Painter's failure to develop KS really hurt us this year.


True Freshman
Oct 17, 2005
there is absolutely no good reason why Stephens shouldn't be the best wing on this team playing major minutes and hitting big shots.
there is absolutely no good reason why Stephens shouldn't be the best wing on this team playing major minutes and hitting big shots.
This one might not be on Porkflop. Maybe Stephens has not dedicated the time in the gym to improve his game and improve his shooting. Look what Zo did between seasons when he recognized Purdue needed another outside threat to take some defensive pressure off Big Dog...Zo became a deadly three point shooter. All it takes is effort...dedication...and determination to become a better player. These qualities come with maturation.
This one might not be on Porkflop. Maybe Stephens has not dedicated the time in the gym to improve his game and improve his shooting. Look what Zo did between seasons when he recognized Purdue needed another outside threat to take some defensive pressure off Big Dog...Zo became a deadly three point shooter. All it takes is effort...dedication...and determination to become a better player. These qualities come with maturation.
More proof you're not a Boiler. Shut your pie hole already chump change.
This one might not be on Porkflop. Maybe Stephens has not dedicated the time in the gym to improve his game and improve his shooting. Look what Zo did between seasons when he recognized Purdue needed another outside threat to take some defensive pressure off Big Dog...Zo became a deadly three point shooter. All it takes is effort...dedication...and determination to become a better player. These qualities come with maturation.
Not dedicated? He stayed at Purdue all summer to work on his game.. No reason he shouldnt see at least 10-15 minutes a game
This one might not be on Porkflop. Maybe Stephens has not dedicated the time in the gym to improve his game and improve his shooting. Look what Zo did between seasons when he recognized Purdue needed another outside threat to take some defensive pressure off Big Dog...Zo became a deadly three point shooter. All it takes is effort...dedication...and determination to become a better player. These qualities come with maturation.

Stephens just doesn't fit in Painter's offense. He might thrive playing and in a fluid offense where everyone is moving, driving, screening and looking to score at all times. He's not a stand around and wait till to post-up scenario doesn't work then jack up a 3 guy. I feel for him...but he chose to come here.
Stephens just doesn't fit in Painter's offense. He might thrive playing and in a fluid offense where everyone is moving, driving, screening and looking to score at all times. He's not a stand around and wait till to post-up scenario doesn't work then jack up a 3 guy. I feel for him...but he chose to come here.
You clearly and obviously have never seen one Purdue game. Not a one. Just shut up and stop embarrassing Purdue.
Stephens just doesn't fit in Painter's offense. He might thrive playing and in a fluid offense where everyone is moving, driving, screening and looking to score at all times. He's not a stand around and wait till to post-up scenario doesn't work then jack up a 3 guy. I feel for him...but he chose to come here.
The only time shooters have really done well is Robbie's senior year when we had no big men. Etwaun and Robbie always excelled because they were NBA talent from day one. Paianter needs to make his offense easier on shooters
Boilermaggot...go back to you cow

Boilermaggot...go back to your cow paddy and don't talk with your mouth full!
I knew I was right about you. You're weak response just further proves that you are nothing but a no-nut clueless dweeb. And not a Boiler. I doubt you ever have even been in Indiana. Now shut up with your nonsense and go play with your pedobear.
I knew I was right about you. You're weak response just further proves that you are nothing but a no-nut clueless dweeb. And not a Boiler. I doubt you ever have even been in Indiana. Now shut up with your nonsense and go play with your pedobear.
Boilermaggot...please burrow yourself deeper in the doo doo where u belong. Boilerdown!
Boilermaggot...please burrow yourself deeper in the doo doo where u belong. Boilerdown!
You keep on proving me right. I mean you're weak attempts don't even make sense to begin with, let alone they aren't creative or clever. And then your whole boilerdown thing? Yeah, as I figured you aren't a Purdue grad or fan or have anything to do with Purdue. You're outed. I win again.