So when the Romans, Goths and Vikings took other white slaves what was that? The reality, which history points out is that slavery has existed since man wanted a woman for his pleasure and a man for his work. It has NOTHING to do with color. It is an attempt to provide pleasure at the expense of others. I'm doing that right now trying to provide you with insight that should be pleasurable at the expense of typing things that some others already are aware and have known for some time.
Your continual black and white lens figuratively, only serves to validate the many people that have tried to help you understand what apparently your programming has not allowed. You truly don't see flaws in only see white supremacy...white oppressors...white volley balls...white golf balls...white sand on the gulf. Everywhere you look you see color and none of this helps you or anyone that shares your thoughts towards a better life. How can anyone feel some sense of content when all the problems point to what you want to believe is white supremacy. I hope you find peace sometime in your life absent the angst that roars inside based solely on color. I don't believe for a second that you are a bad man. I do however, think you have some really phucked up views on race that overwhelms all of your typing.
There were many white women that were slaves in Rome that were there to pleasure the emperor or another of a higher class while her husband had to stand aside...many white men that had to work and die at what ever pleasure an emperor had as a gladiator for his entertainment. Were the Jews in Germany sent to concentration camps due to color or economics. The Nazis shared a lot with what we see today. The too saw the Jew as an an inferior, but an oppressor.
History is replete with all kinds of examples where slaves are taken that have nothing to do with skin color. Do you only think slavery happened when it was possible to travel to Africa?
Slavery is NOT a color issue. It is a fault that has been inside man for thousands of years to help with work and sex. White supremacy is a term made up to attempt to make racism way...just like diversity wants to do, right along with all the other faults of intersectionality that I have spoken many times. REminds me at times of an old song