Question....What does Harris know about running a business?

I would like to hear one single PERSONAL experience from any of the posters who are sooooo offended by immigration problems how THEY have personally been affected by it.

Who has lost a job to an immigrant? Who has been attacked by one? Who has them in THEIR neighborhood and can describe the effects first hand?

Let’s hear it!
is this immigrant or illegal? Illegals have cost everyone in money spent as a result of their illegal entry. All of us are affected financially and worse the 3rd world culture voting. Still, the effects today are minimal to the future costs
820,000 jobs LESS than what they told us??

Surely, you are not telling me that the Harris/Biden Admin has LIED to us on how well the job front is??
Say it ain't so!
Wait, so they lied and then also fessed up to the lie right before the election? Why would they do such a thing?

Or is it more reasonable that the revision of the jobs numbers is a completely normal and regular thing? Was the Trump administration lying about it in 2018? If I search the board, will I find a post from you upset that Trump lied to you about the job numbers?

I would like to hear one single PERSONAL experience from any of the posters who are sooooo offended by immigration problems how THEY have personally been affected by it.

Who has lost a job to an immigrant? Who has been attacked by one? Who has them in THEIR neighborhood and can describe the effects first hand?

Let’s hear it!
Living in the United States and being a US citizen is a privilege, not a right. If you weren't lucky enough to be born here, you don't get to just walk over the border and say "I want to be an American citizen". It doesn't work that way.

There are rules, laws, processes and appropriate channels one can go through, it's called "citizenship". It's not easy, you have to earn it. idealistic little friend, is the problem with illegal immigration.
Typical lib. Not able to look at it from the viewpoint of the thousands who have suffered from the policy - including a list of citizens, some children, who have been raped and/or murdered.

As long as you are ok, what is the problem, right lib? You sound as disgusting as Nancy Pelosi - or even HoosierFanJM.
Wow…you sound MAD about immigration!

You must have a truly striking PERSONAL example of its effect on you! This kind of MAD behavior MUST be from someone who can tell us specifically how bad it has been for them, not just what someone else tells them to say!

Ready to tell us…
Wow…you sound MAD about immigration!

You must have a truly striking PERSONAL example of its effect on you! This kind of MAD behavior MUST be from someone who can tell us specifically how bad it has been for them, not just what someone else tells them to say!

Ready to tell us…
I'd suggest you peruse these couple of links:

In another article, from the left leaning Newsweek rag, they estimate illegal immigrants cost $150 Billion a year to US tax payers.
I can think of a lot of other uses for $150B (and no, you can't send that to Ukraine or Palestine....if that's what you were thinking).

Wait, so they lied and then also fessed up to the lie right before the election? Why would they do such a thing?

Or is it more reasonable that the revision of the jobs numbers is a completely normal and regular thing? Was the Trump administration lying about it in 2018? If I search the board, will I find a post from you upset that Trump lied to you about the job numbers?

Typical job revisions are what 1-2%....maybe 5%? This one is a might higher....I've heard 30%, but I do not have time to verify the numbers with math. Logic however, tells me this was an unprecedented correction way beyond the typical we normally see. I mean 820K ...that's a huge adjustment. Even you should admit that.
Wow…you sound MAD about immigration!

You must have a truly striking PERSONAL example of its effect on you! This kind of MAD behavior MUST be from someone who can tell us specifically how bad it has been for them, not just what someone else tells them to say!

Ready to tell us…
My 11-year-old niece was kidnapped and raped by a Guatemalan illegal in Palm Beach County, Fl, in May. It was devastating for the entire family, and the impact on that poor child will be with her forever.

Does that meet your lib criteria?
Typical job revisions are what 1-2%....maybe 5%? This one is a might higher....I've heard 30%, but I do not have time to verify the numbers with math. Logic however, tells me this was an unprecedented correction way beyond the typical we normally see. I mean 820K ...that's a huge adjustment. Even you should admit that.
Is there a point at any time during the year that the numbers seemed to be on target? Even a couple of days ago it said that the employment was up and implying it was good. None of this was noticed just yesterday...and the employment numbers are many times people "returning" to work from their previous employment, not the creation of "new" jobs. However, unless there is some mandate that people on government assistance perform work for the public, I doubt we see a lot of new jobs in the future...outside of returning jobs AND the technology back to the states. Outside of that, I'm unsure what all a president can do?
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My 11-year-old niece was kidnapped and raped by a Guatemalan illegal in Palm Beach County, Fl, in May. It was devastating for the entire family, and the impact on that poor child will be with her forever.

Does that meet your lib criteria?
Yes! While really horrible, it would be truly compelling if you weren’t lying and the girl was really your niece. The girl was also a recent Guatemalan immigrant. I guess it’s possible that you’re a cranky old Trump guy from Indiana with an 11 year old Guatemalan immigrant niece.

Your niece is a recent immigrant from Guatemala and you are far more interested on this board in rants about Tim Walz signing free tampon legislation?

Okaaaaay then.
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Typical job revisions are what 1-2%....maybe 5%? This one is a might higher....I've heard 30%, but I do not have time to verify the numbers with math. Logic however, tells me this was an unprecedented correction way beyond the typical we normally see. I mean 820K ...that's a huge adjustment. Even you should admit that.
I can happily admit it was larger than normal. Does that make it a lie? How do you go from, apparently, understanding that this is a regular occurrence to accusing the Biden administration of lying about it? How DARE they report the numbers that are available at any given them!?!?!?
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Who minds it are the inner city people whose services and streets are being overrun by drugs, sex trafficking, and crime that come across the open border - and whose job wages are being suppressed.

Obviously you don't care about those people, nor do well-off dems or repubs, but Trump does as proven by his Executive Actions as President. Try to be more awake and not so woke, Uncle.
Chump doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He is an evil, narcissist that has no empathy for anyone.
But not compelling otherwise, right lib?

It was in the news. You can find it.
So you read about an illegal immigrant raping an immigrant girl in Florida, and THAT’s your example of a how immigration has personally impacted you?

Gotcha sparky.
So you read about an illegal immigrant raping an immigrant girl in Florida, and THAT’s your example of a how immigration has personally impacted you?

Gotcha sparky.
Backpedaling as fast as you can, lib?

You admit it was horrible - but yet not compelling. Why is it not compelling to you that an 11-year-old girl's life has been ruined by a creep who should not have been in the country in the first place - but was invited in by Biden.

How many murders, rapes, and child exploitations does it take a lib like you to find it compelling? Or is there no such number as long as you are safe and protected in your gated community or whatever?
Backpedaling as fast as you can, lib?

You admit it was horrible - but yet not compelling. Why is it not compelling to you that an 11-year-old girl's life has been ruined by a creep who should not have been in the country in the first place - but was invited in by Biden.

How many murders, rapes, and child exploitations does it take a lib like you to find it compelling? Or is there no such number as long as you are safe and protected in your gated community or whatever?
So when asked about how immigration has effected YOU…an example of it impacting your life DIRECTLY…

You claim to be the uncle of an 11 year old Guatemalan immigrant girl who was tragically attacked 1,500 miles from your home. Have I got that right?

Whoooooo boy.
So when asked about how immigration has effected YOU…an example of it impacting your life DIRECTLY…

You claim to be the uncle of an 11 year old Guatemalan immigrant girl who was tragically attacked 1,500 miles from your home. Have I got that right?

Whoooooo boy.
No, you don't have it right.
I can happily admit it was larger than normal. Does that make it a lie? How do you go from, apparently, understanding that this is a regular occurrence to accusing the Biden administration of lying about it? How DARE they report the numbers that are available at any given them!?!?!?

So the Biden/Harris Admin said these jobs existed. But these jobs NEVER did exist. Looks like to me they artificially pumped them up so they could say what a great job they did. When in fact they didn't.

Then the Secretary of Commerce accused Trump of making the story up when she was asked about him talking about it.

Label it how you wish, one thing for sure Dems are a 🤡SHOW
So the Biden/Harris Admin said these jobs existed. But these jobs NEVER did exist. Looks like to me they artificially pumped them up so they could say what a great job they did. When in fact they didn't.
Ok, so back to my earlier question, were you on here accusing the Trump administration of lying in 2018? You seem to be going back and forth on this. Was it a lie or were they just reporting the information they had at the time and that information has since been updated, which they immediately reported? Seems really strange that the administration would lie in order to make themselves look good, and then voluntarily admit to the lie.
Then the Secretary of Commerce accused Trump of making the story up when she was asked about him talking about it.
Would need to see the quote. Did she accuse Trump of making up that the revision occurred or did she accuse Trump of making up that it was a lie? Which, of course, it wasn't.
Label it how you wish, one thing for sure Dems are a 🤡SHOW
Yup, only 15 million new jobs instead of 16 million. They've done terribly on this metric. Worst ever. "Like we've never seen before."
Ok, so back to my earlier question, were you on here accusing the Trump administration of lying in 2018? You seem to be going back and forth on this. Was it a lie or were they just reporting the information they had at the time and that information has since been updated, which they immediately reported? Seems really strange that the administration would lie in order to make themselves look good, and then voluntarily admit to the lie.

Would need to see the quote. Did she accuse Trump of making up that the revision occurred or did she accuse Trump of making up that it was a lie? Which, of course, it wasn't.

Yup, only 15 million new jobs instead of 16 million. They've done terribly on this metric. Worst ever. "Like we've never seen before."

Anyone who plans to vote for continuing Dem Policy/reg Price raises of $10,000 per year tells me all I need to know about either their lack of intelligence, OR their total commitment to the green energy scam.

Which one are you?
Anyone who plans to vote for continuing Dem Policy/reg Price raises of $10,000 per year tells me all I need to know about either their lack of intelligence, OR their total commitment to the green energy scam.

Which one are you?
Good dodge. And I reject the question as some combination of poisoning the well and/or false dichotomy.
When you post nonsense arguments and incorrect info that is what you should expect.
By all means, please point out what was incorrect. I'll pre-admit that my "16 million jobs to 15 million jobs" line was an off-the-cuff estimate just used to make a point, so you can skip that one. If you can demonstrate that I was otherwise wrong, I'll happily accept it.
By all means, please point out what was incorrect. I'll pre-admit that my "16 million jobs to 15 million jobs" line was an off-the-cuff estimate just used to make a point, so you can skip that one. If you can demonstrate that I was otherwise wrong, I'll happily accept it.

You have been told multiple times on here that the Biden job numbers include bounce back numbers from pre-Covid highs. That's NOT Biden creating jobs, and is a totally dishonest look at the Biden job creation numbers....yet you persist.
You have been told multiple times on here that the Biden job numbers include bounce back numbers from pre-Covid highs. That's NOT Biden creating jobs, and is a totally dishonest look at the Biden job creation numbers....yet you persist.
Nobody's told me that, as this is the first time I've ever posted about the jobs numbers. But, in my estimation, the fact that what you said is technically true actually makes the total numbers even more impressive. Biden added (to whatever minimal extent presidents can actually affect job growth) however many millions of jobs (and counting) during his tenure despite the fact that he first had to finish recovering the jobs lost during 2020.

Aside from that, either presidents get credit/blame for their whole time in office or not. So, if pandemic numbers count, Trump lost jobs.

But, I mean, a little bit of credit to you, I guess, for actually saying something that's kinda true for once.

Now, you wanna address whether the Trump administration lied about their jobs numbers in 2018? If you think they didn't, are you man enough to admit that the Biden administration did NOT lie about their jobs numbers in 2024? Anyone who won't admit to either is either a liar holding a double standard or a coward. Which one are you?
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Nobody's told me that, as this is the first time I've ever posted about the jobs numbers. But, in my estimation, the fact that what you said is technically true actually makes the total numbers even more impressive. Biden added (to whatever minimal extent presidents can actually affect job growth) however many millions of jobs (and counting) during his tenure despite the fact that he first had to finish recovering the jobs lost during 2020.

Aside from that, either presidents get credit/blame for their whole time in office or not. So, if pandemic numbers count, Trump lost jobs.

But, I mean, a little bit of credit to you, I guess, for actually saying something that's kinda true for once.

Now, you wanna address whether the Trump administration lied about their jobs numbers in 2018? If you think they didn't, are you man enough to admit that the Biden administration did NOT lie about their jobs numbers in 2024? Anyone who won't admit to either is either a liar holding a double standard or a coward. Which one are you?

Guess I figured out the answer to my question above.
So the Biden/Harris Admin said these jobs existed. But these jobs NEVER did exist. Looks like to me they artificially pumped them up so they could say what a great job they did.

Label it how you wish, one thing for sure Dems are a 🤡SHOW
Nice subtlety in your reply to a guy who wears clown pants despite his intentionally misleading @JBoiler23 username, as offensive as it is to real Purdue alums.

In its own way, his use of 'Boiler' in his user name is sort of like a political hack who takes credit for being a football coach who led a high school to a state championship, when it turns out the 'coach' was an unpaid volunteer who took orders from the head coach.

Not as bad as his stolen-valor lies, but still disgusting.
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So when asked about how immigration has effected YOU…an example of it impacting your life DIRECTLY…

You claim to be the uncle of an 11 year old Guatemalan immigrant girl who was tragically attacked 1,500 miles from your home. Have I got that right?

Whoooooo boy.

No, you don't have it right.

So here's the point:

Of course illegal immigration is a bad thing - we want to know who is coming in the country to vet them and we want to collect taxes from them. And it's the law, which needs to be enforced.

And of course, anyone can come up with an example from somewhere on the internet of someone from any category doing something illegal and rotten; immigrant/non-immigrant, black/white/brown, military/law enforcement/civilian, corporate/government/union worker... you name it.

But when we demonize a particular group to an extreme degree, and a truly agitated guy like @Riveting has to pretend that his niece is an 11 year old Guatemalan crime victim living 1,500 miles away, because that's the closest thing he can find to a personal, everyday example of how immigration is ruining his life? That's an insane reach.

Illegal immigration has been going on forever and it's not going to stop. A pretty high portion of it comes from Visa overstays. [edit: per the Pew Center and US Homeland Security, a majority are visa overstays] Lots of people have an interest in perpetuating it; businesses that need cheap labor, the relatives of immigrants who are already here, and the immigrants who desperately want to get to America because it is the best place on earth.

So do the best we can to make it less bad, and stop pretending the media narratives that the foreign boogeymen are invading your small town in Indiana.

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So here's the point:

Of course illegal immigration is a bad thing - we want to know who is coming in the country to vet them and we want to collect taxes from them. And it's the law, which needs to be enforced.

And of course, anyone can come up with an example from somewhere on the internet of someone from any category doing something illegal and rotten; immigrant/non-immigrant, black/white/brown, military/law enforcement/civilian, corporate/government/union worker... you name it.

But when we demonize a particular group to an extreme degree, and a truly agitated guy like @Riveting has to pretend that his niece is an 11 year old Guatemalan crime victim living 1,500 miles away, because that's the closest thing he can find to a personal, everyday example of how immigration is ruining his life? That's an insane reach.

Illegal immigration has been going on forever and it's not going to stop. A pretty high portion of it comes from Visa overstays. [edit: per the Pew Center and US Homeland Security, a majority are visa overstays] Lots of people have an interest in perpetuating it; businesses that need cheap labor, the relatives of immigrants who are already here, and the immigrants who desperately want to get to America because it is the best place on earth.

So do the best we can to make it less bad, and stop pretending the media narratives that the foreign boogeymen are invading your small town in Indiana.
So here is the real point, arrogant lib. You know nothing about the extended family I married into, nor about where I live - which is far from Indiana.

I posted testimony from the FBI director to '95', and you commented on it so I know you are aware of the massive damage that has been and will continue to be inflicted on the nation by the uncaring and incompetent Biden/Harris admin. You are just as uncaring as they are about all the death and suffering they have caused because, like them, it doesn't impact you 'directly'. In fact, you probably like having cheap under-the-table labor to take care of your menial chores and maybe be a nanny for your kids like second "gentleman" Dougie had.

I didn't think you could get any lower or more disgusting then when you ridiculed grieving Goldstar families, but you have outdone yourself.
So here's the point:

Of course illegal immigration is a bad thing - we want to know who is coming in the country to vet them and we want to collect taxes from them. And it's the law, which needs to be enforced.

And of course, anyone can come up with an example from somewhere on the internet of someone from any category doing something illegal and rotten; immigrant/non-immigrant, black/white/brown, military/law enforcement/civilian, corporate/government/union worker... you name it.

But when we demonize a particular group to an extreme degree, and a truly agitated guy like @Riveting has to pretend that his niece is an 11 year old Guatemalan crime victim living 1,500 miles away, because that's the closest thing he can find to a personal, everyday example of how immigration is ruining his life? That's an insane reach.

Illegal immigration has been going on forever and it's not going to stop. A pretty high portion of it comes from Visa overstays. [edit: per the Pew Center and US Homeland Security, a majority are visa overstays] Lots of people have an interest in perpetuating it; businesses that need cheap labor, the relatives of immigrants who are already here, and the immigrants who desperately want to get to America because it is the best place on earth.

So do the best we can to make it less bad, and stop pretending the media narratives that the foreign boogeymen are invading your small town in Indiana.

I’m not a fan of personal stories to make an emotional point. Democrats started it a long time ago and republicans have joined with them the last few elections. It is but an attempt to sway through emotion rather than logic. Simple statements of fact relative to the population wished to inform should be driven to an answer outside of an emotional appeal based upon a couple of personal stories.

Both sides do this now and a lot of bad law can be made based on a single emotional plea while ignoring or now running away from a better approach.

Being illegal is a problem. Any illegal replicating any violence that may be done by a legal is worse, just due to the fact that person shouldn’t be here. The cost collectively of illegals is enough to warrant them not being here illegally. Even if the 11 year old rape didn’t exist there still would be sufficient reasons for the illegals to not be here…particular when we know terrorist have also been allowed in. Does anyone have and idea how many people are assigned to a known terrorist. I think it was a little over a year ago that an estimated 55 people were needed for each terrorist and another concerning fact is the admittance that there are many in the USA, but we have no idea where they are. We will know in a few after the error is more easily seen by the blind. Then you add the drug and sex trafficking and it becomes so easy to see
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So here is the real point, arrogant lib. You know nothing about the extended family I married into, nor about where I live - which is far from Indiana.

I posted testimony from the FBI director to '95', and you commented on it so I know you are aware of the massive damage that has been and will continue to be inflicted on the nation by the uncaring and incompetent Biden/Harris admin. You are just as uncaring as they are about all the death and suffering they have caused because, like them, it doesn't impact you 'directly'. In fact, you probably like having cheap under-the-table labor to take care of your menial chores and maybe be a nanny for your kids like second "gentleman" Dougie had.

I didn't think you could get any lower or more disgusting then when you ridiculed grieving Goldstar families, but you have outdone yourself.
It’s your ‘tell’ when you’re embarrassed by something you posted. You name call and throw a tantrum that is completely off-topic.

So either 1) you lied, or 2) the 11 year old Guatemalan victim girl in South Florida is really your niece. Because that is what you clearly stated. Which is it?
So either 1) you lied, or 2) the 11 year old Guatemalan victim girl in South Florida is really your niece. Because that is what you clearly stated. Which is it?
First tell me why that matters to you. Which choice makes her less important to you - assuming she has any importance at all to you since you are not directly impacted.
He did a couple of months ago after Chump told the republican congress leadership not to go through with the bi-partisan but conservative leaning bill that would have helped the border.
What you need to understand is Bedpan Joe could have enacted that executive order his first day in office (or left Trump's plan that was working great) yet he did just the opposite and deleted what was working under President Trump.
What you need to understand is Bedpan Joe could have enacted that executive order his first day in office (or left Trump's plan that was working great) yet he did just the opposite and deleted what was working under President Trump.

Don't confuse him with facts.

He's has the BS Dem narrative in his old brain like glue. No independent thought needed, lib radio has him trained to bark it out.
What you need to understand is Bedpan Joe could have enacted that executive order his first day in office (or left Trump's plan that was working great) yet he did just the opposite and deleted what was working under President Trump.
First of all, the border is not a priority for Biden and the Dems. Secondly, executive orders aren’t permanent. Therefore Biden said that he wanted congress to pass a bill. They had a bi-partisan, conservative leaning bill ready for him to sign but the cult leader told them not to go through with it. Don’t you see that it is wrong for a fool, an outsider no doubt to be able to contact the republicans leadership and prevent a bill to go through? Particularly a bill for a border solution that the repubs seemingly is high on the priority list. That’s unbelievable to me. Just like in 2019 where the repubs had control of the WH, congress, and the senate and did not pass one bill on the border. Not sure if a bill was even drafted. They absolutely did nothing as far as the border when they had complete control. The bottom line is that don’t fault the Biden administration for the border issue.
First of all, the border is not a priority for Biden and the Dems. Secondly, executive orders aren’t permanent. Therefore Biden said that he wanted congress to pass a bill. They had a bi-partisan, conservative leaning bill ready for him to sign but the cult leader told them not to go through with it. Don’t you see that it is wrong for a fool, an outsider no doubt to be able to contact the republicans leadership and prevent a bill to go through? Particularly a bill for a border solution that the repubs seemingly is high on the priority list. That’s unbelievable to me. Just like in 2019 where the repubs had control of the WH, congress, and the senate and did not pass one bill on the border. Not sure if a bill was even drafted. They absolutely did nothing as far as the border when they had complete control. The bottom line is that don’t fault the Biden administration for the border issue.
The border was important enough for Biden and the Democrats to reverse what Trump had that was working. Do whatever it takes to compromise Americans and the country to reverse anything Trump has done under his administration.
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The border was important enough for Biden and the Democrats to reverse what Trump had that was working. Do whatever it takes to compromise Americans and the country to reverse anything Trump has done under his administration.
Yes, just like the pipeline. The first day reflected the desires on important items..."until" time to campaign again for a few more years of control.
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