Question....What does Harris know about running a business?


Aug 8, 2009
North Central Indiana
I've always felt that we need a businessman with experience as the best person to run this country because it's become more of a "business" every day.

The best thing in my opinion about Trump was/is he's a businessman who makes major decisions every day which a President must make running this country. He's been responsible for payrolls, taxes, wages, construction, facility improvements, etc. He employes black, white, oriental, Hispanic, and yes even women.

What, asked as an honest question, has Kammi ever done that honestly qualifies her to run a root beer stand, let alone this great and bountiful country.

I'll be interested in hearing from her supporters making their honest opinions as to what qualifies her to run America and to keep us out of wars which Trump did for four years in office, which if that were the only thing he did would have been great.
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I've always felt that we need a businessman with experience as the best person to run this country because it's become more of a "business" every day.

The best thing in my opinion about Trump was/is he's a businessman who makes major decisions every day which a President must make running this country. He's been responsible for payrolls, taxes, wages, construction, facility improvements, etc. He employes black, white, oriental, Hispanic, and yes even women.

What, asked as an honest question, has Kammi ever done that honestly qualifies her to run a root beer stand, let alone this great and bountiful country.

I'll be interested in hearing from her supporters making their honest opinions as to what qualifies her to run America and to keep us out of wars which Trump did for four years in office, which if that were the only thing he did would have been great.
First of Oriental is a slur by the way.

Obama wasn't a businessman and he was one of the greatest presidents ever. Bush the Younger was a businessman also and in eight years he lied and got us into 2 never ending wars with thousands of US soldiers maimed for life or dead. Also, in eight years he got the US in the worse financial crisis since the depression.

As far as a businessman running a country. I remember when Chump 1st announced that he was running for president and some folks I knew were excited because he was a businessman. I quickly reminded them to dust off their high school civics book. Being president of a congressional republic is not like running a business. As we should know there are 3 EQUAL branches of the government, president, congress, and judicial. Under a authoritarian or dictatorship, where one person has all the power, perhaps a businessman will have an advantage. There has been several presidents of the US that weren't businessman.

Yes Chump is a businessman but he was a horrible businessman. He filed for bankruptcy several times. Most US banks would not give him a loan. Tons and tons of lawsuits. His casinos went out of business. His college was a farce. The diplomas were not worth the paper it was printed on. Then back in the 80's he signal handedly jacked up the original USFL as owner of the Washington Generals. Chump got greedy and convinced the other owners to move the USFL season from the spring to the fall to compete head to head with the well established NFL. The USFL was sued and they folded a year or 2 later. Also, anyone that brings the Miss USA pageant to Gary, IN is not wrapped to tight.

In addition, you can run the country like a Cosa Nostra. That is how he ran his businesses and tried to run the US. He always bragged about how good of a negotiator he was. And how he was going to appoint good people in his administration. Scores of high ranking folks in his cabinet and other administrative positions either resigned or he forced out because they did not kiss the ring.

In four years in office, Chump managed to lose the House, Senate, and WH for the republicans. Noting but chaos in that administration. How many Chiefs of Staff did he go through?
First of Oriental is a slur by the way.

Obama wasn't a businessman and he was one of the greatest presidents ever. Bush the Younger was a businessman also and in eight years he lied and got us into 2 never ending wars with thousands of US soldiers maimed for life or dead. Also, in eight years he got the US in the worse financial crisis since the depression.

As far as a businessman running a country. I remember when Chump 1st announced that he was running for president and some folks I knew were excited because he was a businessman. I quickly reminded them to dust off their high school civics book. Being president of a congressional republic is not like running a business. As we should know there are 3 EQUAL branches of the government, president, congress, and judicial. Under a authoritarian or dictatorship, where one person has all the power, perhaps a businessman will have an advantage. There has been several presidents of the US that weren't businessman.

Yes Chump is a businessman but he was a horrible businessman. He filed for bankruptcy several times. Most US banks would not give him a loan. Tons and tons of lawsuits. His casinos went out of business. His college was a farce. The diplomas were not worth the paper it was printed on. Then back in the 80's he signal handedly jacked up the original USFL as owner of the Washington Generals. Chump got greedy and convinced the other owners to move the USFL season from the spring to the fall to compete head to head with the well established NFL. The USFL was sued and they folded a year or 2 later. Also, anyone that brings the Miss USA pageant to Gary, IN is not wrapped to tight.

In addition, you can run the country like a Cosa Nostra. That is how he ran his businesses and tried to run the US. He always bragged about how good of a negotiator he was. And how he was going to appoint good people in his administration. Scores of high ranking folks in his cabinet and other administrative positions either resigned or he forced out because they did not kiss the ring.

In four years in office, Chump managed to lose the House, Senate, and WH for the republicans. Noting but chaos in that administration. How many Chiefs of Staff did he go through?
Wow, you may have a case of it worse than ol' Bob. And though I wasn't a Bush fan, would you rather have had Al "The Dollar Whore" Gore?

See how easy it is to name call just as you do.

And I believe those wars started because of foreign agents testing our reserve.
First of Oriental is a slur by the way.

Obama wasn't a businessman and he was one of the greatest presidents ever. Bush the Younger was a businessman also and in eight years he lied and got us into 2 never ending wars with thousands of US soldiers maimed for life or dead. Also, in eight years he got the US in the worse financial crisis since the depression.

As far as a businessman running a country. I remember when Chump 1st announced that he was running for president and some folks I knew were excited because he was a businessman. I quickly reminded them to dust off their high school civics book. Being president of a congressional republic is not like running a business. As we should know there are 3 EQUAL branches of the government, president, congress, and judicial. Under a authoritarian or dictatorship, where one person has all the power, perhaps a businessman will have an advantage. There has been several presidents of the US that weren't businessman.

Yes Chump is a businessman but he was a horrible businessman. He filed for bankruptcy several times. Most US banks would not give him a loan. Tons and tons of lawsuits. His casinos went out of business. His college was a farce. The diplomas were not worth the paper it was printed on. Then back in the 80's he signal handedly jacked up the original USFL as owner of the Washington Generals. Chump got greedy and convinced the other owners to move the USFL season from the spring to the fall to compete head to head with the well established NFL. The USFL was sued and they folded a year or 2 later. Also, anyone that brings the Miss USA pageant to Gary, IN is not wrapped to tight.

In addition, you can run the country like a Cosa Nostra. That is how he ran his businesses and tried to run the US. He always bragged about how good of a negotiator he was. And how he was going to appoint good people in his administration. Scores of high ranking folks in his cabinet and other administrative positions either resigned or he forced out because they did not kiss the ring.

In four years in office, Chump managed to lose the House, Senate, and WH for the republicans. Noting but chaos in that administration. How many Chiefs of Staff did he go through?
And, it only became racist when the Great Divider signed legislation on his own making it so. Another of Maobama's division tactics.
And, it only became racist when the Great Divider signed legislation on his own making it so. Another of Maobama's division tactics.
You are a very divisional Flavor Aider. It became racist because the Asians said it was racist. Long before Obama was president. I haven’t heard the term oriental since the 80s or 90s. How in the so and so does a president sign legislation banning a slur in the first place? You and Bookwrmaker03 make me work.
Wow, you may have a case of it worse than ol' Bob. And though I wasn't a Bush fan, would you rather have had Al "The Dollar Whore" Gore?

See how easy it is to name call just as you do.

And I believe those wars started because of foreign agents testing our reserve.
Heck yeah I wish Gore would have won. Families of thousands of dead or maimed US soldiers wished that he had won also.
Democrats don't want a businessman or businesswoman as POTUS because they're afraid they'll run it like a business, which means more cost controls, financial responsibility and more individual responsibility.
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I've always felt that we need a businessman with experience as the best person to run this country because it's become more of a "business" every day.

The best thing in my opinion about Trump was/is he's a businessman who makes major decisions every day which a President must make running this country. He's been responsible for payrolls, taxes, wages, construction, facility improvements, etc. He employes black, white, oriental, Hispanic, and yes even women.

What, asked as an honest question, has Kammi ever done that honestly qualifies her to run a root beer stand, let alone this great and bountiful country.

I'll be interested in hearing from her supporters making their honest opinions as to what qualifies her to run America and to keep us out of wars which Trump did for four years in office, which if that were the only thing he did would have been great.
Business experience from a business person that isn’t corrupt and sweating fraud out of every pore? Sure! That could be a plus.

But a corrupt fraudster Trumpy who inherited the wealth from his slumlord, racist dad and played in the sandbox with the Mafia to succeed? Nah; don’t need that kind of business experience.
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Democrats don't want a businessman or businesswoman as POTUS because they're afraid they'll run it like a business, which means more cost controls, financial responsibility and more individual responsibility.
Mark Cuban is running? Jamie Diamond? Jeff Bezos? Bill Gates? Sure… I’ll give em a look. But they’d each have a ton to learn about government operations and process. But never some two bit fraudster that got to the top by inheritance and fraud.
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You are a very divisional Flavor Aider. It became racist because the Asians said it was racist. Long before Obama was president. I haven’t heard the term oriental since the 80s or 90s. How in the so and so does a president sign legislation banning a slur in the first place? You and Bookwrmaker03 make me work.
But you heard the word 'boy' from Crow in referring to black males twice just in the last year, and that didn't bother you. Why does Oriental bother you?
Mark Cuban is running? Jamie Diamond? Jeff Bezos? Bill Gates? Sure… I’ll give em a look. But they’d each have a ton to learn about government operations and process. But never some two bit fraudster that got to the top by inheritance and fraud.
If you mean Trump at the end of your sputtering, your post makes no sense because you can simply look at his record as president for four years - and Kameleon's record as VP, for that matter, along with her price control idiocy.

Pretty easy choice for thinking people.
Democrats don't want a businessman or businesswoman as POTUS because they're afraid they'll run it like a business, which means more cost controls, financial responsibility and more individual responsibility.
You can’t run the US like a traditional business. It doesn’t work that way.
I agree, I think the same about Governor and why Mitch Danials was a success as Governor. The job of President and Governor is to run the show, not make the laws as that is Congress's job. So, yes, I think it's good to have someone with the Business background, good at cutting the fat, good at actually negotiating deals. Things career politicians really don't do. Yeah, people will say politicians negotiate, but they don't do it well, they just add pork projects to get deals from other side which isn't the same as a business negotiation which is often what we need, a beneficial deal without adding a bunch of cost.
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Yeah, people will say politicians negotiate, but they don't do it well, they just add pork projects to get deals from other side which isn't the same as a business negotiation which is often what we need, a beneficial deal without adding a bunch of cost.

Political negotiation.......
I will add this get to add that.

Result, American people screwed twice as much by both parties.
I agree, I think the same about Governor and why Mitch Danials was a success as Governor. The job of President and Governor is to run the show, not make the laws as that is Congress's job. So, yes, I think it's good to have someone with the Business background, good at cutting the fat, good at actually negotiating deals. Things career politicians really don't do. Yeah, people will say politicians negotiate, but they don't do it well, they just add pork projects to get deals from other side which isn't the same as a business negotiation which is often what we need, a beneficial deal without adding a bunch of cost.
It was laughable when Michelle Obama tried to imply Trump's personal business dealings when they didn't work out were a greater concern than a government that pays no price. Sadly, that too went by far tooooooooo many people
It was laughable when Michelle Obama tried to imply Trump's personal business dealings when they didn't work out were a greater concern than a government that pays no price. Sadly, that too went by far tooooooooo many people
I am still waiting for this mythical businessperson who has been at it for a long time and never had an investment fail.
Political negotiation.......
I will add this get to add that.

Result, American people screwed twice as much by both parties.
Inflation hurts people, but democrats like it as it raises prices on EVERTHING and taxes go up on all that must be bought in addition to other costs. THIS ultimately moves people closer to government dependency. Housing goes up, insurance on that house is now more expensive, all utilities are more expensive and now property taxes on the same house cost more, because the state and local need more money...and all those that cannot increase their money are hurt. The problems today are horrific and can't imagine how some are willing to vote on sex or color as some do or the high percent that have no idea what is going on.
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Inflation hurts people, but democrats like them as it raises prices on EVERTHING and taxes go up on all that must be bought in addition to other costs. THIS ultimately moves people closer to government dependency. Housing goes up, insurance on that house is now more expensive, all utilities are more expensive and now property taxes on the same house cost more, because the state and local need more money...and all those that cannot increase their money are hurt. The problems today are horrific and can't imagine how some are willing to vote on sex or color as some do or the high percent that have no idea what is going on.

It's a sad deal where families see these prices, but turn around & vote Dem because of various non-policy reasons like sex, race or personality. Don't feel sorry for these types - if you have stupid non policy priorities, you get what you get

Sadder still are the families that see the prices, but aren't wise enough to link it to Dem policy. Either not intelligent enough to understand, or gullible enough to believe the lie of corporate greed the Dems try to sell to unwitting dupes. I feel sorry for both these types
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It's a sad deal where families see these prices, but turn around & vote Dem because of various non-policy reasons like sex, race or personality. Don't feel sorry for these types - if you have stupid non policy priorities, you get what you get

Sadder still are the families that see the prices, but aren't wise enough to link it to Dem policy. Either not intelligent enough to understand, or gullible enough to believe the lie of corporate greed the Dems try to sell to unwitting dupes. I feel sorry for both these types
I don't feel sorry for them...and some although VERY narrow in their relevant knowledge, but are brighter in their particular area of knowledge. I have a niece that graduated with honors from Northwestern that thinks abortion was in the constitution unaware that the champion of abortion Ruth Gingsburg knew at the time it was bad law and rather than follow the law became an activist, which dems want. I know a guy that was maybe a year behind me in high school and such that thinks Trump is a fascist another Hitler and I don't want to insult his ignorance, but Goebbels would have loved to had the extra propaganda high tech has done and those Jews that had a different set of laws for them is alike what we have seen the last four years. The ruthless, lawless nature conducted by "the brown shirts" in addition to "the night of the broken glass" was witness across this country and encouraged and yet he repeats what he was told instead of what he saw?
I am still waiting for this mythical businessperson who has been at it for a long time and never had an investment fail.
I just finshed Bad Blood (book by WSJ reporter on the Theranos scandal) and even Rupert Murdoch got taken by Elizabeth Holmes, to the tune of $150 Million.
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I don't feel sorry for them...and some although VERY narrow in their relevant knowledge, but are brighter in their particular area of knowledge. I have a niece that graduated with honors from Northwestern that thinks abortion was in the constitution unaware that the champion of abortion Ruth Gingsburg knew at the time it was bad law and rather than follow the law became an activist, which dems want. I know a guy that was maybe a year behind me in high school and such that thinks Trump is a fascist another Hitler and I don't want to insult his ignorance, but Goebbels would have loved to had the extra propaganda high tech has done and those Jews that had a different set of laws for them is alike what we have seen the last four years. The ruthless, lawless nature conducted by "the brown shirts" in addition to "the night of the broken glass" was witness across this country and encouraged and yet he repeats what he was told instead of what he saw?
TJ, I thought you were a Christian...?
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TJ, I thought you were a Christian...?
Like Christ felt pain, I too feel pain! I don't deal with what I consider stupidity well. Kim knows that! ;) There are many people that are better Christians than me and I'm certainly flawed. I'm way...way too complex to discuss . I'm a believer. That is true. However, as interesting as I find Christian history and Christianity in general, things are not as cut and dried with me. I realize there is much I do not know and my very nature is inquisitive on things of interest. It is hard not to be interested in that which divided time forever and yet fascinating that it and the bible have survived through floods and wars for two thousand years. FWIW, I'm not a fan of the more "modern" church that has bands and such for entertainment. For me, and I know I don't speak for others, it is about the message...and how it is tied into scripture...and how vague it may be as well. Funny, that when I was younger I didn't care much about history and now I do. I mentioned to a ranger at Antietam that you rarely see a younger person or a black at a Civil War site and he just said...maybe the older people have more history behind them than they do the future and therefore has the interest. ;)
You went to high school with JD Vance? ;)
no, nothing with JD Vance that tells me he is stupid. I did go to school with the attorney general under Evan Bayh that hired Garrison to prosecute Mike Tyson in Indy. I saw him a couple of years ago and he was a bit taken back that he wasn't given a position in "something" by Obama. The picture I use was the last day I saw him.
no, nothing with JD Vance that tells me he is stupid. I did go to school with the attorney general under Evan Bayh that hired Garrison to prosecute Mike Tyson in Indy. I saw him a couple of years ago and he was a bit taken back that he wasn't given a position in "something" by Obama. The picture I use was the last day I saw him.
As you may know:
  • JD Vance is incredibly bright.
  • Like your high school friend, JD Vance compared Donald Trump to "America's Hitler." Coincidentally enough, Vance backed away from his own words upon declaring for the Republican Senate primary. :)
I misunderstood the original question. I thought it said, "What does Harris know about RUINING a business." I know the answer to that one.
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As you may know:
  • JD Vance is incredibly bright.
  • Like your high school friend, JD Vance compared Donald Trump to "America's Hitler." Coincidentally enough, Vance backed away from his own words upon declaring for the Republican Senate primary. :)
I'm aware of what he said in the past. Actually , knowing his story before, I was happy to see a person that made himself when so many wouldn't, be on the be able to identify with much of the country. There was a LOT of comparing to Hitler...and Julius Caesar from those in opposition.
I misunderstood the original question. I thought it said, "What does Harris know about RUINING a business." I know the answer to that one.
Well as you can see how we veered off...set the record straight as if it is an unknown. ;)
I'm aware of what he said in the past. Actually , knowing his story before, I was happy to see a person that made himself when so many wouldn't, be on the be able to identify with much of the country. There was a LOT of comparing to Hitler...and Julius Caesar from those in opposition.
Given that no one is perfect and that everyone in the public eye says public things that can be re-examined and used against them...

JD Vance is a fantastic success story and America would likely be benefitted by his ascension in national leadership.
Like Christ felt pain, I too feel pain! I don't deal with what I consider stupidity well. Kim knows that! ;) There are many people that are better Christians than me and I'm certainly flawed. I'm way...way too complex to discuss . I'm a believer. That is true. However, as interesting as I find Christian history and Christianity in general, things are not as cut and dried with me. I realize there is much I do not know and my very nature is inquisitive on things of interest. It is hard not to be interested in that which divided time forever and yet fascinating that it and the bible have survived through floods and wars for two thousand years. FWIW, I'm not a fan of the more "modern" church that has bands and such for entertainment. For me, and I know I don't speak for others, it is about the message...and how it is tied into scripture...and how vague it may be as well. Funny, that when I was younger I didn't care much about history and now I do. I mentioned to a ranger at Antietam that you rarely see a younger person or a black at a Civil War site and he just said...maybe the older people have more history behind them than they do the future and therefore has the interest. ;)
I was referring to the meme about dying being it.
Given that no one is perfect and that everyone in the public eye says public things that can be re-examined and used against them...

JD Vance is a fantastic success story and America would likely be benefitted by his ascension in national leadership.
@JBoiler23, tell the poster that Vance was not in the public eye at the time he said that and what he was saying was not a public thing, just something that has been dug up from his past.

There was a poster on here, HoosierFanJM, that ridiculed grieving Goldstar families. That poster has since slithered away, but I hope he still feels shame for that, if he is capable of feeling shame.
Business experience from a business person that isn’t corrupt and sweating fraud out of every pore? Sure! That could be a plus.

But a corrupt fraudster Trumpy who inherited the wealth from his slumlord, racist dad and played in the sandbox with the Mafia to succeed? Nah; don’t need that kind of business experience.
Once again, you avoided the question.
But you heard the word 'boy' from Crow in referring to black males twice just in the last year, and that didn't bother you. Why does Oriental bother you?
Because BNI isn't black. Nor is he/she African-American. BNI as I've said all along is a fat, bald, lazy, no friends or family white guy stirring the pot. He's yet to deny may accusations.
Once again, you avoided the question.
Okay, here's your question, repeated verbatim: "What, asked as an honest question, has Kammi ever done that honestly qualifies her to run a root beer stand, let alone this great and bountiful country."

Here's the answer:
  1. Graduated from a top ten law school
  2. Been a line criminal prosecutor
  3. Ran a large prosecutorial office
  4. Ran a large State Attorney General's office
  5. Been a United States Senator
  6. Been the Vice President of the United States
  • Given that you have regularly referred to the Vice President of the United States as a whore and by coining or repeating nicknames equating her crudely to part of the female anatomy, your word choice and tone is again incredibly juvenile and disrespectful. How old are you? Do you use that language around your family and the women in your life?!!? Do better.
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I was referring to the meme about dying being it.
you mean "when you are dead you don't know you are dead?" Yes I missed it. I really don't know or have reason to know "if" a dead person knows he or she is dead. It reminds me of telling Kim I don't want to be buried six feet down at 54/56 degrees without a jacket or blanket (jokingly). ;) She follows up that I will be dead and not be cold. I do you know? ;)

Traditionally we use brainwave as a determinant and I was reading somewhere that there is question if that is the most accurate. If I can quickly find it I post it, but without finding it we can all account for some that have to be brain dead and yet walk around like others fully unaware.
Okay, here's your question, repeated verbatim: "What, asked as an honest question, has Kammi ever done that honestly qualifies her to run a root beer stand, let alone this great and bountiful country."

Here's the answer:
  1. Graduated from a top ten law school
  2. Been a line criminal prosecutor
  3. Ran a large prosecutorial office
  4. Ran a large State Attorney General's office
  5. Been a United States Senator
  6. Been the Vice President of the United States
  • Given that you have regularly referred to the Vice President of the United States as a whore and by coining or repeating nicknames equating her crudely to part of the female anatomy, your word choice and tone is again incredibly juvenile and disrespectful. How old are you? Do you use that language around your family and the women in your life?!!? Do better.
I've never called her a whore. She has proven that on her own sleeping with Willie Brown to get promotions. As my true Boilers on here know, my wife passed of a Glioblastoma in 2010. And she would not have liked Biden nor Harris and belonged to the NTA and NEA.

Regarding name-where's your ire with BNI for doing that regarding Trump.
you mean "when you are dead you don't know you are dead?" Yes I missed it. I really don't know or have reason to know "if" a dead person knows he or she is dead. It reminds me of telling Kim I don't want to be buried six feet down at 54/56 degrees without a jacket or blanket (jokingly). ;) She follows up that I will be dead and not be cold. I do you know? ;)

Traditionally we use brainwave as a determinant and I was reading somewhere that there is question if that is the most accurate. If I can quickly find it I post it, but without finding it we can all account for some that have to be brain dead and yet walk around like others fully unaware.
Like Bob Hope told his wife when she asked where he wanted to be buried, "Surprise me."
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Okay, here's your question, repeated verbatim: "What, asked as an honest question, has Kammi ever done that honestly qualifies her to run a root beer stand, let alone this great and bountiful country."

Here's the answer:
  1. Graduated from a top ten law school
UC SF is not that now, if it ever was. She flunked the bar exam on the first try.

  1. Been a line criminal prosecutor
  2. Ran a large prosecutorial office
  3. Ran a large State Attorney General's office
  4. Been a United States Senator
  5. Been the Vice President of the United States
  • Given that you have regularly referred to the Vice President of the United States as a whore and by coining or repeating nicknames equating her crudely to part of the female anatomy, your word choice and tone is again incredibly juvenile and disrespectful. How old are you? Do you use that language around your family and the women in your life?!!? Do better.
Nobody is saying she is currently a whore. Lighten up. Choose joy.

I've never called her a whore. She has proven that on her own sleeping with Willie Brown to get promotions. As my true Boilers on here know, my wife passed of a Glioblastoma in 2010. And she would not have liked Biden nor Harris and belonged to the NTA and NEA.

Regarding name-where's your ire with BNI for doing that regarding Trump.
30 years ago Harris was single and dated someone famous for about six months? Oh the horror.

You've made it clear on so many occasions that your wife passed away; that is a horrible, saddening life event. I didn't ask about your wife - I asked whether you use this kind of language "around your family and the women in your life ."

Your wife would not have voted for Biden or Harris? That's perfectly fine. But I would hope that your wife would not have called Harris "Kammie-toe" like you have and stated that she is a 'proven-whore' by dating someone when she was an unmarried grown woman.

Grow the hell up.
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