Politics aside .... it’s quite a sight to see The Beast lead 43 race cars around the track

Oh you’re confused. No problem, that’s a common issue for those on the right. Fox News propaganda turns right wingers into immoral brain dead sheep. Useful idiots are needed to go along with the right’s terrible views.

Says the little programmed Lefty Drone, who says he's never watched FOX News, but is an expert on what goes on there.
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This thread is testament to why sports should NEVER be mixed with politics. I hate seeing it.
Making a sporting event as big as the Daytona 500 a political event was on Fox and the President.

A lot of people were thrilled to have the President there. Get over your TDS.
Trump has never declared bankruptcy. Some of his businesses have but he personally has not.

Why so triggered over this? It was awesome seeing the fly over and the beast going around the track. Leave it at that.
he has TDS bad, feel bad for him.
And for almost every single one of you Trumpies, that IS the ONLY thing you care about.

I'm a Trumpie, (or is it Trumper?) and I care about lots of things. But ultimately, my No.1, priority will be my family and their well being.
When you get a little older, perhaps you'll have a family of your own, at which time, I suspect your priorities will change.
Sort of like the old say "Lot's of people like Democrats, until they're old enough to start paying taxes"
That is a lie, plain and simple.

From a Newsweek article:

"Friday marked Trump's 729th day in office. January 20 marks two years since his inauguration. Over two years in office, that equates to a neat 35 confirmed rounds per year in office. According to CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller, Obama played a total of 333 rounds of golf in his eight-year presidency. That averages out to about 41 rounds per year."

You have a tendency to believe a lot of things that aren't true. TDS is destroying your ability to think & reason.
**** right off buddy. I wasn’t responding to your post. You may be right, you may not. I was just responding to the previous posters asinine comment. We sure have some well traveled conservatives on this board. You guys seem to know everything about every socialist country.

...and you have proven to know nothing about any Socialist country and even less about countries that you think are Socialist, but they're not.
From a Newsweek article:

"Friday marked Trump's 729th day in office. January 20 marks two years since his inauguration. Over two years in office, that equates to a neat 35 confirmed rounds per year in office. According to CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller, Obama played a total of 333 rounds of golf in his eight-year presidency. That averages out to about 41 rounds per year."

You have a tendency to believe a lot of things that aren't true. TDS is destroying your ability to think & reason.
Have you heard of Newsmax ? Yeah, THAT Newsmax. The RIGHT-WING Newsmax...

In Today's edition, Feb. 17...their writer, Eric Mack, revealed the up-to-date Obama/Trump golf score:
Trump's total golf rounds expense is $ 118 million...for his THREE years in office..
Obama's total was $ 114 million for his EIGHT years in office...

From a Newsweek article:

"Friday marked Trump's 729th day in office. January 20 marks two years since his inauguration. Over two years in office, that equates to a neat 35 confirmed rounds per year in office. According to CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller, Obama played a total of 333 rounds of golf in his eight-year presidency. That averages out to about 41 rounds per year."

You have a tendency to believe a lot of things that aren't true. TDS is destroying your ability to think & reason.
Looks like you left some of it off, wonder why you did that?

Trump has gone to a golf course—he owns many—during the daytime at least 154 times during his presidency. And of those trips to golf courses, there is documented evidence of Trump playing golf on at least 70 visits, according to the site. That evidence bit is key. As Politifact noted here, counting the number of times Trump has actually golfed during his visits can be a nebulous undertaking because the White House has often worked to conceal whether or not he was playing.


It takes a lot of work to be as delusional as you are. It so much easier to just know the facts instead of having to avoid them or lie about them.
Have you heard of Newsmax ? Yeah, THAT Newsmax. The RIGHT-WING Newsmax...

In Today's edition, Feb. 17...their writer, Eric Mack, revealed the up-to-date Obama/Trump golf score:
Trump's total golf rounds expense is $ 118 million...for his THREE years in office..
Obama's total was $ 114 million for his EIGHT years in office...

As you should know, prices have increased a lot. And Trump is the more ardent and dedicated linkster.
And for almost every single one of you Trumpies, that IS the ONLY thing you care about.

Even sadder is the fact that most of you TDS victims are oblivious to the benefits of a booming economy. You'd rather see the economy tank, than have Trump reelected. Better to have your party in power, than have the country thriving.
Hint: Increasing taxes and adding regulations does not help an economy grow and that's what Dems thrive on.
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Looks like you left some of it off, wonder why you did that?

Trump has gone to a golf course—he owns many—during the daytime at least 154 times during his presidency. And of those trips to golf courses, there is documented evidence of Trump playing golf on at least 70 visits, according to the site. That evidence bit is key. As Politifact noted here, counting the number of times Trump has actually golfed during his visits can be a nebulous undertaking because the White House has often worked to conceal whether or not he was playing.


It takes a lot of work to be as delusional as you are. It so much easier to just know the facts instead of having to avoid them or lie about them.
They're working vacations. He has homes at each of them. He stays for free. Understand now?
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And for almost every single one of you Trumpies, that IS the ONLY thing you care about.
Really? And you know this how?

All those I know who support Trump support fair government. Honesty. Jobs for all Americans. Fair immigration. Great schools for our kids/grandkids. Colleges that teach both sides. Safe schools for all kids. Fair health care for all. Love of family. Love of country. Hatred for abortion as birth control Strong military. Fair tax rates. Safety at the borders. And I could keep this going a page or two. Tell us what the Trump hating liberal left believes in.
1) so we DON'T have an "open borders policy", correct ?
2) Ask the US Chamber of Commerce to compare the total US taxpayers' expense for non-citizen
benefits, versus the total economic benefit to the country of the labor provided by this segment of the population.

Apples & oranges.
The Chamber of Commerce wants all the cheap labor they can get. The Dems want all the potential voters that they think they'll get from the illegal immigrant pool.
Meanwhile, all this cheap labor is negatively impacting the lower rungs of our economy, because people can't earn a living wage. Then the Dems beat the drum for increasing the minimum wage, as their immigration policies are suppressing wages. Oh the irony...

We have a lot more people sneaking across the border, than potential laborers, which is the problem. Gang members, cartel members wanting to set up drug franchises in all our major cities, human traffickers and other criminals & terrorists are coming to visit us and the Left thinks that's a great deal, since their lettuce and tomatoes are a few cents cheaper. Gotta keep those priorities straight.
Even sadder is the fact that most of you TDS victims are oblivious to the benefits of a booming economy. You'd rather see the economy tank, than have Trump reelected. Better to have your party in power, than have the country thriving.
Hint: Increasing taxes and adding regulations does not help an economy grow and that's what Dems thrive on.
Somehow you missed the economy from 2010 to 2016. Trump didn't turn around or jump start the economy. Trump is not some sort of god/emperor that has his hand on the switch for if the economy is good or not. Reality is once again so much different than your delusions.
From a Newsweek article:

"Friday marked Trump's 729th day in office. January 20 marks two years since his inauguration. Over two years in office, that equates to a neat 35 confirmed rounds per year in office. According to CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller, Obama played a total of 333 rounds of golf in his eight-year presidency. That averages out to about 41 rounds per year."

You have a tendency to believe a lot of things that aren't true. TDS is destroying your ability to think & reason.

I've explained it before. I have policy and personal reasons for disliking trump that have nothing to do with a disease . Fvck your tds.
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CNN & MSNBC REPORTED Mr. Avenatti sticking his toe in the Presidential sweepstakes water, for a short time. They sure as hell weren't "TOUTING" his candidacy, and you know it.

I don't blame you for wanting to revise history. It's what the Left does, when it isn't favorable to them, but Avenatti was the toast of CNN and MSNBC, because he was anti-Trump, which made him a hero in their eyes. Morning Joe & Mika were enthralled by him. Don Lemon, Erin Burnett and Chris Mathews thought he would make a great candidate. Brian Stelter was a big supporter as well.

They're obviously not touting it now, but they were all in then. Even a little homework on Avenatti would have made them back off, but TDS was too strong for them to resist anyone opposed to Trump. Your trusted news sources...LOL
I don't blame you for wanting to revise history. It's what the Left does, when it isn't favorable to them, but Avenatti was the toast of CNN and MSNBC, because he was anti-Trump, which made him a hero in their eyes. Morning Joe & Mika were enthralled by him. Don Lemon, Erin Burnett and Chris Mathews thought he would make a great candidate. Brian Stelter was a big supporter as well.

They're obviously not touting it now, but they were all in then. Even a little homework on Avenatti would have made them back off, but TDS was too strong for them to resist anyone opposed to Trump. Your trusted news sources...LOL
Actually Trump paying a pornstar and committing campaign finance violations is what brought Avenatti to the spotlight.
Would you like to compare the total number of people involved in illegal crossings that were eventually DEPORTED....against the total number that eventually blew their court date ?
"Open borders" remains a demonstrably ridiculous description of the United States' current border security apparatus.
Steps for citizenship status remain perhaps the dominant issue for the future immigration reform legislation that this country needs. Agree ?

We have approximately 30 million illegals in the country now, which is almost 10% of our population. How did we get to that point, if the borders aren't OPEN?

California is a sanctuary state, welcoming illegals in, in droves. Why would a state knowingly do that? Perhaps they realize that the Census will be taken this year and they are pushing to count EVERYONE in the state, whether they are legal or illegal, in hopes of picking up some Congressional seats. Essentially, the Dems in California are more concerned about accumulating power, than they are about the well-being of their citizens. Power can be so intoxicating...
Did you finally figure out that Republicans were in the "secret" impeachment hearings and that they were able to ask questions of the witnesses? Seems like you were misled on something so basic, it would make you think twice about being a mindless little sheep. I guess not. You don't think about anything at all, otherwise you wouldn't have repeated something so dishonest and so easily proven false.

Did you finally figure out that the Reps weren't able to select the witnesses that they wanted. The Reps were able to ask questions in the open meeting. Schiff cut off the Reps in the closed meetings, if they asked anything that he didn't want to be asked. If the point is to get to the facts, why did Schiff micromanage everything about the investigation. The whole thing got started by the whistle blower, who was NEVER heard from, anywhere in the investigation, Why? Dems bitch about the Senate not giving a fair trial, but pay no attention to a tainted investigation and bogus charges. Keep on believing your programming. Be a good little drone and don't bother thinking.
I don't blame you for wanting to revise history. It's what the Left does, when it isn't favorable to them, but Avenatti was the toast of CNN and MSNBC, because he was anti-Trump, which made him a hero in their eyes. Morning Joe & Mika were enthralled by him. Don Lemon, Erin Burnett and Chris Mathews thought he would make a great candidate. Brian Stelter was a big supporter as well.

They're obviously not touting it now, but they were all in then. Even a little homework on Avenatti would have made them back off, but TDS was too strong for them to resist anyone opposed to Trump. Your trusted news sources...LOL
This video of them fawning all over Avenatti is worth revisiting. So good!

It sounds like your case is severe.
Call it what you will.
I dont see never Trumpers making up a fictional disease for you whose eyes trump doesn't lie, isn't a narcissistic child, doesn't put loyalty over country, aren't concerned he calls any critics childish names, hasn't set foreign policy back 30 years.
We don't use some default excuse for why you worship trump. The one common thread seems to be you're making you don't care about much else. How selfless of you.
It sounds like your case is severe.
I know! Some of these people are seriously out of control. Can you imagine all of this rage and vitrol they have lived with 24/7 for over 3 years now? Builder Bob has personal and ''ploicy'' reasons to dislike Trump so he spews crap all day on a message board? Wonder what Trump actually did to him personally? I have asked leftist that question and none ever respond .
How do you close a 1,950 mile border? Do you think we’re just letting people in without visas? This is a complicated problems that can’t be solved with a wall. Maybe ask yourself why people are coming here.

turns out we’re more of a gated community than the shining city on a hill.

Impossible to put up a wall on the entire border, but the more wall you build, the more you can funnel illegals to the choke points and the easier they are to catch and send back. Trump has finally got Mexico cooperating by cutting off the flow of traffic at their Southern border and also helping us by patrolling their Northern border. Do you seriously believe the people crashing our Southern border are concerned about Visas?

Visa overstays are another issue that we need to deal with. With all the millions of government employees we have, one would think that we could dedicate a large enough number of them to ensure that there was some control of the people entering the country legally. It appears that no one is paying any attention to them.

Your last question is a tough one. Why are they coming here? What would be the compelling reason to go to the country with the best economy on the planet, as well as the best standard of living? Hmmmm, that's a tough one.
A lot of people WEREN'T thrilled to see Trump at the 2019 World Series in Washington, and at a UCF event
at Madison Square Garden, in Nov.

That's UFC not UCF.

I'm surprised that a Liberal crowd in the Beltway or a Liberal crowd in NYC would be dismayed at seeing the President. He got a Helluva standing ovation at the Super Bowl, or didn't you notice that?
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