I'll wait for the full story, however, I'm surprised at how fast the media wants the public to jump to conclusions by using phrases "Police officer placed on leave" and "Excessive Force Attack" already paints the picture of guilty to the Public. If the officer is cleared of wrongdoing, he should in turn go after the media for slander. Turnabout is fair play.
I have no idea what the cam shows, but if it was procedural and no wrongdoing, then sue for millions to the media outlets for Slander and Mental Anguish. I used to hate sue happy people, but it is time to fight back when they do not have all the facts and are making an officer guilty before the case is presented and heard. I would also hold the students accountable IF they are wrong.
I'm a bit suspicious that news outlets are not camping out at Purdue.
My last question is: Why do people resist the officers commands and resist arrest in the first place? It will end bad for all parties. Does the perp think he'll just walk away from the officer with no charge or worse fight back and hurt the officer?