Pres Debate Predictions

Fair could say that.
Some good questions....yes.

But look what CNN left out to get their agenda driven questions in.....
Energy was not asked.
Crime & safety were not touched on.
Education? Important issue missed.

I would say those 3 questions were far more important to America's future than some of the CNN agenda questions that were asked.
Well you only have 90 min so some stuff gets left out. Remember that usually the debates are themed, like “foreign policy.” I could have done w/o the J6 stuff. Who cares. But otherwise they didn’t waste questions. Also, they lost some time because both candidates (often Trump)didn’t answer the question and the went back which I applaud them for.

Trump could have hit in energy via the inflation questions.

For the first time in a long time moderators did not affect the debate. That’s what you want
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Now we have been told by @BNIBoiler that Biden will not be "dumped' for another. @BNIBoiler has said over and over that is NOT happening. @BNIBoiler went so far to say that it is not even being discussed.........LOL.......guess he should tune in to his own lib media in total melt down.
Brett Baier was just on my podcast. He said top Dems are already moving on replacing Biden and will approach h him. If he doesn’t comply they will go public. Will see but gonna be a battle of the factions within the party.

Should have had a fair primary. Crazy how the party that is running on saving Democracy did everything in their selection process the thwart democracy.
I expect Obama, Clinton, et al to convince him to step down and release his delegates. It is obvious Crow can't think clearly for himself, so I expect him to be convinced to step down.

Even dem hacks are now admitting what many of us have been saying all along, that it is obvious Crow is not fit in any way to be president. Right Bob ( who may now be in prolonged hiding after the debate)?
Jill ain’t giving up power that easy.
Now we have been told by @BNIBoiler that Biden will not be "dumped' for another. @BNIBoiler has said over and over that is NOT happening. @BNIBoiler went so far to say that it is not even being discussed.........LOL.......guess he should tune in to his own lib media in total melt down.
No, I've said that Biden is not going to be replaced by Michele Obama. But after last night's debate, the dems may replace him but it again, it ain't Michele Obama.
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No, I've said that Biden is not going to be replaced by Michele Obama. But after last night's debate, the dems may replace him but it again, it ain't Michele Obama.
OMG. We agree on something. Every insider I hear from is no way for Michelle. She really likes her life. Being President robs her of 4 or maybe 8 years of enjoyment. And she has no interest in cleaning up this shit show Biden has created. The above is not to disparage her. But to say she is smart to think this.
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Brett Baier was just on my podcast. He said top Dems are already moving on replacing Biden and will approach h him. If he doesn’t comply they will go public. Will see but gonna be a battle of the factions within the party.

Should have had a fair primary. Crazy how the party that is running on saving Democracy did everything in their selection process the thwart democracy.

Dems unite well & will come up with a plan. They don't like to lose and will do everything under the sun to win.
Brett Baier was just on my podcast. He said top Dems are already moving on replacing Biden and will approach h him. If he doesn’t comply they will go public. Will see but gonna be a battle of the factions within the party.

Should have had a fair primary. Crazy how the party that is running on saving Democracy did everything in their selection process the thwart democracy.
So true.

Neither party had a fair primary. I guess it's a private political party decision, so maybe "fair" isn't the right word, but it sure as hell wasn't an open election by likely voters from each party, with all potential candidates required by the party to attend debates.

Heard a good line last night; the Dems have been repeatedly stating that Trump is a threat to democracy. Oh yeah? Well if they really mean that then Biden will be replaced. Because currently, the Dem's take is "Trump is a threat to democracy and we're going to guarantee he wins by nominating Biden."

Jill Biden is a big deal. On J6 no one could get through to Trump for three hours. Finally they got Ivanka to convince him to tell people to go home. I think that Jill Biden will be by far the most influential voice if Joe is convinced to pack it in.
Jill ain’t giving up power that easy.
You might be right. He truly seems delusional about himself. But I expect the dems to have ways to make him give it up behind the scenes. This is the party of the Russian Collusion hoax, the Hunter laptop coverup, and so forth.

One way may be to tell him his beloved Hunter is going to prison for a very long time unless Joe gives in to reality.
Again, I was talking more about the so-called Michele Obama replacement conspiracy theories. Secondly, my post was obviously before last nights debate. They may eplace him now, but it ain't Obama.

Your post CLEARLY READ.....

"No one is replacing Biden"

You can lie all you want. Readers know what they read. Might have to call you Biden, the way you are lying.
Your post CLEARLY READ.....

"No one is replacing Biden"

You can lie all you want. Readers know what they read. Might have to call you Biden, the way you are lying.
Didn't you read my last post. I said that was before last night's debate. I know now after last night, the dems have no choice but to replace him as candidate.
OMG. We agree on something. Every insider I hear from is no way for Michelle. She really likes her life. Being President robs her of 4 or maybe 8 years of enjoyment. And she has no interest in cleaning up this shit show Biden has created. The above is not to disparage her. But to say she is smart to think this.
Michelle might not have an interest, but BHO does as part of his savior mentality.

The sales pitch will be that she is the last hope to save democracy, so she must step up - but with an understanding that she will be able to continue to luxuriate in her mansions while Black Jesus does the real work of "saving" the nation.

She is the only way they can dump Biden and not have to run the inept DEI veep.
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To compile everything . Like the Rs the Ds have their factions. The Obamas group, the Biden grou, the Sanders/Warren, the Squad., and the Harris group. And they don’t get along. Right now the Biden loyalists have the perch. So it’s not logical to think that those in charge now would easily give up those positions because they could lose their job.

And Biden has taken a lot of money from fat cat sources. . Those people gave money for their interests. Nothing says that the interest they gave for will be a priority for say Gavin Newsome or Jelly Belly Pritzker.

Really. How do you jump Harris?
Michelle might not have an interest, but BHO does as part of his savior mentality.

The sales pitch will be that she is the last hope to save democracy, so she must step up - but with an understanding that she will be able to continue to luxuriate in her mansions while Black Jesus does the real work of "saving" the nation.

She is the only way they can dump Biden and not have to run the inept DEI veep.
Why do you think Michelle O and Harris are the only options?
Michelle might not have an interest, but BHO does as part of his savior mentality.

The sales pitch will be that she is the last hope to save democracy, so she must step up - but with an understanding that she will be able to continue to luxuriate in her mansions while Black Jesus does the real work of "saving" the nation.

She is the only way they can dump Biden and not have to run the inept DEI veep.
I would have maybe agreed a few months ago but too many people too close w/o partisan bias have said “no.” She loves her life. Wouldn’t you? And why ruin your legacy?

And nothing says she really cares what BO thinks. Ahem ahem. You know what I am saying?
I would have maybe agreed a few months ago but too many people too close w/o partisan bias have said “no.” She loves her life. Wouldn’t you? And why ruin your legacy?

And nothing says she really cares what BO thinks. Ahem ahem. You know what I am saying?
I do and I am hoping you are right, but now that it is clearly a case to dems of 'you are the only one who can save the nation,' I expect her to give in on the understanding that BO is the real prez and she continues her jet set lifestyle while pretending to care about the little people.
Because they can only dump Harris with another black woman. No other option for the DEI party. Predictably, they have painted themselves into a corner.
That's a direct line of logic, but I'm not thinking that's an absolute truth. That logic would largely apply to replacement with Newsom or Pritzger.

If Wes Moore or Hakeem Jeffries was the nominee? Whitmer?
That's a direct line of logic, but I'm not thinking that's an absolute truth. That logic would largely apply to replacement with Newsom or Pritzger.

If Wes Moore or Hakeem Jeffries was the nominee? Whitmer?
IMO, the dems will have an internal revolt (even greater than that of the pro-Hamas wing) if they dump a next-in-line black woman, Kamala, for anyone other than a black woman. MIchelle is the only possibility.
That's a direct line of logic, but I'm not thinking that's an absolute truth. That logic would largely apply to replacement with Newsom or Pritzger.

If Wes Moore or Hakeem Jeffries was the nominee? Whitmer?
Wes Moore...unknown may be the only one that could gather interest from those not fully aligned with left wing or the left wing party. I've met Wes at a MLK speaking engagement. I bought two of his books that he personally autographed ( The Other Wes Moore) . His life is admirable. I would not know if he pushed another social experiment with more government outreach or pushed for the people to be more influential and create the condition for societal change as opposed to more government experiments.

What we are seeing today and have seen in smaller bits for a while is the focus on ole Joe's mental health. Actually, there is quite a long history of this. A Conflict of Visions going back a couple of hundred years points out that when "progressivism" policies don't work out, rarely are the policies to blame, but rather it is the person in charge that is blamed and if only another person implemented those failures...things would be so much better. Sound familiar?

There is no surprise with ole Joe. When he would come out of the basement for a a couple of minutes and share his desires, all we are seeing today was evident...and sadly, seeds planted for a worse future down the road. It is not that Joes mind is worse than 3 1/2 years ago, but that his approach to things was and is wrong. However, people will again blame ole Joe rather than his policies and vote for another than shares much of his political thought.
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Wes Moore...unknown may be the only one that could gather interest from those not fully aligned with left wing or the left wing party. I've met Wes at a MLK speaking engagement. I bought two of his books that he personally autographed ( The Other Wes Moore) . His life is admirable. I would not know if he pushed another social experiment with more government outreach or pushed for the people to be more influential and create the condition for societal change as opposed to more government experiments.
Just can't see the dems bypassing Kam for a guy that Joe Crow called 'Boy'.
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Just can't see the dems bypassing Kam for a guy that Joe Crow called 'Boy'.
There is nothing the dems would not do if they thought they could gain more power and control. I'm reminded of Thomas Sowell's book and the history of blaming the person rather than the ide. We had "some" legal voters that voted for Biden over Trump's mean tweets. Rational thought in that party is amiss!
The Liar in Chief was on display last night. Almost every Biden answer was lie after lie. Said he would tell whoppers.......he did not disappoint.
I mean, in all honesty, that's what politicians, especially life long politicians who have never held a real job, that's what they do. They literally say what they say, when they need to say it for the desired result and don't care what happens afterwards. It's like being a weatherman.
Michelle might not have an interest, but BHO does as part of his savior mentality.

The sales pitch will be that she is the last hope to save democracy, so she must step up - but with an understanding that she will be able to continue to luxuriate in her mansions while Black Jesus does the real work of "saving" the nation.

She is the only way they can dump Biden and not have to run the inept DEI veep.
"Black Jesus"....well played sir.
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Didn't you read my last post. I said that was before last night's debate. I know now after last night, the dems have no choice but to replace him as candidate.

Not referring to your other posts.

I posted your post to me. That is the one I referred to. I quoted proof of your lie. It's a direct quote that proves your lie.

Sorry that is unpleasant for you, but you lied. Own it...... although I know you have yet to do that in the past

Now in this post, you are saying the opposite of what you originally disagreed with, by now agreeing with my original post about how a Biden replacement is being discussed.........180°. I guess that is a step in the mature direction.
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I predict Biden will have the deer-in-the-headlights, confused, brain-fog look that we've become very accustomed to.
He may or may not actually fall asleep.
He'll definitely answer some questions with completely incoherent, stream of consciousness thoughts that make no sense and have zero to do with the topic asked.
He'll definitely need to be led on and off the stage by hand.
This was a pretty good prediction. I thought the pre-debate drugs would help him more than they did.
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Grocery prices are up 20% since Crow took office. That is the economy to a lot of people.

Biden recently said inflation was 9% when he took office. He said it again later in the same week even after he was corrected, demonstrating his incompetence.

Any more questions about the economy?
Prices up 20% and packaged goods reduced. Shrink-flation with inflation. It's insanely bad.
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That’s been going on for decades. It’s called corporate greed.
It's been going on for centuries. It's called keeping the company alive and saving jobs. If cost of energy and raw materials go up, those increases must be reflected in the price. If taxes go up, that is an increase in the cost of running the business. It must be reflected in the cost. If companies can't increase prices, they must cut spending to survive. This usually means layoffs.

Raising taxes on businesses directly results in inflation. A tax on business is largely a tax on the poor and middle class. Politicians know this. They know it MUST happen. They manipulate you into thinking that, instead of raising YOUR taxes, they are raising taxes on those greedy businesses. But they know they are raising your taxes.
Here’s the only thing that matters: This was a true climactic feast or famine moment for Trump. He either runs against a now very old feeble no chance Biden and wins, or Biden was so feeble that he steps aside and Trump gets destroyed.

Now we wait about ten days for an answer.

I actually have posted on here several times that the first party to change out Biden or Trump as their nominee wins as they are both so disliked. So I can not disagree with the essence of what you posted.

BUT besides the big problem of the short time window of changing candidates, it has to be the right person. Other than Mrs. Obama (who is not interested ) who is that Dem savior??

Gavin Newsome has been mentioned. But he has the huge problem of California failed state.

Mrs Clinton? Is there anyone that motivates the independent voter less?

The unlikeable Gretchen?

The VP? LOL.

So who is this Dem savior?
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I actually have posted on here several times that the first party to change out Biden or Trump as their nominee wins as they are both so disliked. So I can not disagree with the essence of what you posted.

BUT besides the big problem of the short time window of changing candidates, it has to be the right person. Other than Mrs. Obama (who is not interested ) who is that Dem savior??

Gavin Newsome has been mentioned. But he has the huge problem of California failed state.

Mrs Clinton? Is there anyone that motivates the independent voter less?

The VP? LOL.

So who is this Dem savior?
Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren, so the Democrats can promise to buy the young vote again.
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It's been going on for centuries. It's called keeping the company alive and saving jobs. If cost of energy and raw materials go up, those increases must be reflected in the price. If taxes go up, that is an increase in the cost of running the business. It must be reflected in the cost. If companies can't increase prices, they must cut spending to survive. This usually means layoffs.

Raising taxes on businesses directly results in inflation. A tax on business is largely a tax on the poor and middle class. Politicians know this. They know it MUST happen. They manipulate you into thinking that, instead of raising YOUR taxes, they are raising taxes on those greedy businesses. But they know they are raising your taxes.
Oh no no no. That's nothing more than corporate greed. You're so wrong you bleb! TIC
You're just so absolutely clueless.

Yep, those corporations just got greedy in 2020. Never were greedy before. Lol ....besides his lies, he adds in some incredible stupidity to his posts.....this is the latter.

Demonstrates every day how being race centric warps your brain and make you lose perspective of reality.

At least he's entertaining. Lol
I actually have posted on here several times that the first party to change out Biden or Trump as their nominee wins as they are both so disliked. So I can not disagree with the essence of what you posted.

BUT besides the big problem of the short time window of changing candidates, it has to be the right person. Other than Mrs. Obama (who is not interested ) who is that Dem savior??

Gavin Newsome has been mentioned. But he has the huge problem of California failed state.

Mrs Clinton? Is there anyone that motivates the independent voter less?

The unlikeable Gretchen?

The VP? LOL.

So who is this Dem savior?
Clearly not Clinton. Not Harris unless she was able to convince Trump to debate her (he won’t). Newsom has a chance because Trump is also an incredibly unpopular candidate.

Witmer is only unpopular on Fox News. She won Michigan (a swing state) in a landslide. So her.

Also? Wes Moore, Shapiro, and maybe Pritzger or Klobuchar.

Do I think that the Dem delegates would be smart enough to nominate a moderate? No. Then again, I never thought the Republicans would be smart enough to eventually settle on a sane, talented guy like Mike Johnson and they did.
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