50,000+. That means only 2500 want to annihilate the US. BTW, now I wonder how many will come through Canada.

Recently I met a neighbor who grew up in Syria and was telling me how diversified Syrians are. He was proud that Syrians brought in many refugees from different countries at different times over the past 20 years. He understand what Trump is saying and is MUCH more annoyed that there are at least 5 Muslim nearby countries who have taken in zero of his country's refugees.

Again, where are the facts? What Ted Cruz says?

Of course this is a challenging process - it's why it's such a SLOW process! 50% of the refugees so far have been children. Another 25% are over age 60. Less than 2% are single males between like 18-35 and you better believe those people are getting even more intense screening. Where are you coming up with 5% of refugees are terrorists? You're literally just making up numbers.
how many Muslims do you think come into the country in a given year?
No idea. But I'm sure we can figure out how many people from Middle Eastern countries come in per year. Because again, we don't track immigration nor refugees by their religion. (I'm really not sure what's so hard to understand about this.)
how many Muslims do you think come into the country in a given year?

There are about 1 million total legal immigrants to the US annually, but of those 600K are change of status people who are already in the US which suggests we only add about 400K new folks each year.

In 06, the top ten countries of origin were either Western Hemisphere nations, or China/Korea/Vietnam/Philippines

The grand total of Muslims since 92 is 1.7 million, so my shaky math works that out to be just under 71 thousand a year as an average.

Pew says it's now 100K. Either way, it's not remotely some of the other numbers being tossed around.
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Just going on record that that I disagree wholeheartedly with the statements on the original post. This person does not reflect the Christianity that I know and I wholeheartedly reject his ideas. Killing innocent people is terrible. We are all God's children and no one deserved that.
Just going on record that that I disagree wholeheartedly with the statements on the original post. This person does not reflect the Christianity that I know and I wholeheartedly reject his ideas. Killing innocent people is terrible. We are all God's children and no one deserved that.

I don't think there's anyone that would disagree with you on this - the point is that the worst of a religion does not speak for or represent the entire religion. The #1 group of victims of ISIS are Muslims.