Reciprical carry across state lines....

Walz wants to end it.

I think he is misleading about carrying a weapon in war insinuating he was in harms way and we have no weapons of war. It’s just another brick in his wall of crazy feelings. If he were interested in lowering deaths close the border and lead a charge against abortion. Those two have led to more deaths than guns even if you included suicide and multiplied the deaths by a thousand
The guy is a control freak. Won't be happy until the state rules every tiny aspect of your life. Absolute wingnut ticket.
Actually, you have described a common fault in all liberals. There exists a certain mental flaw of neurosis to want to control from cradle to grave as though they know pushing for a revolution rather than a possible evolution. It goes back to everyone has an island of knowledge and some islands are larger than others, but all are dwarfed by the sea (of ignorance). When things don't work out they will try again with a new face believing the problem was the one in charge, rather than the product implemented. Truly the schools have failed in producing an educated voter...
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Members of the squad get voted out of office yet the farthest left senator and farthest left governor are leading the Democrat ticket.

Hide the children. Hide your guns. They want everything to be government controlled.
Makes it pretty clear that his "Military Service" meant nothing if he doesn't know the difference between a semi-automatic AR and a fully auto M16 that the military would carry.
It is their voter block. They are not smart enough to know the difference in a lot of things. This just happens to be one easy to see... That said, it is effective for their voters
It is their voter block. They are not smart enough to know the difference in a lot of things. This just happens to be one easy to see... That said, it is effective for their voters
I've found my liberal friends are usually somewhat lazy in that don't want to read, to listen, or to find out real answers. ABC, MSNBC, CNN are their bibles, and Fox is controlled by the Anti-Christ.
I've found my liberal friends are usually somewhat lazy in that don't want to read, to listen, or to find out real answers. ABC, MSNBC, CNN are their bibles, and Fox is controlled by the Anti-Christ.
No question those sites are a favorite for them as well as the View. It also can appear that they are immune from understanding the circular speech that goes on. Where it appears to me a major difference is the value of a historical perspective. I think conservatives more than libs are influenced by a historical perspective and as we should ALL know the vices of man have not changed over thousands of years. He still has his flaws. Therefore conservatives that hold the constrained view understand that, and seek to move a bit slower fully aware that "everyone has an Island of knowledge and some have islands larger than others, but ALL are dwarfed by the sea (of ignorance). Libs leaning more to the unconstrained view believe that man is very moldable and that they can make the world what it needs to be...not constrained by a historical understanding of man through history. They just need the right molder of man because "they" know what needs to be done to make man how they want.

This is more of a revolutionary than evolutionary approach similar to the French Revolution and it's failings...same for Bolsheviks or China wanting to destroy the Four Olds in their communist revolution. There was little thought that their leader might have horrible ideas or an inherent desire that "he" didn't have as large of an island as needed. So I think the relevance of a historical perspective is different between the libs and conservatives somewhat. We see right now today Kamala promoting the Marxist tenet and sadly too many are too ignorant to know and lacking the desire to put forth an attempt to look at "cultural things over time" and restrain a government as needed. The Founding Fathers understood this.

Kamala's quote below...totally Marxist!

" We can see what can be unburdened by what has been."

China with the most recent revolution of the Four Olds
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Wait for miss Word Salad to answer a direct question. It may only happen once between now and November. The Democrats present their candidates to the press/public on rare occasions because the last time the press/public saw that Joe was an “emperor without any clothes” oops I meant fully functioning brain.

It could happen again with their latest candidate unless she lets TamponTim do the talking, which just might happen.