Parler App

FYI .. Parler is suing Amazon. I’m gonna go on a limb and assume Amazon has better lawyers, but we will see.

They should sue their developers for terrible security.

I commented on this on the premium board when Parler was getting started.

They had a lot going against them....

1) Small company
2) Massive growth on bad infrastructure
3) Controversial, so a target for hackers

In reading what the people that hacked it found, it looks like they actually had a good moderation infrastructure. They also seem to have seen tools to shadowban (the function the Right complained about regarding Twitter).

Also, they made people provide state IDs to be verified. This is going to be ugly.

so if a group uses social media to promote an "event" that resulted in the injury or death of a police officer you agree they should be banned from social media and rightfully named and called out?

FYI - should I provide the list of police officers that have been murdered execution style this summer? And posts by individuals and their affiliations still allowed access to social media? Tick toc, tick toc.

Still waiting for you to provide this Joet. Tick toc, tick toc.
I am sure a 10 person company negotiated some killer terms with Amazon for using AWS. Eye roll.
I saw a tweet from someone that said the Parler attorney who filed the lawsuit is a single practitioner with no anti trust experience. They also didn’t bother trying to file a TRO or something along those lines to at least buy some time.

Of course, they could certainly get some help (someone could champion helping Parler), but will be interesting to watch.
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I saw a tweet from someone that said the Parler attorney who filed the lawsuit is a single practitioner with no anti trust experience. They also didn’t bother trying to file a TRO or something along those lines to at least buy some time.

Of course, they could certainly get some help (someone could champion helping Parler), but will be interesting to watch.

As a guy that has spent my career signing contracts with big tech infrastructure companies, good luck Parler!
Pretty much agree with your response. Here is another example of why this stuff really irks even reasonably intelligent people. I am working as a consultant on a legal case invoiving the Marriott Vacation Club. It's a long story, but when it changed to a points system it basically imho stole the fixed time share weeks from tens of thousands of people. It's a very elegant $3-4 billion white collar crime. Once we challenged this, in short order Marriott got a couple of state legislators in FL, where all the timeshare companies are domicled, to push through some changes to FL timeshare law that is going to make challenging this very difficult. When pressed, the guys who sponsored the legislation have admitted the really had no understanding of what they pushed through.

Upon doing some digging, these two guys and other FL legislators have pretty much been in Marriott's pocket for a long time. Now today, with much fanfare, Marriott comes out with its "values' based stand" on these campaign donations but apparently Marriott does not have any problem greasing these FL republican state legislators so it can continue to steal from its timeshare owners. This is why people like me find what's going on very difficult to tolerate. It's also a matter of public record, that the four Marriott execs who created this saw their comp triple in less than 18 months.
I'm guessing that if you're working on a case as a consultant that you were hired/engaged by a lawyer. I would suspect that he/she probably would be less than enthused to discover his/her expert is posting about it on a college board. Just sayin'...
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No Bob that tax cut is not all he did. I reeled off some other things off the top of my head he did that I liked...many that people before him should have done. Did you miss those?

Then you mention this,"His public policies had little to do with insurrectionists attacking our democracy. His narcissism and lack of morals had everything to do with it." and I wonder what you have not witnessed during the previous administrations in actions...much more powerful than words. Recalling the blaming off the "video" for Benghazi was to serve the stupid, much like we are seeing today and as I said...we have a lot of stupid people with keyboards and phones as social media has shown us. They are not confined to one side of the aisle. Did you forget that? Lies and projections are quite common, as evidence has shown for over four years.

Now somewhere and perhaps it too was missed, I talked about the "hot" topic of many years ago with the same type of reasoning on violence in TV. The bottom line there as "also" mentioned was that "VIOLENCE" on TV did NOT lead to more violence in the public. Do you see the same concern...the same reasoning....the same results, but don't see the same answer?

Trump didn't make people enter the capital. Those people wanted to do that. Trump didn't make people burn down cities, shoot cops and loot. Those people wanted to do that. This herd mentality told by the media take root in the gray areas of what should be potentially capable of some level of thought rather than being told "what" to think or more appropriately "FEEL". Blame shifting is yet "ANOTHER" form of control and here we see media doing it and YOU following along in your typing. I know the answers years ago (if in question) in the soc we took was to blame society rather than the individual and here you are indicating that someone makes another do that, what the other doesn't want to do, but does anyway absent some real threat. Think about what you are actually saying (indicating that someone makes another do that, what the other doesn't want to do, but does anyway absent some real threat). That is what you have stated. Do you not see how foolish that is? Were the actual comments Trump has made in Twitter before the election and after that different? That is a question since I don't really know, but pretty confident in how I would bet. Why was there no concern of censorship prior...afraid of some legislation that would affect them? I never went...I liked Trump's policies...why didn't I go? NONE of this has anything to do with Trump it was people that made individual choices to do what they did whether entering the capital, shooting cops, looting or burning cities. Those were people that should be held accountable and you are giving them a free pass and blaming someone that didn't do what they did. I could go on about the displays of ignorance of history concerning the statues and things, but it appears that those statues incited violence and destruction as well. How F'ing stupid are we? Seriously!

Lastly, if not already addressed above, your comment"His narcissism and lack of morals had everything to do with it." and the implication of mindless robots programmed against their will, absent any threat did what they didn't want to do makes about as much sense as an employer hiring men instead of women and losing 23% of the potential reduction in labor costs because get this....drum roll don't like women and are willing to lose that resulting profit margin just to hire men. Ignore the logic...let's go find a link...

Trump obviously shows narcissic flaws. Did you have your eyes closed with Obama, someone that listed "I" many more times than "we" when speaking? Trump obviously has flaws in his morality as well (many not affecting me). Is it less moral to intentionally lie and attack those with the IRS that had different views than you held? Was it less moral to use bankruptcy as a means of treating hourly and salary different to try to buy votes? Are we reduced to treating "words" and "actions" with the same weight?

Now excuse me as I have to get some more work done and have a few things to accomplish once Trump tells me what to do...

70s-80s. Slogan “sticks and stones may break my bones but your words will never harm me”

2010-2020. Slogan “sticks and stones may break my bones but you words will forever harm me”. Snowflake generation.
I saw a tweet from someone that said the Parler attorney who filed the lawsuit is a single practitioner with no anti trust experience. They also didn’t bother trying to file a TRO or something along those lines to at least buy some time.

Of course, they could certainly get some help (someone could champion helping Parler), but will be interesting to watch.

Their anti-trust argument is crap.
70s-80s. Slogan “sticks and stones may break my bones but your words will never harm me”

2010-2020. Slogan “sticks and stones may break my bones but you words will forever harm me”. Snowflake generation.

Just so much hypocrisy. Riots, burning, looting and shooting cops for months and months in multiple sites and there is crickets and some saying it is okay and needed, in government positions. Same people see riots for a couple of hours in one day where royalty spends a few days out of the year and now speak out…correctly, but now speak out. People blame Trump for inciting crowds and making people do what they think Trump wants passing the buck on those really responsible. Obama fans the fires of Ferguson and crickets again. Mueller’s report on Russian collusion full coverage every day in multiple sites, and yet Muller doesn’t even know what is in it, and then we find out projection in the dems did what they projected on Trumps people. It is so confusing I’m still trying to figure out why the Nuremberg trials, none of those people were responsible (and used as a defense)…it was only Hitler as I'm told, and in that case “he” really did have the power of threat with lives rather than Trump with zero threat power. Herd thought doesn’t stop there…you have intersectionality where herd size is reduced, but still herd mentality hopeful that nobody thinks enough about it to realize the only logical conclusion is the individual. There are other examples, but why would those convey more than just stated?

Then you mention something that you would think all would care… something that everyone on each side of the aisle that says they want the best for this country should be interested in how those people in the gov. grow rich by selling out the country and crickets… I’m not saying we fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch, but we clearly hit a lot on our way down.
I voted for him and liked his policies. He made a lot of promises and kept most of them, unlike most politicians. As I've stated many times, he annoyed the Hell out of me more often than not, with his tweeting and some of his rambling speeches. He did a lot of great things for the country, while he was President, despite having a daily fight for survival with the MSM, Corrupt DoJ/FBI, Corrupt lying Dems (Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler & Schumer), phony investigations, phony impeachment, etc.

Add in a pandemic and he still got us three vaccines within one year (as promised), despite the Dems & MSM saying it was impossible.

But you have TDS and hate the Orange Man with a passion, so your head would explode, if you gave him credit for anything. Stay in your echo chamber and keep looping your Bad Orange Man mantra, until Jan 20th, when you get the Big Guy and the Southern border will be open, Tariffs with China will cease and we can increase our trade deficit, Corporate taxes will be increased and more jobs & businesses will leave the country, and don't forget that Joe wants to raise Capital gains taxes. There goes the economy. Great times ahead...LOL
Orange man IS bad. What else do you need to see?

While you and SDBoiler have apparently been collecting royalties for 4 years on TDS mentions, I and others have been telling you people that words matter. Character, judgment, integrity, and honesty matter. You didn't listen or didn't care........because he made it ok for you to be arrogant and angry.

This man is putting the country through hell.........all because he can't accept losing. All for his ego. All for himself. All because he was told no.

Every post of adulation for trump you make is ALWAYS prefaced with your standard disclaimer........just like this one. It makes you feel better to try and separate his personality from his policies. You can't. His number one policy is to do what's best for Trump........and that's why we had an attack on our democracy.

How do you balance tax cuts with the attack on the Capitol? Your China tariffs (didn't do shit) with refusing to accept the election results? Your immigration policy with pressuring state officials to falsify election results? Its the same guy. Which is more important to you? Which is more important to our democracy? If there had been a massacre in our legislature would it lead you to conclude Trump is bad for our country?
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I'm guessing that if you're working on a case as a consultant that you were hired/engaged by a lawyer. I would suspect that he/she probably would be less than enthused to discover his/her expert is posting about it on a college board. Just sayin'...
It’s all.a matter of public record. Just sayin maybe I’m not quite as dumb as you think I am.
No Bob that tax cut is not all he did. I reeled off some other things off the top of my head he did that I liked...many that people before him should have done. Did you miss those?

Then you mention this,"His public policies had little to do with insurrectionists attacking our democracy. His narcissism and lack of morals had everything to do with it." and I wonder what you have not witnessed during the previous administrations in actions...much more powerful than words. Recalling the blaming off the "video" for Benghazi was to serve the stupid, much like we are seeing today and as I said...we have a lot of stupid people with keyboards and phones as social media has shown us. They are not confined to one side of the aisle. Did you forget that? Lies and projections are quite common, as evidence has shown for over four years.

Now somewhere and perhaps it too was missed, I talked about the "hot" topic of many years ago with the same type of reasoning on violence in TV. The bottom line there as "also" mentioned was that "VIOLENCE" on TV did NOT lead to more violence in the public. Do you see the same concern...the same reasoning....the same results, but don't see the same answer?

Trump didn't make people enter the capital. Those people wanted to do that. Trump didn't make people burn down cities, shoot cops and loot. Those people wanted to do that. This herd mentality told by the media take root in the gray areas of what should be potentially capable of some level of thought rather than being told "what" to think or more appropriately "FEEL". Blame shifting is yet "ANOTHER" form of control and here we see media doing it and YOU following along in your typing. I know the answers years ago (if in question) in the soc we took was to blame society rather than the individual and here you are indicating that someone makes another do that, what the other doesn't want to do, but does anyway absent some real threat. Think about what you are actually saying (indicating that someone makes another do that, what the other doesn't want to do, but does anyway absent some real threat). That is what you have stated. Do you not see how foolish that is? Were the actual comments Trump has made in Twitter before the election and after that different? That is a question since I don't really know, but pretty confident in how I would bet. Why was there no concern of censorship prior...afraid of some legislation that would affect them? I never went...I liked Trump's policies...why didn't I go? NONE of this has anything to do with Trump it was people that made individual choices to do what they did whether entering the capital, shooting cops, looting or burning cities. Those were people that should be held accountable and you are giving them a free pass and blaming someone that didn't do what they did. I could go on about the displays of ignorance of history concerning the statues and things, but it appears that those statues incited violence and destruction as well. How F'ing stupid are we? Seriously!

Lastly, if not already addressed above, your comment"His narcissism and lack of morals had everything to do with it." and the implication of mindless robots programmed against their will, absent any threat did what they didn't want to do makes about as much sense as an employer hiring men instead of women and losing 23% of the potential reduction in labor costs because get this....drum roll don't like women and are willing to lose that resulting profit margin just to hire men. Ignore the logic...let's go find a link...

Trump obviously shows narcissic flaws. Did you have your eyes closed with Obama, someone that listed "I" many more times than "we" when speaking? Trump obviously has flaws in his morality as well (many not affecting me). Is it less moral to intentionally lie and attack those with the IRS that had different views than you held? Was it less moral to use bankruptcy as a means of treating hourly and salary different to try to buy votes? Are we reduced to treating "words" and "actions" with the same weight?

Now excuse me as I have to get some more work done and have a few things to accomplish once Trump tells me what to do...
Ok. One more time. The tax cut remark was SARCASM.
This is the direct result of Americans ignoring the character and judgement of people they vote for. Just vote for the letter and give me a tax cut.

Do you really think I haven't heard about trump's "accomplishments" on this board after 4 years?

Next paragraph. Whatabout Benghazi. All presidents lie. You and I are old guys. Disregarding the thousands of lies and mischaracterizations during his 4 years, tell me how many presidents....or others running for national office, started saying the election was rigged against him months before the election?

Next. Trump had no effect on the people who chose to attack the Capitol. Wow.
In a nutshell, Trump convinced people he was the purveyor of truth. Fake news. Whoever who criticized him or disagreed was an enemy and was lying to you. Media was the enemy of the people. Check.
The common thread among that he's a fighter. He encourages cops to rough up the suspects putting them in the car. Knock the crap out of rally protestors, he'll pay the legal fees. He loved the old days when people would be brought out on a stretcher. He'd punch 'em in the face. Defended Kyle. Stand back and stand by. Liberate Michigan. All the same theme. He has no problem with violence by his supporters, even encourages it. Check.
For months before the election, if he loses, it was rigged. Repeat. He lost but claimed he was cheated. Since we believe what trump says.....and only was rigged. Had to be. No doubt. He won't concede. Won't stop fighting......there's that word again. His supporters believe what he tells them. The election was a fraud. Check.

Do you believe there would have been an attack on the Capitol if he had conceded? In your world, the answer would have to be YES. After all, trump had no effect on the actions of his supporters. They did it on their own. That's the question you need to answer.

The crowd gathers and the rest is history. Trump didn't tell them to smash this window or knock down that door. To act like he had no responsibility because he didn't give them specific instructions on what to do is pure absurdity.


No, you have been reduced to ignoring words from the president of the United States because you are embarrassed by them and him. Consequently, only actions are important. His action was to make history by refusing to accept the results of an election in our country..........and it will be his legacy.

A larger percentage of NYers have received the vaccine than Floridians.

The hard-on you guys have for Cuomo is truly hilarious.

Do you ever feel even the smallest amount of remorse for spreading so much bad information?

Seriously? You're going to try to defend that clown? He's one of the most arrogant and incompetent Governors in the country. Between him & DeBlasio they are going to destroy NYC. Yeah, the NYT is a place everyone goes to get unbiased information. Weren't they prattling on for about 3 years about Russian collusion? Then they called the story about Hunter Biden & his laptop Russian misinformation. Yeah, all truth, no bias...LOL

Cuomo panicked, when the pandemic was spreading in NY. He was responsible for killing about 10K Seniors by requiring CV-19 infected people be put in Nursing Homes. He groveled to Trump, begging for assistance, which Trump provided. He was sent about 30K ventilators, a Hospital ship and the Army Corps of Engineers reconfigured the Javitts Center as an emergency hospital. Then he hardly used either the Hospital Ship or the Javitts Center. Surprisingly, he did give Trump profuse praise for all the assistance.

Later, he remembered it was an election year and started deriding Trump for how incompetently he was handling the pandemic. It's rather ironic that Cuomo could judge anyone's handling of the pandemic as incompetent, after the way he botched it in NY. Then he gets an Emmy for rambling on, on his afternoon TV broadcasts, which was mostly him acting like a petty dictator, while he's locking down businesses in the state. Then the idiot has the audacity to write a book about how well he's handling everything. The fool has NO self awareness.

Now Cuomo is having problems distributing the vaccine and organizing a schedule for people to get shots. There are reports that NY has had to dispose of numerous batches of vaccine, because it had been removed from refrigeration and had spoiled. Apparently, organizing a schedule to dispense the vaccine to the public was beyond his capability.

He's the Governor and he's responsible to see that these things are being done, but he assumes NO responsibility for anything. He's constantly blaming everyone else for his incompetence. Typical Democrat Governor.
Seriously? You're going to try to defend that clown? He's one of the most arrogant and incompetent Governors in the country. Between him & DeBlasio they are going to destroy NYC. Yeah, the NYT is a place everyone goes to get unbiased information. Weren't they prattling on for about 3 years about Russian collusion? Then they called the story about Hunter Biden & his laptop Russian misinformation. Yeah, all truth, no bias...LOL

Cuomo panicked, when the pandemic was spreading in NY. He was responsible for killing about 10K Seniors by requiring CV-19 infected people be put in Nursing Homes. He groveled to Trump, begging for assistance, which Trump provided. He was sent about 30K ventilators, a Hospital ship and the Army Corps of Engineers reconfigured the Javitts Center as an emergency hospital. Then he hardly used either the Hospital Ship or the Javitts Center. Surprisingly, he did give Trump profuse praise for all the assistance.

Later, he remembered it was an election year and started deriding Trump for how incompetently he was handling the pandemic. It's rather ironic that Cuomo could judge anyone's handling of the pandemic as incompetent, after the way he botched it in NY. Then he gets an Emmy for rambling on, on his afternoon TV broadcasts, which was mostly him acting like a petty dictator, while he's locking down businesses in the state. Then the idiot has the audacity to write a book about how well he's handling everything. The fool has NO self awareness.

Now Cuomo is having problems distributing the vaccine and organizing a schedule for people to get shots. There are reports that NY has had to dispose of numerous batches of vaccine, because it had been removed from refrigeration and had spoiled. Apparently, organizing a schedule to dispense the vaccine to the public was beyond his capability.

He's the Governor and he's responsible to see that these things are being done, but he assumes NO responsibility for anything. He's constantly blaming everyone else for his incompetence. Typical Democrat Governor.

And yet, the data don't support your allegations.

Paranoid ramble much?
You tell me? If you want to ignore the fact of all the Russian ties behind Parker, do so at your own peril. I’m sure Putin will find a server farm for them to get back up and running soon.

FYI ... i hope none of you uploaded anything important there .... due to the crappy design and deployment it’s all been hacked. The good news is the FBI and others have all the data as well so it will be helpful to sort out what happened before Wednesday’s mess.

Who the Hell is Parker and what has that got to do with anything? I was talking about three years of Dem & MSM ranting about Trump & Russian Collusion, WHICH DIDN'T EXIST, but you never let the facts get in the way of a good attack.
Who the Hell is Parker and what has that got to do with anything? I was talking about three years of Dem & MSM ranting about Trump & Russian Collusion, WHICH DIDN'T EXIST, but you never let the facts get in the way of a good attack.

You know what does exist. Radical right wing Trump inspired terrorism. Do you consider the on going attack on democracy a good attack? Sadly at this point the modern Republican Party has more in common with Isis than the Democratic Party. Thank the Lord for flipping the White House and senate. We the people, baby Jesus and God have spoken. I just wish old BoilerMadness wouldn’t have so much anger and hate towards the silent majority.
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It’s all.a matter of public record. Just sayin maybe I’m not quite as dumb as you think I am.
The OP here is an example of the sanctimonious BS on here. You have no idea of the context, my relationship in this deal yet you try to take some sort of superior notion of what’s going on.
You can be a conservative/republican and despise Trump and what he has done to the party. There’s a growing list of those people.

On the Twitter bans ... most all of those were short term and for very specific posts. Hegsheth posted an anti-American terrorist’s manifesto. Bongino posted the same Trump video that inflamed last week and was asked to take it down.

This is the best cumulative list of suspensions i could find. I’m not sure i disagree with many of them and they are usually short term and due to a specific potentially violent or threatening post. Nobody is being stopped from expressing their opinion or POV on a subject.

BTW ... I did note both the Ayatolah and Farrakhan on the list of suspensions.

Gosh, Trump really destroyed the Republican Party that had never had the stones to stand up to the Dems. The Republican Party that was more concerned about Globalism,
than doing what was in the best interests of OUR OWN COUNTRY. The Establishment Republicans have sold out and there is essentially no difference between them and the Establishment Democrats. They both work together to fleece the taxpayers and enrich themselves. The Republican Party needed a kick in the ass to wake them up and Trump delivered it. We have too many spineless RINOs like Mitt Romney now and the party can do much better.

Trump was an outsider, which is why the Establishment had to destroy him. They couldn't afford to have someone poking around behind the curtain, for fear that they find out how corrupt they really were and potentially expose them. Seriously, have you EVER seen such a concerted attack against a President in our country from both sides of the aisle, MSM and Big Business with ties to China? It's easy to blame his personality, but it was more than that. He represented a threat to the Swamp Creatures.

For all his faults and he had many, Trump managed to get all the moving parts coordinated to give us 3 CV-19 Vaccines in LESS than a year, which has NEVER been done before. If HRC were President, we would be lucky to get that vaccine in 4 years and the number of deaths would have been exponentially higher. HRC would have been blaming everyone, but herself for the deaths, much like she did for losing the election.

Hegseth was a decorated Army officer and very Patriotic. I doubt very much that he would post an anti-American terrorist’s manifesto. BS ALERT

Bongino was a NY Cop and a Secret Service Agent. He may post something that may melt a snowflake, but not anything that would remotely be considered a threat of any kind to anyone.

What was the threat posed by the NY Post article about Hunter Biden's laptop? Twitter took that down and froze their account for over a week, right before the election. Then they wouldn't allow anyone else to post it either. They called it Russian misinformation, but they had no basis for making that assessment. These are the same people that let the Russian Collusion posts about Trump proliferate for 3 years with NO PROOF.

You're trying to rationalize biased bad behavior and you're not the least bit convincing.
Gosh, Trump really destroyed the Republican Party that had never had the stones to stand up to the Dems. The Republican Party that was more concerned about Globalism,
than doing what was in the best interests of OUR OWN COUNTRY. The Establishment Republicans have sold out and there is essentially no difference between them and the Establishment Democrats. They both work together to fleece the taxpayers and enrich themselves. The Republican Party needed a kick in the ass to wake them up and Trump delivered it. We have too many spineless RINOs like Mitt Romney now and the party can do much better.

Trump was an outsider, which is why the Establishment had to destroy him. They couldn't afford to have someone poking around behind the curtain, for fear that they find out how corrupt they really were and potentially expose them. Seriously, have you EVER seen such a concerted attack against a President in our country from both sides of the aisle, MSM and Big Business with ties to China? It's easy to blame his personality, but it was more than that. He represented a threat to the Swamp Creatures.

For all his faults and he had many, Trump managed to get all the moving parts coordinated to give us 3 CV-19 Vaccines in LESS than a year, which has NEVER been done before. If HRC were President, we would be lucky to get that vaccine in 4 years and the number of deaths would have been exponentially higher. HRC would have been blaming everyone, but herself for the deaths, much like she did for losing the election.

Hegseth was a decorated Army officer and very Patriotic. I doubt very much that he would post an anti-American terrorist’s manifesto. BS ALERT

Bongino was a NY Cop and a Secret Service Agent. He may post something that may melt a snowflake, but not anything that would remotely be considered a threat of any kind to anyone.

What was the threat posed by the NY Post article about Hunter Biden's laptop? Twitter took that down and froze their account for over a week, right before the election. Then they wouldn't allow anyone else to post it either. They called it Russian misinformation, but they had no basis for making that assessment. These are the same people that let the Russian Collusion posts about Trump proliferate for 3 years with NO PROOF.

You're trying to rationalize biased bad behavior and you're not the least bit convincing.
Psychobabble much? Quit defending the domestic terrorists.
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The OP here is an example of the sanctimonious BS on here. You have no idea of the context, my relationship in this deal yet you try to take some sort of superior notion of what’s going on.
I have no idea what the original post was (or care), but it doesn't take long to understand that many view this area...the GD area as the Generously Dumb forum. Math and Statistical abnormalities’ are not a strong suit here as are other things. Superior notion is expected based upon their visions...and quite frankly Thomas Sowell traces this back for longer than 200 years. Where Sowell's research may have been sincere...and accurate in that the competing visions were with best intentions in mind, it is clear that assumption could find much debate very recently. Falling along the spectrum at different points or subject areas you probably like me have a lean to English influence whereas they have a lean to French influence...not that it is pure...just the lean and that you and I will share some things with the French influence as well.

FWIW, I think the natural progression due to indifference, ignorance and the effort it would take for john public to actually have a bull sh!t meter reading requires more effort than most are willing to do and that the lean to the "French" side will grow. Thinking is hard...especially if one wants to get outside his or her narrow field of expertise...and with that in mind it is easy to see how it "could" make sense for those with the uncontrolled (French) and even those in the controlled (English) visions to default not only to the uncontrolled view in some things...but more and more as the general voter somehow gets even dumber. You just happen to be in the way of the grenade at this time. Try not to take it personal, even though it was wrong I don't believe for a second that bad intentions existed...just the id revealing in the ego the vision... ;)
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Your argument is false because Twitter allows individuals such as Louis Farrakhan and the Ayatollah of Iran to tweet. The first refers to Jews as termites and the second ends every statement with “death to America.” Do you think this incites violence and dangerous activities? Do you think the anyone who follows Iranian state feeds have been inspired to join a group that has been responsible for the death of Americans?

Antifa members also have access to Twitter and YouTube (google). Has their group has been responsible for violence?

And the CCP is welcome to tweet obvious falsehoods without any moderator notifying the reader that the content is false. Of course Google is deeply involved with CCP. And yet nobody cares about the number of high level of Google execs who have moved into the Biden administration? A company working hand-in-glove with a communist dictatorship to censor and control their population has moved to the new administration. Oh what ideas they could provide.
Funny though. Take a gander at the ayatollahs page and you’d be hard-pressed to find any treat it violates the rules.
I have no idea what the original post was (or care), but it doesn't take long to understand that many view this area...the GD area as the Generously Dumb forum. Math and Statistical abnormalities’ are not a strong suit here as are other things. Superior notion is expected based upon their visions...and quite frankly Thomas Sowell traces this back for longer than 200 years. Where Sowell's research may have been sincere...and accurate in that the competing visions were with best intentions in mind, it is clear that assumption could find much debate very recently. Falling along the spectrum at different points or subject areas you probably like me have a lean to English influence whereas they have a lean to French influence...not that it is pure...just the lean and that you and I will share some things with the French influence as well.

FWIW, I think the natural progression due to indifference, ignorance and the effort it would take for john public to actually have a bull sh!t meter reading requires more effort than most are willing to do and that the lean to the "French" side will grow. Thinking is hard...especially if one wants to get outside his or her narrow field of expertise...and with that in mind it is easy to see how it "could" make sense for those with the uncontrolled (French) and even those in the controlled (English) visions to default not only to the uncontrolled view in some things...but more and more as the general voter somehow gets even dumber. You just happen to be in the way of the grenade at this time. Try not to take it personal, even though it was wrong I don't believe for a second that bad intentions existed...just the id revealing in the ego the vision... ;)
This reminds me if the late great CNBC commentator Mark Haynes who coined the phrase, "if you like France raise one hand, if you are French raise both hands."

Medicare for all is another example. You have a significant tranche of people working in health care who want it, but who don't get that 30% of them will be put out of work if it happens or they will be forced to take a 30% paycut due to the immutable economics if we go down that path. Not saying going there is wrong, but it has economic consequences.
I have no idea what the original post was (or care), but it doesn't take long to understand that many view this area...the GD area as the Generously Dumb forum. Math and Statistical abnormalities’ are not a strong suit here as are other things. Superior notion is expected based upon their visions...and quite frankly Thomas Sowell traces this back for longer than 200 years. Where Sowell's research may have been sincere...and accurate in that the competing visions were with best intentions in mind, it is clear that assumption could find much debate very recently. Falling along the spectrum at different points or subject areas you probably like me have a lean to English influence whereas they have a lean to French influence...not that it is pure...just the lean and that you and I will share some things with the French influence as well.

FWIW, I think the natural progression due to indifference, ignorance and the effort it would take for john public to actually have a bull sh!t meter reading requires more effort than most are willing to do and that the lean to the "French" side will grow. Thinking is hard...especially if one wants to get outside his or her narrow field of expertise...and with that in mind it is easy to see how it "could" make sense for those with the uncontrolled (French) and even those in the controlled (English) visions to default not only to the uncontrolled view in some things...but more and more as the general voter somehow gets even dumber. You just happen to be in the way of the grenade at this time. Try not to take it personal, even though it was wrong I don't believe for a second that bad intentions existed...just the id revealing in the ego the vision... ;)
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Would agree, but it wasn't a close election. It was a "landslide" of greater than 2016 proportions.

Not in the swing states. Nobody cares if Biden gets a Billion votes in CA or NY. The number of electoral votes remains the same.

Based on the results, one would think that Biden was the most dynamic Presidential candidate in history, yet he spent most of the campaign in his basement, Perhaps that will be the model for future campaigns.

What is interesting was just how popular Biden really was. Looking at the last 3 Presidential elections, here are the votes:

2012 - Obama - 63 Million Romney - 59 Million
2016 - Clinton - 66 Million Trump - 63 Million
2020 - Biden - 81 Million Trump - 74 Million

Can you understand why Trump might be a bit suspicious about the results, when he's out campaigning on a regular basis and increases his vote total by 11 Million from 2016, yet Biden, who seldom left his basement got 15 Million more votes than HRC and 18 Million more votes than Obama.
At what point do you scratch your head and say, "WTF"?
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Not in the swing states. Nobody cares if Biden gets a Billion votes in CA or NY. The number of electoral votes remains the same.

Based on the results, one would think that Biden was the most dynamic Presidential candidate in history, yet he spent most of the campaign in his basement, Perhaps that will be the model for future campaigns.

What is interesting was just how popular Biden really was. Looking at the last 3 Presidential elections, here are the votes:

2012 - Obama - 63 Million Romney - 59 Million
2016 - Clinton - 66 Million Trump - 63 Million
2020 - Biden - 81 Million Trump - 74 Million

Can you understand why Trump might be a bit suspicious about the results, when he's out campaigning on a regular basis and increases his vote total by 11 Million from 2016, yet Biden, who seldom left his basement got 15 Million more votes than HRC and 18 Million more votes than Obama.
At what point do you scratch your head and say, "WTF"?
Trump spent his campaign in the bunker and hospital. Quit with your spineless anti American conspiracy theories that are solely based on a hunch or personal feeling. I’d figured you would have stopped after what happen last week.
This reminds me if the late great CNBC commentator Mark Haynes who coined the phrase, "if you like France raise one hand, if you are French raise both hands."

Medicare for all is another example. You have a significant tranche of people working in health care who want it, but who don't get that 30% of them will be put out of work if it happens or they will be forced to take a 30% paycut due to the immutable economics if we go down that path. Not saying going there is wrong, but it has economic consequences.
fully understand, but the french/english thing was just a rough gathering of influences not that it was the French versus the English as we have seen for a long time. The "process" of enacting their visions were quite different and although the book was written over a decade ago, you can see the competing visions in a lot of things and as stated people will have a general lean, but will vary on different things. That is why you will find yourself at odds with the same group on different things most the time. Their vision and process for enacting their vision is different than yours.
I guess Pompeo is still concerned about Russia ...

Move your lips slowly, when you read this, since I've stated it several times: When I mentioned Russia Russia Russia, I was talking about the bogus charges that the Dems were trying to stick on Trump for Russian Collusion, which has been proven categorically false.

That has nothing to do with the Russians, Chinese, N. Koreans and Iranians trying to interfere in our elections or hack into anything they can in our country.
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You quote the MSM as being fake and then talk about Mark Levin. Interesting take.

Barr became Trump's personal lawyer. Why do all of you not believe our intelligence agencies but believe a guy that spent four years dealing in "alternative facts"

Your comment about Barr being Trump's personal lawyer is a load of crap and you know it, your own personal alternative fact. If he were, HRC would have been indicted by now. Barr stayed above the fray.

Perhaps we are a bit skeptical about the leadership in some of our intelligence agencies, after paragons of virtue like Brennan & Clapper loaded them with like-minded people. I believe that Brennan was probably the one that conceived of the Russian Collusion fiasco. I don't think Clapper is smart enough.
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Not in the swing states. Nobody cares if Biden gets a Billion votes in CA or NY. The number of electoral votes remains the same.

Based on the results, one would think that Biden was the most dynamic Presidential candidate in history, yet he spent most of the campaign in his basement, Perhaps that will be the model for future campaigns.

What is interesting was just how popular Biden really was. Looking at the last 3 Presidential elections, here are the votes:

2012 - Obama - 63 Million Romney - 59 Million
2016 - Clinton - 66 Million Trump - 63 Million
2020 - Biden - 81 Million Trump - 74 Million

Can you understand why Trump might be a bit suspicious about the results, when he's out campaigning on a regular basis and increases his vote total by 11 Million from 2016, yet Biden, who seldom left his basement got 15 Million more votes than HRC and 18 Million more votes than Obama.
At what point do you scratch your head and say, "WTF"?
Why would you use numbers when you can be diminished with a charge against you rather than what you wrote? BTW, you left off that Obama won twice as many counties as Biden and yet Biden (that popular figure we all know) beat Obama's total voter count soundly by extremely high votes due to 5 counties? Unlike the immune system of the Repub side that went to the polls for verification, Covid was a deadly death threat for Biden voters. I think the end tally was slightly under 17% of the counties Biden won. No question and fully understandable why some people could have questions, but within the "process" only the results matter. You may notice that in attacks to your numbers..should the numbers be of interest.

The real question in going forward is there any interest in preventing the potential fraud so that everyone is satisfied and if not...why not and by who? Those that feel Biden won should welcome more things to prove there exists an interest going forward absent fraud accusations. Those that don't believe Biden won and see a lot of effort to ensure fraud will not take place in the future should have an easier time swallowing any pill of defeat. You would think both sides would want this, but they don't...which too ties into the "process" in enacting the visions. Instead, you will most likely get a deflection stating something like this was the most secure election in history and that deflection if not accepted will polarize teh country even more.

There is a common bond between both sides of the aisle, and that is no investigation into their wealth...

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