OT: Who are or did you vote for?

Who are (did) you voting (vote) for?

  • Trump

    Votes: 28 31.8%
  • Cruz

    Votes: 16 18.2%
  • Kasich

    Votes: 14 15.9%
  • Clinton

    Votes: 15 17.0%
  • Sanders

    Votes: 15 17.0%

  • Total voters


Aug 30, 2001
Why, because I want to see the results from an informal poll.

No responses needed and I don't care if you vote democrat or republican. I just want to see the informal polling results.

Thanks for participating!
Ford. Carter sucked and is hated to this day by Olympic class athletes when Jimmy boycotted the 1980 games.
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Take this shit to the GD board. This is ridiculous.
Do you have to get your panties in a wad every freakin day? For goodness sake we already caved and said you could use either bathroom now....just relax and take a dump already.....being full of shit is causing you to be cranky
Why, because I want to see the results from an informal poll.

No responses needed and I don't care if you vote democrat or republican. I just want to see the informal polling results.

Thanks for participating!
I voted for Rubio....I know it is a wasted vote but it was the only way to protest the Kasich/Cruz gangbang without endorsing Trump
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Why, because I want to see the results from an informal poll.

No responses needed and I don't care if you vote democrat or republican. I just want to see the informal polling results.

Thanks for participating!

You should always vote for yourself, you could get voted off the island and end up pissed off and dead.
I looked for none of the above and didn't find it.

Pretty mind numbing to realize that either Hillary or Donald will most likely be the next president. This has become a job that rational qualified people do not want.
Trump is simply revealing to America who runs things. What I can't wait to hear are all these arrogant communist professors who scoffed and frothed at the mere notion conspiracies exist. What are they gonna do when this Illuminati conspiracy is studied around the world for a thousand years or more when his statements bring these people to the ground. Now that Trump versus Hillary Illuminati witch is going to be front and center for the whole country and world to see these fat belly commie losers in the school system are gonna get humiliated forever. Their arrogant nonsense is going to be turned into lower than a bucket of piss comedy hour. Oh man let me tell you there is nothing worse than a fat pot belly professor who knows full well who they work for like those Global Warming scientists bought and paid for, or those politically correct people that simper all day like absolute robotic simpering ninnies. Those people are about to get some slap on. To the face styled. Tump is a coming.
Trump is simply revealing to America who runs things. What I can't wait to hear are all these arrogant communist professors who scoffed and frothed at the mere notion conspiracies exist. What are they gonna do when this Illuminati conspiracy is studied around the world for a thousand years or more when his statements bring these people to the ground. Now that Trump versus Hillary Illuminati witch is going to be front and center for the whole country and world to see these fat belly commie losers in the school system are gonna get humiliated forever. Their arrogant nonsense is going to be turned into lower than a bucket of piss comedy hour. Oh man let me tell you there is nothing worse than a fat pot belly professor who knows full well who they work for like those Global Warming scientists bought and paid for, or those politically correct people that simper all day like absolute robotic simpering ninnies. Those people are about to get some slap on. To the face styled. Tump is a coming.
It should be "illuminating" to folks on here that one of Trump's yuge supporters is illuminati." lol
It should be "illuminating" to folks on here that one of Trump's yuge supporters is illuminati." lol

The only thing "illuminating" is how Hillary Clinton attends Bilderberg meetings with foreign heads of state as Secretary of State, as democratic(communist party)nominee, in total secrecy setting out to destroy the country and it gets caught on video while the news tells you it doesn't exist 10 years ago and now tells you that it is a conspiracy theory as they now admit it exists. But certain non compliant "Americans" are still stupid for knowing about it. Yah the people who knew about it 10 years ago they are still bad. The news is still honorable though for covering it up. Rockefeller publicly admits they conspired with media to cover it up ON PUBLIC RECORD, laughing to your faces, but Hillary isn't bad she just gets paid billions of dollars in her tax free foundation by foreign heads of state and royalty all over the world so she does them the favors at America's expense. Only and an idiot would vote for Trump because he wants to put something in America's favor for once. Illumination styled.
Why, because I want to see the results from an informal poll.

No responses needed and I don't care if you vote democrat or republican. I just want to see the informal polling results.

Thanks for participating!

I'm going to vote for whoever will deport all of these illegals from my neighborhood.

Damm Canada geese are crapping all over my back yard and just making a total mess of things.
I'm going to vote for whoever will deport all of these illegals from my neighborhood.

Damm Canada geese are crapping all over my back yard and just making a total mess of things.

Canadian geese?

I liked Kasich largely because he came across as the only person that was not a complete DB and would not piss off the other party within two minutes of being in office.

The problem with people in elections is they don't ever take a look around outside their TV and they don't ever read. Then the worst part about it is that these people laugh at others and act like they know because they have a fat belly and a stupid face watching TV. It is all on the internet and it is basically all on tv anymore as well. How can anybody, at all, not realize the gravity of this election with John Kerry (a full blown illuminati infiltrator of the US government PUBLICLY) getting up saying American kids today are growing up in a borderless country. Obama saying we are "global citizens" speaking at the exact spot Adolf Hitler did in Berlin, the only politician to do it since Hitler himself. The sheer magnitude of a statement like that. Think of the meaning behind a statement like that. No citizenship, no border, no control, no absolutely nothing deriving from right, past, ownership, or family. It is a profoundly aggressive, seditious, outright high treason statement to say. Especially with America being the most hated country in the world framed by these impostors in the US government putting a target on us purposely as they take positions in the UN like Obama did while he was president tearing down the US system. An absolute overturn of society extremely seditious to publicly make a statement like that arrogantly out in the open. Kerry, a member of a secret society married to the daughter of the family that attempted to conspire a violent machine-gunning of the American public back during world war 2 to overthrow America for Adolf Hitler (testimony on Congressional record). That was on record by the most highly decorated marine in US history Smedley Butler. I mean the sheer magnitude of John Kerry, a member of Chapter 322 of the Illuminati, the same society Hitler was a member of to say that when it was Hitler who actually setup the European Union that exists today as his new Germania when it is Germany that basically runs the EU on top of Hitler calling for a New World Order a book title of the sequel to Mein Kampf.

Then you have Trump calling for the exact opposite of Adolf Hitler's British Intelligence New World Order/globalism, and wants to rebuild the country and is laughed at on TV for it by media channels all owned by the same foreign banks that own the US politicians. And even that is public. It is incredible. Hillary and John Kerry, John Kerry and Bush. Playing you fools like a fiddle. All I can say is you better think real long and real hard on this election.


From the days of Spartacus, Weishophf, Karl Marx, Trotski, Belacoon, Rosa Luxenburg, and Ema Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th Century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.

I liked Kasich largely because he came across as the only person that was not a complete DB and would not piss off the other party within two minutes of being in office.
I wish you were correct but I am afraid we are past the point where any President will get much of a break from the other party.New Presidents used to get a honeymoon period ,but those days are past.The GOP leadership wont give Hilary much of a break,and the Democrat leaders sure wont give the Donald a breather.Heck,I doubt if the GOP leaders will give Trump a break.
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It should be "illuminating" to folks on here that one of Trump's yuge supporters is illuminati." lol
so it's ok for you to post the most left wing nut job sources you can possibly find, but not ok for illuminati to do the same on the right? I mean according to you the rwandan genocide happened because of the christians and iraq was secular under saddam. pot meet kettle. :p
so it's ok for you to post the most left wing nut job sources you can possibly find, but not ok for illuminati to do the same on the right? I mean according to you the rwandan genocide happened because of the christians and iraq was secular under saddam. pot meet kettle. :p
1. Iraq was a secular state under Hussein. It was not an atheist state. There's a difference. That didn't come from a "left-wing" website. We are a secular state yet the vast majority of our politicians are Christian and support Christianity. Other religions in Iraq were well-tolerated. The UK has a state church, is it not still a secular state? Of course it is.
2. I didn't say the Rwandan genocide happened "because of the Christians." Try again.

Once again you use silly examples to try and make me out to be some wild illuminati type poster and no one of note is going to buy into that. Aim your insults a little closer to the mark and you'll get more traction.
1. Iraq was a secular state under Hussein. It was not an atheist state. There's a difference. That didn't come from a "left-wing" website. We are a secular state yet the vast majority of our politicians are Christian and support Christianity. Other religions in Iraq were well-tolerated. The UK has a state church, is it not still a secular state? Of course it is.
2. I didn't say the Rwandan genocide happened "because of the Christians." Try again.

Once again you use silly examples to try and make me out to be some wild illuminati type poster and no one of note is going to buy into that. Aim your insults a little closer to the mark and you'll get more traction.
1. You are really, purposely, a liar. Constitution of Iraq, article 4 - "Islam is the religion of the state"
now go jog off.
2. just LOL...there's an ENTIRE post of you trying to pin it on Christian led hutu tutsi hate mongering.
1. You are really, purposely, a liar. Constitution of Iraq, article 4 - "Islam is the religion of the state"
now go jog off.
2. just LOL...there's an ENTIRE post of you trying to pin it on Christian led hutu tutsi hate mongering.
Got it, so you don't think the UK is a secular state either since they have a state church too right? Yes, clearly you don't understand the difference between "Christian-led" and "because of Christianity." I'll add it to the number of things you either don't get or over-simplify.

It's getting to be a long list. I'm going to need another box.
Got it, so you don't think the UK is a secular state either since they have a state church too right? Yes, clearly you don't understand the difference between "Christian-led" and "because of Christianity." I'll add it to the number of things you either don't get or over-simplify.

It's getting to be a long list. I'm going to need another box.
well since BY DEFINITION a country with a declared state religion/church is NOT SECULAR, then the UK is clearly NOT secular because the state isn't neutral. wtf do you want? You just want to change the definitions of words to fit your warped reality? Get over yourself. I'm done with you. You've presented no other evidence to support your opinion other than your nutty rantings.
well since BY DEFINITION a country with a declared state religion/church is NOT SECULAR, then the UK is clearly NOT secular because the state isn't neutral. wtf do you want? You just want to change the definitions of words to fit your warped reality? Get over yourself. I'm done with you. You've presented no other evidence to support your opinion other than your nutty rantings.
There is no specific "definition" of what makes a secular state. Some use a very technical, narrow definition. Like you apparently. Others use a common sense interpretation that looks at actual religious freedom and the interplay between the government and religion in reality. Of course, one of those can in fact lead to a "warped" view of reality, and one looks at, ya know, reality as it is.

Yes, the UK is a secular state even though it has a "state church." Why? Because it allows freedom of religion, does not require someone to be part of a certain religion to hold any public office, does not treat other religions differently. It's also a democracy even though it technically has a monarch. Under Saddam, you could be Islamic or Christian and or even Jew and face no official discrimination because of those beliefs. Now, whether you faced it privately or culturally is a different matter. And he certainly used tribal and ethnic divisions to grant favors or curtail them., but not religion. It's not secular today, and that is one of the many negative fallouts from the Iraq War, that it turned a nation that was relatively strong for women, science, secularism in the middle east into another theocracy.

It's just like the fact that the UK is a democratic nation even though it technically has a monarch. It's a historical relic and holdover, just like the "state church" with almost no real, current power or meaning other than tradition and history.
it doesn't matter how many words you type. You are wrong. Words have meanings, and so do constitutions. And the meanings according to qaz are not valid.
it doesn't matter how many words you type. You are wrong. Words have meanings, and so do constitutions. And the meanings according to qaz are not valid.
Yeah, I'm sure it doesn't matter how many words I can only read a third of them anyways.
The citizens job today is to kneel to the criminal cartel that worships the devil and calls itself a government. It is your only loyalty to please your rulers. Americans will be loyal to whatever Hillary says at your own expense. The only job of a citizen is to report to the government because your days of upward mobility are over. The government is your decider now. It isn't we the people. It is a government for and by the United Nations. Now KNEEL. Except when a real candidate like Trump wins an election and talks about nationality. About having the nation exist. Then all them little sniveling democrats put their Hitler caps on and snivel. You can't even put up the American flag anymore in this country. Anything American is bad around the world in the eyes of the world. These people stole your nation, your citizenship, wealth, family, everything you got is gone now and only temporarily exists in a vestigial skeleton form to simper the masses into a calm state of being lead to the slaughterhouse willfully. They started all these wars in America's name and you slovenly types out there bought it hook line and sinker and even laughed on 911 at conspiracy theorists about it as it was on VIDEO that the firefighters verbally said explosives were in those buildings. Funny how easy it is to laugh at a so called conspiracy theory when the firefighters say this as first hand witnesses ON VIDEO. But that fat bald professor knows more. He's cool with his potbelly face. The only thing left for America to do right now is square this with our rulers. They are going to be dealt with by the American public. They are going to be defeated. Nothing on Earth is going to stop this now. Hillary and her hell force UN policies are fully exposed. They messed with the country and now it is America's time to bring them down in a big way. They thought they were going to get away with this and they were wrong. Trump is just the first phase of this. They started this war with the American population and now the whole population is beginning to recognize the New World Order attack and the severity of what these people have done.


Hell is coming. Either put these killers in the hell they created for the American public or live in the one they selected for you.



It is a criminal hell force satan cartel in a secret society NOT a government
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