POS President Chump blames DEI for plane crash

Trump didn't cave on the tariffs. Here's what is happening:

"The executive order, dated Wednesday, didn't say when the pause would end but said it would cease when the Department of Commerce could put in place “adequate systems” to “fully and expediently process and collect tariff revenue.”


In my opinion that is politician speak for “oops! Never mind.”

China let us know the consequences through back channels and we immediately caved.
Trump didn't cave on the tariffs. Here's what is happening:

"The executive order, dated Wednesday, didn't say when the pause would end but said it would cease when the Department of Commerce could put in place “adequate systems” to “fully and expediently process and collect tariff revenue.”

I expect any tariff on China to not be too severe at this time. If or once more industry and it's technology are brought back, and the USA has a bit more leverage, a bigger hammer might be used. Slow or low tariffs on China, but enough to produce some shortages might slowly change the needle. Perhaps any leverage on Europe (which they probably are not happy that Trump is back and wanting them to at least pay their % of GDP to their military for their own defense) might also help with China. Saw where the UN, not NATO was concerned that the USA might withdraw money that they said would help people with AIDS. Ugh what support towards that endeavor does the UN contribute to their problem?
So you think it was only black people that were slaves during the time of Moses and the New Testament writings? Facts are facts, and the bible endorses slavery, plain and simple.
My focus is US slavery since I live here and had ancestors that were enslaved in Mississippi, Alabama and Virginia.

The Bible talks about slavery obviously but no where endorses slavery.
My focus is US slavery since I live here and had ancestors that were enslaved in Mississippi, Alabama and Virginia.

The Bible talks about slavery obviously but no where endorses slavery.
This has far reaching meaning that no doubt hits all in some fashion

Mark 12:17
Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were amazed at him.
Love thy neighbor not love thy property. Slaves were property and this line in Galations does not address that.
John 13:34 addresses all as people, not property. I see no room for slavery in this command.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
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John 13:34 addresses all as people, not property. I see no room for slavery in this command.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
To support that is Matthew 22:36

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.”

Concerning the "greatest commandment"...and also tied into the Commandments abortion falls. Slavery is not mentioned, but murder is.
"Thou shall not kill" and then jumping to Marxism or "Equity" is "Thou shall not covet thy neighbors goods"

This is why I previously said about giving to Caesar what is his is a hard one. Mark 12:17 17 Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were amazed at him.

To nuance the two perhaps the "earthly " things belong to Caesar, the law ,and so forth, and the spiritual things belong to God and that hasn't even touched on . Course other topics could go to Matthew 19:23-24 23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."

I wouldn't begin to want to venture into scripture with BNI since there exists quite the quagmire due to seeing racism behind every tree...
To support that is Matthew 22:36

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.”

Concerning the "greatest commandment"...and also tied into the Commandments abortion falls. Slavery is not mentioned, but murder is.
"Thou shall not kill" and then jumping to Marxism or "Equity" is "Thou shall not covet thy neighbors goods"

This is why I previously said about giving to Caesar what is his is a hard one. Mark 12:17 17 Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were amazed at him.

To nuance the two perhaps the "earthly " things belong to Caesar, the law ,and so forth, and the spiritual things belong to God and that hasn't even touched on . Course other topics could go to Matthew 19:23-24 23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."

I wouldn't begin to want to venture into scripture with BNI since there exists quite the quagmire due to seeing racism behind every tree...
TJ, do you think Christianity condones slavery?
TJ, do you think Christianity condones slavery?
Well, I'm not a qualified study on Christianity, but since we are discussing times of Jesus and not before I personally do not think it condones slavery, but I'm troubled by the give to Caesar what is his and to Him what is His. THAT to me implies that those earthly things should not be the focus of Christians. That is a single verse, but troubling.

Contextually and full disclosure...I've not been a reader along these lines for a bit over a decade. Elsewhere, there are other verses that complicate things as well. There are scriptures about treating others as you wish to be treated. That doesn't speak out against slavery in a direct sense, but if slaves are treated poorly it does and that is assuming that holding someone against their wishes was not mis-treatment...which it is (even knowing some slaves sold themselves into slavery to live better) we know today. It is hard to understand something so common in the first century as to how Jesus would view it and if it were a main focus of his energy which it wasn't. When Jesus was being obtained, Peter cut the ear off of the soldier that Jesus didn't approve...and reattached. However, if you believe that Jesus was more than a carpenter and didn't prevent His horrific future and interfere with Caesar...that is a thought.

What is hard for me is knowing that slavery is wrong living where I am in the timeline of today and coming to any conclusion that slavery was "condoned". I'm more along the lines that it wasn't condoned, but not a concern to thwart His mission as He had bigger fish to fry...humanity in general. If you believe in the Trinity (which is found as much in the bible as women's rights are in the constitution...not in either), then you know that Jesus being the second person in the Trinity created the Ten Commandments and realized humans were not successful in following all of them...and so He became flesh. I wish more specific scripture was in my brain, but all I recall is His knowing the many sins of various people...many times through adultery and forgiving them (Mary Magdalene/Mary at the well). Forgiving those that do not know what they do while on the cross, splinter versus log in your eye and so things get conflicted in my ignorance.

I'm wandering in conflicting thought and so this is my best answer...but not heavily studied, but a general feel due to many other things.
I'm more along the lines that it wasn't condoned, but not a concern to thwart His mission as He had bigger fish to fry...humanity in general or he would have addressed it

The timing of biblical topics is interesting. I find it interesting and sometimes wish to enroll in Jordan Peterson's views on the bible since he has never declared to be a Christian, but finds the teachings to be very therapeutic for so many psychological ills. Kim's uncle was a Methodist preacher and her father has went on missions to build things in other countries. She taught Sunday School years ago...even the stations of the cross and has since (which I know her parents wouldn't be too happy) has ordered a couple of books even though she is NOT Catholic to learn more. I know she is not aware of Marian study very much. I'm just not qualified to answer with the amount of conviction I wish on this topic and so I just give my gut lean and why...which well studied people may destroy?

and the below Tome from a good writer that I read some of his work decades ago that was a rising star in the Presbyterian church.

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Is louis Farrakhan a racist?
Right on que, deflect elsewhere but I’ll play with you.

Yeah, he and that Nation of Islam, headquartered in Chicago, appear to be black nationalists. Ironically, some of their teachings are in line with y’all conservatives like pick yourself up by your bootstraps and against government assistance.

There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the death of the Minister Malcom X in the 60s. Farrakhan has been in the middle of some of those. Malcom X had a kerfuffle with the Nation of Islam leadership by exposing Elijah Muhammad’s many children out wedlock with the female NOI members. Malcolm X was kicked out, became more towards mainstream and eventually assassinated. Til to this day no one is certain who did it. FBI, NOI, etc.
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Right on que, deflect elsewhere but I’ll play with you.

Yeah, he and that Nation of Islam, headquartered in Chicago, appear to be black nationalists. Ironically, some of their teachings are in line with y’all conservatives like pick yourself up by your bootstraps and against government assistance.

There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the death of the Minister Malcom X in the 60s. Farrakhan has been in the middle of some of those. Malcom X had a kerfuffle with the Nation of Islam leadership by exposing Elijah Muhammad’s many children out wedlock with the female NOI members. Malcolm X was kicked out, became more towards mainstream and eventually assassinated. Til to this day no one is certain who did it. FBI, NOI, etc.
I would love to see that, the Kennedys' and MLK files being transparent. Shine the light and watch the cockroaches run!
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Right on que, deflect elsewhere but I’ll play with you.

Yeah, he and that Nation of Islam, headquartered in Chicago, appear to be black nationalists. Ironically, some of their teachings are in line with y’all conservatives like pick yourself up by your bootstraps and against government assistance.

There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the death of the Minister Malcom X in the 60s. Farrakhan has been in the middle of some of those. Malcom X had a kerfuffle with the Nation of Islam leadership by exposing Elijah Muhammad’s many children out wedlock with the female NOI members. Malcolm X was kicked out, became more towards mainstream and eventually assassinated. Til to this day no one is certain who did it. FBI, NOI, etc.
You danced around the question. So, are you saying a black nationalist is a racist?
Is a white nationalist a racist?

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