Politics aside .... it’s quite a sight to see The Beast lead 43 race cars around the track

They both govt run health and private health care.virtually same as what we have here now
You’re delusional if you think that is true. They have a national healthcare system that all citizens have access to. We don’t have anywhere close to that unless you’re old enough for Medicare.
You’re delusional if you think that is true. They have a national healthcare system that all citizens have access to. We don’t have anywhere close to that unless you’re old enough for Medicare.
Do no all of our citizens have access to ObamaCare or state by state-sponsored healthcare plans..btw..the Brits are throwing in the towel on govt healthcare and slowly going back to private health its been a disaster just like Canada
Do no all of our citizens have access to ObamaCare or state by state-sponsored healthcare plans..btw..the Brits are throwing in the towel on govt healthcare and slowly going back to private health its been a disaster just like Canada
The Japanese have a public healthcare option (not like Obamacare). All hospitals are not for profit and all clinics must be physician owned. Japanese are able to choose their own providers and cannot be denied coverage. Medical costs are heavily regulated.

That isn’t anywhere close to our jacked up system.
The Japanese have a public healthcare option (not like Obamacare). All hospitals are not for profit and all clinics must be physician owned. Japanese are able to choose their own providers and cannot be denied coverage. Medical costs are heavily regulated.

That isn’t anywhere close to our jacked up system.
Having insurance or coverage and then actually receiving and getting access to care can be two different all socialized medical countries.after certain age need a bypass...sorry too old...hip replacement...sorry again...need a MRI...90 day wait...elective surgery...9 months.. not to even mention wait times to even see a MD... on and on....if USA went to complete govt run health..50% of hospitals would close as would and a good % of all MD's stop practicing
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Where is he, and where are you? Get over it.

An independent laughed at this response. I’m guessing #39, 42, 43, and #44 aren’t posting on this board, Obviously there are many others who have done great things, but being elected to the leader of the free world is still one of the greatest accomplishments, especially as an American.

I’m guessing there are a lot of democrats who wouldn’t agree now (won’t admit it now but would if they won in Nov).
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Trump has been the defendant in over 1000 legal actions. He’s banned from running a charity in New York because he used it to commit fraud. You’re ****ing blind to what he really is. I’m not pissed about the president. I’m upset that our country elected a liar and a criminal to be the president. It’s disappointing that we may elect him again. We’re going down an incredibly bad path that will damage this country for generations to come. We’re close to being a banana republic and we could end up being run by oligarchs like Russia if we don’t reverse course.

Get over your TDS. The country is in the best shape it's been in for an incredibly long time. Jobs are plentiful, wages are rising and the entire nation is enjoying the economic benefit. Get over your pettiness and enjoy the ride.
Go ahead and stick your head in the sand. There are problems we’re going to need to deal with in the future and the solutions don’t include a wall.

Perhaps you should pull your head out of the sand.
If you haven't noticed, and it's very apparent you haven't, Trump is dealing with a lot of issues that previous Presidents have just kicked down the road for future Administrations to handle.
-- Renegotiating trade deals with China, Mexico, Canada, Japan, & S. Korea to give us more favorable terms and repatriate industries & wealth has been a boon to our economy.
-- Endorsing fracking & eliminating regulations against it has made us energy independent and decreased our carbon footprint.
-- Built up military by modernizing equipment and improving morale, as he's trying to get us out of ongoing wars has made us stronger.
-- Making an effort to control the borders and reform immigration policy, so we have some level of control regarding who is coming into OUR country.
I could make the list a lot longer, but he's done a lot that isn't getting any coverage in the MSM. People have to get past Trump's personality and open both eyes to see that he has the country moving in a very positive direction.
Norway population: 5.3M
US population: 327.2M
Norway per capita GDP: 75k
US per capita GDP: 64k

sure seems like they’re doing better than we are if you compare apples to apples.

And whose paying for Norway's (and most of Europe's) defense and America's defense: US

US taxpayers pay for a lot more than Norwegian taxpayers. If you call that apples to apples, you might want to learn about economics.
Then you are someone who loves liars, cheaters...and liars...he is the biggest POS in American history...and i am a republican

Bill Clinton says, "Hi".

Get out of your safe space and look at what his policies are doing for the country, despite the "resistance" fighting him tooth and nail every step of the way. You may be a RINO, but I doubt that you're a Republican., but your posts are delusional, so you may also believe you're a tiger, as well.
You mean the racist impeached president who knows ZERO about sports? What an embarrassment to AMERICA

Just when I think you couldn't possible say anything more idiotic, BAM, you post something even sillier. It's actually a little frightening to see the level of TDS that exists in this country. CNN & MSNBC rely on emotional overreaction and very little thought to keep their customers. You appear to be very loyal.
this is one messed up government....the only ones that like the dumb ass are 401k benefit/ money people....the guy is a complete JERK...low life

There are a lot of people in this country that can actually pull their heads out of their asses and see what's going on in the country OBJECTIVELY and recognize it's a good thing. Some of you hyper-emotional types are so amped up on CNN & MSNBC misinformation that you really haven't taken or won't take the time to actually see what's been happening. You're so blinded by your prejudice that you are oblivious to what's going on around you. Get a clue, PLEASE...
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i will admit its been a tough day...just can't handle the ignorance of Trump supporters tonight....Trust in Painter....sorry!!

Too funny, You make multiple posts that are fact free, emotional rants and you actually believe that the Trump supporters are ignorant. Now that's overdosing on TDS and delusion.
Good luck in your alternate Universe.
Norway, Sweden, Japan....there are many successful socialist countries. Seems like they all don’t end up that way bro.

To quote you from an earlier post, "I don’t think that word means what you think it means."

Not one of those countries is Socialist. They are all Capitalist. In true Socialism, the State owns all the means of production, which isn't the case in any of those countries.

There are NO successful Socialist countries. There are NO Socialist countries that allow their people to have freedom. The countries you list are a lot more Socialist that we are, but they all require a Capitalistic economy to support their Socialistic programs.

True Socialism allows their populace the ability to equally share the misery, except for the leaders, who are more equal than the populace.
Socialism is all about creating dependency on the government, which allows the government to control the people. Who wouldn't want that?
Japan has socialized healthcare. That’s been called socialist by the right wingers on this board.

So has the UK & Canada and nobody thinks they're Socialist. I've never heard of anyone, even remotely, thinking Japan was Socialist.
Which "right wingers" were calling Japan Socialist, or are you just making that up to cover your backside?
The Japanese have a public healthcare option (not like Obamacare). All hospitals are not for profit and all clinics must be physician owned. Japanese are able to choose their own providers and cannot be denied coverage. Medical costs are heavily regulated.

That isn’t anywhere close to our jacked up system.

The quality of healthcare is significantly better in our "jacked up system", than it is anywhere else in the world. The more government involvement in healthcare, the lower the quality becomes and the more limited access becomes. When the best & brightest are incentivized properly, you have more & better doctors providing healthcare. That's why people come to the US for their health care, when they have serious problems that require special expertise..
He owns golf courses all over the world, genius.

Obama had played a lot more golf than Trump has to this point in his Presidency and Trump donates his $450,000 salary to charity every year.
You’re full of shit. Fox News does terrible things to people’s minds.
To quote you from an earlier post, "I don’t think that word means what you think it means."

Not one of those countries is Socialist. They are all Capitalist. In true Socialism, the State owns all the means of production, which isn't the case in any of those countries.

There are NO successful Socialist countries. There are NO Socialist countries that allow their people to have freedom. The countries you list are a lot more Socialist that we are, but they all require a Capitalistic economy to support their Socialistic programs.

True Socialism allows their populace the ability to equally share the misery, except for the leaders, who are more equal than the populace.
Socialism is all about creating dependency on the government, which allows the government to control the people. Who wouldn't want that?

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Big talk? No. I spent a night in holding for a minor in consumption at 20.9 yrs old. Just making my point. Big man? Meh. Shade over 6'2" and getting fatter by the year. I just find it hilarious how pissed people still get about this president. It's embarrassing.

same way everyone got pissed off when Obama was in office? it's crazy to me that everyone has memory loss. Liberal this liberal that...pew pew pew, get the guns out. That's what is embarrassing
Fixed it for you
Oh you’re confused. No problem, that’s a common issue for those on the right. Fox News propaganda turns right wingers into immoral brain dead sheep. Useful idiots are needed to go along with the right’s terrible views.
Having insurance or coverage and then actually receiving and getting access to care can be two different all socialized medical countries.after certain age need a bypass...sorry too old...hip replacement...sorry again...need a MRI...90 day wait...elective surgery...9 months.. not to even mention wait times to even see a MD... on and on....if USA went to complete govt run health..50% of hospitals would close as would and a good % of all MD's stop practicing
How do you think health insurance works currently? The insurance companies make the same judgement. Also, MDs wouldn’t stop practicing, they’ll still want to make money.
Dude what’s your beef with evangelicals?
no beef at all, none...just can't believe any christian can support the guy.Republican....I get that...have voted for many...but 45 is not a good human being.....ain't a guy on here that want 45 to marry their sister.
no beef at all, none...just can't believe any christian can support the guy.Republican....I get that...have voted for many...but 45 is not a good human being.....ain't a guy on here that want 45 to marry their sister.
I’d be ok with him marrying my sister if I can marry Melania... just sayin
This thread is testament to why sports should NEVER be mixed with politics. I hate seeing it.
Making a sporting event as big as the Daytona 500 a political event was on Fox and the President.
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