Well, if you believe Ashley Biden none of that happened.
NOW, if you believe the stolen diary of Ashley Biden? Ashley Biden says that once it was stolen there were forged additions, including the one you cite. That allegedly forged diary which was to be published by Project Veritas, an organization that has admitted to publishing forgeries.
Versus the Stormy and Karen McDougal episodes for Trump, which are verified by the women who slept with him (McDougal for a looooonnnnngggg time) and both of whom got major hush money payouts (which didn't do much to hush them).
As an aside, Biden will be 86 by the end of the next term which though allowed, in my opinion shouldn't be. So why not go with that theory instead of citing completely non-credible sources of salacious nonsense.
And when citing non-credible nonsense, it only brings up Trump's horrible, horrible character, which has been proven and backed by first hand accounts and the very people involved.